Where would Eddie be today?


Dark Match Winner
I was inspired to write this post after reading the post on Chris Benoit and where he might be today. I looked through the previous posts but couldn't find one like this, however if I am indeed mistaken or just missed it. I humbly apologize and request the mod move it to that post.

Ok, so when the late, great Eddie Guerrero passed in November of 2005 many believed that he was due to become WHC due in part to Batista's back injury at the time. Now we know that his heart was in bad shape due to his past with drugs and alcohol but perhaps if it had been caught he might still be able to perform in ring. In my view Eddie was gonna possibly turn on Batista and become the WHC and he might have held that belt until Wrestlemania for a match with Undertaker or he would have lost it at Elimination Chamber or No Way Out as it was called at the time still. If Eddie were still around I see him as an upper mid card/Main event player and he might have regained the Tag Titles with Chavo (making him relevant after that horrible Kerwin White angle). However, I could see him stepping back at this point and maybe even being a pro on NXT. I do not see him ever in TNA, but thats just me.

So I leave it to you the WrestleZone community where do you think Eddie would be at this point today.
He was set to gain the WHC but he died RIGHT before it. They found him like the day before he was supposed to win.

I think he would have won it a few more times, but would probably be retiring by now. He'd be about 40 and pushing it. I think that he'd have Mysterio's spot in the main event. I can see Eddie having won the MITB, that would have been awesome.
I believe Eddie was scheduled to win the title in a triple threat match between him, Batista and Orton on Smackdown at the Supershow taping (the very same day he died). I was at this Supershow. Many people didn't find out Eddie had passed until they showed up to the arena, and even some thought it was just a weird storyline at first. I found out before I went to the show, so I was at least prepared.

Anyways, I'm getting off track. I think Eddie would've been champion a couple more times. Today, he would be around 43 years old, so you'd have to figure he'd be close to retirement today if he were still around. It woulda been so great to see him in the ring with guys like Kofi, McIntyre, Punk, Swagger, Miz, or Sheamus (the last four names there would've had absolutely epic promos with Eddie). And sadly, we never got to see him and Shawn Michaels tear down the house at some big event. Eddie would've have given us so many more memories in addition to the countless number of them we already have of him.
He would probably be a 4 or 5 time WHC by now and would have traded between being a Heel and a Face numerous times... He would be the guy occasionally winning the tag titles and even probably The IC or US title a few times... I think in a weird way, Edge became a major player because Eddie died... All that time Edge was winning titles on SD, some of that success would've had to have been shared with Eddie... Khali probably never would have been WHC!
i think he would of had rey's spot at wm 22 and possibly batista's spot at wm 23. i honsetly think he would of retired now due to age and cause he has been in the bussiness so long. it would of been hbk vs eddie at wm 26 with both men leaving wwe with a classic match that would of been the main event and match of the yr
Let's see, it's been about five years so let's break it down by year.

2005-Bound to win the World Heavyweight Championship before death. Most likely would have defended it against Rey Mysterio or Randy Orton (or combination of both) at Wrestlemania 26.

2006-I could see Eddie being drafted to ECW at this point to help put over wrestlers like Benoit. Probably a feud with Rob Van Dam for the ECW Championship. I also see him winning the Royal Rumble of this year.

2007-I could see a Batista vs. Eddie feud happening again for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 23, or maybe a Triple Threat against Batista, Eddie, and Taker. Possible Eddie winning the title at Backlash, or Judgement Day. I see Eddie losing it before the Draft and getting drafted to Raw. I can see Eddie feuding with Cena, Shawn Michaels, and maybe Chris Benoit if he is still alive over the World Heavyweight Championship.

2008-I can see Eddie winning Money in the Bank of this year, and cashing it in on Edge later in the year. We could have Eddie vs. Edge feud over the World Heavyweight title, or maybe CM Punk.

2009-I can see Eddie attempting to win Money in the Bank again but fail this time around. I can see him getting Drafted to Smackdown and feud with Undertaker for a while.

2010-I don't see Eddie being around for much longer at this point. He'd probably take time off around this time like Taker does. He'd probably be getting ready for retirement. He'd also be a Pro for Nexus, maybe Kaval.

2011-This is the year I see Eddie retiring in a Career threatening match against Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27. After a good program, Taker will beat Eddie to end Eddie's career, just like Shawn Michaels before him a year earlier.
Yea I would say he could of won a couple more of world championships maybe just getting ready to retire and yea it would of been awesome to see eddie in a MITB but that is what I think is where eddie would be today
I think in a weird way, Edge became a major player because Eddie died... All that time Edge was winning titles on SD, some of that success would've had to have been shared with Eddie... Khali probably never would have been WHC!

