Where do we go from here?


Team Finnley Baylor
Three huge title changes took place tonight, well TWO huge title changes tonight. Face it, the ECW title isn't huge..so yea.

Anyway, it looks as if at least two new programs will be started now that HHH and Cena are apparently on the shelf for a bit, so the question now is who do Edge and Orton feud with from here? Also, where does Punk go from here? Losing to Kane doesn't help his cause, so where does he go from here on out?

All predictions are welcome.
I'm not sure where Edge goes.. Maybe something with CM Punk seeing as how the draft changes "officially" start this week.I see RKO being put in a feud with Batista. I'd be kinda aggravated if they did though, Batista is just losing his spark.. not that it was that bright to begin with but regardless. Kudos to the endings on both WWE & WHC matches.
Edge has alot of options. CM Punk would be an obvious choice for a feud. Plus, he still has that MITB. Which, for one, I would love to see him cash that in and then lose. I am tired of the suprise MITB cash-ins. He doesnt have to lose, but wait and save it for a match on a PPV. Then, you have Rey. All though, not a huge supporter of Mysterio, he would be a good filler main event for some PPV's or a Mini-feud. Then, you have my personal favorite, Chris Jericho. I would love to see a heel vs. heel program. One out-smarting the other with dispicle acts. It would be great.

Orton has choices too. Big Show would be a main-event program for him. Also, I would love to see Mr. Kennedy, given he can stay healthy. Batista, I am sure, will be his next opponent. So, no worries on where they go from here.
Big Show can't main event. That's been proven at Wrestlemania. Most likely it'll be Batista cause they have no one else to
I'd love to see a big 4-way feud on SD between Edge, Punk, Jericho and Jeff, which could culminate in a huge fatal four way ladder match at Summerslam. You could also have Jeff get 'injured' in the match to erite him off TV. Just a thought.
I think there was a hint at an Edge v Christian feud somewhere down the line. Not sure where the ECW title will fit into it though.
if they plan on having punk move on to face edge then they didnt help build that tonite. i think that edge and jeff hardy will have a lengthy feud and that they will have kane go after the briefcase from punk. after tonite there really isnt any other option for jeff then to go after the one that took his title
Well as said before orton will feud with batista till trips returns and Big show with cena when he returns.As for edge that one is tricky cause if you noticed there is are no top face on smackdown. I know there is undertaker but he never takes this role and mysterio is a fill in as said by finneycom1. So I would like to see Edge vs Jericho but if it cant result in a long feud cause obviously they will not have good crowd reaction then let jericho turn face and please would someone tell him to put his pants on:ass:
Very very interesting night. I think it was pretty good PPV though compared to recent ones.

The only issue i have with it is Punk losing to Kane. I didnt get that.

Also, the interaction between Edge & Christian is something to think about. Christian is face and Edge is heel so it'll be interesting if they do something with them.

For Edge, I see Punk issuing a challenge for the title at Judgment Day in his home state. He has teased that this year he wont be doing the surprise thing and that he'll be letting the champion know that he is cashing it in. I think this year they will build Punk up properly but tonight was a bit odd with Kane going over him. I wonder what the plans are. Anyways, another obvious option would be Jeff who has now finished his Matt Hardy fued so he could get in the hunt for the title too.

Orton will fued with Batista but i really hope he keeps the title for at least a good 6 months and they start focusing more on the building of Legacy as a group instead of just Orton getting the title. He has it now, time for Rhodes and DiBiase to do something, hopefully the tag belts. I want to see Legacy almost at Evolutions level if they can and it has to start with Rhodes and DiBiase being built up as a threat rather than Orton's little minions.
I think Orton is going to defend the title against Batista since he'll be the top face if Cena & HHH go out of action for a while, but what I hope they do is do a #1 contender tournament since HHH & Cena look like they'll be taking a break from wrestling.

As for Edge, He has a lot of options on Smackdown, he could defend the tiltle against CM Punk if he decides to cash in his MITB briefcase, also Edge can have feuds with Undertaker, Mysterio or Jeff.
i sincerely hope edge is in for a face turn. but until then, it seems jeff should be in it for a short term feud. i dont wanna see another taker edge feud. been there done that. christian will likely feud with swagger for a while still. as for orton, i personally hope his plane crashes into reliant stadium.
Somethings that need to happen imho to make things interesting:

Cena needs to turn heel. It's been long overdue. I used to like the guy too, but he has become overexposed, too corny, borning, stale imho. He needs a heel change of some sort, look what it did twice for the rock, hogan, austin etc. It extended their character and made things interesting again. Cena could pull it off too I think and seemingly half of the fans loathe him anyways and it would make the WWE gain more interest overall. But it looks like there gonna feud him with Show as a heel and won't do it because of their pg rating stuff. Yawn...

