Where is "Rod" McMahon and will he take over WWE??


Pre-Show Stalwart
For those who may remember and for those who don't know, Vince McMahon Jr. has an older brother by the name of Rod (Vince McMahon Sr's first son by another woman). And after Vince Jr. took over the WWF/E from their father both had met one another.

So around the timeline where Vince McMahon Jr. introduce his wife and children on WWE TV as charactors, word got out (via internet) that Vince McMahon had indeed have a brother whose last name is McMahon. So in 2002 when RAW was to going to have a on-screen general manager. It was rumored that it was going to be Rod McMahon as the new GM of RAW. But it ended up being Eric Bischoff.

The last I heard Rod McMahon was working in the steel industry in Texas, but that's about it.

So if indeed that Vince McMahon Jr. will be stepping down as chairman of the WWE in the near future. Who will fill his seat as the new chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment? Shane? Stephanie? Triple H (hope not!)? Or Rod since he is a McMahon and only such position can be filled by a full-blooded McMahon.
If Vince retires it will be because he is too old. So his older brother takes his place? Doesn't make much sense to me. Rod McMahon (never heard of him in my life) clearly doesn't want to be involved with professional wrestling or be in the public eye at all.

I think it is accepted that when McMahon finally retires, Stephanie (the only McMahon with a interest in wrestling at the moment) will take over. Probably with a retired Triple H.
Well it doesn't make any since for Rod Mcmahon to take over he has no claim to the WWE because Vince was not handed the company he purchased it from his father so for any mcmahon to take it over but his children would not make any sense. I agree with the AladdinSane it sounds also like he has no interest in sport entertainment as he's done whatever he could to distance himself from the other mcmahon. (also never heard of the guy either lol )
Rod wouldn't take over.

I don't think any one person could fill in for Vince. He and Linda built that company from the ground up and Vince has been involved in every aspect of it in some form or another from the very beginning so I doubt there's anyone on this planet that knows as much as Vince does about that company. They'll likely have multiple people filling in for Vince when he passes on (because there's no way he's going to retire lol. I mean let's face it, as long as he's alive and kicking he'll be involved.) because NO one person could do it. Right now a bunch of people run a bunch of different departments but they all report to Vince (according to HHH) and when he passes, those people who report to him will have to step up their game. Anyways.. long story slightly less long (lol), Rod hasn't had anything to do with it until now and I would be very surprised to see him ever have anything to do with it. Someone said Stephanie will probably run it, which is a good point. Vince out - Stephanie in lol.
Who the fuck is Rod McMahon? I've been watching wrestling for 12 years and never heard of his ass. It makes no sense for this Rod McMahon to take over WWE if he's never been part of the professional wrestling industry. But I think in the end Triple H takes over.
I honestly think it will be triple H and steph who take over WWE for many reasons, Triple H is great in the ring and can sell any match, smart behind the doors, Steph has been around the business since she was little and has work behind the cameras and on role spots also, Rod, if vince retires and Rod is older than him, why would he take over, makes no sense.

I doubt Triple H and Steph would be ego driven for one reason, in order to keep the business alive you have to do whats best for the business and they have been in it for ever.

Hell, I would see shawn coming back even as a road agent or helping the guys in the back and off camera to build better characters.
Yeah, Vince didn't take over WWE from his father, he bought it from him. And if Vince steps down it'd be because he is too old, so it doesn't make any sense for his older brother to take over. Plus he's shown no interest in wrestling or sports entertainment, or anything to do with being publically known. Who knows if Vince and Rod even know each other. Hell, who knows if Rod even exists! Remember when "word got out" that Vince and Linda had a third child? And it turned out the source of this was a picture of Vince, Linda, Shane, Stephanie, and an unknown woman...that turned out to be Shane's wife. The only Rod McMahon I know of is Vince's grandfather. And wikipedia says that Vince has an UNCLE named Rod (Vince Sr's older brother - who is at least 100 if he's still alive), but no mention of a brother.

I think it's pretty common knowledge that Stephanie and Triple H are going to take over for Vince.
Where is "Rod" McMahon and will he take over WWE??

You yourself say he's in Texas so that answers the first part, as for the second: Of course not. WWE is a publicly traded company. Believe me when Vince steps down/dies the absolute last guy up for the job will be someone even older who possesses none of the experience. It's an absolutely ridiculous notion.
Like everyone else said Who the Fuck is Rod McMahon I've never heard of him. but Why would he take over When Vinnie Mac retires is because he's to old, fixing to die, or dead So why would his OLDER brother take over. Vince is what 66 his brother would probally be like 70 something makes no sense. Lets be honest Steph and Triple H will take over with HHH being the on-screen boss like the Mr.McMahon charcter
never heard of him. no he wont take over or if he would have he would have been on tv for a while playin as gm or something like that and i think after HHH retires he will take on chairman or have shane or stephanie run it. shane is probly going to come back after he does what he has to do with his mom
The WWE is going to be left to Stephanie and HHH. Rod isn't the guy to take over, I don't think he has any idea of how wrestling even works. Rod is older than Vince so there really isn't any way he would take over. This is a bad idea.
Most people don't even know who Rod McMahon is, so why would he take over if half the wrestling world dont know him and obviously he know little to nothing about wrestling or he would of been involved already. It would be like making an Asian man owning a famous Italian restaurant though he only know Asian foods. It would be much better to give to HHH or Steph.
I believe that the one to take over the position of Chairman will be Stephanie McMahon. It is the logical choice to me. She, among the McMahons, is the only one besides Vince that still works for the business. Linda is running for senate, Shane left the business to do other activities, but Stephanie is still there.

