Where is the deadman?


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I was looking around the site, and am extremely curious. where is the deadman.We have seen the rock, cena, and possibly punk setup. We have seen the possible setup to the match with brock and triple h being worked out, and yet we have yet to see any glimpse of a promo or word on whether the deadman will arrive for Wrestlemania season. What does everyone think, is he still going to show up this year with all of the stars that are already here, because this is his show, or will this be an off year for the dead man? If he does arrive, who are we going to see him rival with?

Sorry if there is already an post for this but cant find one, and it is driving me insane wondering if I am the only one getting the itch to see a Taker fued taking place.
Sometimes they start building up feuds for WrestleMania the night after the Royal Rumble, but not always. WrestleMania isn't until April 7, so they don't have to rush to bring him back to tv right now. Plus there is still another pay per view February 17th (Elimination Chamber). They're starting to bring back other wrestlers The Rock, Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, and if you count the one night appearances for the Royal Rumble match. It would make sense to bring him back after Elimination Chamber to build an on going feud between him and whomever, just my personal opinion.
They will wait for all the Lesnar/Rock hype to die down a little bit and get that set into place before they bring Taker in... There's not a whole lot of promoting they have to do for that match as it's been a main stage act for a while now. It goes without saying it's going to be included. It's not like Taker is going to wrestle between now and Mania, so what's the point of wasting multiple RAW segments of him coming out and dead-staring someone, and then pointing at the Wrestlemania sign like he's done the past couple of times?

I'm guessing the RAW after Elimination Chamber is when the Undertaker's role will begin.
I'm gonna say we see at least a glimpse of Taker at Elimination Chamber, during a chamber match or Rock v Punk, as Punk seems a likely candidate for his Wrestlemania opponent, I predict we hear the infamous gong during that match although I really would love to see at the end of a chamber match, all the lights go out, dong, inside one of the pods stands The Undertaker, lights go out, he's gone.
I'm gonna say we see at least a glimpse of Taker at Elimination Chamber, during a chamber match or Rock v Punk, as Punk seems a likely candidate for his Wrestlemania opponent, I predict we hear the infamous gong during that match although I really would love to see at the end of a chamber match, all the lights go out, dong, inside one of the pods stands The Undertaker, lights go out, he's gone.

I doubt we'll see Undertaker at the EC pay-per view - and I'd be willing to bet money that he wouldn't interfere in the WWE Title match (admittedly, I've bet money on things before and lost. So take that for what its worth). My skepticism of his involvement in the title match is that it wouldn't make sense. Why would 'Taker interfere in a match between Rock and Punk when he has no immediate history with either wrestler?

I understand that the rumors have Punk taking on Undertaker at 'Mania - and given the obvious set-up for Rock/Cena and Lesnar/TripleH, the rumors of Punk/Taker seem legit - but the program would seem completely forced if 'Taker instigated it by costing Punk the title. In addition, 'Taker randomly costing a guy the title would be a heel move.

My guess is that Punk loses to Rock at EC - and then goes even more berserk than he went last night. He'll say that if he can't be in the WWE Title match, then he's going to top the WWE Title match by ending the streak. That would plant the necessary seed to instigate a program with 'Taker.
I seen it on a other website, Taker hasn't completely made his mind up if he is going to compete or not, but the more likely opponent so far would be CM Punk.. There is still some time left, Taker only needs about 5 or 6 shows for the build and the match alone will sell itself.
Well considering its very likely he'll face CM Punk, there's really no need to bring him back until Punk is done with Rock
According to a report I read a few minutes ago on wrestlinginc.com, Taker is said to be frequently changing his mind about competing at WM.

From a physical standpoint, Taker is said to be in pretty bad shape. In a recent interview with Paul Bearer on pwtorch.com, he said that Taker is hurting really bad these days, especially his shoulder. Taker has been having issues with his right shoulder for a few years. Just prior to the announcement of him taking on Triple H again at WM last year, it was reported that Taker's shoulder was so bad that there was simply nothing else doctors could do for it. Taker's also had at least one hip replacement that I know of. I think he's also had at least one knee replaced but I can't say that for absolute certainty. Plus, just the overall wear & tear of the road has really caught up with him the past 4 or 5 years. He's someone that was known for frequently working through injuries for longer than he probably should have and pushing back time off to heal up for the sake of the company. As I said, it's caught up with him. There's also the fact that Taker will officially be 48 years old by the time WM 29 happens.

If Taker hangs it up or doesn't work at WM this year, I'll be personally disappointed as a fan but I certainly understand. In the Bearer interview, he said that Taker is happier in his life than he's ever been. He has a new daughter and has great relationships with his other children, a couple of whom are in their late teens. He's spending a lot of time with his family and just enjoying life. Taker's place in wrestling history as arguably the best and most versatile big man is secure. If & when he does hang it up, I hope WWE makes a big deal about it.

I'd say we'll know one way or the other by the time Elimination Chamber comes around. If he's not going to work at WM this year, it'll be broken online most likely.
Relax there's only been one Raw since the Rumble. I know we unofficially call this WM season but that doesn't mean everything and everyone is going to be revealed in one episode. I expect we will get a month of taped promos before we see the man again. We may not even get a match out him ever again. If so, we may get him as the headliner going in to the HoF.

Injuries and all I expect he will be on the card. Hopefully he feuds and faces Punk and loses by interference. It creates huge drama for Punk who technically gets to break the streak and has the moral dilemna of doing it in crooked fashion. It also gets humongous heat for whoever causes the interference. It could be The Shield but I'd rather it be one guy. Maybe The Shield breaks up over it and it gives one standout guy a chance to make his mark.

Of course breaking the streak is pointless until UT has decided that he is fighting his last WM match for at least until the nostalgia bug bites him in the wheelchair.
I DNT THINK WE WILL SEE THE DEADMAN RETURN till WM30 as rumors say his hip and shoulder are still pretty bad and hey peeps maybe at WM 30 we will have rick flair and hogan in a zimmerframe hell in a cell match lol

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