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Where all the good faces at?

Wade's Public Transit Bomb

Championship Contender
I know a lot of people have this mindset of "faces have no personality." Well, I don't think that is true. Most faces have to be much more subtle in their actions and much, much obviously charismatic than heels. After all, it is very easy to go from "likeable" to "douche bag."

The top face in the company right now is undoubtedly John Cena. Cena's best aspect is his ability to be so expressive of his emotions. When he talking about something that hits close to home, the crowd eats it up. When he is exhausted because he just went through hell and high water, he isn't smiling like some mindless drone.

Another example of where emotion and charisma comes into play is how over Jerry Lawler has gotten since December. The guy has the crowd marking out for his punches! He punches like he wants to knock someone the fuck out. For those who don't know, Lawler was never a fancy wrestler. What he does now he what he always did in the ring: throw manly punches, dropkicks, and headlocks.

On the flip side, there aren't really many good faces in the WWE. I think most of it has to do with the fact that most of them replace subtly and charisma with flashy moves. John Morrison gets deemed as a future world champion and such by many, but does anyone actually feel that Morrison is a future world champion? Morrison's character is that of a laid back one, but is that just an excuse because he never really exudes passion in anything he does? His facial expressions really have no variation and his words really don't have any strength to them. The crowd probably ooh's and ahh's at some moves, but for the most part, he loses them as the match goes on. Morrison isn't the only one with that problem.

So, I ask:

- Who do you think would be a good face?

- Besides Cena and Lawler, can you think of a good face?

- Do you think people totally misunderstand what makes a good face?
Randy is a good face. He keeps my attention during a match, and his facial expressions are awesome.

Daniel Bryan would be a great face if he had more screen time. When he debuted on NXT he instantly became my favorite to win the show because of his promo with Miz, and seeing him feud with Miz for the US title was great, he is entergetic can keep interest in a match and can carry himself well with the promos I've heard from him.

Sin Cara may be another one.

And as great as Punk has been as a heel lately I think he could have a great run as a face/tweener type if he keeps some of the attitude hes had as a heel.
The thing about babyfaces is they have a very difficult part to play.

Quite often they have to play dumb. Really dumb. Everyone else saw it coming weeks ago that his tag partner would turn on him and then it happens and the babyface must act like "Where the hell did THAT come from all of a sudden?!"

The babyface can't always say what he feels. He must kiss up to the crowd, respect those who deserve it and take the high road.

It's boring. Quite often the face must look naive and one-dimensional. That's why it is so difficult to pull it off. That's part of the reason Morrison's road to success is so much longer than the Miz's.

There are noteable exceptions, of course. People Like Stone Cold, the Rock or Eddie Guerrero could at some point pretty much do and say whatever they wanted and the fans loved it. The anti-hero types.

Most guys must first be good bad guys before they can become good guys. It's easier to get people to boo you first and then let them get to know you. Going for the cheers from the beginning is a lot to ask of the fans. You better be oozing charisma if you want that. If however you are a baddie first, then earn some respect, then you can become a good guy, keep some of your bad guy habits and mannerisms and then you are a babyface with some dimension. In conclusion: the key to being a great good guy is to be a good bad guy first. (Did that make any sense? :shrug: )
I think Rey mysterio is a good face, similar to cena he appeals to an audience of a younger generation. Therefore he is looked up to and is liked by the masses.
I think what makes a good face is the fact noone could ever see that person turning heel because they're so over as a babyface. Cena has this, Mysterio has it, Santino has it, and lawler has it. After these few names, its hard to see who else can be so over as a face, that a heel turn seems impossible. Jomo , Christian (who's currently riding high on edgehead fever, which will eventually fade) and others, just don't get the pops as the former on the list do.
The likes of randy orton seem more like a tweener than anything. He can slot into each role so easily because his persona allows this to happen.
Of course, the inevitable heel turn can happen, and this marks the foundation for them to be just as convincing as a heel than a face. They just gotta work from the ground up and be so ruthless that then a face turn seems highly unlikely.
Therefore, the thing that makes a great face/heel is complete and utter determination to deliver the best performance that applies to their character and sell it NIGHT AFTER NIGHT AFTER NIGHT so that its so convincing either way.
For who i'd think would make a great face :
Daniel Bryan
Ok, he's a face at the minute but the crowd isnt as invested in him as they could be yet. He's not been in the company long but needs a steady face push to really make his mark. I believe he's got the potential to be one of the flagship faces of the company in a few years, based on his great ringwork, indie fanbase, and likeability, I think he's the one that really could be a fantastic face in the future.
I agree with Bryan and Morrison. I'd also throw out Sin Cara possibly eventually working out in the same way that Rey Mysterio does. Of course, all of these guys have a few things to work on before they get pushed to the top, but I think they're actively doing that now.

