Which current heel will turn face next


Dark Match Winner
Everyone always seems to talk about heel turns! But I was wondering who you think will be the next superstar and diva to go from heel to face and how they'll make the face turn.
I'm not sure about superstar, I thought maybe after Sheamus attacked Rusev for berating him on the MSG special they were gonna turn him face but maybe not. As for diva, the easiest pick for me is Alicia Fox turning face after turning on the Bellas before fading back into obscurity. Of course, it'll probably only be for a month or two.
I reckon it's going to be a wildcard, someone, most probably Rusev will turn face. I don't think if it's a great idea perhaps it is hypothetical. Rusev is a good wrestler and really is a super athlete he's pretty good in the ring. But I'm not sure how the face turn will be received by the fans.

But if he's going to take a face turn, he'll have to address the US fans that the America has provided him with the opportunity ever since he stepped foot in. He should admire the fans in his accent and let some top heel, maybe Sheamus to led a savage attack on him. Or maybe he should save a real American hero from getting ambushed. This is just an idea.

I'd say Dolph Ziggler. He's peaked as a face. Been a face since summer 2013, had a nice run late 2014 feuding with The Miz, The Authority and Luke Harper, making the IC title feel important again. He's faced Rollins like a million times on free time so if he did ever face Rollins on the big stage it wouldn't feel special so he might as well turn heel and get some new fresh match ups.
As a Ziggler fan and after the way this feud went with Rusev I've been clamoring for a #Heelturn for quite some time. I think Dolph can make it back to the Main Event as a Heel and that "inadvertant" superkick to Cena may have jumpstarted that. As far as Heel to Face? I think you've seen it already with Kane. Kane is really doing some great work w/this Corp/Demon dynamic.
There's a few candidates I could see going from heel to face in the next several months, or maybe a little over a year.

The most likely choices for the very next heel to turn-
1) Big Show. He has about 3 or 4 heel/face turns every night.
2) Paige- Seriously, she's had 4 or 5 turns since her main roster debut only 18 months ago.
3) The New Day- They're just so entertaining it would take 0 effort to effectively turn them. However, this should be avoided for a long time.
4) Seth Rollins- The turn is inevitable. One day soon (99% positive before the end of 2016) Seth Rollins will face Triple H. It's not a matter of if, just when. And whenever it is, I believe Rollins can be a massively successful babyface.
5) Rusev- He's lost so much steam as an unstoppable heel it's laughable. I just have this gut feeling that Rusev will dump Summer and somehow turn face.
Well, the answer is obvious. It’s going to be Seth Rollins. Look, there are a lot of face and heel turns that keep happening. It’s like saying, thousands of cells originate and thousands of cells die, in a moment. Similarly, in a wrestling match, face and heel turns keep happening. You’re going to cheer a heel when he does something that widens your mouth agape. The next moment you’ll call him names when he rakes eyes.

Ok, jokes aside. Seth Rollins is going to turn heel soon. In fact, I couldn’t help but pity Rollins today. He is constantly being beaten by Kane. I think, he is going to turn face come Wrestlemania 32. While, there are a lot of turns that can happen in between but, Rollins’ turn would be noteworthy.
I agree with Rollins. He just has the look of a face for the long term even though he plays a great coward type heel.
Seth Rollins is the best choice maybe but if he turns heel who can play the No.1 heel role of the company like Seth did. The answer is no one. Nobody in the locker can do what Seth is doing right now and that is a fact 100% true....
Maybe Dean can turn heel as he is the one who can do any role besides Seth but i dont see any money in that....
Ill go with KEVIN OWENS or RUSEV or what about BRAY WYATT turning face for some time.....
Because of the long term bickering between Rollins and Kane, it's probably going to either one of them. My pick would be Rollins.

Kane is firmly entrenched as an Authority stooge, but then again with the new stipulation at HIAC, you never know. I'm not sure I like Kane as a face, his whole demeanor just screams heel.

Rollins on the other hand while he's been a great heel, is a much better good guy. His fast paced, high flying style of wrestling fits the good guy image, and I have no doubt if they were to turn him, we'd see a much stronger Rollins in the ring.

The only issue with turning Rollins is it leaves a vacancy for the top heel position. They still have Rusev, Wyatt and Owens to fall back on, but my fear is that Sheamus will take over Rollins spot. He would be the perfect new Authority heel figure as HHH would now be almost in control of the MITB suitcase, again, and the WHC belt when Sheamus cashes in.
It's a race to see whether Seth Rollins or Sheamus will turn first.

