Which company has the best roster?


Getting Noticed By Management
very simple...between TNA and the WWE....who has the best roster...these include men and women....Main Eventers,Mid Carders and Jobbers??

You have to take into consideration the actual ability to wrestle....ring psichology.... fan reactions to moves.... everything

In my opinion the wwe has the bigger stars..... but TNA has the actual "better" wrestlers in terms of ability...but not by much... because TNA recruits in the independent circle....

But the WWE is superior in my opinion in the fame roster.... i mean sure they have way more exposure and more money but thats just the way it is....apart from Sting...which of the greatest hasnt been at the wwe at one point or another

And as far as crowd reaction...yes TNA s impact zone has a great athmosphere... but how can you compare that to the stuff Triple H or John Cena or Shawn Michaels pull off every night they come out

As far as rosters as a whole i give the nod to the WWE

now as for the subgroups....
TNA has a veeeery big pool of main event guys at the moment... and the WWE is struggling to produce new stars... and the main eventers are the same ones every PPV we see... but we also have to take in consideration that wwe has 3 shows.... the Nod goes to TNA here

As for mid cards..... although TNA is good here too.... you cant compare it to WWE midcarders.... because they have the greatest talent in the world.... but they DONT push them.... so the nod goes to the WWE??

so in my opinion the nod goes to the WWE, but not by that much

Too difficult to gauge on such a vague title like "best roster". As you noted yourself, the conditions under which you are supposed to be determining this answer are so drastically different, IMO you can't simply choose one or the other. It's like saying "What is the best car?", when a more accurate question would be "What is the best car for X, Y or Z job"?

That said...

• In terms of high-flying wrestling talent TNA wins by a mile.
• In terms of mat technicians it's a draw.
• In terms of historic "names" the WWE wins.
• In terms of crowd reaction the WWE wins by volume alone.
• In terms of crowd participation TNA wins.
• In terms of ring psychology it's a draw.

This can go on and on and on. I'm not about to try to take this point-by-point as I believe someone very recently already did in a thread like this.
It's really depends on what kind of wrestling you like, WWE is more story based and slower paced. TNA is much more faster paced.

Personally I would:

Take WWE's top guys (HBK, Jericho, HHH, Cena, Punk, Taker, Edge, Christian) over TNA's Top Guys (Angle, AJ, Sting, Joe, Daniels, I guess Hogan and Flair to) but now take into account WWE has almost 3 different smaller companies(RAW ECW SD)

Verdict: WWE but TNA when you take the size of the companies.

Now Midcard and lower guys for me it's TNA all the way. WWE imo really only has Miz as a solid structure in the midcard area, I am not fond of guys like Dolph or Swagger, Morrison has been slipping. Then TNA has guys like Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, and now Brian Kendrick.

Verdict: TNA with the exception of WWE lone star The Miz

As far as Women's division, the WWE booking kills theirs, I think they got some great women's wrestlers when they aren't limited and just left alone to do their thing. But the booking in TNA's women's division is better but has slipped since Gail Kim left.

Verdict: Talent WWE but it's limited due to booking, while TNA booking is better

Tag Division, I like the teams in WWE, but once again the Booking has killed and, that and TNA has the Motor City Fucking Machine Guns, nuff said.

Verdict: TNA Motor City Machine Guns. Put the Belts on them!!
In my opinion the wwe has the bigger stars..... but TNA has the actual "better" wrestlers in terms of ability...but not by much... because TNA recruits in the independent circle....

I've seen both companies put on some great matches but, overall, I have to give it to the WWE. For the most part, TNA matches tend to lack any real degree of psychology or story. TNA's formula of injecting as many wrestlers and/or high spots into a match as they can might look good on the surface, but it leaves me cold most of the time. TNA's clusterfucks have so much going on that you spend your time trying to keep up with who did what and you wind up missing most of the match. When it's over, you can barely remember what happened 10 minutes afterward. Spotmonkeys and clusterfucks might be fine for some, but only if you want instant gratification. On ECW last night, William Regal and Christian went at it in the main event. It was a great match that kept people's attention, told a story, made both guys look great and was worked by two great workers. With the exception of some of AJ Styles' matches, nothing like that comes out of TNA very often.