I was thinking the same thing and then I remembered: Edge was MITB. He was going to be WWE champ anyways and was on Raw. And I didn't think anything was wrong with Khali being champion. He was dominant and we were wondering who would be the one to beat him.
Eddie would most likely have won multiple world titles and on the verge of retiring at this point in his career if he were still alive. I could see him having great feuds with both the savior and heel Jericho, the viper Orton, and hell he could make any feud great. I think that he'd also be up for putting over the young talent and working his way up and down the card in a similar manner that Jericho has the past 2 years. Hell he could have made the return of ECW great and kept it as a viable world title.
At this point, it's hard to tell where he would be or what he would be doing. His character would of got stale by now and people would hate to see it after awhile (trust me, you would get sick of "I lie, I cheat, I steal"). It would just get old. Therefor, the WWE and Eddie would of needed to get creative and create a more dynamic and in depth character to the Eddie character, thing is though, what would they create? With the superman and total babyface character being used (not to mention way past it's time), he would have to be something else. A heel Eddie would be cool, but what would he be? Destroy Tajiri and Rey Mysterio again (that's how I remember it happening)? What I'm getting at is that the character of Eddie Guerrero at this time probably would not be the same as it once was, so depending on the direction WWE wanted to go (apparently towards champion and main eventer), it is too hard to tell where he would be. Would he even be with WWE today?
Eddie would for sure be a top dog right up there feuding with Orton, Cena, HHH, Sheamus etc. He was destined fro greatness and his legacy was cut short :( however while it is unsure where Eddie would be in a total side comment I know where Rey Rey would be HE WOULD BE WHERE HE BELONGS A NOBODY STILL....Cruiserweight division would still exst and the title would be made great by him...the only pathetic reason he got it in Wrestlemania 22 was at Royal Rumble he said that pity one liner "oooh i dedicate my match to Eddie" how the fuck you gonna let someone lose by saying that so we witnessed one of the worst perormances in Royal Rumble history I mean he entered #2 barley wrestled, spent most of the match in a corner knocked out and somehow won! Sry just venting
How can ANYONE say Mysterio should be a nobody? When was Rey ever a nobody? In WCW he fueded with legends like Ultimo Dragon and Dean Malenko beating both in high quality matches before moving onto being the Giant Killer and defeating the likes of Kevin Nash? This was at a time when the smaller guys would NEVER get wins over the likes of any bigger guys ESPECIALLY Nash. Once he came to WWE he was the top of a Cruiserweight division that featured great talents (even if they were never given the chances Rey was given) He is a 3 time Cruiserweight champ, a 2 time Intercontinental champ, a 4 time tag team champ and a 2 time world champion (and thats just his WWE acomplishments) Sorry to rant but in my eyes Rey is the pioneer for guys like CM Punk, and with a little luck (and VKM removing his head from his ass) Evan Bourne and Brian Danielson to be World Champions when just a few years ago if you were not 6 foot and 240+ pounds it didnt matter how great you were you could NOT be a world champion.
He would have held the title at-least a few more times before he retired. He would've probably been about to retire, or would've been retired by now.
Not too much would've changed for Eddie. He would still be somewhat in the upper mid-card doing things. He was much like Benoit in the manner that he would most likely be feuding for the mid-card championships after a period of time.

The only reason Eddie was around Batista during his reign was because they were friends, as well as it made sense for them to have this friends storyline. It helped them later on connect Rey and Batista together as well.

Eddie would have been building his legacy in the mid-card. He'd be somewhat of a Chris Jericho of today, not that he would spend every other week jobbing out to an opponent, but in the manner that he would be one of WWE's greatest attributes in the manner of putting over talent to make them look golden. And to do it without loosing much credibility.

Eddie was never truly cut out to be a world champion, at least not to carry the championship during the peak of the business when there's clearly other choices. I've always said Eddie and Benoit got the championship belts as a "Thank you for all you've done to the business" kind of reward. Not because they were the better choices at that time.
Eddie would have rocked the house for quite a few more years. But what nobody has mentioned yet is that as close as he and Benoit were he may have seen the signs everybody else missed and possibly been able to get Benoit the help he needed. Maybe we would still be in the attitude era instead of this weak PG programing we are seeing now.
Eddie would be in the midcard where he's been for his entire career except for his championship run. Eddie would be in a similar position to what Jericho is now - putting people over. He may have a few midcard runs here and there but he wouldn't be world champion again unless he was on Smackdown where he has a chance.

I've heard people say that Rey got that championship because of Eddie. Do you really think that if Eddie were still here that Mysterio wouldn't have gotten at least one world championship? He would have because he is that over.
i'd think he would be a more legit rey rey
someone who can hold any belt and still look good, like jericho as well
only hes a better wrestler than rey so it would be better
This is a very interesting topic to discuss, as I have been thinking of all the possibilities Eddie could have had over the past five years or so. So I am going to explain the basis of what he probably would have been doing from late 2005 to now.

