Where do you see the New Talent Initiative wrestlers in a few years?

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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OK, we all know about the New Talent Initiative. It started the WWE televised careers of such wrestlers as Tyson Kidd, Evan Bourne, Braden Walker, and more. My question is, where do you see them in a few years?

Evan Bourne - My biggest hope is that he'll stay. I kind of see him becoming the next Rey Mysterio, that is, lower main event and very exciting. That's the best I can hope for. The worst is that they'll shit on him and release him, but I don't see it happening.

Ricky Ortiz - I don't see him going anywhere. Or, I see him getting fired. The only match of his I really enjoyed was his debut (because I love seeing new guys debut) and his match with Jack Swagger (because it was a good story. I like the "Undefeated v. Undefeated" matches.) His finisher is kind of dumb, and he has that "bleh" type of feeling to him.

DJ Gabriel - Now, here's something interesting. I don't see him going very far with his current gimmick, but he may ascend the ranks if he changes it. He's pretty talented, and he has some charisma. I personally love his current gimmick because I'm a sucker for bad dancing, but it'll probabll cahnge if he's going to get any kind of super push.

Jack Swagger - I love Swagger. I like his look, his gimmick, and his skillz. I see him going pretty far. Maybe once the main event scene has cleared up a bit he may get promoted. I mean, he became ECW champion really quick. They must have some stock in the guy.

Tyson Kid - New Hart Foundation? I think so. I'm very impressed with TJ Wilson.

But enough of me blathering on. What about you guys? And, have I forgotten anyone?
Ortiz is actually very athletic, and I think it is mainly his moveset that ruins his wrestling abilities. There is some sort of contradiction between his character, and his obvious wrestling abilities. I hate to say this, but he has shown that he can pull off one of the best "Standing Dropkick" of all time. No, one move does not make you a master at your craft, but that is a glimpse of how he can be.

Ricky has the size, and speed. For the most part I think his athletic ability is causing some harm to his character, and wrestling style in general. For example he is listed at 252 pds, but he does a running splash? This doesn't make sense. The figured since he was fast that he could pull this off. Wrong! Also must admit that he is actually solid on the mic, and that is the biggest shock of them all. Ortiz is ironically enough a solid mic worker, and if creative could settle on some sort of consistent relationship between his moveset/character he would be decent.

A man of his size should have a power move. Tie the hair back, and get rid of the fucking towel. Infact he should come out, and burn all of the towels in the ring. Get some real wrestling tights, rock out some vintage Macho Man sunglasses, find some flashy tights, and become watch some superstar Billy Graham tapes. Ortiz used to "sign checks, and break necks", but now he is just limited to a towel.

Give the man a methodical wrestling moveset, and a finisher that fits his mold. He seems like he could be the flashy character of ECW if played right. I could see him smoking cigars, wearing fancy jewlery, growing out his sideburns, wearing italian leather boots, and surrounding himself with tons of woman. Ortiz has that lady's man stick going for himself. He could talk about how he could have been in the NFL blah, blah, blah. In other words turn him heel!
Evan Bourne -
Ricky Ortiz -
DJ Gabriel -
Jack Swagger
Tyson Kid -

1.Evan Bourne -as I've said in quite a few threads now, he has a bright future ahead of him on ECW, possibly even a feud with Swagger that will lead to him being ECW champion. However On the other brands I don't see him going beyond a tag team competitor and mid-card title contender and possible mid-card title holder, beyond that I don't see him going anywhere else.

2.Ricky Ortiz-Ortiz will join Brayden Walker/Chris Harris, Kizarny, and Colt Cabana/Scott Goldman on the unemployment line. He can't even get a consistent spot on ECW, that says something. The reason being is he just can't get over, he's boring in the ring, and is only decent on the mic. He needs a character, maybe a heel turn will do him some good. Don't see much from him.

3. DJ Gabriel- I would hate to him fired, he's a talented guy and has a great look. The gimmick is killing him though. He's got potential if they change his gimmick to something along the lines of Paul Burchill, just a no nonsense European Brawler. Have him team with Burchill and move them to RAW to help out the tag team division. I wouldn't waste Gabriel.

4.Jack Swagger-Future Intercontinental Champion. And that's just to start. He's been in the WWE for less than a year and has already won the ECW title, that's a pretty big thing. He's got the look, the size, and the ability to be a big thing in WWE. The only thing that will hold him back is his lack of mic skills. if they get him a manager that'd help him out a lot. I can see big things in Swagger's future, I look forward to following his career.

