Where Do You See ... MASON RYAN ... In The Next Three Years ?


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This Is A New Segment I'd Like To Start ... Where Do You See _______ In The Next Three Years ... Today We See Mason Ryan ?

Compared To Batista . The Next World Heavyweight Champ . Maybe A Future Hall Of Famer . Another Wrestler From The U.K Whos Has Made It To The WWE . For All Us In England We Seen Him In Gladiators And Saw Him In The Tour . Everyone Saw Him Waste Cena On Raw . 6 Foot 6 And 270 Pounds , Mason Seems Like The Perfect Champ With A Bright Future . But I Think His Talent Is Wasted In The Nexus , A New Beastly Wrestler Should Be In The Race For A Title And Not The Tag Teams ... With Being A Jobber And Helping CM Punk We Havent Seen The Full Package ...

In The Next Three Years I Think ...

2012 : Challenge For The Intercontinental Title And Ditch The Nexus .. Push Him For Main Events And A Main Event In A PPV . Get His Fan Popularity Up By Feuding With Ethier Former Leader CM Punk Or John Cena ...

2013: Have Him With Some Gold Round His Waist And Have Him Main Event Mania And Win Him The WHC Or WWE Champioship But Lose It Easy ... Be A Main Event And Challenger .. Feud With Miz Or Even Morrison ...

2014: Let Him Win The Champioship He Didnt Win That Last Year And Move Him To Smackdown Feud With Orton And Triple H And Have Him A Crowd Villan And Wave Goodbye To His Title ... Then Onwards From There ...

Please Follow The Guidlines That ...

You Must State The Next Three Years With The Heading

Please Respect Other Peoples Opinions

And Also Respect That I Have A Bad Habbit Of Upper Caps All The Time :banghead:


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I f he doesn't get an organized move set or better mic skills by year's end, he's going nowhere. I, like eveyone else pop when he displays his strength but outside of that he has nothing else going for him. If he's not careful he's gonna end up like Nathan Jones or Luther Reign(who I thought had a future, but what do I know). He really needs to tighten up his game in a hurry before the higher ups lose interest
meh, i don't know he could be the next Batista like he could be the next Tomko. Mason Ryan has the look to make it big in WWE, but he has to have a better move set. I like the name of his finisher though. Its called the House of Pain.


"Sorry about your damn luck!!!" - James Storm
he is horrible on the mic his voice makes my ears bleed....and he is green as grass in the ring if he dosent improve by 2013 he will get released...!
Can someone enlighten me? Has this guy even won a match yet?

I don't see him going anywhere in the next three years. That's only because I don't see anything special about him in the first place. He's a Nexus lackey and hasn't shown us what he could do outside of it. While there's no doubt that his physical prowess is more than capable of launching him in the spotlight against fellow power wrestlers such as John Cena, the fact of the matter is that he doesn't stand out. If a guy like Chris Masters who has ten times better moves than Mason Ryan can't win a single title, what makes me believe this guy can?

Anyway, here's a fantasy outcome.

2012 - Mason Ryan leaves Nexus and turns face. He then embarks on a journey to prove himself by first feuding with Dolph Ziggler. They battle it out from Royal Rumble to Elimination Chamber and then end it at WrestleMania. He then feuds with Jack Swagger until SummerSlam where he goes over. After that, Mason Ryan cuts a promo stating his intentions on becoming the United States Champion. Whoever the Champion is accepts the challenge. Mason Ryan loses the match at Hell in a Cell. The feud continues into Vengeance where he wins the US Championship. He gets a gimmick overhaul (no clue what), and turns heel again. He successfully defends his US Championship at both Survivor Series and TLC against John Morrison and Rey Mysterio, respectively.

