Where to now for John Morrison?


Fucking Hostile
So, as of late John Morrison has obviously been receiving a push, getting to feud with and even defeat Sheamus, cleanly might I add, and, prior to that, engaging in a short feud with Chris Jericho in which he got a couple of victories. Not only that but he has been given a new parkour gimmick which the announcers have plated up and put over big time. It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that he has been receiving a push.

However, that is not what this thread is about per se. What this thread is about is where this push will lead. After his feud with Sheamus is over (presumably after TLC) where will he go? Will he be skyrocketed to the title scene? Will he win the Royal Rumble? Will he turn heel? Will he fade to obscurity like so many before him, especially given it is so close to Mania? Will he feud with Nexus?

Personally I feel he will be given a treatment similar to that of Sheamus from this time last year, only without the title run. By that I mean, he will be pushed to the top of the card on Raw as a face, something they are very lacking in with Cena "fired", possibly getting a title match at the Rumble or even on Raw against The Miz. Then come Mania time he will be downplayed bit but still given a relatively major feud (possibly against Punk) `a la Sheamus vs Hunter from this year. Post Mania he will get a few PPV title matches coming up just short but looking good. Then come MITB he will win the briefcase and turn heel cashing it in like Punk did against Hardy.

Anyway that is enough from me what are your thoughts. Where will John Morrison's current push lead him?
With Cena gone, I think WWE is taking this opportunity to elevate one of RAW's midcarders into the main event. I think WWE is trying to recreate the scenario from a couple years ago that involved Cena being out of action and Jeff Hardy breaking into the main event scene in his absence. I think Morrison is playing Hardy's role in this case. I dunno if he'll necessarily be a Main Eventer anytime soon but I think he will be transitioning back and forth between the upper midcard and main event. But the man really needs to work on his mic skills. It's painful for mento have to listen to him talk. It sounds like he's reading a script.

All that aside, I think if he can brush up on that a little he can be a shoe in for MITB at Wrestlemania this year or the MITB ppv and become world champion by late next year (at the earliest).

EDIT: I also wouldn't be surprised to see Miz and Morrison feud over the title and reignite their feud from awhile back.
I think the most obvious place for Morrison to go and the best way to elevate him to ME level without having him win the title just yet (I'm a Morrison mark and even I don't think he's ready for that yet) is for him to have an unsuccessful feud with the Miz for the WWE title.
Have him win a number one contenders match and fight Miz at Royal Rumble in a losing effort, perhaps getting screwed over in the process.

Then as a few have said he should be a shoe in for MITB at Mania.
The most obvious answer is King of the Ring. John will most likely have a bit of a buzz to create in there, perhaps get to the semi finals and loose or something. I don't see much else for him right now. But I am somewhat expecting it to be something ala Sheamus beating him in the tournament and to continue their feud.

It's hard to say where exactly John is going. I'd hate to admit that he might be going into the main event, because I don't want to see that personally. But I do think he's at least getting somewhat of a push into challenging for the belt at some point, but nothing more than that. Not some sort of permanent position in the main event, rather than a firm upper mid-card position, where he could occasionally be served as food for the world champions.
In light of this Whole situation of Miz winning the WWE championship, I am very, VERY glad that the WWE has not forgotten about Morrison. I always hear about how Great the Miz is, solely due to the fact that he can talk on the Mic, and that Morrison sucks because he can't talk on the mic......Are Mic skills really that Important?

Bret Hart has always....and I mean ALWAYS been mediocre on the mic, yet to this day he is considered one of the Greatest of All-time. Chris Benoit was nothing Special on the Mic, but he got pushed to the Moon....

If your someone like the Miz, who can't have a great match unless he is Wrestling against someone who is more talented than he is, then Mic skills are very important in getting over with the crowd....And the Miz has accomplished that, so I applaud him for that. But if Bret Hart and Benoit could get over with the fans solely due to they're Wrestling skills, who say's that Morrison can't?

As far as his current push is concerned, I can see three options.....

1. He win's the King of the ring Tournament- Him and Sheamus are without a doubt the most likely one's to win, so this option seems likely.

2. He becomes the Number one contender for Miz's WWE title- This one is kind of Stretching it, I'm sure Orton is gonna try to win back the title during the Next couple of PPV's....but you never know.

3. They drop the ball, and Morrison get's sent back down to the Lower mid-card- Ok, I have to admit this would royally piss me off....

