Where do you see NXT talent in a few years time?


Occasional Pre-Show
Personally, like many others, NXT is easily my favourite wrestling product at the moment. With Lucha Underground second. Slow builds, good matches and fresh characters all make for a great product, despite many still learning the trick of the trade.

In the past couple of years many guys have moved up to the main roster, some having a big impact and some barely to be seen. The formula to succeeding on the main roster is fairly simple - be booked high up from the start and don't have a silly gimmick (despite being fun and get over on NXT) which may hold you back. The Shield feuded with every main event talent. The Wyatt's were given large promo time and feuded with upper midcard. Paige was pushed straight into the main event scene. Rusev looked a monster.

Right now, I think NXT has probably the best roster it has ever had. It got me thinking, how will these guys debut and how high can they get.

Adrian Neville
Despite being a fantastic and exciting work, I think WWE will drop the ball. I can see a run with the IC title and some time in tag division. I could see him having a similar career to Kofi Kingston.

Tyler Breeze
Whilst he works his gimmick well on NXT, it won't translate to the main roster. If he stays as he is he will end up like Fandango, 3MB and Brodus Clay. A shift towards a more Shawn Michaels-like character would be best, keeping the cockiness but with the gimmick toned down.

Baron Corbin
He has great presence, and his match with Neville was decent. I could see a big push for him, but his ring work needs to improve considerably. He will be introduced similar to Ryback and Rusev just squashing people, I could see his being a bad choice though. Probably a future midcard champion and a henceman to a faction/other wrestler. I can't see him having a very long push or career though.

Hideo Itami
The hardest guy to call in my eyes. Matches improving, but I wonder if he could get over on the main roster. A heel turn and link with Heyman might be the trick. I could see a potential Del Rio situation (Consistently good matches, pushed too soon and fails to truly connect) and used as a no.1 contender who often loses.

Enzo and Big Cass
I think they could work on the main roster, with an entrance like NAO they could get a good crowd response. Enzo isn't great in the ring, so I would love to see him become more of a manager to Cass after an initial run as a team. If not careful they will become another comedy act which will do them more harm than good. They would be ideal to feud with Miz and Mizdow right now though!

Kevin Owens
This man will be the top heel in 2 years time. Simple. Whilst not needing it, he could be the perfect successor to Lesnar as a Heyman guy. He is someone who would need to stay away from Cena, but when they finally collide it would be epic.

Sami Zayn
I have mixed feelings. He is so over in NXT and has bags of talent. But would he be taken seriously on the main roster? I am really not sure. He has shown much more aggression on NXT recently which is good. I think his size and look may hold him back slightly in a Vince McMahon WWE. Definite future IC champion though.

Finn Balor
The guy with the most potential. He will headline Wrestlemania and I hope to god it is against a heel Seth Rollins. Outstanding matches, varied moveset and his entrance just shouts 'main event player'. I would love to see him debut to an open challenge by someone. A match vs Sheamus could be awesome too!

Do you agree with my thoughts on some NXT talent? I know I have only covered a few, but I think they are the most likely to make the main roster. Where do you see some of these guys in the future?
To be honest I see each nXt talent's future following this simple formula:

1. Get over huge in nXt
2. Get a big hyped up debut in WWE
3. Fizzle out because your undersized and creative has nothing for you
4. Return to the indy's
5. Talk about it on Colt Cabana's podcast

It's unfortunate but it's the truth. Nxt is proof that it doesn't matter how big or small a talent is if used correctly but the WWE hasn't figured it out yet.
I'm on the same trail with many of these guys.

Adrian Neville: To me he's like Justin Gabriel. He will have many great moments in his first year but will likely get thrown to the back of the pack. I hope we are wrong about him as he's tremendously talented but needs more work on the mic.

Tyler Breeze: Pretty much the same thing, he has a great NXT gimmick. I think the best thing for him to do is join The Miz right now and have some sort of Hollywood gimmick along with him. Maybe then breakaway but I don't know how far he can go with that gimmick.

