Where is the WWE at right now?

CM Steel

A REAL American
After this past monday's showing of RAW it appears that the WWE storyline wise is heading into a whole new direction. From Triple H screwing Daniel Bryan out of the WWE championship and naming Randy Orton the "face" of the WWE. To Ryback almost raping a man in the shower of the WWE locker room. John Cena is out of action for 4-6 months with an injury. So this gives the guys on the WWE roster a chance to shine and make an impact with Super Cena out of the picture for awhile. So they have NO EXCUSE now. It's all on them to be a star (no pun intended).

And what is this power trip with Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon-Levesque, Triple H, and Randy Orton? Evolution 2.0 or the McMahon-Helmsley faction/machine 2.0? So we now have a strongly built storyline with a new heel stable from now to Wrestlemania 30. Daniel Bryan is the biggest babyface over right now in the E. Rob Van Dam is on a limited contract, Kane is shooting a movie right now, the Undertaker is injured (again). So beside's the Big Show there appears to be no solid babyface's currently in the WWE.

So really, where is the WWE at right now creative wise?
Its going with the underdog angle of Bryan vs the corporation, in my eyes. Bryan has fulfilled his role in the WWE elegantly for the past year, but the next four months is crucial. Its either make or break.

Where is WWE at Creative wise?
That is a hard question to answer, but they're in the midst of unravelling the big summer angle, with more details to come.

With Cena and Sheamus gone for a while, if I were WWE, I'd help keep the fort by making someone return.
There have been reports of Rey Mysterio returning soon within the next two weeks, according to Wrestlezone.

If this is to believe, Rey will be able to boost ratings and I think he's big enough to fill most of Cena's missing void. However, I want him to be put into a fresh feud and scenario. For the past year or so, having him in the tag team division and achieving nothing and then feuding with Del Rio for x amount of time wasn't my cup of tea.
I'd like him to be put into the corporation storyline, or challenging the shield for tag team gold.

The next four months are either make or break
I say that while Cena & Sheamus are out just replace them w/ lookalikes like they did years ago w/ Razor & Diesel. Little kids won't notice. And whatever randoms they get, I'm guessing, will wind up being more entertaining than the originals which will lead to some very interesting talks when the 2 bozos are ready to return.
All in all, I'm thinking that WWE is going with something along the lines of Daniel Bryan taking on the WWE corporate machine. They're playing up the fact that Daniel Bryan isn't your prototypical WWE star fighting an uphill battle against the very power structure, hence the ones truly in charge of WWE as a whole, as part of Bryan's passionate underdog aspect. WWE has portrayed Bryan as something of an underdog since his very first appearance on NXT 3.5 years ago and, all in all, it's worked. It's also believable because Bryan really isn't your typical WWE star based on what we know about who he is as a person.

Bryan's a 5'9" or 5'10" 200-210 pound guy with something of a down to earth, laid back, almost hippie mentality in some ways. You never see him wearing custom made suits, driving $100,000 cars, living in some huge palatial mansion, etc. His hair is a little shaggy, he has a mountain man style beard and comes off like a "regular guy" in a lot of ways. People like "regular guys", they're simply easier to relate to. Wrestlers who come off as "regular guys" can have a major place in the grand scheme of things, especially when they're up against people who come off as the opposite of a "regular guy". Vince McMahon is the CEO of WWE, a man whose vision was to make WWE the biggest and most successful wrestling company in the world and he did it. He's the true power behind a company with assets totaling roughly $3.4 billion. Stephanie McMahon is his one and only daughter, definitely a daddy's girl, and has used the fact that she's Vince's only daughter to become a power player in WWE. Triple H is a former bodybuilder turned wrestler with an outstanding physique that's gone on to become a 13 time World Champion, has garnered an astonishing degree of influence in WWE, is married to Stephanie McMahon and will ultimately be running WWE itself someday. Randy Orton is a 10 time World Champion in WWE, a guy with movie star good looks, a "bad boy" style attitude and great athletic ability. When you put all of Orton's attributes together, it makes men wanna be him and women wanna be with him.

People love the notion of someone that's more of a "normal person" overcoming such overwhelming odds. They especially love it if this "normal person" is someone that's very likeable, has a tremendous amount of heart and a ton of ability to go with that heart. I've heard some people compare Bryan as a modern version of Mick Foley and from a character perspective, that's true I think. Mick Foley was also someone who was very much a "normal guy" in the sense that, aside from the various "multiple personality" gimmicks, people related to him. He was a "normal guy" that was a loving husband & father, certainly didn't have great physical attributes, didn't have a good body, didn't have movie star like features and really wasn't even a good technical wrestler. He could cut great promos, he wasn't afraid to put his body on the line to entertain fans and he ultimately connected with them on an emotional level. As a result, people loved him and he became a top star in WWE. Bryan is relatable to a lot of people because he's more "normal". He's a far, far better athlete & in-ring wrestler than Mick Foley ever was and he also has that fiery passion and general likeability going for him.