For Sheamus, it just doesn't seem to be happening for him as a heel. The rumor sheets proclaimed he was due for a title run upon his return from injury, but do you see any evidence of that happening? It appeared he got better audience reaction as a good guy.....and they just might be looking to go in that direction once more.

As for Rollins, the split with Mr. & Mrs. Levesque is happening more slowly than I would have thought. Just as he seems ripe for a face change, he fights in semi-cowardly fashion and loses like a heel......again. All his complaining about being treated unfairly is starting to wear thin.

Also, as long as Kane remains face.....and is played constantly off Rollins.....I don't see how Seth can turn.

But it's coming....and I look forward to it. Many fans who can't imagine rooting for him are going to be very surprised how easy it will be.
I think seth and reigns should do a double turn for the title at the rumble to build for mania that would draw big time and even put ambrose in there as the unknown element but I fear wwe creative don't have it in them to pull of the complexity of that but if they did it would make all three of them top stars for next few years
The person who I think we all know will turn in the next 12 months at most is Seth Rollins. Its bound to happen. As good of a chicken shit heel the guy is, he is an even better baby face. He has perfected his craft as a babyface and soon we will be able to see it on the WWE screen as he goes into it as a solo act for the first time.

The next person who I see turning face is probably Kevin Owens. While he just started on the main roster his character is one which can easily flip flop between face and heel if done correctly.

Kevin Owens has feuded with Ryback, Cesaro & John Cena..probably the main guys who would challenge for his title or whose title who KO could challenge for. Now if he goes on to face anyone else I'd suppose his level would fall even more so than it already has. Todays RAW might have hinted towards a Rusev Vs. KO feud but thats something I'm looking forward to much so I hope Rusev goes back to the US title.

The best thing to do right now is to have a guy like the Big Show show up and attack Kevin Owens and say it's high time he got the respect he deserved from people in the back. He says KO might fight for his family and for a prize but Big Show fights for him and himself only. The tables turn in this feud and Kevin Owens is the good family guy who people sympathize with while the Big Show is the prize fighter who just wants recognition in his career now. Basically its Zayn Vs. Owens with Owens taking on the role of Zayn and Big Show taking on the role of Owens.

Another possible face turn which is actually more likely is that of Rusev. I still believe that the day Lana comes back they will start playing up a demise between Rusev and Summer. Rusev will leave Summer and go back to his love, Lana.
We all know Seth is going to turn heel someday but as for next I would go with Rusev, you could see it in his face last night on Raw. When Lana gets back her being a fan favorite will help in the face turn for Rusev. I just have a strong feeling it will happen for Rusev next. It might even start very soon with a feud with Kevin Owens.
As for a heel turn I will go with Dolph, it is starting right now against John Cena.
Heel to Face:
1. Rusev
2. Seth
Face to Heel:
1. Dolph
2. Roman
my first pick is Rollins. after lossing title he turn face and make shield reunion as face.
second pick is rusev. I think rusev vs Dolph fued is over. when rusev dump summer and re union with lana he turn face. ziggler may answer the us open challenge and turn heel.
From major turns Rollins is bound to turn soon. Expected it even sooner but think its gona be in next few PPVs probably when Authority betrays him and Sheamus cashes in.

From face to heel, with all the rumors and what happened on monday probably Ziggler. He could use it because he is quite useless lately. Feud with Rusev didnt helped either of them and with heel turn he could get better attention with his "Showoff" gimick
The Next HEEL to turn FACE by END of 2015 is gonna be Wade Barrett as the Wheels are in Motion.

As far a Big HEEL turn to FACE Seth Rollins will be that Guy by MID 2016.

As far a AS Divas Sasha seems like she could be THE FACE OF THE DIVAS DIVISION whike PAIGE seems to be HAND PICKED as THE TOP HEEL OF THE DIVAS DIVISION and Rest of them will Flip Flop between Face/Heel in their time there.

As far as FACES are concerned Roman Reigns is the only 1 I can think of at the Moment by END of 2016.
Hey if HBK can forgive HHH and they reunited in 2006 as DX anything is possible. Why not have Rollins apologize to Reigns and Ambrose. Tease a Shield reunion only to have Ambrose turn on Rollins this time. You can have Ambrose and Reigns have that Sting/Luger relationship where Ambrose doesn't go after Reigns, but remains a heel.
Ziggler now he is in major need of a heel turn, guy has been babyface since 2013 I think it is time for a change because honestly Ziggler as a babyface he has pretty much done all he can do and honestly as a heel he would have much more fresher match ups but also he would be able to rise to prominence again as a heel back into the main event

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