Baron Corbin: Can't say much about Corbin as his matches are so quick. I can see him having a big debut, winning streak, and then disappear just as quick.

Hideo Itami - Guy is very talented but again I agree with you. He "brought in" Balor and Balor is way more over in NXT. Not sure where they wll go with him on the main roster. He's talented enough to make it. I can see IC or US title runs but can't see him as a main eventer.

Enzo & Big Cass: These dudes have a very entertaining entrance. I think they will hold the tag titles, but don't know about singles careers for either of them.

Kevin Owens: Like you, this guy will be a main event heel. as long as his attitude I've heard he had with ROH doesn't get in the way. Feuds with Cena, Orton, Bryan, and many others will be great. Can't wait to see them.

Sami Zayn - Definitely my favorite in NXT. I see his career being a lot like Daniel Bryan. he was a standout in the indies but is a small guy. However has a lot of talent. I see him being called up probably later this year or early next year and getting a few midcard titles to start with. Maybe 5 years from now he'll get a similar push compared to DB's but we will see.

Finn Balor - Much like Owens he will be a star on the main roster. He's just got that uniqueness about him that will make him go far. Very talented guy. I can see him as a heel or face.

Simon Gotch/ Aiden English - I for one enjoy the gimmick, and can see them on the main roster. Gotch is definitely to small height wise to make it far. English may have a chance to do something. But will there careers shine, probably not.

Charlotte - This is a gimme, probably the next NXT star to come to the main roster. She will be a multiple time Divas champion, Have some wrestlemania moments, definitely has a bright future.

Sasha Banks - I see her having a great WWE career on the main roster, she plays her gimmick very well.

Bayley - Not so much, I compare her to Emma, too gimmicky. I love the gimmick but don't see it going far on the main roster. Maybe a heel repackaging.

Kalisto - Will probably make the main roster and be the next masked star, but will never make it to the success of Rey Mysterio.

Mojo Rawley - I very interesting Hyped gimmick, hate it was slowed down with an injury but may be a good thing. I think he should be repackaged upon his return. as for main roster asperations, he hasn't shown me anything yet but with his build and size I see him with a main roster run, but nothing to serious before he disappears (maybe a Mason Ryan run)

Sylvestor Lefort - He's talented enough to manage or wrestle. I can see him on the main roster but at this point not sure how good of a run he will have.

Tye Dillinger/Jason Jordan - both are very talented but need to prove themselves more. Both have been shown regularly on NXT but on the loosing end. Maybe they'll get something worth staying relevant.
Been thinking, what if they try another Nexus type storyline with Cena and Orton now taking a backseat, and more able to put them over properly, with the top of the card seemingly secure with the likes of Bryan, Rollins, Reigns, etc...

Finn Balor, for one, seems to be a lock to make his own mark on the Main Roster, with the entrance and paint,etc...

I think guys like Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville, Hideo Itami can all make a big splash with a Nexus type storyline.

However, the only problem is that could leave NXT a little bare in terms of the main guys of that show.
Adrian Neville- he was one of the first indy guys I ever really took notice of watching clips online, and hoping one day he'd land in WWE. Well that day happened, he had a tremendous run as NXT champ, and a main roster debut is imminent. But, I have a gut feeling WWE just won't know how to use him. I kind of suspect he'll be like Evan Bourne. The crowd will be amazed with his acrobatics, and he'll get a lot of respect for his work rate, but despite that "he won't connect because he's British" "he looks like Mighty Mouse" or some other nonsense, will keep him from the top.

Tyler Breeze- I saw virtually no potential in him as Mike Dalton in FCW, but he has caused me to do a 180. I really like him, the character works, the same problem faces him as everyone in NXT though, will it translate to the main roster? His size and persona probably keep him firmly planted in the mid-card, but I would've said the same about Ziggler and Bryan too. Cream rises, so let's hope he can make that happen somehow.