As for Rod, I do not know who that is. But given the fact that he has not appeared on anything related to the WWE in all this time clearly points to that he will not be the next chairman.

I think it is highly unlikely for Triple H to take the chairman position...he just doesn't seem the type to be in that position. To me Triple H will be another Ric Flair in the way that although he will be old, he will still wrestle.

But I don't believe Vince will give up his position unless he is too old for it.
I think it is highly unlikely for Triple H to take the chairman position...he just doesn't seem the type to be in that position. To me Triple H will be another Ric Flair in the way that although he will be old, he will still wrestle.

I agree but i see HHH doing what Vince does as the on-screen boss and not being a full time wrestler just wrestling when he needs to like Vince and doing backstage duties to
Unless you're referring to a storyline takeover, I can't see it happening either as many have already stated. If "Rod" was going to be involved, he'd have been introduced long before now.

It simply wouldn't make sense to give the company (for real) to anyone other than his children. And frankly, it wouldn't surprise me to see Vince screw everyone over and sell it to the highest bidder who will most likely destroy the legacy of the WWE.
From what I've read somewhere before is Vince does have a older half brother, but they were never close and don't speak. There's no way Vince would turn over the company he spent the majority of his life building to a person he barley knows.
Rod Mcmahon is Vince's Grandfather and Uncle's name as Vince was an only child , so no Rod will not be taking over cause Trips and Steph will be the one's who will take over when Vince Retires.
your assuming he is going to step down, maybe he will demand whoever wants to take over buy it from him like he did his father. Why would he hand it over when he himself wasn't handed anything.. he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would give anyone a free ride
I have never heard any mention of Rod prior to this which sent me off in search of such a person. As i suspected i found little to no credible info on such a person. Anyway i somehow doubt someone who has never had a single thing to do with the company or even know the business would take over.
Roderick McMahon Junior is the older brother of Vince McMahon Senior. Vince McMahon Junior has no brother. So this thread is a complete and total bust. Vince's deceased Uncle will not be taking over the WWE.
Vince's deceased Uncle will not be taking over the WWE.

Don't give Vince a challenge. If he want's it to happen it'll happen :lol:

So yeah...this thread is pointless. I do think that Vince may talk Shane into doing it if he isn't already reinstated by then because we know he isn't going anywhere any time soon.
For those who may remember and for those who don't know, Vince McMahon Jr. has an older brother by the name of Rod (Vince McMahon Sr's first son by another woman). And after Vince Jr. took over the WWF/E from their father both had met one another.

So around the timeline where Vince McMahon Jr. introduce his wife and children on WWE TV as charactors, word got out (via internet) that Vince McMahon had indeed have a brother whose last name is McMahon. So in 2002 when RAW was to going to have a on-screen general manager. It was rumored that it was going to be Rod McMahon as the new GM of RAW. But it ended up being Eric Bischoff.

The last I heard Rod McMahon was working in the steel industry in Texas, but that's about it.

So if indeed that Vince McMahon Jr. will be stepping down as chairman of the WWE in the near future. Who will fill his seat as the new chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment? Shane? Stephanie? Triple H (hope not!)? Or Rod since he is a McMahon and only such position can be filled by a full-blooded McMahon.

If you are going to make a new topic at least have the facts straight. Another complete and utter waste of time. It's essentially common knowledge that either Shane or Stephanie will take over. I personally think Vince will SELL to Shane. Simply because Shane is adventurous. He left the WWE to do outside endeavors. However that doesn't rule him out as a potential buyer. Yes I know that Stephanie and HHH are the front runners but I refuse to rule out Shane buying the company just like Vince did from his dad.
Y'all know how business works, right? Whenever Vince chooses to retire, he'll still own the lion's share of the company. Until he chooses to sell off his stock, he's the Grand Wizard of the Board of Directors. And once he does step down, the new Board of Directors, elected by the shareholders, will choose his replacement. In all likelihood, the COO or CFO are best groomed for the position of CEO. My money is on Donna Goldsmith.

If you mean On-Screen, i imagine Vince's eventual retirement will lead to an era where Steph 'runs the company' and similar to her current position, does so from off-screen.
I typed in Rod Mchmahon wwe on google and the only thing I found was this. So no he won't be taking over it will likely be his daughter and son in law
I severely doubt that after being unknown in the wrestling business for all this time,no one will see fit to appoint him as chairman.There are clearly more qualified people to run the business,and Rod will probably never know the difference.

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