When Zack and Kane finish at Over The Limit


Dark Match Winner
Zack: Ryder i feel SHOULD lose just because he was powerless in every attempt at Kane even during his small attack on him with Orton. I dont see how Kane becomes so monstrous to Zack to just lose.

I feel after over the limit, Zack puts up a FIGHT loses but bashes Kane after the match with a chair or something so he doesnt look too weak. After that an I.C contender match which he wins.

i feel Zack vs Cody will be an amazing match and its a fresh feud.

KANE: He seems like he is done with titles for the moment, i cant picture a better opponent for him then Ryback.

Ryback has one more match where he crushes (Insert Name) in a matter of seconds. he takes a mic this time and chants "Feed me More" over and over until...BOOM!!! the flames erupt and Kane stands before Ryback.

Kane vs Ryback is a match i see happening as a very interesting feud if done correctly.

Thoughts? (Two fresh Feuds off the bat)
Zack Ryder needs to fued with guys like Alex Riley etc.

Kane vs Ryback ...lol who would care for something like that.

I'm hoping for Ryder to feud with Sandow. Ryder's fist pumping YouTube pandering act is the perfect foil for Sandow's intellectual enlightener gimmick,

Alex Riley needs to be rebuilt as a face with an amazing underdog story, maybe against Swagger, Miz, Ziggler. Riley could even make a great program for Kane once Kane's done with Ryder. Have Kane heckle Riley over having fallen off, and keep provoking him trying to bring out the same Alex Riley that snapped on The Miz.

I actually would like to see Kane vs. Ryback. Ryback's alignment really hasn't been established. He beat Slater, so it seems he might be a face, but before that he squashed Derrick Bateman, another face simply because the heel Sandow screwed him over by refusing to fight him. Maybe a feud with Kane will firmly set Ryback as a face. Ryback needs to show vulnerability so people don't see him as a Goldberg clone and Kane is the guy to do that.
Zack Ryder Although I like the idea because it gives Cody a fued for his title, I dont see it happening. Ryder will probably go back to how he is right now without a fued. Although, I would like to see him as Damien Sandow's first opponent like someone above said. You could have Sandow say that Ryder isnt a worthy opponent for a few weeks and have Ryder keep egging him on to fight him. If not that then I say he should be in a tag team. Give him something to do and another tag team is needed. Maybe with Santino or Brodus Clay.

Kane I very much love your idea. The way that you have Ryback saying "Feed me more, Feed me more!" I wish WWE would take this exact way in making the match. I also think he could go after Punk's title. Im sure many people are going to say this but I say this idea because Kane did beat Punk on SmackDown by DQ. Big Johnny could say Kane has already beaten Punk so he gets a title shot.

I predict Kane will win the match tonight.
Zack Cody is something I'm not interested in. Cody should be moving up the card not down it to work with a guy who is, despite what some might like to think, a lower carder and only a mid carder at very best. If Zack needs to be taken seriously after this feud he needs to freshen up his character and ditch some of the comedy. Have him feud with someone like Sandow. That would make sense.

Kane Ryback I would be happy with. Kane is great for putting guys over and Kane still has enough of a reputation that a win over him would help Ryback greatly. It would must likely be a series of awful matches but if it gets Ryback over it's a start.
I like the kane v Ryback idea I would like to see that. But I would prefer Kane go up against Brodus Clay give Clay a good first proper rivalry. When I have been watching raw & smackdown over past couple of weeks and Clay I've always thought be cool if when Brodus is danceing about in ring and he takes his jacket of and stomps on it leading to the pyro coming from the four corners. Rather than pryo when he stomps the four post blow up with kanes fire and Kane could come down and challenge Clay or that happens but kane does not come down and it starts the rivalry somehow...
Both guys got ruined by Cena...

Kane masked return failed because of his cringeworthy feud with Cena.

Ryder career went downhill after he became Cena little tv buddy. They turned Ryder into a complete moron. What a shame look at the pop he got after beating Dolph for the US title. Only Miz has had a bigger drop off than Ryder.

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