With Morrison, I think it's the personality issue. But over the last couple of weeks I really think we're seeing improvement.

Sin Cara just has a few kinks to work out, but then his wrestling will get him over without having to say much. Don't get me wrong, I like a guy who's good on the mic, but Rey's never been amazing at it. Their ring work can do it for them.

I actually don't have issue with Daniel Bryan. I kind of like where he's at now. Sure it may be kind of bland character wise, but that seems to be the angle they're going for. He's good on the mic, and in the ring. I think when he needs to turn on the emotion, he'll be able to do that too.

I happen to like Christian a lot. I've really liked his work in WWE and his time in TNA. I think if he can use this current situation to his advantage, he can really take-off.

I don't know, Zack Ryder could really take off based on his You Tube success. I know he's heel, but if they pushed those You Tube videos more, I think there's potential to turn him face if you wanted.

And finally I agree with Orton, whatever position he's in. And the fact that he's a face now after the crap he's pulled in the past proves that anyone can do it. That said, I think if they needed to, CM Punk has the ability to run as a face. He was on fire when he did it before.
- Who do you think would be a good face?

Jack Swagger: He has the look of a face, he's a big guy and great in the ring, and he is very charismatic(look at his ECW run). If he brings back the personality from ECW he'll easily go over as a face.

- Besides Cena and Lawler, can you think of a good face?

Edge: He just retired, but he doesn't get nearly enough credit for his work as a face. Ever since his feud with Kane ended the crowd has been cheering louder for him than anyone in the company.

The Rock: Enough said

- Do you think people totally misunderstand what makes a good face?

No, I think you over look it. If the crowd is behind him, thats good enough for me.
I think they need more of the Orton style faces. Guys who will go apeshit in the heat of the moment, but still be mostly good guys. That's the thing about Cena that kills me. He has the opportunity to whoop some ass, but stops shy because he's "a good guy".

I could see them pushing Big Show on Smackdown a little more now, Christian may stay in the ME scene for a bit, but as far as long term? Kofi should get a push, let him get a little nastier, but stay a good guy. Turn Swagger, and they may just do that at Xtreme Rules. Pull Daniel Bryan over to the blue brand and let him go after the bad guys, while being morally superior and technically better in the ring.

Sin Cara, I'd love to see him go blue as well, take on the Corre with Rey, or hell, with Chris Masters. That'd be a good team for a short term program. Build Chris up...he's doing everything right lately and he's decent in the ring and on the mic.
The WWE is really in a tough spot right now. They know they have some great babyface guys like Cena, Orton and John Morrison. But outside of those guys on both shows, you don't have too much promise for the future.

If I had to pick four guys to be the next babyface standouts, here is who I would pick.

4. Drew McIntyre- This guy really reminds me of a young HHH in the making. I think if he ever receives more tv time he will show it.

3. Jack Swagger- This guys has the build and size that Vince McMahon likes to market. If he ever turns face I see high hopes. Plus he's also a great heel as well so even if that doesn;t work out he'll be a in a good spot.

2. Sin Cara- I've seen videos of this guy and he is amazing in the ring. It'll take some time to get adjusted to the WWE style. But if and when he does this, he'll be as much or more popular than Rey Mysterio.

