Where do you draw the line on humor?

Paul Bunyan's Axe

Occasional Pre-Show
How far are you willing to go with a joke? Is making jokes towards death against your morales, or can you make light out of it? And if you do, where do you draw the line between what's funny, and what's cruel?
If I'm making it with a friend then I'l go pretty damn far, but I won't tell someone who I think would get offended. I wouldn't say it to someone who would get hurt over it.
Nothing is off limits as long as it's funny. I usually don't go out of my way to offend someone for no reason, though. Your setting is always important.
I'm not usually too bothered by the extent of a joke. When it comes to the telling, one should always know their audience. There are friends that you know won't find things funny.

When it comes to comedians, if they're famous the audience will know their style so offence should be minimal. Open mic night kind of thing? I would have no problem with any kind of humour so long as it's not at the expense of an audience member. Insults don't count as jokes in my book.
I make a lot of jokes with my friends and we're always insulting each other. Where do we draw the line? Well, mum's the red button.

I hate the kind of people which make a joke happily but when you make one out of them, they get angry at you. If I were to be making fun out of one particular friend, it would be about 2 or 3 jokes. Anything more and some people may find it a little personal.
I say nothing is off limits but you should sometimes scale the jokes to the audience. I think it is hypocritical to say one topic is while another is not. I think the only jokes that are bad are the ones in mean spirit that have malicious intent behind them. But I view those as insults rather than jokes.
For personal reasons, rape jokes are off-limits and will either end with me shouting at you loudly for 10 minutes or punching you in the face (if you dare to argue with me).
My sense of humor is pretty morbid. Something the rest of my family does not appreciate. Nothing is really off limits. Although if I do cross a line the first time I won't cross it again.
For personal reasons, rape jokes are off-limits and will either end with me shouting at you loudly for 10 minutes or punching you in the face (if you dare to argue with me).

I don't agree with getting angry at jokes that can be personally offensive to you (this is different from a personal attack, of which I don't agree with). I believe that you are advocating censorship and that everyone must conform to what you see fit. Everyone has dealt with bad stuff in their lives. There are jokes that can make me sad or angry, but rather than getting mad at the person who says the joke, I either understand it is all an act and no offense was meant or I turn it off. Again, not the person who said the joke's fault nor the person being offended. But if you get angry at the person who is telling the joke, I think you are way out of line. Free speech is a two way street. You have to take what you perceive as good and what you perceive is bad (ps NOT saying rape is good in anyway, I'm saying that no one should be forced to conform to what you perceive as good an bad).

You have to remember, people who are doing these types of jokes are acting. They are not personally attacking you. You perceive them as doing so but you should know not to get mad at them. Just understand that joke/comic/act is not for you.
Nothing is off-limits for me but on here I keep it really mild.

You're tiptoeing, big man, when you should be strutting.
A lot has to be taken into consideration.

Was the joke admirably clever? Most people I know will grant a pass on inappropriate humor if that's the case.

What is the reputation of the joke teller among those listening? There's a huge difference between mocking the death of someone you casually knew, and someone who was like family.

Sometimes cruelty is the whole point. You want to rip apart someone's soul with an observance that's comical, but also makes light of their pain.

Roasts are a good example of when a family of individuals take the gloves off and tolerate each others' harsh criticisms as being all in good fun. Jokes told at these events still have to be within the bounds of safe though. I remember when The Situation did his bit at the Donald Trump roast and told a joke about slavery, the silence of the crowd was deafening.

For me personally, I like to think that I have thick skin. It helps if people don't know too many details about your personal life. I don't tell jokes that are intended to offend, I think that my witty observances are good enough.
For personal reasons, rape jokes are off-limits and will either end with me shouting at you loudly for 10 minutes or punching you in the face (if you dare to argue with me).

One thing I'd like to note on that. The situation where Daniel Tosh told a rape joke, and eventually had to apologize to a woman in the audience. Keep in mind that when she protested at first, she was regarded as a heckler and Daniel Tosh chose to ask the audience if they also thought it would be funny if that particular woman was raped by five men.

I think that the woman was perfectly justified in her being upset, but only for one very specific reason.

Daniel Tosh was not a featured performer that night. He just happened to be at the venue and was allowed to do some stand up. This woman didn't ignorantly attend a show featuring a guy like Daniel Tosh who's known for telling jokes that push the limits of what's acceptable.

No matter how tough we all want to act, we all have boundaries. Sometimes we have to be in the right mood for a joke to work.

I find rape jokes offensive too, if I'm foolish enough to knowingly attend stand up comedy from Daniel Tosh I'll swallow my pride and let him entertain his audience.
I dont as a rule, but I dont act offensively to come across as Billy big bollocks either. If someone is offended by something I say, just ask me to stop, but get angry or whatever and I'll just get worse. self righteosness is the quickest way for me to disregard your feelings as unimportant
I don't agree with getting angry at jokes that can be personally offensive to you (this is different from a personal attack, of which I don't agree with). I believe that you are advocating censorship and that everyone must conform to what you see fit. Everyone has dealt with bad stuff in their lives. There are jokes that can make me sad or angry, but rather than getting mad at the person who says the joke, I either understand it is all an act and no offense was meant or I turn it off. Again, not the person who said the joke's fault nor the person being offended. But if you get angry at the person who is telling the joke, I think you are way out of line. Free speech is a two way street. You have to take what you perceive as good and what you perceive is bad (ps NOT saying rape is good in anyway, I'm saying that no one should be forced to conform to what you perceive as good an bad).