Next, Edge needs to turn face. He has done alot in a short amount of time as he could as a heel. Fans showing hints that they want to cheer for him. Time to dump Vickie also which would make sense know that he is going to Smackdown as champ.

CM Punk needs to turn Heel. He could pull it off I think. He seems a little too arrogant and cocky to me at times. He could be a tweener type character.

Kane needs to turn face. Kane needs to go back to his masked attire. They were hinting at it with his Rey Mysterio feud when Adamle was GM. They totally dropped the ball on that. They seem to be giving him a semi push again in the last few weeks. Give him another run as the masked monster. They could market it too with his mask and stuff and some unions with his brother UT again on SD.

Shelton benjamin needs a serious main event push. This guy has been screwed or looked over far too much. He is an exceptional wrestler and doesnt need exceptional mic skills to be in the spotlight, like a Benoit etc..
Kane needs to turn face. Kane needs to go back to his masked attire. They were hinting at it with his Rey Mysterio feud when Adamle was GM. They totally dropped the ball on that. They seem to be giving him a semi push again in the last few weeks. Give him another run as the masked monster. They could market it too with his mask and stuff and some unions with his brother UT again on SD.

Shelton benjamin needs a serious main event push. This guy has been screwed or looked over far too much. He is an exceptional wrestler and doesnt need exceptional mic skills to be in the spotlight, like a Benoit etc..

Kane is NOT gonna put on his mask again. Glen Jacobs is probably going to retire soon. He's not one of those guys who crave the spotlight. He's not one of those guys who's gonna need "one last run". He's perfectly fine in his position.

I do agree with you that Shelton should be pushed. His short program with the Undertaker was really good. He constantly steals the show at Money in the Bank. I read that Vince was really pleased with his U.S. title reign, so you never know.

I've also read that Shelton isn't really looking to become a Main Eventer. He's said that he's content in his role in the WWE.

I think Vince, or someone in Creative really likes him because he seems to always have a championship belt. Save for when they inexplicably teamed him back up with Haas.

I'm a huge Mark of Shelton's, and I'm definitely rooting for him to move up the Ladder in the WWE.
I can definitely see Edge vs Jeff Hardy in a TLC match at the Extreme Rules PPV for the World Title, such an obvious choice of match at such an obvious time for these two.

On the other hand I haven't got a clue where they're going to go with Orton now, but Legacy will probably get the tag straps soon too just for the hell of it. If HHH is supposed to be injured though, then Batista is the obvious choice for a WWE title feud right now.
Hmm I can see Orton and Batista feuding, which is good as it would get Trips out of the main event for a while.

Edge; I think will feud with either Jeff or Punk as they're the main faces there, maybe Undertaker...but Taker doesn't need it.

Christian; He's going to ride ECW until about SummerSlame where I think we're going to see a TLC match with E&C v hardyz.

Matt & Jeff; Their feud surely is done now...but what's interesting is that wwe.com is advertising a Hardy Boyz figure set (new release) either a coincidence or a sign that their feud is other and these two will be back together in due course.
it is defently about time Edge went face. I actually felt sorry for him in his segment with cena a few weeks back. Have him just break down on friday and play the sympathy card.

randy, batista fued is right there and should be used until jugment day to start ortans reign.

what i really want to see is jericho fued with rey mysterio. for th i.c title. it would be a good match and bring back the prestige of the title
I'm going to go out a limb here, but I have a bad feeling creative is going to bring back a champion vs champion feud on Smackdown. It's been a few years since the "E" had a champ vs champ feud (IC & Heavyweight).

Plus, there's a poster for the Extreme Rules PPV on June 7th from New Orleans, maybe fake maybe real, which features Mysterio. I can see them starting a Rey & Edge feud.

As for Orton, I think is it's a foredrawn conclusion that Batista is nis next opponent. Right now, I'm not sure how I feel about it, but he is the most over babyface on the Raw brand right now outside of Jeff Hardy and we just saw Orton and Hardy a few months back, so I don't see that happening again for a while.

As for Christian, I really hope his work with Swagger is far from done. These guys have the potential for some epic encounters in the near future and I don't really see anyone else from ECW stepping up to the plate right now. The "one & done" approach doesn't happen very often in the wrestling world, so I fully anticipate a few more matches between these two guys.
Orton will make a great champ. The guy has been in fueds with some amazing people. Everyone keeps talking about how it will be Batista. what if here what if Batista fueds with Shane over getting HHH hurt?