Baron Corbin-I see very little potential, honestly. His physique isn't particularly standout, he's got the height, but what I've seen of his in ring work hasn't impressed all that much, and not to sound overly critical of his looks, but I know the WWE mentality with this kind of stuff, he's balding, not particularly ripped, not great on the mic. I think he flounders outside of NXT.

Hideo Itami- I already feel like he's gotten the shaft and he hasn't even really had his chance yet. Changing his well established name was a mistake, and WWE has notoriously never been good with Japanese wrestlers, he was quickly overshadowed by Finn Balor, and his most famous move they aren't letting him use because it reminds people of CM Punk. Also, he's still learning English, so uphill climb on the mic work. I'm definitely rooting for him, but I feel like he's being neutered in WWE. They hire people for what they do elsewhere and then immediately take it away from them. If he can get back to working a strong style with lots of hard chop and kick type offense, he might stand a chance. Also, he needs to be called up soon, because age isn't on his side.

Enzo and Big Cass-I think these guys actually have a pretty good chance of connecting, because of their New Age Outlaws/APA type of fun interaction, plus they both bring something unique to the table, they don't just feel like two of the same guy (like a lot of WWE tag teams). This one has potential for sure.

Kevin Owens- Mixed bag here. The guy is great, no denying he could be the #1 heel in the company if they give him the chance. However we already know WWE's bi-polar obsession with weight loss/physique (Bray Wyatt=okay, Chris Hero=too fat), and I think this is something he'll always be struggling with especially on the road, as he is genetically predisposed to being a heavier guy. For my money though, if they could see past that, he'd be close to #1 heel status today if they put him on the main roster.

Sami Zayn It might take a little while, but if given the same opportunities he has had in NXT, there is no doubt in my mind he will connect and be a huge asset to the main roster.

Finn Balor My personal MVP. I think he's the next Jeff Hardy, in terms of style points. I just hope that because he looks so cool, that doesn't mean they make him a lame ultra face to sell masks and shit to kids, and just let him be his unchained self, because he could be the face of the company for years if they allow it to happen. I've been a loyal viewer and attendee of FCW and NXT basically since the beginning, so I've seen most of the guys work up close, met most of them at shows, and I can tell you hands down I've never been more impressed with someone in developmental, his work is a joy to watch. This guy places kicks within an inch of the target, his work is so crisp, and he's just exudes coolness. If they don't find someway to screw it up for him, he's the one to watch of this whole group.
Samy Zayn - If WWE doesn't drop the ball on him, easily top face in 5 years

Kevin Owens - Would love to see him at the top of the company, I fear that if Vince remains in charge he won't ever go beyond a midcard title

Tyler Breeze - Difficult to say, will probably change gimmick when coming to the main roster, depending on what gimmick he gets he may do very well in the midcard or be Adam Rosed and job for life. Sadly I don't see him ever getting a huge push in WWE.

Adrian Neville - He'll get a midcard title and then be forgot. He's a damn flying machine in the ring, but lacks a bit in mic skills and he is british (we know that WWE is a bit iffy on british people)

Baron Corbin - I can easily see him get the Reignsheamus push and being screwed up the same way.

Hideo Itami - Basically Jobber for life (poor KENTA :( ), probably will have a long running contract though since they need him for japan

Finn Balor - Uncertain. His current gimmick is slowly getting more and more over, he is great in the ring and has time to get better on the mic. If they don't screw it up by changing him into a stereotypical irish gimmick he has potential to get to main event status, but there's a good probability they will.

Angelo Dawkins - Probably will be heavily repackaged at some point, otherwise he'll probably be future endeavored before making it to the main roster

CJ Parker - May actually do some decent comedy heel work in the main roster. May even win something with a good tag partner. If they repackage it though he may do a lot better, he seems like a hugely reliable worker in ring.

Kallisto - Midcarder for life. Seems to be what happens in WWE with luchadores. Will probably get the IC championship one or two tiime. Will not reach Rey levels of popularity.

