Where are the Motor City Machine Guns?

One of them was injured, broken jaw i think? not sure, the other was at lockdown (have heard that the other was suicide in the same match)
and they are both suppose to be on impact in the coming weeks.
Shelly had a broken collar bone. I think however they are going to be doing the singles X Division thing though when he gets back.
The Guns and Petey Williams have a band on the side plus Shelly was out w/ a injury. But Sabin has been n TV in the last month.
Shelly had a broken collar bone, as mentioned above, but he should be back soon. When he comes back I hope they stay as a team. They were starting to tease a split before the injury. If they do split, TNA needs to get some new teams quickly.
Velvet Sky, I believe it was her, in an interview said he was back this week for tapings, so expect him to be back on screen for next weeks Impact.
Alex Shelly has a broken collarbone. However Velvet sky said he was returning soon to one of the impact tapings. Chris Sabin has been wrestling, and he has a quest for the x-division title. Although Mike Teney said that the mcmg were going to put on hold there tag team to focus on there singles careers.
Like others have said, Alex Shelley suffered a broken collarbone several months back. As a result, Chris Sabin, for the most part, has been MIA during this time but the word on the internet is that TNA is going to focus them primarily as singles competitors for now.

On one hand, it's natural to want The Guns as a tag team. They're a great team and the tag team scene in TNA right now needs great teams as it's weaker now than it's been in a very long time. At the same time, The Guns have been together for a long time. Aside from Beer Money, there isn't another team in TNA that's even remotely on their level and TNA just can't keep them feuding with Beer Money.
I'd like to see the Guns split in the most natural/realistic way possible. Keep being best friends but fight individually. Why do tag teams have to ONLY be tag team fighters? Single wrestlers get put together all the time. You could even keep MCMG together in promos but still have lengthy singles feuds. Don't screw something magical up. Expand it.
they put sabin back in the x division which sucks cause he's better then that, he deserves to be in the running for the tv belt
Shelly had a broken collar bone, as mentioned above, but he should be back soon. When he comes back I hope they stay as a team. They were starting to tease a split before the injury. If they do split, TNA needs to get some new teams quickly.
i would agree totally with you!

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