But the WWE is superior in my opinion in the fame roster.... i mean sure they have way more exposure and more money but thats just the way it is....apart from Sting...which of the greatest hasnt been at the wwe at one point or another

While TNA does have some famous guys on the roster, most of them are older and were made stars either in WWE or WCW. There's yet to be a single, homegrown talent from TNA that's really been able to connect with mainstream wrestling. So yeah, I definitely give this to the WWE.

And as far as crowd reaction...yes TNA s impact zone has a great athmosphere... but how can you compare that to the stuff Triple H or John Cena or Shawn Michaels pull off every night they come out

The problem with the Impact Zone is that it's the Impact Zone. A lot of the same people keep coming to TNA shows week after week. When you look at the Impact Zone and then look at WWE selling out Madison Square Garden, you just can't help but notice how generic looking the Impact Zone really is. In some ways, I think a lot of the fans sometimes ruin matches for TNA. At the drop of a hat, here'll come "This is awesome" or "This is wrestling" even when nothing spectacular happens. These are also the same people that chanted "you've still got it", during the Jim Neidhart/Jay Lethal match a few months back. TNA has a devoted group of very very hardcore and loyal fans, but yeah, you just can't compare that to hearing 15 to 20,000 people cheering.

now as for the subgroups....
TNA has a veeeery big pool of main event guys at the moment... and the WWE is struggling to produce new stars... and the main eventers are the same ones every PPV we see... but we also have to take in consideration that wwe has 3 shows.... the Nod goes to TNA here[/QUOTE]

In terms of main event overall, I'd probably have to say that they're about even. TNA really hasn't produced any real main event stars as of late. I know some will say Styles, but Styles has always been a star in TNA. Samoa Joe is jobbing lately, Daniels jobbed clean to Sean Morley and TNA recently had Styles and Angle yet again. Don't get me wrong, they always have great matches but Angle has been in the main event in TNA from the start and nobody in TNA has really shown that they can really just step up and be a legitimate player. In the WWE, I give the WWE credit for giving Sheamus a try. Whether he's ultimately going to be a success or not is something that'll have to be determined later. Not enough time has passed and not enough marquee matches have taken place.

As for mid cards..... although TNA is good here too.... you cant compare it to WWE midcarders.... because they have the greatest talent in the world.... but they DONT push them.... so the nod goes to the WWE??

This is where I really disagree with you the most, easily. TNA's midcard right now is in absolute shambles. The X Division is a shadow of what it once was with forgettable matches and one forgettable X Division champ after another. Over this past year, TNA has made the X Division less of a focus for the company and it shows. There are times in which the X Division champ doesn't even appear on the show for weeks at a time, not even a mention of him. TNA created the Legends title last year and more effort was put into it than the X Division. The title reigns were forgettable and the title has since been named the Global title. Young has only defended the title once I think, and it was against a woman at that. He's had it for months, nothing has been done with him or it and he's been missing from TNA for quite a while now. The WWE has actually improved its midcard by a big degree post WM 25. Rey Mysterio, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison and Drew McIntyre have got people interested in the IC championship again. Champs like Mysterio and Morrison restored some needed credit to the IC title while challengers like Ziggler and McIntyre kept people interested. As for the U.S. title, Kofi Kingston was a very good champ, drew a lot of interest and the Miz has shown himself to be a very good heel champion. Both titles have some renewed credibility, both titles have put the spotlight on up and coming guys and both are treated like priorities again. Right now, there's no question that the WWE has the better midcard even if some other aspects are debatable.
"In terms of crowd participation TNA wins."

That shouldn't even be a deciding factor. Put a WWE show live or taped with only 2,000 fans and it will be just as wild and fun. When your 1 of only 2000 you feel kind of special, closer to the action, like they are catering your birthday party and the matches are the entertainment. 1 of 20,000 isn't so special. You don't feel the same connection to the product. Your just 1 out of many.
TNA has the better roster overall.