These are just my thoughts though, I don't claim to have an "All-powerful" opinion. This whole subject is up for debate :)
I could see the following scenario happening:

1) Morrison makes it to the finals of the King of the Ring tournament and is screwed out of it by Sheamus.

2) They have a rematch at TLC and Morrison beats him again.

3) Morrison becomes the #1 contender and loses to the Miz at the Royal Rumble.

4) Morrison either has a rematch at Elimination Chamber or comes in 2nd or 3rd place in Raw's EC.

5) Some kind of midcard match at WrestleMania

6) A draft to Smackdown where he becomes one of the top faces.

7) A few months later, if all things are going well, a possible title reign.

Or...they could do what they tend to do...forget about him and feed him to Sheamus lol. I hope that doesn't happen, as I'm a big Morrison fan and he's one of my favorites that they have right now, but they do go that route sometimes, unfortunately.

Best case scenario, he gets the Hardy treatment with the Royal Rumble championship shot and keeps that momentum. The Royal Rumble is a great time to throw someone from the upper midcard into a title feud as they don't need to rely on the title matches selling the ppv. The Royal Rumble match itself does that. I wouldn't be surprised to see Miz vs Morrison for the WWE title, and on Smackdown's side, something like Edge vs Del Rio (or Jack Swagger if he wins King of the Ring) for the WHC.
Morrison has been nothing short of fantastic in the ring over the past few weeks. I'm sure a more knowledgeable wrestling fan could nitpick at John's nontraditional style, but for the average guy like me, he looks great.

His mic skills... still need a little work. His little talk with Arn Anderson back stage wasn't terrible, but it left a lot to be desired. This feud with the bully Sheamus is a hot button issue, as bullying has been scrutinized by schools and even the government as of late, and he could and SHOULD use this to his advantage. All John Morrison has to do is seem a little more passionate about what he says and this feud would be taken to the next level. Right now I'd say it's nothing more than a grudge feud, both competitors hate each other. But if Morrison starts becoming impassioned about preventing Sheamus from bullying other superstars, the feud is no longer over a stupid grudge, but it's about a moral issue, and that's good shit right there.

So what's next for JoMo? I think he and Sheamus meet in the KoTR finals where JoMo is either put over Sheamus, or screwed out of the victory, and then they fight over the crown at TLC, where Morrison wins. After a final match on RAW, Morrison uses his newly bestowed King powers to get himself a title match with Miz at the Rumble, where Miz beats him with a cheap win, but not a totally dirty win (perhaps holding the tights during a roll-up or using the ropes for leverage). He'll be put in the EC and finish in the top 4, and maybe we'll see him become the next Mr. Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania. Whatever they do I hope to GOD he's not put anywhere near the tag division. That would be a gigantic step backwards for John.
Id love to see him win King of the Ring. In the past when it was relevant, winning that would elevate you to main event status at some point. Morrison is just about there and now with Miz winning the title, hopefully it will help Morrison get to where he should be.
whether they are building him for a trade for smackdown or not if he does good n wwe books him well anyone see him winning royal rumble and main eventing wrestlemania and fianlly getting that world championship everyone says he should have won
the thing about Morrison is that I WANT to see him in the main event, and I WANT to see him with the WWE title....Im just afraid one day his mic skills are going to hold him back....it seems lately he has been upping his in ring game that much more where its almost like I dont care about his mic skills, but of course mic skills are important......I dunno....Daniel Bryan doesnt need King of the Ring....Big Zeke would be interesting but he just came back and is getting over...I think a feud with Sheamus would be interesting for Zeke....I do like the idea Sheamus winning it and defending against Morrison at TLC, possibly in a Tables match to make it more interesting....I want to Morrison with the gold even more now seeing Miz win it.....Im just afraid Triple H will come back too soon and Morrison will be clearly overshadowed
I'd like to think that with Cena "fired" for the moment and HHH not yet back that the WWE is using this time to give the main event picture a slight "facelift" for lack of a better term. We all know that as soon as Cena and HHH return they will be put right back into the main event in short order if not immediately. With the Miz as champion (not that I agree with it), adding Morrison to the mix and possibly elevating Dibiase and Bryan to upper-mid card status would sure give the main event picture a breath of fresh air. I'm thinking if Sheamus doesn't win the King of the Ring on RAW next week, Morrison will. (I don't think that after Bragging Rights that SmackDown! will win this inter-promotional event too!). The WWE has pointed out that headliners like Stone Cold and HHH have used it to launch them into the elite ranks of the WWE. This could be just what Morrison needs to take him to the next level.
I can easily see him winning King of the Ring. Who better to be built up to feud with Miz than his old tag team partner? It would also be the best way to get Morrison his first world title. He gets pushed as the King of the Ring winner and then feuds with Miz, defeating him to prove that he was the Michaels of their team all along. With Cena taking some time off it's the perfect time to build Morrison up to break into the main event because he will make a great champion when he finally wins it.
I see him having a nice showing in the King of The Ring tournament, perhaps even defeating Sheamus again to advance to the Finals. A match between two of WWE's most flamboyant character's in Morrison and Del Rio wouldnt be a bad thing. I don't see him winning the whole thing, but even with a loss to Del Rio, it wouldn't hurt his stock much. Have an enraged Sheamus distract him in some way and allow Del Rio to pick up the win would allow Morrison to still look strong in defeat and continue his feud with Sheamus.