5.Tyson Kidd/TJ Wilson-Send him to Smackdown, bring DH Smith back on TV, and have them form the Second Generation Hart Foundation. There has been a lot of talk about a tag team title unification, but if that doesn't happen, Primo and Carlito are in some serious need for competition for the WWE tag titles once their done feuding with Miz and Morrison. Hawkins and Ryder are probably on their way out and Jesse and Festus are faces so, yeah Kidd and Smith could be of good use on Smackdown.
Evan Bourne - I see Bourne becoming the next Mysterio.(without the WHC reign) Perhaps a reign as IC/US champion and the yearly spot in the Money In The Bank. People and children love him though and he seems to be gaining more fans everytime hes on TV, his career can only go up at the moment.

Ricky Ortiz - Probably wished well in his future endevours. He seems fairly talented and with a gimmick change could probably become a decent Heel. But i doubt the WWE will spend time on him. At the moment though he could Feud with Swagger for the ECW title as he doesnt have an opponent for Wrestlemania.

DJ Gabriel - I like this guy but thats probably because hes Brittish. I think it all depends on how long the WWE plan on keeping him with Alica Fox. Gabriel and Fox seem to be pretty over with the ECW crowd, but it would be interesting to see how he pairs up on Smackdown or Raw before the inevitable split with Fox. I can see a relationship angle coming up between them soon though which should keep people interested in him.

Jack Swagger - At the start i didnt like him or his ''All American - American gimmick'' but that was because i didnt understand it (thanks to Norcal for setting me straight) Now Swagger has grown on me, after watching him recently its clear that he has a fair amount of talent and pushed correctly he could be a propper World champion. His promo ability isnt anything major and having a lisp doesnt help, but i can see them improving later on in his career. It will be interesting to see what happens to him after he drops the ECW title.

Tyson Kid - Ive heard alot of people go on about the second coming of the Hart Foundation but i dont think the WWE will take that direction with him. Pairing him with Natalya has worked well for both of them at the moment as it should do with them both coming from the Dungeon, but he doesnt have the physic to be a World Champion, best i can see is maybe a mid card title run and perhaps a Tag team reign.
Evan Bourne - I see Evan Bourne will be the next CM Punk in the making. He'll win the ECW Championship later this year and hold it for awhile, maybe having great fueds over the belt too. He'll lose maybe by Surivior Series and wrestle on ECW till the MITB and win it. He'll stay on ECW but He'll cash it in for the ECW Title, making the title more value.
Ricky Ortiz - I honsetly see Ricky Ortiz being release pretty soon. I really am not a huge fan of Ricky Ortiz and he's moves are very limited to tackles and clotheslines. He's finishing move is not that impressive either, it's just a big splash and it's about it. You don't see those stupid towels being sold because he's not that big with the fans. I see him being release down the road.
DJ Gabriel - I was pretty interested when I saw his debut. He had moves like a mix between Regal and Jericho with a dash of Alex Wright's dance moves. I think he'll be moved to FCW again to train more and maybe get a new gimmick. Other than that, he'll be around ECW for awhile.
Jack Swagger- Jack Swagger is one of those guys you question why they push him. I wasn't a huge Swagger fan at first, but I become to like his ring skills and presence in the ring. He is like a skinner Brock Lesnar so I see him being drafted to Smackdown when the draft hits after Wrestlemania. I can see him having a really good fued with Triple H or another high profiled face. By the Royal Rumble next year, he'll be Smackdown Champion.
Tyson Kid - I see alot coming from Tyson Kidd down the road with the year goes on. I think he'll make a great addition to RAW and challeging for the IC titles or taging with D.H. Smith and going to Smackdown and being Tag Team champions. Other than that, I rarely see him in the main event picture.
Here's what I think, from worst to best, in terms of how far I think they will make it.

Ricky Ortiz
How this guy has not been fired yet, is beyond me. That towel thing is not enough of a gimmick to get him over plus he is more boring than Braden Walker. Future endeavored after the draft unless a heel turn or gimmick change takes place.

DJ Gabriel
He might last longer than Ortiz because of Alicia. Unfortunately I doubt that he will get far with THIS gimmick without her though. She'll get the pops, not Gabriel. Change the gimmick and he will probably make midcard status or better someday. Otherwise it depends on how long it takes before people get sick of him dancing with Alicia....