Marcus Louis - No idea. I actually really liked the crazy gimmick they had tried recently but he kinda of disappeared from tv.

Bull Dempsey - No idea. I sorta of want another Lord Tensai though (for ridiculousness purposes only)

The Vaudvillians - Will probably do allright in the tag team division, none will probably go onto a single carreer.

Enzo & Cass - If someone can revitalize the tag team division is them. Rid the Ascension of the silly old school gimmick, have them dominate for some months against the mediocre current tag teams, then debut Enzo & Cass cutting a promo on the Ascension. It'd probably be the best feud ever.
Cass will probably get a single push at some point. It will fail. Enzo will achieve at least an IC title, it may even do better than that.

Bailey - Top face woman wrestler in a couple of years, easily. Maybe will become sorta of a female cena.

Charlotte - They will screw her up with the Total Divas shit. I mean she will still win the title and all, but her tough persona will basically be destroyed

Sasha Banks - Top heel woman wrestler.

Becky Lynch - Will get a title run then be future endeavored.
Great topic bruh.

Adrian Neville: Midcarder. Crowd reaction I think will put him in that BNB spot, only as a babyface.

Hideo Itami: See Adrian Neville.

Sami Zayn: See Adrian Neville.

Finn Balor: His character is so unique. His war paint gimmick is amazing. Using them at only PPV's is a very smart idea cause he won't use up all his ideas at once and with WWE's branding machine and costume/makeup crew he should have some awesome things for a few years. That will not only keep him over but as a heel/face, whichever is needed at the time. I think a good example of what kind of run he will have is like Bray Wyatt's.

Enzo Amore: See The Miz 2009-2011 spot. I really enjoy this guy. I think his tag partner comes across as a forced relationship. I think if you put him with a girl he can have a good run like Miz did and has had recently. I think a run as a babyface might be difficult outside of NXT, but I think to the larger scale WWE audience he could be an effective heel.

Kevin Owens: Main Event. I feel like there really is no other spot for him. He is one of those all or nothing talents. Just cause of his look and his style, if you don't invest fully in him and keep the machine behind him, he can very easily get lost in the shuffle.
The bigger issue is, which guys will get called up when. I think Neville is going to be the first one. I expect Owens, Balor, and Itami to get some sort of NXT Title run before getting called up, though Balor i think is in need of that the least just due to him being more of a gimmick/character guy.
In reality, there is a very great chance that not all of these NXT stars will make it to the main roster. There is a possibility of roster cuts, which happen all the time, and also stunted development, no room on the roster. Anyways this is actually a really good topic and I will offer my 2 cents on each individual that the OP stated:

Adrian Neville: I am scared for Neville. He is amazing in the ring, mediocre at best on mic. I hope for a Kofi Kingston career from him, I forsee a Justin Gabriel one

Tyler Breeze : I could see a tag team of him and Miz in the future which could be solid. As a solo wrestler, as much as I like his gimmick in NXT, as this gimmick in WWE, I don't see him going very far

Baron Corbin and Bull Dempsey - Big guy, big potential. Kane and Show and Mark Henry are retiring shortly, or should be. They need a couple of monsters to replace them.

Hideo Itami - I see an ADR type. Midcard championships will be his peak

Enzo and Big Cass - I love these guys. However I don't see them making it far, maybe Santino/Kozlov territory. Which is fine, it puts them on TV

Owens/Zayn/Balor - The Shield 2.0. Ok, it's a good dream, but not a reality. Owens will be the next Brock Lesnar, the Beast who destroys all. Zayn has that Bryan appeal, struggle to find an identity, but because he is so amazing in the ring, the fans demand more from the company, and give him the chance to be the champ. Balor, is the future face of the company. Music, look, moveset, charisma. This man is the real deal
I don't know most of these as I don't watch NXT but I'll bite, I know a few.

Have to agree with you on Neville.

