Which brand are you most enjoying right now?


Which TV wrestling brand have you most enjoyed over the past few weeks; RAW, Smackdown, or TNA(ROH would just rape the other brands. lol)

Smackdown to me, has been the number 1 show these past few weeks, even months maybe. just the order of the show, it gives you both talking and wrestling, great..great wrestling. I have got to admit; this week smackdown was pretty boring, but all the other weeks i have been en joying it very much. We are witnessing the creation of daniel bryans heel turn, ( TBH, DB's heel turn has been pretty boring, but i think its just because WWE is taking it slow and making sure they don't ruin it.) for the past months, smackdown was the #1 wrestling brand in my opinion.

Impact ''TNA'' Wrestling
Over the past months, TNA or IW has impressed me super much. I am in love with this Bobby Roode heel title run, great heel. even the rock praised him on twitter, which was nice to see. We have got Austin Aries as X-Division champ and just recently beat christopher daniels tittle reighn record of 182 days if i can recall. The tag team feud of Morgon/Crimson and Joe/Magnus has been great. A+ to TNA, right now they only have 2 teams but the tag division still seems to be better than primo and epico(no offense, i think there a great tag team, but they havnt clicked just yet for me.) James storm has been nothing but gold on the mic and in that ring, me and my friend have been joking around about how he looks like Jesus Christ:)crucified:) And now we are getting an interesting angle of a revamped, re-newed Abyss. TNA just proved WWE wrong with Gail Kim, she is super talented and TNA is making great use of that and Gail Kim has given us nuthing short of great matches. Eric Young and ODB just won ''KNOCKOUT'' tag team tittles, lets give it a chance before we hate it, eric young is hilarious and continues to make me laugh. Aj styles feud with kaz/Daniels, im not really digging it. And The telivision tittle is still doing jack shit, but either then that TNA or Impact Wrestling has been a great show and is my #2 best show right now.

OMG, dont get me started. To sum it all up, RAW is disgusting to watch now, lol. seriously though, IMO Raw has been terrible these few last weeks. My older brother mentioned how WWE sucks now and they need people like the rock, taker, HHH, HBK and Y2J to make wrestling interesting, all those guys are well over 40. and way past their days. I love raw, and will always be the what they say ''the #1 show'' but in my opinion, its been complete SHIT:banghead::banghead:

So what show are you most enjoying right now and explain why.

*NOTE TO MODERATERS: i wasn't sure where to put this thread, i put it in WWE television because WWE is the bigger brand. if its in the wrong place please move in the right place for me, thank you.*
Raw obviously..... no offense but I dont watch Impact, tried to like it sometimes but it just seems second rate to the big times..... and Smackdown is too shallow on real talent to matter
which by default leaves Raw as the winner. You have the Rock running around the show, John Cena bringing his best in months and its all gearing up towards the biggest match in history probably in the biggest wrestlemania ever. You have Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Undertaker bringing back Hell in a Cell to a non HIAC ppv and the biggest stage of them all, this 3 are some of the best talkers of all times... you have the two best in the world going at it, and you have smackdown filling up raw on top of that.....easily raw!
Hands down Raw. Honestly, I find Smackdown almost completely unwatchable. I DVR it every week but fast-forward through nearly all of it. Seriously, on this past Friday's Smackdown, the only thing I sat through was the Daniel Bryan/Sheamus promo. As far as entertainment value, Smackdown is barely ahead of Superstars in my opinion and I may just stop DVRing it at all.

Raw, on the other hand, is great. I look forward to it every week.
Here we go again. Someone decides to make a thread beacause they are bored and without thinking or they are just dumb. Why would you even ask that. But I guess I can take a little time out and entertain stupid people. I'm going to go with Raw. ONLY because The Rock, Cena, HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Jericho, and Punk. I mean dont get me wrong they are not great reasons but it is a little better then everything else(sarcasm).
RAW is disgusting to watch now, lol. seriously though, IMO Raw has been terrible these few last weeks.

Interesting opinion, in that it makes me wonder what you must have thought of Raw in past years. As I see it, they've really gotten their act together as far as tightening up the production.....pulling together the top stars and a multitude of storylines better than they had been doing in quite awhile. The biggest "happenings" have always taken place on Raw, but the staff has done a slicker job of coordinating and presenting the hodgepodge of material to fit in a 2-hour show. I think it's been great these last few months.