1. Ted Debiase- This guy just has the potential to stand out and be a great babyface. However I think in order to do this he needs a brand change. He needs to go to Smackdown and improve his character. I think once he gets over as a heel and reminds people of who he is, thats when I would turn him face.

Other guys who I think will eventually move and stay into face mid-card status will be Daniel Brian, Evan Bourne, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, David Hart Smith and more
Morrison's push is more prolonged for a simple reason, he is aimed at the older kids in the demographic.. The ones who are discovering their parent's CD's or Vinyl and learning about music, pop culture and pursuits such as Parkour from YouTube...

He isn't the one the Cena fans of today will cheer, but in 3-4 years time, he is their guy.. right now, he will tap into that 9-13 demo... Who recognise that his music is based off of Hendrix and Kravitz, that his name and image is a play on Jim Morrison and that his demeanour is a little Andy Warhol, a little Mick Jagger...

You can't push a guy like that to little kids and expect them to understand... they have to grow into it or the culture has to grow... but look at the movies coming out, a lot of 60's influenced stuff like X-Men... The 60's is coming back in a big f'ing way, and Morrison is the poster boy for WWE then...
- Who do you think would be a good face?

Drew McIntyre, holy shit, I can't believe WWE did not make him a face yet. He has been receiving fantastic fan reaction, mostly because of Kelly Kelly in the past. And after she was fired, I was praying for a McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler feud (Because Vickie was involved in Kelly's firing). But you know what? WWE kept him heel, and for some ******ed reason, he blames the firing on Edge. And guess where this lead to? McIntyre being excluded from WrestleMania...

- Besides Cena and Lawler, can you think of a good face?

Daniel Bryan is fantastic in my opinion, his mic work wasn't great, but he knew how to be meaningful. Don't believe me? Watch his promos with Miz and Michael Cole on NXT mostly.

- Do you think people totally misunderstand what makes a good face?

I think WWE misunderstands this, people want what they want, there should not be a certain group who wants one type to another who wants another.
McIntyre is a big part of the WWE plan... but he needs the Piper/Hogan momentum.. and I think either Barrett or Sheamus is the guy to deliver it... WWE is GOING to put Summerslam 2012 at Wembley... they won't resist the gate or the story of 20 years later... Ideally it'd be Davey Jr... but... A "Battle Of Britain" match in the main event, 20 years after The Bulldog beat Bret.... McIntyre is the heel in that equation... Barrett the face...
- Who do you think would be a good face?

I think WWE misunderstands this, people want what they want, there should not be a certain group who wants one type to another who wants another.

People are dumb, panicky animals... they cheer for Zack Ryder...

There is a reason guys like Rick Martel stayed heel for most of their career, and McIntyre is similar... they only put Strike Force together to split them... and I can see the same with Sheamus...

WWE has a great bank of potential faces, and Drew is a short term one at best... he will get a face run, but off the back of a massive heel one ala Piper... someone like Sheamus or DH SMith could change tomorrow and it not matter... Drew is a little more hated...
What? Did you just say think of a good face apart from Cena and Lawler? One silly fucking question.

Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Sin Cara, Christian and Kofi Kingston are all good faces. And there are others.

I think Drew McIntyre would make a good future face if he turns.

I don't think people misunderstand what makes a good face to be perfectly honest. They need to make the crowd cheer...that requires good mic skill (sort of), a good in-ring move set and they need a good look.

As for replacing mic skill and charisma with flashy moves you raise a decent question, because there aren't many faces without a flashy move set. And those with a flashy move set aren't actually that charismatic.

But then again I don't think that a good face requires too much charisma if they impress in the ring because the crowd will still cheer.
I think the main problem is we don't have a face who can tear it up on the mic. A face that is so charismatic and good with the mic that he can tear heels apart in a single sentence. John Cena is pretty much the only face who can do it....but he's all alone. The last face I saw hope in doing this was MVP last year but WWE refused a push due to him being black. But otherwise, the problem isn't the lack of faces. the problem is, the lack of mic skilled faces. Which is why we need a guy like Otunga, Ryder, or Barrett to turn face. Because i know those dudes could destroy a heel in one sentence.

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