Where does the "reality tv" come in?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
So on the debut of NXT last week, we saw the exact same thing we've always seen... the common WWE programming only with younger talent. And that's great, the more wrestling I can learn from to get into WWE myself, the better.

However, this show is supposed to be a hybrid of Reality TV and Wrestling (which is kind of weird because isn't that what all of WWE is about?).

Anyway, with that kind of title, you would think that like most reality shows, there would be a house they all share or something like that. You know, something more Tough Enough-ish.

Anybody else agree?
I think that the reality TV part comes in when they're interviewing the rookies. I've read the tweets of Daniel Bryan and he said something like if they put a mic in your face, you have to be ready to say something. So it seems to me that their mic work is probably what's on display. Reality TV is just unscripted drama but unfortunately, you can't have unscripted wrestling so their mic work seems to me is what is "reality tv". Idk though. If what they say was not written down already, Wade Barret did a great job speaking in front of so much people in his introduction of Jericho. But yeah, it's just the first episode with the 2nd one on tonight. We'll get more clarification on everything pretty soon imo.
So on the debut of NXT last week, we saw the exact same thing we've always seen... the common WWE programming only with younger talent. And that's great, the more wrestling I can learn from to get into WWE myself, the better.

Yes the show was really great, this show is way better then tough enough. Hey and hopefully your dream come true man.

However, this show is supposed to be a hybrid of Reality TV and Wrestling (which is kind of weird because isn't that what all of WWE is about?).

That is what the NXT is all about but if you notice the made it more realistic, it now actually feels like if you there with them for some of the fans that are watching it on TV. The camera angles change alot it looks way better then there original programs. In NXT you get to see what the rookies are actually "learning" and in the regular programings you just see plain feuds and storylines.

Anyway, with that kind of title, you would think that like most reality shows, there would be a house they all share or something like that. You know, something more Tough Enough-ish.

Yeah but WWE its not trying to be like tough enough, they are not trying to be like any other reality programs, Vince wants to be original with his product.
I've said it before and I'll say it again... the promos on NXT are NOT SCRIPTED. There's no way they can be. It seems that Stryker is shoving the microphone in their faces and making them "sink or swim" by leaving it up to them to make their personalities shine through.

Jericho put Barrett on the spot with his comment about Wade not introducing him correctly. Stryker put Bryan on the spot and even advised him NOT TO go against his mentor, and it seems that Bryan stumbled in his response. Last night, Carlito spit his apple in (what seemed to be) a random rookie's face, Heath Slater, who almost didn't know how to react.

I think the WWE is giving somewhat of a blurred storyline direction for these pupils and is forcing them to turn them into a relevant and entertaining storyline. They are shoving a microphone in their faces and allowing what they say to dictate their storyline (to an extent). I say this because I have been watching pro-wrestling for over 25 years and I've never seen these types of reactions from wrestlers getting interviewed. It looks completely sponteneous to me and appears to take them by surprise. It is unpredictability at its best and I love every minute of it.
I'll go one further D-Man. It seems to me like the Rookies have no fucking clue what's going on from week to week. the one constant in their Tweets is that they all 'hope' that they're going to be wrestling this week. Unless WWE regularly book matches on the night (doubtful), or they've been told to kayfabe it (slightly more likely) they legit dont know what capacity they're going to be used in each week. Which is either a good or a bad thing (it ups the learning curve somewhat, but if they aren't quickthinking enough to come up with a good match on the night with no preplanned spots, or cant improvise a promo their performance will suffer accordingly) but if they can make in in NXT, bookers and wellness providing they can make it on any brand.

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