Which characters and/or angles are old enough & good enough to reuse now?


Championship Contender
Many times, either while reading this forum or listening to people talk about wrestling history, I hear comparisons of modern characters or angles to those from previous eras. My era as a fan was mostly the Golden Era of WWF. From 1986 to 1992, wrestling was a big part of my life. But, I was only a fan of WWF. That is not to say I didn't like what NWA and others were doing, I just wasn't familiar with them. When Dusty Rhodes, Lex Luger, Ric Flair and the Steiner Brothers showed up in the WWF, I knew who they were. But, I didn't know much else about them. I find it interesting to read about the feuds, matches, face/heel turns and gimmicks that I missed.

I'll also see things like (made up example) "AJ Styles didn't come up with that! Bobo Brazil did that decades ago!" Now, I too used to get...perturbed...when people would talk about today's product and dismiss things from the past that they weren't around for. But, I also think it is silly to expect a fan of today's WWE to be familiar with the happenings of the WWWF, for example.

The WWE Network allows today's fans to either relive, or experience for the first time, a lot of older superstars and shows. Maybe a kid knows about Piper smashing a coconut over Snuka's head because it is referenced a lot to this day. But, maybe he had never seen it before.

This got me thinking... Which characters or angles are old enough and good enough that they could be re-done now and be entertaining to today's fans while not angering fans of yesteryear? For example, could a billionaire character come out and show what his money can buy and rub it in everyone else's face and get away with a Ted DiBiase-esque Million Dollar Man gimmick? Not likely. But I would like to hear what you guys think can still work now?

One that popped into my head was the angle that culminated with the Blindfold Match at WrestleMania VII. This match is not very popular on this forum, but I liked it a lot! For those who may not know, Rick Martel had a Model gimmick, which included him carrying an atomizer filled of his own cologne called Arrogance. Martel was an obnoxious heel so the commentators and faces would act like this stuff really stunk. On the Brother Love Show, Martel sprayed Arrogance into Jake Roberts' eye, blinding him. After recovering, Jake would try to attack Martel but would have some trouble due to his damaged vision. This feud led to a Blindfold Match at Mania. I found it to be a lot of fun. It seemed like a lot of fun for the crowd, as Jake would point in various directions, using the audience's cheering to locate Martel. But, for me, it was Martel's performance that still cracks me up to this day. He would do an elbow drop after Jake had moved away. He would throw Jake into the ropes and then pop his head up as if he was trying to do a back body drop, only failing because Jake (not being able to see) came off of the ropes and went away from where Martel was standing. There were a couple of moments where, even though we knew they could actually see, the psychology of acting like two guys who couldn't see was really entertaining. Like I said, I seem to be in the minority as a fan of this match. But, I think this could be done today. The original is a pretty well-known match, but not an untouchable match. Of course, I wouldn't suggest having a model-type heel spray cologne again. But, any number of heel tactics could lead to a face's "temporary blindness" and consequential recovery/heat building, culminating with a blindfold match.

I think enough time has passed where many fans would be seeing this for the first time AND fans who recognize this angle could still be entertained by it if done well.

What are some characters and/or matches that you feel WWE can "redo" now and, not only get away with, but entertain people?
You can definitely mark me down as a fan of the blindfold match. I would enjoy seeing that angle done again, and I think The Miz is the perfect heel character to do it with. On a side note I'm glad to see that the whole manager in a shark cage gimmick has now come back in full force. First with that tag team match in NXT, and now with Jericho at the Rumble.

I'd also like to see some version of the set-up to the Ric Flair/Terry Funk feud. I'm not neccesarily talking about the piledriver on the table I just mean the idea of having a wrestling match scored by three judges and using that to set-up some kind of angle. There are a lot of possibilities. You could have some legend make an appearance as a judge, he scores the match against the heel, the heel gets pissed an attacks him leading to the legend coming back for one more match. You could do a split decision type finish where the babyface wrestler gets screwed and it's later revealed that the heel paid off two of the judges. It would be a fun way to either extend or start a feud.

The other obvious angle I thought of was the evil twin referee that was used to cost Hogan the belt. Even if you're not familiar with that story, reading the words "evil twin referee" should have you intrigued.
They tried the million dollar belt thing with disease Jr.

They even brought back lonely Virgil as his valet.

Teddy jr,. Still didn't get over.

The only succsful gimmick rehash in the last few years was Cody as his brother stardust.... Err i mean goldust...

And there's a reason Cody's not with the wwe now.
Isn't Maryse spraying people with perfume right now to help Miz? Is it Titus that has his brand scent? I can't keep up.