2013 - Mason Ryan loses the US Championship to Rey Mysterio at Royal Rumble, before entering a story angle with John Cena. In a shocking series of events, Mason Ryan wins two matches against John Cena: once on RAW and once at Elimination Chamber. This sets up their clash at WrestleMania. John Cena goes over and that's the end of that. Mason Ryan gets pissed off and cuts a promo about how he's the next big player, so he squashes JTG and Goldust before Chris Masters shows up. Mason Ryan accepts the masterlock challenge and conquers it. Then, in the next week, CM Punk comes out to congratulate Mason Ryan on how far he has come and that he went from defeating John Cena to defeating guys that are barely mentioned. This turns Mason Ryan face again and he beats CM Punk at SummerSlam. He then gets traded to Smackdown where he fights both Sheamus and Wade Barrett (assuming they're still on Smackdown) respectively for Hell in a Cell and Vengeance. He goes over on both accounts, but loses a match to Wade Barrett on Smackdown. Mason Ryan then lets it be known that he wants a shot at the Intercontinental Championship and it's held by Cody Rhodes. While Mason Ryan does manage to win over Cody Rhodes in a non-title contest, he loses at next week's Smackdown. He then gets a spot on the Survivor Series team and survives until he and Randy Orton (as a heel) are the last to square off. Randy Orton hits the RKO and Mason Ryan is eliminated. They meet in singles action at TLC with Randy Orton going over again.

2014 - Mason Ryan and Randy Orton continue to battle and both manage to enter the Royal Rumble. Mason Ryan enters at #15 and eliminates Randy Orton (entering at #18) near the end of the match, before Mason Ryan himself gets eliminated by John Cena. Mason Ryan meets Randy Orton again at the Elimination Chamber and gets eliminated by Randy Orton. They finally end it at WrestleMania with Mason Ryan finally beating Randy Orton. Mason Ryan then earns himself a #1 contender's spot for the World Heavyweight Championship after defeating Daniel Bryan. He faces World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus at Money in the Bank and loses. The following week, Mason Ryan is back to doing nothing and having random encounters against guys like Ezekiel Jackson and Justin Gabriel. Because of this, he misses out on SummerSlam and Hell in a Cell. However, he gets traded over to RAW and they decide to hold a King of the Ring tournament. Mason Ryan gets himself into the tournament and manages to win it. He then battles Drew McIntyre for the United States Championship and wins it for the second time at Vengeance. He defends it successfully against Drew McIntyre on RAW and then Skip Sheffield on the next RAW. He drops the title off to Kofi Kingston at Survivor Series, and gets injured.


WWE United States Champion (2)
2014 King of the Ring
There are several potential ways that I could see the Mason Ryan character going over the next 3 years. I will present two variations: 1. If WWE allows him to reach his full potential and 2. The most likely scenario.

Lets start with the one where he is allowed to grow as a character and reach his full potential:
2012: After breaking away from the Nexus by defeating them in a handicap match at WrestleMania 28, he starts a gradual ascent up through the ranks of the midcard, culminating with a victory over Jack Swagger for the Intercontinental Championship at some low-level PPV in October or November of that year.
2013: Ryan starts to get a big head as the IC Champion, especially after a good showing at the Royal Rumble, where is one of the last eliminated. After a full fledged heel turn, he goes on to break the record set by Honky Tonk Man for longest title run. He defends the title at every PPV and does it in WCW style of Goldberg domination.
2014: Ryan wins the Royal Rumble, after another squash match IC Title match earlier in the evening. This leads to a Champion vs Champion match at WrestleMania 30 where he defeats John Cena for his first WWE Title, relinquishing his IC Title the next night on Raw.

Now for the one that will probably happen:
2012: Mason goes into WrestleMania, feuding with CM Punk for control of Nexus, and probably losing. This leads to a series of matches, which is supposed to lead to a push for Ryan, but right before the WWE pulling the trigger, he fails a drug test and is suspended.
2013: After returning from the suspension, Ryan turns into a clone of Batista and starts calling him out, eventually leading to a match between the two, which Batista wins. Ryan moves on to feud for the IC Title but is again suspended for failing a drug test. This leads to him being wished well in his future endeavors.
2014: Mason Ryan shows up in TNA, using the name Ryan Mason and winning the TNA Title within the first 3 months. After being unstoppable for the next 2 months, he loses the title and is forever chasing the title until he eventually asks for his release and is never heard from again
this year he will win the u.s title for the first time and get away from the nexus and feud with cm tit head for a while

2012 he will win the rumble i hope win his first world title wwe or w.h either one at wrestlemania then he will hopefully win it a 2nd time through 2012