Over the years, there have been many times I enjoyed Smackdown more because of these same production issues, but in any case, Raw is where the big stuff happens and is always a must-watch in our house.
I have to say RAW too, though my only criticism is the over saturation of promo's. I mean i understand this is the time you build to wrestlemania so there's gonna be more promos than usual, but I still think WWE are overdoing it a bit. Would like to see a little more match time on the show (just to remind people this is a wrestling show after all). Other than that, RAW is still top dog.
Right now it is Raw as it is mania season and we have 3 stellar fueds in Rock/Cena, HHH/Taker and Y2J/Punk to keep us occupied. Some of the promo work on Raw recently has been great, granted there aren't as many matches but is the build upto mania that has to be expected. I think this is masking the deficiences in WWE's use of other areas of the roster right now, why guys like Ziggler and Miz are not being used to greater effect is absolutely beyond me but I suppose only so many fueds can be pushed for mania. Having said that I'm actually liking the Long/JL angle and think if continued properly it could be pretty good.

Smackdown has been pretty good too in spite of the absolutely non-compelling WHC fued. Bryan and Sheamus have yet to work a meaningful promo and thus far it has simply consisted of Sheamus throwing Bryan back into the ring during matches and squashing him in tag team action. Cody Rhodes is a big part of what is keeping SD entertainng for me his promo work and the build with Big Show is making me more interested in that mtch than the World title bizarrely.

Impact has bene absolutely great of late, Roode is a great champion and in Storm, Bully Ray, Angle and even Hardy he has an extremely effective supporting cast. The face Gm fueding with a heel renegade champion is a great stroyline and I feel that Roode and Sting are carrying this off perfectly. Aries is doing great in the X-Division and his fued with Zema-Ion is starting to pick up the pace, very interesting stuff. The TNSA tag titles are far more prestigious than the WWE's and Magnus and Joe are doing great work as champs, with Morgan and Crimson very effetive challengers gearing to implode and start what looks to be a very promising program. I agree the Aj/Kaz/Daniles thing is a bit played out but hopefully the return of Mr. Anderson can breathe fresh life into it and make it a little more exciting.

Overall I would say that were it not for the Rock (my favourite of all time) participating actively on Raw I think I'd actually be enjoying Impact the most right now. Mainly down to Roode's excellent work as champion in my view his tenure has eclipsed both Punk and Bryan's and he is the most must see champion on tv at this present time.
I love WWE but the only brand I watch without fail is RAW. I do sometimes record Smackdown if I can remember too and I pretty much never watch Impact. I tend to keep up with those programmes via websites and news feeds etc.

RAW has been my show of choice for getting on for six years now, I never miss an episode. I know RAW has gone through some seriously rough patches in terms of storylines and the lack of main event talent on the roster (I mean, Cena/Orton/HHH have dominated the RAW main event scene for years...) but there is something about RAW I've always preferred. I do think it's because 90% of episodes are filmed live, therefore giving it that feeling or being grander in scale. Plus, for the past few years, I've had Tuesdays off college/uni, so I've been able to wake up and watched RAW, it's sort of been a routine and I look forward to it every week (I mean, I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning now!)

I do however find the lack of actual wrestling on RAW to be very irritating, especially if the main storyline's that are being played out through promos etc are participially dull at that time. Thats where my occasional viewing of Smackdown comes into play because I know, most of the time, the mixture between promos and matches is going to be more finely balanced. I remember years ago being the other way around, and loving Smackdown, never missing an episode and RAW was kind of an after thought. When Smackdown has guys like Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, John Cena, JBL, Eddie Guerrero etc, it was by far the best brand and the storyline's, for the most part, were very good and therefore I got emotionally invested in them, which brought me into viewing the product every week. Things have changed now I think as 9 times out of 10 I'll tend to read spoilers for what happened on Smackdown and if I'm really interested in what happened, I'll watch it.

Impact... don't really care, don't ever tend to watch it. I'll hear about whats happening sometimes but if I don't hear about the progression of storylines I won't lose any sleep over it.
As of right now, I have to give the nod to WWE Raw. Over the past few months, it's been WrestleMania season and Raw tends to be where most of the major happenings are initially announced or take place. The past few years, Raw's in-ring wrestling action has dramatically improved, which is a huge plus as one would expect to see solid wrestling action on a wrestling show. During WM season, the three biggest storylines are front & center on Raw with Taker vs. Triple H, Cena vs. Rock and Punk vs. Jericho. The previous two are getting more general hype because those are two definite moneymakers while Punk vs. Jericho looks as though the notch is about to be turned up since Jericho has made the feud more personal by bringing up Punk's past.

SmackDown! comes in second right now though for most of the year, SD! & Raw seem to trade places in my number 1 spot. While SD! is usually viewed as the B show in terms of huge happenings and overall prominence in television when compared to Raw, SD! is usually the better "wrestling" show in my view. Not that Raw doesn't have good wrestling, but you're more likely to see two extremely good 15 minute matches on SD! during most of the year. After WM season is over, the stock of the blue brand always goes up in the eyes of fans. SD! usually sticks with a simple formula that's worked out great for them over the past few years. They tend to have two main promo segments, usually each one only lasting about 10 minutes or so, and they tend to usually have at least 2 matches on the card last between the 12 and 15 minute mark. The big contributions to WM on from SD! are the GM feuds, which have gotten equal time on both Raw & SD!, Bryan vs. Sheamus and Rhodes vs. Show. They need to kick the intensity up on Bryan vs. Sheamus. Rhodes needs to get some momentum heading into WM. A few minor tweaks and these two angles should be brought up to snuff.