I would give the main event edge to WWE. There are more guys who can fill the role. The problem is that having two belts and two rosters limits the actual pairings. TNA's matches are better at the top, but I think WWE is capable of creating more excitement.

TNA's midcard is far more exciting. The X belt means as much as either WWE midcard belt. Where has Drew McIntyre been anyway? Besides, the matches over the X belt are better. Coincidentally, the X belt can provide a hot opener to any show, whereas, the styles in the WWE midcard are not conducive to getting the crowd off and crazy. Not the the WWE matches are bad, but they do not fit as openers. In fact, the WWE doesn't have any kind of hot opener to fall back on consistently.

The tag division is a no brainer. TNA's tag division is far superior. WWE's tag champs are arguing over the Royal Rumble, meanwhile, TNA's tag champs on stars on the rise, who actually want the belts. DX seemed to want the belts, but now that they have them, they are secondary. Jerishow did a good job of making the belts important, but there has been nothing but regression since.
I would say that overall TNA is better because of the midcard and tag team division. WWE has the clear edge in main event talent but the midcard has been their problem for a while. My main criticism of the WWE (especially RAW) was they could never consistently put on great midcard matches. Smackdown was doing it for a while but they seem to have decreased lately. The X-Division usually provides a good opener and at least they have a gimmick in the Ultimate The tag team division in TNA is not great but it's still far ahead of the WWE division because you can tell that TNA actually cares. Also, I like how TNA has a good mix of face and heel tag teams who can perform unlike the WWE. TNA doesn't have the main talent the WWE has, but it still has a better roster overall.
Right now I'd give the edge to the WWE. TNA has the tag and women's divisions easily, but I give the mid card and main event edge to the WWE.

Although the WWE hasn't had the greatest mid card feuds recently, the talent is still superior. You can also make the argument that TNA doesn't really have much of a mid card division. The X Division title is NO LONGER a mid card title. There's no more AJ Styles, Daniels, and Samoa Joe. Now it's guys like Amazing Red, Homicide, Jay Lethal, Creed, and Brian Kendrick. It is now a cruiserweight division. There's nothing wrong with that but the guys in the division are no longer mid card guys on their way to the main event. TNA has what should be their mid card title in the Global Title, but it never gets defended.

Then the main event definitely goes to the WWE. You've got Cena, HBK, HHH, Taker, Jericho, Batista, Randy Orton, Edge when he returns, and CM Punk. TNA has AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and......... maybe Sting if he comes back. They have a lot of maybes when it comes to main eventers. A lot of guys that are close, but they only have 3-5 sure fire guys in the main event.
Who is Better is a good one.

Main Event I would have to say TNA only cause they got talent and they only keep a couple of ppl consistantly in the picture and it is changing alot so it is New and refreshing.

Mid Card I would have to say a tie cause TNA has the constant change so it is always new WWE has ppl in the Midcard that needs to be pushed and other which they are shoving down our throats.

Tag Team TNA Beer Money/ MMG /British Invasion/and their new champs. WWE does have Talent but VKM forgot what do with Tag Teams.

Womans TNA they wrestle fight brawl not pull hair gymnastics and each other nails and hair.
I honestly would have to give the edge to WWE. They have always just had such a roster full of such amazing athletes. The only thing that I would fix is how they book their teams, and the divas. They do a real horrible job at it, compared to TNA. They excel a lot more better than the "E" does because they actually know what to do with a division. Blame the crappy writers also compared to the TNA writers, and that's where the true problem lays at.
When you look at TNA's upper midcard/main event you have people like Styles, Angle, Joe, Wolfe, Daniels, Matt Morgan. Each of these guys has a relatively unique wrestling manner. You've got AJ and Daniels who both utilize a combination of high flying moves and technial wrestling (I'd say Daniels is the better technician, with Styles the better high-flyer). Angle and Wolfe are both excellent mat-wrestlers but they utilize different techniques which allows for variation between the two. Joe is a combination power and technician wreslter who can also utilize a fair amount of agility for a guy his size. And Morgan is an agile big man who pretty much exclusivley uses power moves but is also agile enough to keep up with smaller/faster opponents.