The other thing I wouldnt mind seeing, and they teased it last night, is a reunion with Melina. Ive always thought Morrison was a mouthpiece away from being in the upper tier, and Melina has proven she can certainly be just that. It could even elevate him into a title match or two, especially now that his former tag team partner is the WWE champion, and we've yet to see them feud extensively, despite being on the same brand for 7 months.

Either way, I dont think this will be a case where Morrison gets a start-stop push. I think he'll wind up in the main event picture as several other faces such as Cena and Orton may be involved with Nexus, leaving the door wide open for a Morrison. He may not win the title, at least in the near future, but I expect him to hover around the title picture. Perhaps he'll even win the MITB ladder match at Wrestlemania, and we could see him as champion within the next year.
I think the MITB suggesting seems like a realistic one. He'll probably get some sort of shot at the title before then (probably as a triple threat/fatal fourway/ elimination chamber type match) where he puts in a really good showing, etc.
Hopefully the next thing for Morrison is nothing! His ring work sucks, botched spots do not make a good wrestler (yes Jeff Hardy botched but personally he had me pulling for him) he is more boring than a David Cameron interview (for those of you who don't know he is the Prime Minister of Great Britain) and overall he has NOTHING going for him! They have tried to give him the Rick Rude 'look' but Rick Rude could wrestle, the whole 'rock star' entrance and gimmick is not being pulled off by him and face or heel is promos make me want to eat my own ears so i don't have to listen to him using oxygen that I could be breathing!
Hopefully the next thing for Morrison is nothing! His ring work sucks, botched spots do not make a good wrestler (yes Jeff Hardy botched but personally he had me pulling for him) he is more boring than a David Cameron interview (for those of you who don't know he is the Prime Minister of Great Britain) and overall he has NOTHING going for him! They have tried to give him the Rick Rude 'look' but Rick Rude could wrestle, the whole 'rock star' entrance and gimmick is not being pulled off by him and face or heel is promos make me want to eat my own ears so i don't have to listen to him using oxygen that I could be breathing!

Ugh! Why even bother posting if you're just going to slag somoene off without offering constructive criticism? Seriously, you havnt even made an attempt at a valid criticism and most of what you said either contradicts itself, or makes no sense at all:

- You've made a vague and unsubstantiated reference to "botching", but then acknowledged that Jeff Hardy does the same thing, but you dont mind in his case, because you like hardy. You've demonstrated your own bias and basically shot yourself in the foot. Just like Hardy, if enough people enjoy Morrison, then Vince won't let the odd botched move stop him pushing the guy (and when you wrestle in Morrison's style, the odd botch is inevitable).

- They havnt remotely tried to emulate Rick Rude's look. I'm not sure where the hell you're getting this from. Rude's "look" was that of a body-builder come male stripper; he would strut to the ring to pole dancing music, sporting a huge porno moustache, and grind his hips at the women while taking his robe off seductively. Jomo's "look" is that of a rock star; they pretty much draw on his strong resemblence to Jim Morrison, incorporating the Shaman jacket, the sunglasses, the hair, but gave it a modern flare and made it a little bit less dark and more mainstream. So, one was a muscle-bound, heavyset ab-grinding male stripper, the other is a slim, nu-agey rock star. And you've managed to mix the two up. Well done, that takes some doing.

Really, man, you've got every right not to like someone and to voice your displeasure, but why write a post that just slags someone off and says nothing constructive whatsoever?

Are Mic skills really that Important?

Bret Hart has always....and I mean ALWAYS been mediocre on the mic, yet to this day he is considered one of the Greatest of All-time. Chris Benoit was nothing Special on the Mic, but he got pushed to the Moon....