As for Impact Wrestling, it's definitely improved quite a bit over the past 5 or 6 months. TNA has fixed a lot of big problems that were definitely holding it back. They've stopped doing the mindless clusterfucks that Vince Russo was a huge fan of doing, which we saw at least one of during every episode. They're not doing the lame 3-5 minute gimmick matches that had long since been a staple. They're actually pushing younger and homegrown talent rather than using them to constantly put over the much older veterans. They've devoted energy to actually build singles stars for the first time in years rather than just keep importing former WWE and/or WCW veterans. The X Division is somewhat relevant, though that's do almost entirely to Austin Aries. The Knockouts Division is better now than it was. It's still not close to what it was the first year or so of its existence, but at least it can no longer be put on the same level as the Divas of WWE. Their mid-card picture isn't too great, since the TV title is less than meaningless and the X Division has a 220 pound weight limit and the tag team scene, once the crowning jewel of TNA, is now, in my view, no longer superior to that of WWE. Still, the angles are better and so is the wrestling action. IW is actually a pretty decent show all around now.

As for ROH, I dunno. It's definitely my least favorite right now. Not that they don't have very talented wrestlers that put on quality matches, but whenever I managed to catch ROH, it seems like virtually none of the wrestlers that I've seen have the slightest shred of charisma or personality. It's hard to get into a match if you just simply don't give a damn about the wrestlers that are involved.
I'll add ROH into my thoughts....yea, they still don't win. ROH lacks character, story, and pro wrestlers who can do something other than random flips, stiff kicks, headdrops, and no selling. In fact, Dragon Gate will probably overtake them as the top indy within 2 years. ROH is complacent and has been complacent for some time.

I'll say Raw. Jericho/Punk has picked up and Rock/Cena is always super intriguing. Plus you get the weekly Ziggler "I'm going to sell the shit out of everything" match.
The brand I am enjoying the most at the moment would be Raw. Smackdown just hasn't been anywhere near as good as it was before it moved to Sy FY. That may or may not be a coincidence. Raw, on the other hand, has been rather consistent with having good storylines and with who is being pushed. Smackdown's had the better roster in the past year, especially after the draft. Yet, Raw has had the better product for the past several months. I find it to be more enjoyable than both Smackdown and TNA Impact.

Then there's Impact. It's been about as much of a cluster mess as usual, with the strange booking and constant face/heel turns that we have come to expect from that federation at this point. I don't hate the product, far from it in fact. Raw and Smackdown have both delivered far superior shows though. I would rate Raw as the most enjoyable right now with Smackdown coming 2nd and Impact is third. The main reason it comes down to is that Raw's got the better storylines and promos. Smackdown has the best matches although I sometimes fast forward through the ones I'm not interested in. Impact, I'll fast forward through as much as half of the content depending on how much of a mess it is that week. Raw is the one I watch the most of the content for, thus the most enjoyable. I don't read spoiler articles so that has nothing to do with it.

Always Smackdown, RAW I just find boring. Smackdown has a more.. electric feel to it. Better talent such as Randy Orton & Yoshi Tatsu
i like tna the best although i haver never seen roh and am interested to see what its all about i hear its got some really good wrestlers like for instance haas and benjimen otherwise known as the worlds greatest tag team or team angle in wwe. I find wwe boring and lame. tonite i watched raw and was falling asleep with that kids product like the funkasarous is this wrestling or a cartoon...lol. Alot of people hate on tna but i like there young talent like aj and aries and i think roode has been a very godd heel champion. i dont see how people think wwe is so much better then tna yeah maybe 10 years ago but wwe is too tame for me,
I gotta say Raw. Smackdown at times is unwatchable for me. I like an above poster DVR it and find myself fast forwarding through most of it. Lately Raw has had Punk/Jericho. Cena/Rock, and people like Ziggler. JL has also been a great addition to Raw, and believe me I thought I would hate him, but he has been very entertaining to me. All through last summer I watched to see what Punk would say next so Raw has been my go to show for quite sometime now.
I would say Smackdown, but I just can't really find time to watch it as much as I hope to. I'll watch it if it's on on tuesday or if there's something I'm really interested in, but my biggest problem is I usually have things scheduled on Fridays and I find it too hard to avoid spoilers, and after I do read the spoilers, I usually tend to be pretty lukewarm about the whole thing. It's more just my fault.

So I would say RAW, despite there's always a feeling to me Smackdown is more the wrestling show than the RAW, just because they make RAW feel like more of a big deal. On the other hand, anything on Smackdown they'll usually recap anyways.

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