Alberto Del Rio broke past mid card, he was both WWE and World Champion and defeated and feuded with the likes of Punk and Cena, hardly a mid card peak. If Itami has a career like Del Rio I'll be happy, I fear more his career will be more like Yoshi Tatsu's or Kenzo Suzuki, a walking stereotype, THAT would be terrible.

Owens can go either way. He can either flop big like Taz did in WWE, he might play out like Umaga who was hot for a little while, and then fizzled out and went nowhere, or he can be a serviceable player, reaching upper mid card and eventually main event if he lasts long enough. I don't see him being like a Brock Lesnar or Batista though. He has the talent but not the look.
The bigger issue is, which guys will get called up when. I think Neville is going to be the first one. I expect Owens, Balor, and Itami to get some sort of NXT Title run before getting called up, though Balor i think is in need of that the least just due to him being more of a gimmick/character guy.

My guess, in order, will go Charlotte, Neville, Kalisto & Sin Cara, Zayn, Balor, Banks. I can see them working with Owens and Itami for a while to ensure they know the 'WWE'. Breeze will be in the mix somewhere.
I won't cover them all but here are my predictions for a few guys and gals:

1) Kevin Owens- this dude will be huge, one day main event WM, win the WWE title within 2 years of being called up.

2) Sami Zayn - Unless the fans get behind him, he will become the face of the mid card.

3) Tyler Breeze - I love the dude, he's one of my favorites. Don't see him getting to the main event scene but a solid name for the mid card.

4) Finn Balor - Read what I said for Kevin Owens and translate it for a face character.

5) Charlotte - The next big thing to happen to the divas division. Will replace the Bella Twins one day.

6) Baley - Next to the next big thing to happen to the divas division. She will be the biggest face in the division.

7) Kalisto - Oh how I wish WWE had a curiserweight division! This dude will end up winning the IC or US title on multiple occasions but will rarely have a feud.

8) Corbin - Easily going to be a big deal. Will he win the title immediately? NO CHANCE. If he lasts, while being booked well, about 3 or 4 years than he has a solid chance to be the WWE champion.

9) Enzo & Cass - The future of the tag division. Remember how Cryme Tyme was the best all round team of their time -- without being the best in the ring? That will be Enzo & Cass now.

10) Corey Graves - I know he is out of action now and is no longer a wrestler but I do see him returning one day. If that day comes then he will be the equivalent of what CM Punk or Jeff Hardy were to John Cena.
I think the hardest thing now is bringing a superstar from NXT onto the Main Roster. The main reason for that is the lack of storyline and TV time the lower/mid card has. The Upper card is jam packed with people ready to break through so unless you have the 'IT' Factor like it appears Finn Balor does, your gonna hit rock bottom of the card straight away, there is no inbetween. Unless they utilize the tag division more and bring back things like King of the Ring, it's gonna be tough for people like Itami to achieve.
I think if wwe can look past his physique then Owens has the most upside in my belief. Then Balor, Zayn, Neville, Itami, and Crowe. As for who will get called up Neville is 1st to come up to main shows.
Always glad to see this topic refreshed. They have done a good job of staggering guys coming up and not depleting the talent pool of NXT. What they do with them once they are up has been questionable with most thus far. For many of these talents I think their success on the main roster would largely benefit from the IC/US Titles being merged and re-introducing the LH/Cruiserweight Title. It's what's best for business and gives this Junior Heavyweight-heavy list of talent a greater platform to showcase themselves and rise through the ranks. It will largely fall on many of these individuals how far they go by going beyond WWE's plans and hopes for them (Daniel Bryan), how they connect with the audience and push past their imposed limitations from Mgmt.

I'll go with a baker's dozen of talents to speak on:

Adrian Neville- Likely the first big NXT star to get called up. I have to agree with many on here that he faces the Evan Bourne scenario; will get pushed with emphasis on his work rate and athleticism in-spite of his size. Mid-card titles, maybe a Tag Team down the line. He is a better interview than many believe but anything short of a Heyman mouthpiece he will have to depend on what got him to the dance to stay relevant after an initial push.