What if Shawn Micheals comes back and tries to defend his friend being hurt?

I just think after watching Batista last night he has grown stale.

Big Show = waist of time

I think Roades and Teddy jr. ought to win the tag titles and one of them win the US belt and let them dominate for a while. This would also let MVP go after Orton.

Edge, why not let Kane try and fight him?
I would love Jericho to fued with him as well. Rey has been Champion and that didnt work all that well. I will say in the last 3 years the 2 people who have had the belt the longest is Edge and Cena. I think it might be time for cena to go on a huge losing streak to a point of looking lonely in the back and out in public and somehow a kid talks to him on the streets and asking him where has the real john cena gone or is he washed up like every one else is saying?

then he comes back out and raps on people hahaha and dominates again
all these ideas are great, but vince and boys sure arent listening, Heres what will happen

Orton feuds with Batista for a little while and then trips comes back to raw in record time from a punt and then renews his fight with Orton and then we'll see
HHH vs Orton for the 50th time, theyll drag it out as long as possible (to summerslam ?)after that's done it will be Orton vs Cena in a 6 month feud all the way to the Royal Rumble, then HHH will win the rumble and face Orton at Mania 2010, then Cena will weasel his way back in and make another 3 way dance, this will make sure absolutely no on else ever gets in the main event for the entire year and vince's vision of a stale product wil be complete !!!!

at least smackdown has some possiblities, but i think it will probably be Edge winning and losing the tittle like 3 times each and staying heel all the way thru the whole year, to start with will probably be the undertaker, then hardy, then punk cashes in
Alright, they are NOT going to do Orton vs Batista for an extended period of time.... But they will start it, then probably as HHH and Cena come back, just add them into the feud for the title... do some tag matches and stuff like that, 3 ways and 4 ways... its exactly what they should do and will be the worst, most uninteresting, as far from technical wrestling feud of all time. i hate raw now lol.

Probably some mvp vs the miz action...

When Cena first returns im sure hell fight Show 4 a PPV or two before Cena starts goin for the title again..

OK NOW THIS IS WHERE IT GETS FUN! How could anyone not enjoy this show at this point... This is what we should see...

Edge vs Jeff Hardy, they both just had blow off matches, Hardy is the most over face on Smackdown (besides the legendary Undertaker)... HArdy wont win but itll be fun...

Speaking of the legendary undertaker... Guess what wrestler that everyone wants to see stop theyre recent gimmick is on Smackdown now... the LEGEND KILLER RAn... CHRIS JERICHO!!!! even tho im sick of that whole shmeal, im very ok with Y2j vs Taker... should be AWESOME...

Punk will keep having random matches, UNTIL that is... John Morrison gets put into a feud with him where he challenged to take that MITB, dont kno if itll happen but just by the way the announcers talk about morrison now its as if they want us to kno he is moving up the ladder... and i see punk as a nice place to start

Now if that DOES NOT happen... expect REY vs MORRISON, in a feud that will no doubt have the best matches of the year, and will end with JO MO takin the IC title.

Christian vs Swagger continues... tyson Kidd vs finlay... Koslov challenges for the title at some point, loses and we wish him the best in his future endeavors.
Smackdown fueds:

1-Edge vs Hardy for the World Title.....Jericho may also insert himself into this!

2-Rey vs Morrison for Intercontinental Title

3-Kane vs The Undertaker would be cool (gimmick matches with Kane actually winning the fued).......I wish Kane would be World Champ before he retires!!

4-Punk may insert himself into the World Title mix sooner than later..although I see him getting in the title mix around Summerslam!!!

5-The Jericho/Taker fued should be held off until next year's WM!!!
I'd Turn Randy Orton face, but rather than change his character, i'd simply have him do what he does to heels rather than faces, much like how they turned Stone Cold face. Randy seemed to be getting cheered a hell of a lot when he first got confronted by Vince. I remember when he kicked him in the head and started this whole feud, i though it was weird how we were all suddenly supposed to feel sorry for the Mcmahons, Considering only a few years back we were supposed to believe Vince's charater was the Devil incarnate.
Jerico vs. Undertaker would no doubt be the freshest feud in the wwe right now but i would rather see them at next years wrestlemania. i see edge vs. punk at judgment day b/c its punks hometown with edge retaining. i hope they go with a jeff/rey feud since thats never been before. I do agree with therocksaysyo on havin a kane/undertaker feud with kane coming out on top for once. this would elevate him higher then he ever was.

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