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Which Company past & present was the best at a certain aspect of wrestling.

Total Impact

A Poster Name Total Impact
What I mean by this, is no matter if the company when out of business or to many people, just plan suck, what company had a true greatness at one aspect of wrestling?

When I think of WCW, I remember how great the company was at getting titles over. If you recall, up until its last days owned by Turner, the United States Championship actually had meaning. Hell the US Title was often used in Main Events of TV and PPV. Also it was a Heavyweight Title. Guys who won the belt carried it with pride even if they were former world Champions. To my knowledge, the WWE never could get midcard titles over as WCW did. I think that the IC/European titles of the WWE main evented PPV 5 times:

WrestleMania VI: Title for Title: Hulk Hogan vS Ultimate Warrior
SummerSlam 1992: IC Title: Bret Hart vS Davey Smith
One Night Only: European Championship: Davey Smith vS Shawn Micheals
Backlash 2001: Every title on the Line: Two Man Power Trip vS Brothers of Destruction
No Mercy 2002: Title for Title: Triple H vS Kane
Honorable Mention: Smackdown 2003: Crusierweight Championship Matt Hardy vS Rey Mysterio (It main evented the program that night.)

So to me WCW was the best at getting midcard titles over, i mean look how over wrestlers used to be when they held the TV Title. Remember the days of Arn Anderson & Steven Regal. Look how over the Crusierweights were. So to me WCW was best at making the importance out of all their championships.
WWF = Was good at making Wrestling relivant, making you want to see the next show when it was over. All the Stone Cold, DX, Rock moments were all gold. So was the 80's with Hogan and Andre or Hogan and Warrior at wrestlemania. And cant forget ..Macho man .. OHHHHH YEAH!!

WWE = Is the kiddie generation of Wrestling and good at selling Cena merchindise, you can't see them.. I guess Cena was right.. but they still have good shows.

ECW ver 1.0 = Was good at making Wrestling seem real due to its hardcore violence. I remember when WCW/WWF were red hot that some folks actually thought that ECW was real due to how much more graphic it was. It was diffentatly creative.. Some of those Mike Awesome power bombs would make me cringe at the awesomeness!!. Mike Awesome was Awesome before it became a cute little PG catchphrase.. may he RIP.

WCW = I agree with your point about mid cards, but I will also add that it made cruiser weights more main stream as well as influence on other cultures of wrestling. like how Mike Tenay use to inform the audiance of why Masks are so important to mexican wrestlers during the whole Lion Tamer Jericho run in which he was beating everyone. Also I think Bash at the beach was a stroke of geneius back in the day. It got people to watch a PPV show for free????? no one did that. But the turning moment for WCW was when Hogan turned heel and joined the NWO. I could not believe what I was seeing when i saw it..

NWA = NWA was great at good ol bash em ups and time limit matches.. they knew how to piss off the fans making them want more. I can not count the number of times I saw Dusty or Steamboat come within seconds of whooping Ric Flairs ass only to have the time end.. That was good stuff! and they had A LOT of long matches that were great! (I am talking about 60+ minute matches) NWA also made factions popular. (I.E 4 horsemen) Also .. War games!! nuff said.

AWA = They had some great shoot wrestlers, they could evaluate talent like NO ONE could. I mean they had Hogan, Flair, Bobby Heenan, Mean Gene, Rick Rude, Mr, Perfect, Scott Hall, Jesse Ventura, Jake roberts, Nick Bockwinkle, Slaughter, Mad Dog Vachone, etc etc they had probably more future legends on there federation more so than anyone in history. Most of them were not able to find a good gimmick or niche until they joined AWA> (Hogan imparticular) and when Ric Flair quit (twice) it was Verne Gange who told him not to and made him come back because he saw something special in him. AWA had probably the best roster and did a good job of training wrestlers to get to that next level, as when AWA started to go under,.. most of them all became huge stars in WWF.

WCCW = Tag Teams is what I remember about this fed. Free Birds/Von Erichs were classics.

TNA = Well this is still a work in progess,.. but there X-division is pretty good, there Knockout division has changed the way women should wrestle on TV, and there tag teams are still strong.

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