I agree with you on Benoit and Hart (except during Hart's anti-American heel period, at which point his mic work was actually very good). Right now, Morrison's primary goal should be to improve his mic work in order to bring it to a Hart/Benoit level. As someone else said, his promos are cringeworthy right now and he sounds like he's reading from a script.

Hart and Benoit were examples of guys who were so overwhelmingly talanted in other areas, that their lack of mic skills didnt stop them from being main eventers. Having said that, they were competent enough on the mic that they were still able to sell their storylines and verbally explain why such-and-such an upcoming match was an important one, without the fans totally switching off. Just as importantly, when working with people who were good on the mic, they were able to converse back and forth and give that person something to work with. The verbal altercations between Benoit and Angle were gold, and 95% of that was Angles doing. But Benoit deserves some credit for being able to actually converse with Angle on the mic and go back and forth with him. If he'd just recited his own lines like a robot without reacting emotionally to what Angle was saying, then Angle would have had nobody to "play to", and the comedy/drama would have fallen flat. Same goes with alot of the Bret/Austin stuff. Even though the mic wasnt Bret or Benoits strong suit, they at least managed to lift this aspect of their game to a level where they werent a liability on the mic.

Morrison has a very marketable look and tremendous ring skills, with a very distinct wrestling style. Like Hart and Benoit, if he can just become competent on the mic, then these traits might well be enough to make him a main eventer.
if jomo does not produce the goods in his fued with a main eventer in sheamus (wrestling and most importantly mic talk) then its back to the good old tag division for jomo or become a midcarder for life
I agree, with cena gone, the three faces who get the biggest push are santino, morrison and orton. (btw that list doesn't state how close, because orton's pops are often larger than cenas) And you could have just one major face, it could work. But if morrison gets listed to main event then he will almost certainly get mic time and that's is absolute gold for a guy who was better than the Miz as a talker in the day. People say morrison hasn't got much personlity, I ask people if they have ever seen the dirt sheet. The only problem with morrison on the mic is that he rusty, so elevating to the major leagues, maybe having him continue his sheamus feud will do wonders for what people expect to see from him when he's grasping the microphone.

My point is that he has potential. He has the in-ring ability + unique fighting style coupled with the fact that he is arguably the best athlete in the entire WWE, once being a toss out between him and shelton. And most importantly he has the potential to be good on the mic, we know this because it's happened before. I actually think he has been good even since he became face and I always post this example:


Hell you can disagree, but I found what he did here very funny and makes me question the rep he gets from having poor skills. I think if you add all these things then you have a man who would be the obvious choice to elevate on raw, I means for god's sake his wrestling style COVERS the accounting for him being on raw, because the way he wrestles in itself IS entertaining. Just hope that it happens, and I think it starts with king of the ring personally.
So, as of late John Morrison has obviously been receiving a push, getting to feud with and even defeat Sheamus, cleanly might I add, and, prior to that, engaging in a short feud with Chris Jericho in which he got a couple of victories. Not only that but he has been given a new parkour gimmick which the announcers have plated up and put over big time. It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that he has been receiving a push.

However, that is not what this thread is about per se. What this thread is about is where this push will lead. After his feud with Sheamus is over (presumably after TLC) where will he go? Will he be skyrocketed to the title scene? Will he win the Royal Rumble? Will he turn heel? Will he fade to obscurity like so many before him, especially given it is so close to Mania? Will he feud with Nexus?

Personally I feel he will be given a treatment similar to that of Sheamus from this time last year, only without the title run. By that I mean, he will be pushed to the top of the card on Raw as a face, something they are very lacking in with Cena "fired", possibly getting a title match at the Rumble or even on Raw against The Miz. Then come Mania time he will be downplayed bit but still given a relatively major feud (possibly against Punk) `a la Sheamus vs Hunter from this year. Post Mania he will get a few PPV title matches coming up just short but looking good. Then come MITB he will win the briefcase and turn heel cashing it in like Punk did against Hardy.

Anyway that is enough from me what are your thoughts. Where will John Morrison's current push lead him?

To start things off I believe he will win King of the Ring which will just about boost him up to the top. And at some point a feud with the Miz is inevitable, hopefully Miz still has the belt at this point. But maybe it won't work out, they are giving it a good attempt so we'll just wait and see.
I see Morrison winning the Rumble, and using his Title shot against Miz at Mania to finally conclude their feud. If not, then I see him winning MITB at Mania easily. That's the most likely possible scenarios.

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