2005-2006: This time frame would have been in mid November when he passed away.If he didn't he was set to win the belt in a Triple Threat Match against Batisra and Randy Orton. He also would have competed on Team SmackDown in the traditional elimination match against Team RAW where we could have possibly seen Eddie lock it up with Shawn Michaels in the finals of that match like we seen Eddie's replacement Randy Orton do. I would assume that Mark Henry would have returned and and feuded with Eddie as he would have been the champion as well. Afterwards maybe we would have gotten a friendly rivalry over the belt with Rey Mysterio in which Eddie probably would have dropped the belt to Rey. After which I would think Eddie would have went on to compete in the midcard for the remainder of 2006.

2007: This year would have been a good year to get a Eddie Guerrero vs. Undertaker feud going. Whether it was for the title or not this would have made a great match at WrestleMania with the streak on the line and if i'm not mistaken it would have been a first. So basically Eddie would have feuded with Taker instead of Batista that year in my mind. This feud would have probably been done outside of the title picture as Batista went on to have a very strong second reign before running into Taker.

2008: This year is kind of tricky, maybe Eddie could have been doing some more work in the midcard and perhaps even won himself a US title. A good feud with MVP over it or something similar to what Matt Hardy was doing. But I would have had him drafted to ECW that year to carry the show as the big name. Where he would have eventually won the ECW title and would have done again a similar job to Matt Hardy.

2009: Would have been a great year for Eddie to perhaps have a display in the MITB ladder match. i would also have him get drafted back to SmackDown the following April. Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, and Edge would have all been great people for Eddie to lock up with as the year went on. Also Eddie in a feud with CM Punk after the heel turn would have been perfect. Especially during the time Punk was feuding with lower card performers like Matt Hardy and R-Truth, instead if Eddie were still on SmackDown, he and Punk could have had a perfect feud to end that year. With perhaps Punk referencing Guerrero's past drug problems and what not. Could have made for some good television and great matches.

2010: I would assume that by this year, he would be the face version of Chris Jericho. Losing to up and coming heels, but always remaining credible in defeat. For if they need to him temporarily fill in for a legit main event star, he could do so and then when the time called for it, he would simply move back down the card.

So at the end of the day, you think about this and sure he probably at the most would have been a three time world champion sure, but look at all these great matches that he could have been involved and that we will never get too see.
Surprisingly, Eddie Guerrero is probably one of the only mid-card guys in WCW that I didn't really care for...that came over and got immediately pushed by WWE and kind of actually grew on me (as a bad guy/heel). I didn't see much of anything with him as a face...but when he was a heel cheating to win...it was pretty entertaining and he surprised me with somewhat of a decent personality that he barely ever showed as a face. All of the other mid-card WCW guys who came over and were immediately pushed I never understood and to this day feel they weren't able to hold it and never really deserved it.

That being said, I don't think he'd be doing much these days and feel he may have even retired by now. He probably would have had one more run with the Smackdown title, tops...and then vanished into the night. If he did stick around...I'd see him feuding with Great Khali and a few other mid-card forgettable acts just before he rode off into the retirement sunset.

Chris Benoit, for the most part, never deserved the World Title. He basically was Evan Bourne if he didn't brush his teeth and with less high flying moves and more technical ones. I won't take away some of his in-ring abilities but his personality was enough to make Mona Lisa go to sleep. He was THAT boring. He made RVD's personality look like Robin Williams'.
Most likely, I think if he was still around he would be doing what Ferbian said, being another Jericho. Putting over younger guys and not losing any credibility.

But I'm going to go a little off the board with this one. Eddie died before the ECW revival. And you could theorize that Benoit may not have gone berserk if he had his best buddy around to help him through the bad times. You could also theorize that Angle might have stuck around in WWE for a little longer because he cited Eddie's death as one of the biggest reasons he didn't want to work the WWE schedule, he didn't want to turn out the same way. So you would have Angle, Eddie, and Benoit all in the WWE for a little while. Think about what that could have done for the ECW brand. Before Benoit's death he was going to face C.M. Punk for the ECW Title and supposedly he was going to win. Think about how much credibility that Title would have gained if it was held by Benoit and think about the credibility JoMo and Punk would have gotten had they feuded with him. Also remember Angle was in ECW for a bit before he left and he was as entertaining and viscous as I'd seen him in a long time. You could have Angle, Benoit, and Eddie all holding the ECW Title at one point, think about what that would have done for that brand. If Eddie lived, ECW could have become a major player and could have boosted so many career's in the process, Shelton, Punk, JoMo, Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Christian, Swagger, the list goes on. The entire landscape of wrestling could have changed.