You have to remember, people who are doing these types of jokes are acting. They are not personally attacking you. You perceive them as doing so but you should know not to get mad at them. Just understand that joke/comic/act is not for you.

He's talking about rape, man. It's an act where someone is preyed upon and made to feel weak, powerless and the victims often feel responsible in some way for what has happened to them.

Read back what I bolded and tell me if you can understand why what you wrote made you sound like a cunt.
Sometimes you need to look at a sentence in context with a paragraph.

Offensive jokes are like smoking (I dont smoke), try to stop me completely and shout at me and you'll get a face full, but somebodies right to smoke is outweighed by somebody elses right not to be smoked around. As a smoker avoids the smoking area, so should the easily offended avoid Frankie Boyle.
For personal reasons, rape jokes are off-limits and will either end with me shouting at you loudly for 10 minutes or punching you in the face (if you dare to argue with me).

You couldn't watch Jimmy Carr for sure and the man is brilliant. I only draw the line when the joke is on me and the purpose of the joke is to "humiliate" a person more so than trying to be funny. I'm okay with the Mom jokes, with the "What She Said" bla bla because those are not meant to be taken serious.
He's talking about rape, man. It's an act where someone is preyed upon and made to feel weak, powerless and the victims often feel responsible in some way for what has happened to them.

Read back what I bolded and tell me if you can understand why what you wrote made you sound like a cunt.

There's plenty of funny rape jokes. There's also plenty of funny 9/11 jokes, Holocaust jokes, jokes about pedophilia, murder. You're allowed to be offended by whatever you choose to and express it however you want, but you don't have the right to not be offended.
He's talking about rape, man. It's an act where someone is preyed upon and made to feel weak, powerless and the victims often feel responsible in some way for what has happened to them.

Read back what I bolded and tell me if you can understand why what you wrote made you sound like a cunt.

No I do not see how that makes me a cunt. I do not advocate rape. I think people who do that should be thrown in jail for life.

I'm offended by the word cunt and therefore you should never say the word. See how censorship can be a slippery slope? If one topic becomes off limits, why can't other topics? If rape can't be joked about, what makes other topics okay? Is religion safe to joke about or is that offensive too? Death? How about your mom jokes? Stereotype jokes? How about Asian, white, black, women, men jokes? Now you can't say even one of those are okay for any reason. If you say any of those are okay, then you are being a gigantic hypocrite.

Please note I did not say rape was right. I also did not say no one should have conform to what is right. While the joke might be offensive and not right, they have every right to say it.

Please try to actually read what I wrote.
No I do not see how that makes me a cunt. I do not advocate rape. I think people who do that should be thrown in jail for life.

Agreed. Yet, by accepting rape jokes, you're not condoning it now are you? If you're laughing along with the punchline that is based on a horrendous experience, then to me it seems like you're in a position that defends rape culture by putting it into the same bracket as fucking 'Yo Momma' jokes.

If you, or anyone, want to think that anything can be joked about then nothing I can say will change that. I do believe there are certain limits as to where the line should be drawn and rape is past that line.
Agreed. Yet, by accepting rape jokes, you're not condoning it now are you? If you're laughing along with the punchline that is based on a horrendous experience, then to me it seems like you're in a position that defends rape culture by putting it into the same bracket as fucking 'Yo Momma' jokes.

If you, or anyone, want to think that anything can be joked about then nothing I can say will change that. I do believe there are certain limits as to where the line should be drawn and rape is past that line.

What do you really think that a "rape joke" is? It's something down the lines of: "My girlfriend isn't with me for such an immature concept as love... oh no... she's with me mainly because she got tired of running away."

"I called that Rape Advice Line earlier today. Unfortunately, it’s only for victims."

As you can see it isn't about the sexual act in itself. The purpose of it is not to offend. As some brilliant people said before me: "offense is not given, is taken" and if people are immature enough to find offense in jokes so they should just stay away from that genre and at least for me, being such a whinny person isn't healthy.
Agreed. Yet, by accepting rape jokes, you're not condoning it now are you? If you're laughing along with the punchline that is based on a horrendous experience, then to me it seems like you're in a position that defends rape culture by putting it into the same bracket as fucking 'Yo Momma' jokes.

If you, or anyone, want to think that anything can be joked about then nothing I can say will change that. I do believe there are certain limits as to where the line should be drawn and rape is past that line.

I see and get your point. I just support free speech and with that people are given the freedom to joke about whatever they want.

I was trying to make the point that if we start banning things that are offensive then we might start banning things that are less and less offensive (ie, your momma jokes). It's a slippery slope.

I may laugh at an inappropriate joke but it is because it is in a setting where I know there is no malicious intent behind the joke. I am not defending rape and usually the people who hear these types of jokes are typically old enough to know that rape should not be condoned.

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