Tyson Kid
Not entirely sure. He's impressed me some, plus he has Natalya in his corner. I think he will at least make IC or US champ in the future, maybe further. We'll see.

Evan Bourne
IC or US champ for sure. Maybe ECW champ as well. He MIGHT get a world title run, but if that happens it'd probably be as an underdog like Punk or Hardy recently were with theirs. He'll be a big name though!

Jack Swagger
While he's nowhere near as good a heel as Orton, he will become one of the top heels in the future one day. I see him as by far the most likely to win a world title out of this group.

There's my two cents on this.

Evan Bourne - The sky really is the limit for him. He's the most over face on ECW and, arguably, the most exciting guy on the entire roster. Could very well win the ECW title, and definately the US or IC belts. A World title? I doubt it, but it COULD happen. As somone already mentioned, he could have an underdog reign like Punk.

Jack Swagger - I really like Swagger. He's kinda like a modern version of Kurt Angle back in '99: a great wrestler with this kinda dorky "true american" attitude, He's getting better and better in the ring (I LOVED his ECW title match with Christian) He's not great on the mic, and his lisp hurts him, but he's far from terrible. Will win mid-card titles and has the best chance out of any of the others to be a world champion.

Ricky Ortiz - I'm honestly surprised he hasn't been released yet. I don't see him making it through the year, but if he had to stay, I'd turn him into a goofy heel. He's just too damn annoying to be a face with the whole rally towel thing. He desperately needs a new finisher too. I doubt he'll ever win the ECW title and if he gets drafted, will probably just be a jobber.

DJ Gabriel - He has a great look, hangs out with a beautiful girl/my future wife, and his solid in the ring. He'll never get far with his current gimmick, but if he changes it to something less over-the-top, he could be ECW champ and a mid-card champ. Don't waste this guy.

Tyson Kidd - He's impressed me so far. Entertaining in the ring and having Natalya is a great thing. I'm hoping for a new Hart Foundation; that'd be so cool. Could be an ECW champion and mid-card champion. Can't wait for his fued with Bourne.
Everyone here is saying just what I'm thinking. Bourne - high flyer that's super over with the crowd. Ortiz - wasted opportunity. DJ - held back by his gimmick. Swagger - future IC champ, and Tyson - start the New Hart Foundation with D.H. Smith.

But what I wanted to say is this... I hate that with these guys, Todd Grisham always pushes their "undefeated streak" that lasts like a few matches anyway. Streaks worked better for guys like Goldberg and Undertaker, and not necessarily for young up and comers. It's just being overdone and kind of killing the importance of having a streak.
Evan Bourne undoubltedy will form a tag team with Rey Mysterio at some point in the next 6 months or so and from there maybe have a US/IC title reign in 2010.

Ricky Ortiz is my joint favourite of the new talent initiative superstars, he has talent charisma and a likeable gimmick and it annoys me that he isnt being used.

Jack Swagger will definetly have the biggest impact of the Talent Initiative and acend the ladder in the next couple of years if he lasts that long

DJ Gabriel has no talent and has the stupidest gimmick of all time. Alicia Fox makes everything worse and as a Brit i would like him to get over becasue he has a great physique but i see him getting the sack sometime after WM25.

Tyson Kidd is the other joint fav - he has talent, more than the likes of let me say John Cena, i see him going very far in the WWE plus i like his entrance music.
Evan Bourne-way over but i just don't see guys his size not named mysterio get pushed very far. sucks though, very fun to watch.

Jack Swagger- i see him being the next big thing. look for him to lose the strap but still look strong like lashley. i can't wait to see him on Mondays or fridays.

Ricky Ortiz- Wishing him well on his future endeavors i see nothing special in him

Tyson Kidd-He looks a little gay, but this guy can wrestle. his match against DJ Gabriel was a pretty good one. i would love to Hart Foundation version 2 but doubt it will ever happen since the internet talks about it so much.
Ortiz-will be gone maybe two weeks after the Draft.
Evan (Air) Bourne-will be pushed to the Midcard level win the Tag Team Titles with rey rey, beat Swagger for the ecw title the week before the draft and sit in the midcard for his carer
Kidd Hopeing for the Hart Foundation v2 with himself DH Smith natalya and maybe Hennig, will be a tag team champ and chase the mid card titles.
DJ Will not go much futher in his current gimmick as it will get stale fast but has all the ability 2 go to the top
Jack Swagger Will be a world champion in the future and maybe big the next big thing with a bit off work on his mic skills.

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