Sami Zayn- Here we have DB V.2 as I see it. His indy following and exposure on NXT will give him a nice initial reaction and opportunity to connect with the audience on a grander level. He is gonna have to claw and scratch his way to staying afloat and need endless support from fans to prevent being buried. The Underdog all the way. I see mid-card titles and main event opportunities a few years down the road but achieving the companies highest prize will take time, if ever.

Charlotte- You don't achieve PWI's Rookie of The Year by just being Ric Flair's daughter. She has impressed me and improved leaps and bounds over the last year or so. She better thank Nattie for that match at Takeover for the rest of her life because it solidified her as a wrestler in the eyes of true fans of the sport. She will get called up, and be the face of the Diva's division for years to come.

Tyler Breeze- I don't know who came up with the gimmick but it's solid gold and kudos to him for truly making it his own! Getting called up there should be minimal tweaks to the gimmick but by no means should it be abandoned. His athleticism, work rate and charisma can take him far in-time. Ultimately, I see a career paralleling Ziggler's if he can get over and stay over. You don't have to be the top guy to be a success, but you can run with those top guys and steal their spotlight when they hand you the ball. He's one of my absolute favorites in NXT and though he doesn't come with the indy credentials of many other guys he works with, that actually can benefit him with Vince and Mgmt as he is essentially a home-grown talent.

Kalisto/Sin Cara- I lump them together because honestly, why break them up? I know there are rumblings of a Mexican version of "Zohan" looming but with the Dust Bros., Miz/Mizdow splitting up there is definitely room for cohesive teams on the roster, plus you are less likely to get lost in the shuffle. The Lucha Dragons could have mass appeal for kids plus Sin Cara is at least established, if not accomplished. Let Kalisto benefit from that and have the opportunity to shine and develop organically into a singles star and hopefully give Hunico the chance to blossom into more, as well.

Enzo/Big Cass/Carmela- Most people nailed this on the head with the ode to NAO. They could be a solid unit with Enzo as the mouthpiece, Cass as the worker/muscle and Carmela as the eye candy. Enzo will only go so far as an in-ring performer but could have a lasting future in the company as a manager. Carmela, if the desire is to be more than a valet could work both WWE and go down to NXT to hone her in-ring skills, simultaneously. Big Cass isn't that good in the ring but he is legit 7' and you can't teach that!

Sasha Banks- Once Charlotte gets called up it will be her time to rule the women's division in NXT for a bit. Her and Bayley will lead the cast of a new crop coming up and with HHH singing high praise for Banks, she will stand to do really well when finally getting called up and likely renew her feud w/Charlotte if she's a face at the time.

Kevin Owens- Again, can't disagree with some that he is an all or nothing kind of talent. I think HHH expects him to rise upon being called up, likely after a very dominant run as NXT Champ. How long does a guy like him really need to stay down? Learn to work the left side of wrestlers for the camera, maybe tone up a touch more and you have a star on your hands. As good of a talker as he is, the thought of him being the crown jewel of a Heyman-led posse would cement that star power to even casual fans. Future WHC.

Finn Balor- Keep him there through the year if you can and get him working dark matches for a few months towards the end of his NXT run, just like most other guys that get called up. They know they have something really special on their hands with him but HHH saying that he is graciously and humbly admitting that there is so much more he needs to learn about character development, take your time. With the showmanship and really total package he represents, I imagine they are seeing him as the crown jewel of this current crop of NXT talents. He is poised to be a very big star.

Hideo Itami- Everyone seems to be getting bent out of shape and saying he's getting lost in the shuffle in NXT. I disagree. Again, you have an int'l star who has a lot to learn about performing the WWE way. He's learning English and can't really command a great promo, has to slightly adhere to the WWE style and isn't really that old considering Japanese wrestlers typically perform at a high level even into their 50's. Provide him the necessary tools to make a big splash and stay near the top of the card through his physical prime. I think Mistico opened the eyes of many in Mgmt that these guys, no matter their previous credentials from other countries really have to swallow their pride, adjust accordingly and grow the way the company sees fit. When he gets called up I think it gives them the chance to hype him up but know he truly is ready for what's to come.

