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Where are Jay Lethal and Consequences Creed?

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Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
Ever since the Suicide storyline ended (which was still never solved who he was, and I hope we find out soon on TV), we have not seen Jay Lethal or Consquences Creed on TV. They were completely pulled out of the X Division title chase and the tag title chase, as were the Motor City Machine Guns, until they were clearly proven faces this past week. The two teams were replaced by the likes of Steiner and Booker, which isn't fair to the two team. If anything, Lethal and Creed should be helping the faces, as they were earleir, as they are great, young talent.
They were actually on Impact trying to collect the bounty placed on Abyss's head this past week. It was a small spot, although it was pretty funny. they got their butts handed to them.

I agree they should be on board with the faces.
I believe they're both gonna be in the Steel Asylum at Hard Justice. If there's one thing I'm concerned about Lethal Consequences instead of wondering where they've been is how long is Jay Lethal gonna continue with the Macho Man gimmick?

I just think that at this point, it's kind of stale and that both Lethal and Creed need to find their own strides.
Unfortunately this seems to be the case with most TNA talent.

However Creed and Lethal were on this weeks impact as a previous post mentions but the real issue here isn't where they are its what they are doing with them....

TNA's ability to create storylines and characters are shocking. I remember turning the show on to see Creed come out and just imitated Apollo Creed from the Rocky films, Jay Lethal dressed as Macho man and Petey Williams dressed as Scott Steiner!

I sat there and thought... This is a complete Circus! I want to see these guys take on characters of their own with a hint of their own personalities!

Whats wrong with having a bunch of competitive young wrestlers that dont have a gimmick? They want to wrestle and they want to win... Their natural personalities will set them aside as individuals if they are given enough TV tiime...

And the most annoying part is that we know they have the talent but they just reproduce the same thing over and over again... very sad.

Until then i guess we will have to put up with creations like Black Reign, Curry Man, Shark Boy and Suicide.
TNA's ability to create storylines and characters are shocking. I remember turning the show on to see Creed come out and just imitated Apollo Creed from the Rocky films, Jay Lethal dressed as Macho man and Petey Williams dressed as Scott Steiner!

I sat there and thought... This is a complete Circus! I want to see these guys take on characters of their own with a hint of their own personalities!

Whats wrong with having a bunch of competitive young wrestlers that dont have a gimmick? They want to wrestle and they want to win... Their natural personalities will set them aside as individuals if they are given enough TV tiime...

Jay Lethal's Black Machismo gimmick is a tribute to Savage, and for the most part it works out fine. Petey Williams at that time was in a storyline with Steiner playing his mentor hence the use of Steiners image an clothing. As for Creed he hasn't done the Apollo imitations for months. You're basically complaining about things that haven't happened for months. One of the guys you mentioned isn't even in TNA anymore.

As for the thread, currently it seems Lethal Consequences aren't being used by creative. However considering the World Elite storyline and Creed wearing the US flag colours I wouldn't be surprised to see them involved in a feud with the Elite sooner or later.
Jay Lethal's Black Machismo gimmick is a tribute to Savage

Yes i know its a tribute but lets be honest... He surely wouldnt want to keep doing it now... It was great at first as a bit of entertainment but they should be moving him on now

Petey Williams at that time was in a storyline with Steiner playing his mentor hence the use of Steiners image an clothing.

This is my point... it's poor writing... Why does he have to copy the other guys attire if he's his mentor? it's just Lazy writing... It's like Samoa Joe and Taz now. Samoa Joe keeps folding his arms like Taz and its just done because he used to do it... Were trying to develop talent for the future not stay with the past!

As for Creed he hasn't done the Apollo imitations for months.

Basically Creed hasn't done ANYTHING for months... i was using it as an example of how they try to put people over... by picking something that has already been done and running with it. It's lazy

You're basically complaining about things that haven't happened for months. One of the guys you mentioned isn't even in TNA anymore.

I was making a generalised comment about my concerns (not complaining) about the creative direction for TNA (which included lethal consequences) and how they poor book storylines and characters, im sorry ive mentioned a wrestler not currently performing for the promotion.
I have personally enjoyed how Jay Lethal's character has slipped a little further into insanity and hilarity over his last few TV spots.
He keeps talking in the background over others and saying weird shit like "You're a shape shifter" and didn't he call Abyss 'Andre' last week?

