Where's Serena?


Dark Match Winner
I don't know if many of you know, but Serena Deeb of the SES is a very skilled wrestler. Competeing in the OVW amongst Beth Phoenix and many other divas.

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serena_Deeb

My question is, why isn't the WWE putting her in Divas singles matches? She doesn't have to leave the SES. I think the SES is wonderful, and could turn into a very established heel stable. Start putting Serena and Luke Gallows in more singles matches, have Serena pick up the Womans championship, Luke Gallows the IC, and you could have a very deadly stable running Smackdown. Get Punk outta the Rey Mysterio fued and push him for another title run aswell.

Do you agree that Serena should be competing? And that it could lead to the SES running smackdown?
I think right now Kelly Kelly is in a position to be pushed. Plus you have the heel "team" of Laycool, why have them feud with another heel? Serena is there to help Punk get over as the top heel. The SES doesn't need her to have the Woman's Championship and for Gallows to also hold the IC, that's just overkill and ripping off the storyline of Evolution. The SES already basically run smackdown, why change what's not broken?

Besides, might I remind you that Melina was a manager for quite a while before the E brought her in to wrestle? Just be patient.
I would not like to see Gallows with the IC he's barely good enough for the US title in my eyes.

Serena will come good in a few months i'm sure i do wish she's beat dudes up more at ringside apart from the odd kick.
It is currently unnecessary for her to get in the ring right now. For one, she is getting a great reaction by just being associated with CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society. She is evil, and playing the role well. Secondly, there is a lack of faces in the Women's Title picture, unless I'm missing some women. Why bring in an extra heel when you can't combat them with another face? Her time will come, she will show off her skills in the ring. Just be patient. The WWE is taking their time with things, and it is working. So just sit back and watch her get her time. I mean shit, she has only been on the main roster for how long? 2-3 months?
I'm kidna glad she is one of them diva's that don't fight, well at least not yet...i think she might need more training..i mean the only reason they brought her in was because she was the only one in FCW willing to go bald...

Plus, Smackdown don't need another heel diva..they already have a dominant team....LayCool...and kelly kelly is recieving that pish with tiffany..
I'm kidna glad she is one of them diva's that don't fight, well at least not yet...i think she might need more training..i mean the only reason they brought her in was because she was the only one in FCW willing to go bald...

Plus, Smackdown don't need another heel diva..they already have a dominant team....LayCool...and kelly kelly is recieving that pish with tiffany..

Go watch some of her stuff from SHIMMER, OVW, and FCW before she was brought up. You tell me she might need more training. She has the ability to put on above average matches, at least in my opinion she does. Right now, she just isn't needed to wrestle.

I'd also like to add to how you say Smackdown doesn't need another heel diva, considering she already is a heel diva. Now, I think I know where you are going with it, saying they don't need another heel diva in the title scene, which is correct. However, she is the Anti-Diva, so obviously she is a heel. She is a manager who has ring skills, just not shown to the main crowd, and the more time she spends with Punk, she will get even better, and showcase it down the line.
She should wrestle when her hair grows back, sorry but seeing a bald woman wrestle doesn't exactly fit what a WWE diva is, remember serena is supposed to be the "anti" diva so she's not supposed to compete yet. Also Cm punk says that he's protecting serena, which means he would never let anyone lay a hand on her. When Serena leaves the SES and becomes a normal diva, then she'll start competing, right now it's not her time. She should start competing by 2011

and yes, we all know serena can wrestle
She should wrestle when her hair grows back, sorry but seeing a bald woman wrestle doesn't exactly fit what a WWE diva is, remember serena is supposed to be the "anti" diva so she's not supposed to compete yet. Also Cm punk says that he's protecting serena, which means he would never let anyone lay a hand on her. When Serena leaves the SES and becomes a normal diva, then she'll start competing, right now it's not her time. She should start competing by 2011

and yes, we all know serena can wrestle

Yeah I do agree with you all now about how to just give her time, but I think the baldness would be pretty intresting. I dunno bout you, but i'm tired of seeing blonde bimbos jumping around the ring for 3 minutes. Sexy, but they can't wrestle for shit. Trish Stratus is still the only diva for me that has looks and skill. Just don't put the diva's championship on her, (womens instead) and it should be good ;)
Yeah I do agree with you all now about how to just give her time, but I think the baldness would be pretty intresting. I dunno bout you, but i'm tired of seeing blonde bimbos jumping around the ring for 3 minutes. Sexy, but they can't wrestle for shit. Trish Stratus is still the only diva for me that has looks and skill. Just don't put the diva's championship on her, (womens instead) and it should be good ;)

I'll disagree with you about Trish being the only diva with looks and skill. Mickie James was my absolute favorite Diva, I don't care that she got let go, but she was one of the most talented and FEMININE wrestlers they've had. She wasn't built like barbie, she had real curves, etc.

Anyhow, on to the topic about Serena. I'd like to see the SES tangle with the Hart Dynasty or even the Usos in a series of mixed Tag matches to let the women all get their feet wet in the ring. I know Natalya has already had a few matches, but still, this would be a great way to introduce all these women into the wrestling action. They're all levels above Kelly Kelly, McCool, Maryse, etc. And could be putting on some very high quality matches if given the chance.

Serena will get her chance hopefully, but if they don't soon at least get her into a few short matches, I can see her being shoved off TV for good when the SES comes to it's inevitable ending.
Same reason as Natalya.
She's just being used to prop up two male wrestlers and further storylines.
Unfortunately I don't get FCW in England, but i've heard her wrestling it good, so it'll be interesting to see how long before they let her in divas action.
I'd like to see her face Beth Pheonix for the Women's title in a few months, kick some ass and become the new dominating Diva of the WWE. This would be another push for the SES and a great example showing their dominance on Smackdown.
Not Yet,
Wait till SES captures the WHC
Then let Luke win IC
(He really is a good wrestler, look at his matches w/ Kane and Taker when he was Festus)
Then let her win the WC,
After that
Not to steal from the Uso's, But there only be one thing

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