Where was the Mr. McMahon "Death" angle going?


Occasional Pre-Show
I was thinking about this last night, As I'm sure everyone knows the angle was cut short due to Benoits actual death.

But I was thinking, where was this going? I'm sure they were going to try to find out who was responsible for McMahons limo exploding, or something.. idk

Since I'm somewhat new to the IWC I didnt really read anything back then, so maybe the internet gave clues as to where it was going, or something.

So, I would like to know,
Where do you guys think this was going?
or, If some one knows,
Where was it actually going?
I think that if this angle had not ended so soon due to the actual death of Benoit i believe this feud would have gone on to see how much his family cared bout him or if it was all bout his will then have him come out and say he faked his death to learn the truth bout his friends and family and how they felt bout him. thats just my opinion on the storyline though
First of all i Think this Belongs in Old school

And to answer your Question I think the McMahons would all Grevie Except for Steph (Heel Turn) She would Act Sad to get people to do things for her then one night Shane would come Down to the ring and Claiming That he Know who does but steph Doesn't want it to be revealed so she turns his Mic off this continues for a few weeks Then Vinces Comesback and Says he Knows steph is behind it he knew all along but needed evidence which he did not have untill now
so he plants a Body Double in the Car he puts it in a seat then Leaves And isn't deteced somehow
And Fires Steph

Steph would no longer be a V.P and iwould no longer be head of creative
It seems that McMahon would have no longer been an on-screen character, unless they revealed he had escaped somehow. So, because of the Benoit murders, we perhaps got McMahon on TV for a few years longer. Kind of strange.
Steph would no longer be a V.P and iwould no longer be head of creative

You're head of creative!? Good God, no wonder it sucks so bad.

Anyways I also believe that it would've just been the end of the McMahon "character" with a possible follow-up power struggle storyline involving the remaining McMahons.
I would not be surprised if the whole "death" angle was seen as a prelude to the "bastard son" angle that was to elevate Mr Kennedy to the main event and potentially world champion before he got suspended.
I think that when Vince's will was read out, he left all his money to his "illegitimate son" (yes I don't think that was just the story line because of Benoit's death, I think Kennedy was always going to be involved) with Kennedy being the illegitimate son since he hadn't failed a drugs test then.

Then there'd be a big rivalry with Kennedy taking out Shane at possibly something like the Royal Rumble with him hiring hitmen beforehand to beat Kennedy, to no avail. This gets Triple H involved in the feud who's the champion and Kennedy v Triple H for the title at Wrestlemania. Vince returns in the match and screw Triple H like he screwed The Rock at Wrestlemania 17. Next night on Raw he claims that none of his family cared for him and it was proven when he left everything to Kennedy because all the family cared about was getting nothing in the will.
Things would've played out the same way they did, just with minor differences and different timing. Consider what actually happened:

-When Vince returned after the limo explosion, he said he faked his death to see who really cared about him (but this didn't lead anywhere), and then he was informed of an illigimate long lost child. That was going to be Mr Kennedy, but because he was suspended, it ended up being Hornswaggle and the storyline was scrapped.
-The next year, the stage collapsed on Vince. This could be seen as a restart of the death angle.
-When he came back, he entered into a fued with Randy Orton, where Orton was going after the entire McMahon family, eventually leading to Triple H being revealed as Vince's son-in-law and defending the McMahon family.

The original plan would've combined elements of all of these. He would've returned to reveal that he faked his death because he wanted to see who really cared for him, which would've eventually lead to the discovery that he had a lost long child. And since Shane and Stephanie didn't care about him, this 3rd child would get his love, support, control of the WWE, etc. Eventually it would've been revealed as Mr Kennedy (if he was never suspended), who would've had the same fued with the McMahons that Randy Orton did. It would've been revealed that he faked the test results(he wasn't really his son), but there was nothing the McMahons could do because he already had part ownership or whatever(much like there was nothing they could to Orton because he had a guaranteed title shot at WM thanks to his Royal Rumble win). Eventually Triple H would've stepped in to defend them, leading to Kennedy vs. Triple H at Wrestlemania.

You don't just completely scrap massive storylines like that. A lot of time and effort was put into the planning, and obviously they really liked what they had. So everything eventually played out like it would have, all the major plot points still took place, just with slight adjustments along the way.
Everyone seems to have mostly nailed it right. The night of the Benoit tribute show, was suppose to be a memorial to Vince, where if I remember right, the show was going to end with Linda being arrested for Vince's "murder". Kennedy was always scheduled to be involved as Vince's co-conspirator. I'm not sure if it would be as his son, but the pay off of the feud would be HHH vs Kennedy. The angle would of also revealed HHH as the son in law on camera. I agree with everyone who said that the Kennedy-McMahons/HHH feud would of been the same as the Orton feud heading into WM25. Vince would of returned either in the fall or winter, and revealed the whole plan including the arrest of Linda. HHH's return in the summer of 07 would also have been different, as there would of been no need for the feud with Booker T.
I think it was to see who Vinnie Mac's true allies were and who were his enemies. Shane, Steph, everyone probably would have had been a suspect and it would have played out like the game CLUE. Who knows? It may have even brought the stupid guest host G.M. angle into play that much earlier. But I think we all are putting too much on this because if I've learned anything it's that no storyline is iron clad when it comes to the WWE and it's an ebb and flow kind of deal.

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