There's still a lot of time between now and WM for this storyline to change back into more of a sort of power struggle. For instance, maybe Vince winds up "forced out" by Trips & Stephanie or Vince & Stephanie force Trips out with whomever is "forced out" having to come with hat in hand to Daniel Bryan for help.

Regardless of where it ultimately goes, I see Daniel Bryan being made a central focus of the WWE. He's insanely over right now and he, along with CM Punk, are WWE's best chance of delivering some good ratings as Raw heads into the Fall TV season and the return of Monday Night Football. As I said in another post, there's no guarantee that Punk or Bryan can deliver big ratings against MNF. There's no guarantee that anyone can, Cena was front & center last year but it didn't keep Raw's ratings from sliding to decade+ lows sometimes. However, as I said, Bryan or possibly even Punk, is WWE's best shot right now because he's extremely over, he's up against some really over heels and he's a very fresh face in the main event scene.
The WWE is in a good spot with 2 stale stars out gives WWE a chance when they return to make them interesting again. The McMahon Family vs Danial Bryan almost reminds me of the Austin vs McMahon feud. As long as we don't see Triple H in the ring unless its if Bryan wins he gets a title shot match. Sorry Triple H fans but I think its time for Triple H to either only wrestle at mani or not at all and worry more about the outside the ring business RVD chasing Del Rio this means fans are going to be interested in both the World Title and the WWE championship this will be the 1st time anyone cared about the World title since Edge was champion. The shield is always a interest but Curtis Axel nobody cares about him anymore he has failed take the IC title from him and get him away from Heyman the guy is talented in the ring but his character has failed over all even with Cena and Sheamus out i see alot of great things coming.
The WWE right now is in its best state since about 2009. It's becoming watchable again. It's becoming funny again. It's unpredictable at times again. There are a rich variety of well-defined characters. There are compelling storylines. The promos are improving. There is a championship belt that everyone can take seriously.

I've been a huge critic of WWE over the past couple of years because it just hasn't been good. There's no other way to describe it. Unlike internet wrestling marks will place gold star on anything with the WWE brand on it, casual wrestling fans couldn't watch Raw for more than a few minutes before getting bored and changing the channel. Casual wrestling fans were the 10 year old kids giving the middle finger to the camera on Raw in 1997. When casual wrestling fans have something worth watching again, the ratings will blossom.

Nevermind that casual wrestling fans, once diehard wrestling fans, have digested the reality that everything is scripted. That's not why they haven't tuned in. Pro wrestling is a phenomenon. It's a culture. It has a place in every 21-90 year old man's heart. It's why Wrestlemania gets 1,000,000+ buys every year despite really sucking in recent years. Casual wrestling fans tune out for most of the year, then respond to the WM marketing blitz, then buy the program in hopes that they'll see something classic, then tune out again because it didn't meet their expectations.

Now there's something to watch again. There's still a lot of grooming to do in order to make it great, but there's no doubt that they're on track. The main event picture draws right now. The mid card has the right guys, but it needs the right storylines to also draw. Tag teams still have a ways to go, the divas need a few more watchable women, but the ducks are in order for McMahon and Triple H. There will be a major payoff if they can knock them down. Casual wrestling fans, my peers, will return.
I personally feel the WWE is in its best postion/situation it has been in for quite some time now. That being said, it is still up to WWE/creative to capitalize on this or drop the ball. 3 or 4 years ago WWE losing Cena for 4-6 months would have certainly created an insane feeling of panic for WWE but it certainly doesnt feel that way now. Maybe there is some panic in the back. There shouldnt be. Even before this Cena hiatus WWE was actually doing a pretty good job at building some lower and mid card talent. Storylines were beginning to improve some. Interest outside of the main event often times seemed to intrigue fans more than interest in the main feud which usually always involved Cena. Now with Cena out(and even Sheamus) these guys have a wide open lane to build themselves up towards that main event and that falls on the individual and also on creative. This is also a great scenario for WWE. Bryan is on fire, Punk is hot. Orton is heating up. Sandow and Rhodes are coming up followed by a slew of others. The greatest plus for WWE? Giving the 4-6 month timetable, when Cena is ready to return it will be during the road to WM!!! By this time he wont be stale, people will actually look forward to a Cena return even if they swear against it. And interest in Cena at WM will be at an all time high even without The Rock. Lets face it were u really THAT interested in Rock-Cena2??
I think that the WWE is in a wonderful state right now.

WWE is in a position to create a new mega star in Daniel Bryan. Also, WWE has created a great storyline with the everyday man vs the huge corporation. They've made Orton and HHH heels again which, IMO, is when they're at their best. As a matter of fact, I had forgotten how great of a heel Trips was until his big speech and antics on Monday. After his speech and after the RKO, I found myself feeling like a kid again and hating HHH. That's the best compliment that I could pay to him. He was so good on Monday that I actually found myself hating him, Vince, Stephanie, and Orton. I haven't had an emotional response to a wrestling storyline in a long time.