2013 he will be dominant and not lose much hopefully win the title 2 more times b4 the rumble win that for a 2nd time and go on to win his 5th world title at wrestlemania
just to add i think this bloke can be better than batista who everyone compares him too and he is a what 4 or 5 time world champion this guys better trust me
@Danny84 There isn't really a body of work from Mason Ryan to say that he is better than Batista. Mason has had 6 matches on Raw. Batista has that many World Heavyweight/WWE Title runs. Come find me when it gets a little bit closer of a comparison. He might be the next incarnation of Ric Flair but as of yet, he hasn't proven anything. Maybe he eventually will, but who knows?
okay first of all HHH in WWE in 2014 wont happen, and it seems like there putting alot of stock in his build up, and i see him breaking it off with Nexus by the summer, and if Punks still in WWE feud with him.
IMO I don't think Mason will be that much better then he is now for a couple of reasons. 1. He will not reach batistas popularity bc that's who he reminds MANY people of(batista) therefore to me he will just be a poor mans Batista. 2. He just comes off very green to me. Outside of his body there isn't much else. He isn't really great in the ring. 3. Mic work is horrible. I know you get better with experience but with his accent he is done.I don't think we could name 3 wrestling hall of famers with real bad accents like him. May just be mere coincidence but the accent doesn't make him intimidating. Its somewhat of a tacky reason but I can't take him seriously. Pair that with constant Batista references and its a bad mix to me.
I think Mason Ryan will be a huge star within the next three years. With the current youth movement and Vince's infatuation with muscle heads Mason has a very good chance at a world championship. He has sort of a bruising brawler type of style and once that is polished a little bit I think he can remind us alot of one of the classic old school brawlers such as Hansen, Brosy, and Dr. Death.
First of all, we shouldn't fault Mason for having an accent. An American accent sounds just as funny to somebody abroad.

Having said that, his mic work is awful. He pulls these stupid faces when he talks and I have seen better middle school acting than that.

If looking like Batista is that much of a problem, why not change his look? Less tan (Wales doesn't get much sun)/ going blonde or bald/ growing facial or chest hair etc. could help him become unique.

2012 - Hopefully the Nexus dies off, MR goes to midcard
2013 - US title?
2014 - Retires due to steroid-related issues, not in his body, but his expressions caused his eyelids to droop, blinding him.
I see Mason Ryan as a world title contender by 2012. He will likely have held multiple world titles by 2013 and possibly even be a top heel status at that point. By 2014 he will be being pushed similarly to Batista to where only a top face could stand up to him. I think this is all likely to happen because he has the look WWE wants and he is good enough on the mic and improving in the ring. He will be around for a while.
He'll probably be without a job in a year’s time. WWE have debuted countless musclemen only for them to fade into obscurity after one or two storylines; I doubt Mason Ryan will be an exception. The few matches he’s had on Raw aren’t and his mic work only reinforces my belief that he’ll get future endeavoured sooner rather than later. And when he does, not even TNA will try and sign him (and that’s saying a lot.)
My guess? Future endeavored. Im not sure what the obsession is with being a Batista knock-off, but this man is a very poor man's version. He's too muscular to the point where he can barely move within the ring, his facial expressions are cartoonish, and his mic skills are attrocious. Pairing him with CM Punk may be the only thing that redeems him, because Punk may be able to do something with him, although I have a hard time picturing what. Outside of being a muscular enforcer, he brings such little to the table and has been so buried within the New Nexus that it will be a large hole for him to climb out of.

The way Ryan should have been presented, and was a lost opportunity, was akin to Goldberg. Winning three minute squash matches on a weekly basis would have presented him as a believable heel, because he is humungous and has a great look. But he's been beaten so many times as a member of Nexus that for him to suddenly become a wolrd-beater wouldn't be believable. Anyone with his size and look has the opportunity to get pushed in the WWE, but anyone as green as him is just as likely to be future endeavored. I think if WWE truly had big plans for him, they would have protected him more and no had him eat so many losses so early in his career, but I could be wrong. He's a boom or bust type of guy, so he'll either be a dominant World Champion in 3 years, or he won't be around at all. Im betting on the latter.

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