I know I went a little crazy with it, but it would have been interesting if it happened that way, which most likely it wouldn't. Just having some fun and creativity.
Ferbian said:
Eddie was never truly cut out to be a world champion, at least not to carry the championship during the peak of the business when there's clearly other choices. I've always said Eddie and Benoit got the championship belts as a "Thank you for all you've done to the business" kind of reward. Not because they were the better choices at that time.

I disagreed with you on the most part, but there is where i strongly believe you are incorrect. First off, Eddie was a fan favorite. Eddie, since he began with the WWE, had slowly gained the respect of the people and the WWE/F officials. Match after match, Eddie proved that he was a great wrestler. All of his matches were more than adequate. His charisma in the ring always kept you at the edge of your seat. WWE officials saw this and they took the oppurtunity and put the title on Eddie. Remember the Smackdown after No Way Out 2004 when he came out to the ring; the crowd was unbelievably loud; Everyone had finally gotten to see their favorite as champion. Therefore, instead of your theory of "thanks for all your work", I prefer a theory that says, "Eddie, you proved yourself time and time again that you are one of the best, you deserve this title."

Now, as to where Eddie would be today, I believe that Spoodbeest had the most accurate result. However, the "friendly rivalry" wouldn't have happened in 2006. It would have been too soon, Eddie had bearly gotten done with fighting Rey in '05. The WWE wouldn't have made a rematch so soon (then again, there is John Cena vs. Randy Orton situation). I believe that somewhere along the lines 2009 (when he would be in Smackdown), he would once again team up with Rey to take on Jeri-Sho for the tag titles at SummerSlam...it would have been an Epic match. This was the time that old Vinnie was desperate for tag teams, I am sure that creative would not let this chance to re-unite the two slip by.

Over all, Eddie was a great wrestler who loved to wrestle, he would have given it his all in every match making some very spectacular matches to see. One things for sure, my wish to have been able to see Shawn Michaels vs. Eddie Guerrero at Wrestlemania will never come true.
I disagreed with you on the most part, but there is where i strongly believe you are incorrect. First off, Eddie was a fan favorite. Eddie, since he began with the WWE, had slowly gained the respect of the people and the WWE/F officials. Match after match, Eddie proved that he was a great wrestler. All of his matches were more than adequate. His charisma in the ring always kept you at the edge of your seat. WWE officials saw this and they took the oppurtunity and put the title on Eddie. Remember the Smackdown after No Way Out 2004 when he came out to the ring; the crowd was unbelievably loud; Everyone had finally gotten to see their favorite as champion. Therefore, instead of your theory of "thanks for all your work", I prefer a theory that says, "Eddie, you proved yourself time and time again that you are one of the best, you deserve this title."

Eddie Guerrero was over, sure. But he wasn't over to the point that he could carry the company. Eddie Guerrero was given the championship back in that period of time primarily because of the fact that, what else would he have accomplished? He was over, so why not give him a world title for the fact that he paid his dues. It's just like Benoit, and we never saw him get back in the world title hunt now did we? Sure ECW, but holy shit that was the 3rd rate championship.

Eddie Guerrero wasn't cut to carry the championship at the top. There were many other choices that made more sense to carry the championship. JBL got the championship because there weren't any proper stars around to carry the championship full time. And that counts on Eddie Guerrero as well. It wasn't until John Cena got main event ready that it made sense to give the championship away from JBL, and so they did. And Eddie was never the money cow that John was, not even back then.

So I stand convinced that Eddie would've served the same purpose that Jericho did, putting over the young talent. Eddie would be in his 40's today if he was still alive, do you really think he would still be hunting championships and not doing what's right for the business in terms of what Jericho has been doing? Eddie loved this business. Why would he put himself over others for the sake of building his, what was already a guaranteed Hall of Fame career, when he could help the youngsters build their future careers?
At this point Eddie would be a multiple time World Champion, and still an upper mid card/main event guy, kind of like Chris Jericho. He was going to win the World Championship right before he died, so I know he would have been destined to have some great matches. His character would probably be different because WWEPG isn't ready for that kind of a character. He would probably retire at 'Mania 27.
In reality, Eddie's heart problems would still have been such that he would have either HAD to retire or foolishly kept going on in the ring till he did eventually die... People stated how badly off Eddie was at that time and I feel that had things "been caught in time" he would have still had the heart attack and have taken the retirement route... gone home to Vicky and the kids and perhaps acted as GM... to have caught it in time to have prolonged his career to today or even another couple of years would have meant he never saw a world title at all...

I think he would have still been inducted in that years HOF and still made sporadic WWE appearances now... but on the whole, Eddie had one more reign in him at most when he passed... I wish he had survived but like Rude, Hennig, Pillman and Davey Boy the damage that killed them was so far in the past that it would have had to have stopped in early adulthood...

If Eddie was healthy, had not had the demons in his past, he would probably not got to where he did... so rather than wonder what if... I prefer to celebrate what was...

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