Creed I can take or leave on any given day.
Yes i know its a tribute but lets be honest... He surely wouldnt want to keep doing it now... It was great at first as a bit of entertainment but they should be moving him on now
And what do you propose he do? Wrestle as "Jay Lethal, the black guy with cornrows"? Black Machismo was a poor gimmick that Lethal managed to salvage to a point where he is/was over with the fans. If a gimmick works then it stays until it stops generating a response.

This is my point... it's poor writing... Why does he have to copy the other guys attire if he's his mentor? it's just Lazy writing... It's like Samoa Joe and Taz now. Samoa Joe keeps folding his arms like Taz and its just done because he used to do it... Were trying to develop talent for the future not stay with the past!

It isn't lazy writing, it isn't even writing it's costume design. Secondly showing a connection between a wrestler and his mentor is pretty standard, it implies that the protege respects their mentor. Which assisted Williams in his program with Steiner, In case you missed that Petey assumed he was safe from the MEM due to him being Steiner's friend, Steiner turned on him an it lead to Steiner criticizing Williams as a wannabe which lead to a match where Steiner reclaimed his headdress. It was symbolic of their relationship as wrestlers and overrall it was one of the more interesting aspects of the MEM storyline.

Same goes for Joe and Taz, Taz was an unstoppable force in ECW and Joe has been for most of his TNA career, fans were already drawing comparisons between the two so TNA did the smart thing and brought them together. That's good writing not lazy writing.

Basically Creed hasn't done ANYTHING for months... i was using it as an example of how they try to put people over... by picking something that has already been done and running with it. It's lazy
What? Because it was done in a movie from the 70's? Newsflash "Everything in wrestling has been done before". Here's the question you need to ask; "Did Creed's gimmick get him over with the crowd?" (Answer: yes) therefore it worked. It doesn't matter if it was based on a movie character it's still effective.

I was making a generalised comment about my concerns (not complaining) about the creative direction for TNA (which included lethal consequences) and how they poor book storylines and characters, im sorry ive mentioned a wrestler not currently performing for the promotion.

A wrestler's gimmick has very little to do with the booking process and beyond that it serves little purpose beyond connecting with the crowd, so "Did these wrestlers make a connection with the audience" arguably each of them mae a connection with the TNA audience with Williams probably being the stand out so your point is moot, you don't like the gimmick but if the gimmick works for the majority then it's done it's job.
A wrestler's gimmick has very little to do with the booking process and beyond that it serves little purpose beyond connecting with the crowd, so "Did these wrestlers make a connection with the audience" arguably each of them mae a connection with the TNA audience with Williams probably being the stand out so your point is moot, you don't like the gimmick but if the gimmick works for the majority then it's done it's job.

Valid Points and i take it onboard but i want something more than just "job done"

I want originality and things that havent been done before and TNA is trying to hard, they don't even complete or make any sense of there outstanding storylines half the time.

Obviously a wrestlers gimmick is to provide a connection to the crowd but it will effect the booking process if their gimmick isn't working anymore. I don't see Jay Lethal or Consequences Creed being used correctly within the last few weeks because i think they feel the gimmicks are getting old. They have done nothing to either enhanced these gimmicks or provide a new option for them.

Don't get me wrong i take what your saying and they are valid points but at the end of the day this is all opinions and i cannot say you are wrong. Interesting debate though :)
Well TNA only has one, two hour show a week. It's impossible and sort of a mess to have everyone one from the roster appear on TV. I think it's smart that creative keeps them away, if they don't have anything for them right now. The tag division already has 2 storylines going on, they don't need another.

And with Homicide/Joe for the X title, and the Daniels/MCMG thing happening there's just too much going on right now. Hopefully once Joe is done with Homicide, Creed & Lethal will go back to competeing for the X title. Both are great talents, but it's not the end of the world for them to be not doing anything right now. I'd rather have 4 really good feuds, then 6 sporadic fueds just for the sake of having more wrestlers appear.
There just isn't enought room for them on the show, which isn't that big of a tradgedy. They are nothing more than spot monkeys really, and there are a million other guys that can do the same things and are more over with the fans, namely Shelley and Sabin. Jay Lethal does always entertain me with his mic time though. Even though it's only a Macho Man rip-off he consistently makes me laugh. They should just give him a backstage interview every week, but never have him wrestle.

As for Creed, he isn't that good. His gimmick got old quick and I couldn't care less about him right now. For a small period of time it looked like he was going to win the X Divison Belt, but he never did and probably never will. Pretty much neither of these guys are anything special.
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