CJ Parker- This kid is grossly underrated! He can talk, he has good size, a unique look and a cool gimmick; hippie with a very volatile mean streak. He is among the youngest if not the youngest of everyone on this list so being a jobber is perfect for him right now. Why? Because he is on NXT TV almost weekly and working with the best prospects in the company who can teach him a ton in the ring. Kevin Owens gave him high praise and thought it was great he broke his nose in Owens' debut match. This kid definitely knows that even though he isn't going to win he's gonna make the most of that TV time and get over as much as possible. That palm strike is f'n ridiculous! Don't see him getting called up toill next year but as these guys all go up ahead of him he will rise in the rotation and likely be NXT champ one day. He's too far out from a call-up to know if the gimmick will stay but at this point, as a home-grown talent like Breeze has infinite potential on the main roster if he continues to grow the way he has thus far.

Baron Corbin/Bull Dempsey- Let's wait a while because Corbin needs the time to develop but I'd like to see him and Dempsey called up as a tag team. Don't see Dempsey making the main roster unless that happens but having them feud in NXT could be the bridge to developing a serious team. They both have limitations that the other compensates for which is what a collective effort is all about. After a run as tag champs on the main roster, go with the innevitable split where obviously Corbin will have the advantage at breaking out more (from a superficial perspective) but he's not gonna be the next Undertaker by any means. Maybe mid-card champ along the way but more of a monster for a face to overcome. He needs to shave his head, too.

Aiden English/Simon Gotch- I don't see the Vaudevillains making the main roster together. The gimmick would be completely shat on (think Los Matadores) and they would be gone in no time. Out of the two I think English has the best shot at making it to the main roster. He's come a long way since his initial debut, has loads of charisma and unique look. Don't really see him beyond the mid-card, though. Gotch, is a pretty well-traveled Indy guy who's in his 30's and unless he's a sidekick (maybe even for English) I'm just not sure what they could come up with for him. Unless of course the WWE wants to tap into the grossly boomin hipster market (he already has the hair and mustache) and make him their Stone Cold; slugging PBR's and stuffing Tofu down his opponent's throats after defeating them. haha
I am honestly hoping none of them get called up anytime soon. I love NXT just like everyone else does and all of the wrestlers on it. The problem is that it's a developmental show which means more freedom, longer time for matches, room for error etc. There isn't any of that on Raw. We can see how amazing these guys are in NXT, but once they get called up to the main roster, a lot is going to change.

Triple H is the guy that runs NXT and has a great mind for what makes a wrestling show which is why NXT is so awesome. Vince on the other hand is more for the entertainment, sponsors and just overall money. They are completely different when it comes to booking as Triple H alluded to on Stone Cold's podcast. Triple H actually agrees with quite a few of the complaints online such as Raw needing to go back to 2 hours and the wrestlers having more freedom with what to do. Thing is though is that Vince is the deciding factor in every single thing on Raw.

IF Vince steps down in the next few years and Triple H takes total control of Raw and Smackdown then I would be much more happier with guys like Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Finn Balor and Hideo Itami getting a more fair shot at the big shows but as of now, I prefer them to stay where they won't get fucked with and end up leaving because of frustration. I want them all to succeed, just in a better environment than the one Raw currently resides in.
Balor: One of my personal favorites. I can see him being a major player in the upper mid card/ lower main event picture. The entrance alone in my opinion will get him over with a certain amount of fans. Although I would love to see him as a main eventer but with his age I just don't know how much time we will have him for. He's rather small and his move set is amazing but how long can he go with that style?