A blindfold match could be cool. I don't think it belongs at Mania but it might be a nice one off match for a Raw or SD. It seems like a pretty tough match to make really entertaining.

I like Savage's abusive boyfriend "gimmick". It did wonders for the love fans have for Elizabeth. Marc Mero did something similar which paid off well for Sable, not so much Mero himself. Vince's story with Trish was terrible at times but still gave Trish a push in the end.

I'm not saying male wrestlers should be physically abusing their valets and Rusev and Lana and Ziggler went off the deep end but the woman finding her indepence from the overbearing jerk makes for a nice story.
Isn't Maryse spraying people with perfume right now to help Miz? Is it Titus that has his brand scent? I can't keep up.

A blindfold match could be cool. I don't think it belongs at Mania but it might be a nice one off match for a Raw or SD. It seems like a pretty tough match to make really entertaining.

I like Savage's abusive boyfriend "gimmick". It did wonders for the love fans have for Elizabeth. Marc Mero did something similar which paid off well for Sable, not so much Mero himself. Vince's story with Trish was terrible at times but still gave Trish a push in the end.

I'm not saying male wrestlers should be physically abusing their valets and Rusev and Lana and Ziggler went off the deep end but the woman finding her indepence from the overbearing jerk makes for a nice story.

It'd make for a nice story sure but it's controversial. Or, I should say, it'd be controversial once social media blew up with outraged viewers, pundits, trolls, etc. accusing WWE of advocating domestic violence, whether it's physical or emotional, and exploiting it to make money. It's something that's frequently featured on all kinds of TV shows, and has been for a long time, but WWE be crucified. It's been explained time and time again that WWE's wrestlers are playing fictional personas in storylines as a form of entertainment, yet that doesn't stop various people from calling NBC Universal, who gets hold of whomever runs the USA Network and lets them know that the sponsors are uncomfortable and to inform WWE of the potential ramifications. Jack Swagger & Zeb Colter couldn't play a couple of hardcore Tea Party members, CM Punk "desecrated" Paul Bearer's memory by pouring Bearer's "ashes" over a prone Undertaker and people went nuts.

Any rational, reasonable person knows that pro wrestling is scripted entertainment when it's all said and done. Rationality, however, is in short supply these days and sometimes people like stirring shit up just because they can.
Stuff getting thrown off bridges is fun. Dick Slater threw the Mid-South TV Medallion off a bridge, Stone Cold threw the IC Championship off a bridge and The Rock threw Stone Cold off a bridge.

Magician gimmicks haven't been around for a while. Sometimes they work (The Black Scorpion) and sometimes they don't (Phantasio). I think I just want to hear Ole Anderson doing voice overs again as well.
Any rational, reasonable person knows that pro wrestling is scripted entertainment when it's all said and done. Rationality, however, is in short supply these days and sometimes people like stirring shit up just because they can.

That doesn't really buy any protection from social media mobs, because it means that the company did (whatever it is this week) as a conscious decision. If the star wide receiver for the NFL San Antonio Gunslingers says (whatever), the team or the league can either discipline him or say "he doesn't speak for us." If Bobby Biceps verbally abuses and backhands his girlfriend/valet on WWE TV, WWE can't say that because they own the character, they wrote the script.
They're already reusing a lot of the old gimmicks, just 2 or 3 per person or at a time rather than one...

Ziggler has always been the Mr. Perfect replacement, Tyler Breeze is the new "Model" Rick Martel, Sami Zayn is pretty much the Tito Santana of this generation. Bray is Waylon Mercy, ADR was Ted DiBiase,

Some of the more subtle equivalents:-

The Shield are direct equivalents to the 3 Attitude Era main stars - Reigns/The Rock, Ambrose/Austin, Rollins/Hunter... all are being pushed the same way one a year pretty much.

Kevin Owens is very much in that Mick Foley vein, gotten over inspite of the issues with his look... over the years he will pick up that babyface momentum too...

Strowman is pretty much set up to take Psycho Sid's role from 1991 and interestingly Neville is quickly being given a lot of Randy Savage's traits... very quickly I can see him being given a very popular female manager and whether a real life relationship is there or not, I can see him using the "protective" gimmick with her to get up the card, even past the cruisers... right now he's already showing the same ruthlessness and slightly unhinged qualities, had an unusual voice/presentation... Could it be a route back for Paige? quite possibly although everyone knows about ADR... more interesting would be giving him an angle where he's getting involved with Bayley, despite being a heel. Liz was always face while Randy was often heel... They could of course go the other way and give him a Sherri type like Nia Jax or even swap over Alexa Bliss.

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