By comparison the WWE's main event/upper midcard has Cena, HHH, Undertaker, Orton, HBK, CM Punk, Batista, Jericho, Big Show, Edge, Mysterio, Kofi and Sheamus. All of these guys are fine wrestlers (except maybe sheamus who I've not seen enough of to judge) The problem is there's two styles to choose from brawlers/power wreslters; HHH, Cena, Batista, Undertaker, Big Show and Sheamus and faster guys who make use of a more technical style Punk, Jericho, Edge, Kofi, Orton, HBK, Mysterio. The problem is that a lot of the bigger guys aren't able to keep up with the smaller guys which greatly limits the performance of the smaller guys. Also due to the brand split the main event is cut in half which limits the number of pairings you've got. That being said they're still all good wrestlers but the TNA main event is more interesting to watch than the RAW or Smackdown main event scene. If you combine the two I'd give the win to the WWE but due to the brand extension I give it to TNA.

Then you've got the Mid Card. To be honest this is probably the toughest area to compare. The WWE have a lot of good midcarders in Miz, McIntyre, Morrison, Christian, etc. But they don't utilize them very well. Miz gets barely any air time despite being the US champion. At the current time WWE's midcard lacks direction despite having a slew of great wrestlers. The other problem is that the midcard guys aren't given much time to build characters. Miz and Morrison both have relativley strong characters. But McIntyre, Ziggler, Swagger, Shelton, etc. don't. And this is a problem because it makes pushing them a lot more difficult.

TNA has a different problem. Some of TNA's mid-carders are able to develop characters D'angelo Dinero springs to mind when I think of a character who's started to get over with the crowd, on top of that he's a good wrestler. The problem TNA has is that they have a midcard and no low-card. So whilst they have people like Anderson, Dinero, Abyss,etc. in their mid-card as developed character they have a ton of guys who aren't really seen beyond their in ring skills. Also the mid-card titles in TNA don't get much focus. The X-divison champ is a mute and he's been facing random challengers since he won the title. There's no story to the X-divsion anymore. Same goes for the global title Eric Young defended it once against a woman. It's rarely mentioned, so in that regard TNA doesn't use their mid-card titles effectively. WWE wins here.

The tag division is a no brainer. TNA has actual tag teams, WWE throws two singles wrestlers they have nothing to use with and calls it a tag team. WWE's been trying to improve but right now the 3 proper tag teams are Cryme Tyme (jobbers), The Hart Dynasty and Baretta and Croft (who are really a poor man's MCMG). TNA just puts a lot more effort into their tag scene. With veteran teams like 3-D and the Nasties and young teams like Generation Me, MCMG and Beer Moneny Inc.

As for the women's division the Knockouts destroy the Diva's. Again like the tag division the WWE's been trying to improve the Diva's division lately. But TNA's female wrestlers are superior workers and have actual characters. A few WWE diva's have character but not one of them is as interesting as the Beautiful People. On top of that the TNA female's can actually wrestle. People like Kelly Kelly and Layla just can't compare to someone like Hamada or Taylor Wilde.

So all in all I'd say TNA wins. WWE's main event is good but they suffer from having to cut it in two by the brand split. TNA's mid-card needs more focus, because they're currently lacking direction. And the WWE needs a great deal of improvement in their Tag and women's divisions. Overrall I'd say TNA has the superior roster but it's a very close call.
Easily WWE. The main event is so much better that it doesn't even warrant comparison. If we look at the upper midcard, TNA have people like Abyss and Matt Morgan, and while I don't mind Abyss, they really aren't as entertaining as people like Chris Jericho and CM Punk. The more traditional midcard is better too, where TNA has Sean Morley, WWE has John Morrison. The only two areas where TNA is superior is in cruiserweights and tag teams, neither of which anyone cares about. Indeed, the tag team division is currently focussing on two teams of fat ***** that hit each other with stuff.

I think you have to look at it like this. Mr. Anderson was a midcarder in WWE, now he's headed for the main event in TNA. Sean Morley was the lowest of the lowcarders in WWE, now he's on PPV. Anyone from WWE could walk into the same division in TNA, or a better one, in a flash and the reverse is most definitely not true.

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