Neville: Only thing I like about him is that he can go in the ring. I mean he can GO. But I think he has some of the worst mic skills I've ever heard. Not saying he won't get better or that mic skills should even determine how far a guy can go it's very unfortunate in today's product where you kind of have to have it all to be be anything great. I see him holding a few mid card titles that's it.

Zayn: Another one of my favorites currently. I can see him having a pretty decent career on the main roster. Maybe even one day have his under dog story presented on the big stage of mania, like how he won the NXT title. But maybe with a lesser belt that actually means something. Like the IC belt? Hopefully Ambrose can bring this title back up the card a little bit. I'd hope for a world title although like Neville I only see mid card titles in his future.

Owens: STEEEEN! Dude is amazing. Has an old school look to him. Great on the mic and in the ring and if booked right he could be a big time heel for many years. Although it seems like Ambrose is kind of a similar character. They both say they will fight anyone at anytime so maybe by that time Ambrose will move on to something a little different. This dude is money to me.

Hideo: Love him but Wwe doesn't seem to know how to book a good a Japanese wrestler. I think he's Japanese. Idk. For example yoshi tatsu, jimmy wang yang. I don't want that for him because he's awesome I just don't see how they would package his character to us without messing it up somehow. Hoping for the best though. Think he will have a better career than Neville.

Corbin: haven't seen enough of him to really judge. Has a look to him for sure. But so did Matt Morgan. I don't know. Have to really see more from him to judge.

Dempsey: old school heel. Nothing special. Squash matches until he fizzles out into a comedy act like kozlov.

Breeze: Idk why everyone talks this guy up so much. Maybe it's because I hate his gimmick. He's a good worker in the ring and on the mic but I don't think he's anything special. Again, maybe it's just his gimmick that isn't connecting with me? I see a fandango future for this dude.

Enzo and big cass: LOVE THEM. Enzo isn't so good in the ring but he's deinfately a top notch mic act. The gimmick for these guys is awesome. I can see them being called up and being big time players in the tag team division. I absolutely love Enzo though so I'm hoping for the best. Maybe not the main event but a mid card dude for years to come.

Lucha Dragons: Love the idea of a Lucha team on the main roster. So hopefully throwing them into the mix for the tag titles. I see Kalisto going further than Cara simply because he's way better in the ring. Can't really say I see any of them holding any major titles though. Perhaps a few tag title runs. Them and the Uso's would be money!

Vaudevillians: awesome gimmick to me. Love the entrance. Probably turn into a comedy act when brought up to the main roster for other teams to squash. Don't see these guys going far even though I think the gimmick is awesome.

If I left anyone out its probably because I don't really like them or have no real thought on their future. This is all opinion based but it's definately a fun topic to think about.
I don't get why the majority of people have rode the hype train for Finn Balor. The guy has the entrance and theme, ripped body, great to perfect in ring worker. But I don't get why everybody says he is the total package. He has the build of Tyson Kidd. Similar height, leaner. He hasn't shown mic skills at all. Punk had the IT factor if you can call what Balor has that, but was never the main event player. Even with his amazing personality and promo work and psychology.

So can somebody explain to me why do they see so much potential in Balor?
I don't get why the majority of people have rode the hype train for Finn Balor. The guy has the entrance and theme, ripped body, great to perfect in ring worker. But I don't get why everybody says he is the total package. He has the build of Tyson Kidd. Similar height, leaner. He hasn't shown mic skills at all. Punk had the IT factor if you can call what Balor has that, but was never the main event player. Even with his amazing personality and promo work and psychology.

So can somebody explain to me why do they see so much potential in Balor?

I can't speak for anyone else but he has to me the Jeff Hardy appeal, which let's face it is a recipe for success in WWE. To my knowledge he hasn't had run-ins with the law of substance issues so has a leg up there. His big thing is cross over appeal; he draws smarks, women, children and men 18-35 won't be so quick to bury him. His promos don't have to be lyrical genius (JH is to me a terrible promo) but carrying an heir of mystery and eccentricity will make him marketable and stand out.

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