I think that with D-Bry becoming a mega star and with CM Punk being the other huge face on the roster and with Trips and Orton being the major heels, along with the supporting cast of the Shield, the WWE is in great shape right now. I think that they will do well during Cena's absence. The main event picture is fine. All they have to do is keep a pretty decent mid card and with RVD going after Del Rio for the WHC, Big Show and Mark Henry teaming up, and with Rhodes and Sandow making some noise the mid card is looking great as well.

Creatively, IMO, the WWE is doing great.
I've been out on the WWE since basically around the time HBK retired. He was the last thing "holding" me onto the WWE product and I've been in and out ever since. This week was the first episode of Raw I've watched since 2 weeks after Wrestlemania last year. I follow the results online, but nothing really intrigued me, but I decided to give WWE one more try after the buzz surrounding Summerslam. I got annoyed in the past by WWE's insistance on repetitive matches, pushing Super Cena, and in general, being ridiculously predictable. The matches were ALL cookie cutter material with guys hitting their spots and moving on. I much preferred the action in TNA and the wrestlers in TNA in general, so I've been watching them on my WWE hiatus. My impressions of Raw this week were:

- I REALLY liked the show. It was basically great throughout. Daniel Bryan is wonderful. Punk is awesome (this coming from a guy who thinks Punk is overrated in general). Cena was even pretty good.

- The matches were nice, though still repetitive. Rhodes/Sandow the night after they wrestled at Summerslam? Um, why? But then you had the Shield wrestling twice, Bray Wyatt (by the way, I am NOT in on the whole Bray Wyatt is the next big thing bandwagon like most of the IWC), and even Wade Barrett/Miz wasn't bad. I enjoyed the in-ring work
- So...much...Twitter....it's annoying. TNA does it, but not to the extent WWE does. And guess what? #ImpactLive usually is trending on Thursday nights....

- Again, what's the deal w/ Bray Wyatt? Why is he "entertaining?" I don't get it. Must not be my cup of tea...

- I love the Orton/HHH/McMahon thing going on, but I have to be honest: The Shield starting pounding Daniel Bryan as Mark Henry (notably) was on the stage. Henry has been feuding w/ the Shield. I don't care if HHH told them there'd be trouble if they interfered, wouldn't he at least go after them or start to? He didn't...Were Ziggler and Big Show up there? It just seems illogical...

- 2 hours...18 minutes without commercials. Dear goodness. How do people do this every week? Using an analogy from "Boston Legal" and Denny Crane on there, "When you have a hot fudge sundae, it's a while before you want one again." WWE gave a hot fudge sundae on Raw and I want to tune in again next week, but man...it just takes a lot out of you to watch something the length of a WWE PPV every week....doesn't it?

I enjoyed Raw and I think WWE is in a good spot. I'll likely tune in again next week, but what if it's repetitive? What if I decide it isn't worth 2 hours and 18 minutes every week to watch a convoluted social media extravaganza? I like what they're doing, but I wish there was just less of it. 3 hours a week is overwhelming and as we saw with WCW in the late 90s, people run out of steam with it and it grows stale. That's dangerous territory for the WWE.
They are in the same position they were in 92/93... A lot of older stars beginning to wane, younger guys who don't quite fit the mould...and mainstream publicity from unexpected sources...

In 92 you had Hogan not really leaving, a bit like Rock, Savage like Punk - getting a run but not having full confidence and Bret in the same position as Bryan... Vince doesn't WANT a guy like Bryan any more than he wanted Bret but the roid scandal and wellness today is forcing things that way. Bret got more fan mail than most of the roster and was over in spite of the machine, just as DB is.

You had guys with hype like ADR not living up to the billing, just like Flair... The only thing that saved 92 was the publicity Wembley generated in the mainstream after a lacklustre and flawed Mania and today it's Total Diva's and Darren Young's preferences...

They tried in 92 to create new guys but only really Shawn made it from what they had but brought in new guy's like Razor, Diesel, Yoko and Kid... And you have just had Wyatt and the Shield come up...and 93 brought misguided pushes for Perfect, Luger and Crush... Or Ziggler and Axel... And keeping the best guy, who fans wanted away from the belt by any means... Bret v Lawler is DB v HHH!

Vince and creative are being forced in new directions but want tradition more than ever with a landmark mania looming... Only this time there is no competition to spur things... If the E tanks again there is no way back, no magic balm...

Honestly, I think Vince wants to sell to Disney, that they are investors in the new Marvel thing screams it... Vince wants DIsney to buy the E and pay him to run it before he ever let's it become Wrestling again...and Bryan is a wrestler as we all know...

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