When you die

Uncle Phatso

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I'm not really sure how to put the title, so I'll just leave it at that.:shrug:

But here is the simple question, when you die how do you want to be put to rest. There are many ways you can be put to rest, cremation, traditional burial, Burial at sea for some, or different religions have different ways to be buried.

Personally myself, I want to save the expense. I would like to be cremated. I want a trusted member of my family to have possession of my ashes and that will almost be it. I want half of my ashes to be buried under a newly planted Oak tree or a rosebush and that will be it.

So take it as you may, what is the way you want to go out? The options aren't limited to what I've posted. If you want to be buried tell us ware, if you have a family plot. Or if you want to be buried by a family member.
It does not matter to me in the slightest bit, as my body will be completely useless after my death. I would be fine with any decision the person in charge of my body makes.

I never really understood the idea of respecting the bodies of the dead. I'll be blunt, I don't understand why people still use cemeteries. From what I understand, people buried dead bodies simply because they had nowhere else to put them. But we know how to properly dispose of dead bodies now, and it's a lot more efficient than taking up acres of otherwise usable space.

I really do understand the religious implications, but I don't understand why someone who isn't religious would want to bury or be buried.
The cheapest way possible. I'm going to be dead, and that's that, so I won't care. The last thing my family needs while mourning my death, is a $6000 funeral bill. So I suppose burning me in the back yard will do. I imagine that's unrealistic, given the attitude most families have when they die, but I really don't want my family falling for "Death Inc's" glorious expensive packages.

Now in the event that I'm loaded by the time I die, I'll like an elaborate crypt to be built in my honor, as obnoxiously large as can be afforded. It's the least someone can do if they're inheriting my money and possessions.
What actually happens to me after the funeral doesn't really bother me all that much. Having said that, I wouldn't mind being cremated and have my ashes scattered somewhere that was meaningful to me when I was alive. The only thing I care about is my funeral (which is weird considering I'll be dead anyway). As long as I have everyone I cared about and everyone that cared about me at my funeral, I'm totally cool with whatever option that comes there after.
It's one thing to want as cheap a funeral and burial as you can, but it's a totally different thing for that to be the way your family wishes to bury you. They're the one's who'll do it, so they get to make the call. However if I were to pick, I wouldn't mind going out the way these guys did:



Ladies and gentlemen, these are two legitimate funerals and those are two legitimately dead people. One is standing, the other is sitting on his prized bike. And that's how you remembered on your last party on Earth. These two men are forever etched in Puertorican folklore because they wanted that. When I die, I want to be set up as if I were being rappelled from the ceiling. With a replica TNA World title held up proudly. No, really. I mean it.
I always said to myself that I wanna make sure that all my family is gone before I go so that no one has to take care of my body and the bill. So in this case, I really don't care where or what happens to my body or that dam bill.

This thread is getting me depressed too...WTF?
This seems more like a Potluck thread to be honest. But yeah, I'm with Mozz. I could give a rats ass what happens to my body when I'm dead. Some sick freak could hold my body up in his basement and have his way with my corpse and I wouldn't give a shit, I'd be fucking dead.

I don't want be buried though, cremate me, donate my body to science, or throw me in a river, I don't care. But don't waste earth putting me in a box to rot in the ground. Unless you bury me without a casket.
When I die sometime in the next few years, i'll likely be in several pieces, so, a casket and all that is pretty fuckin useless. I suppose they could put me into a burlap sack or something, but that is fucking dumb.

Cremate me, spread my ashes in the woods were I grew up, be done with it. Ive always found funerals to be an incredibly pointless endeavor. I dont give a shit if I have a tombstone, a memorial, or my name notched into a tree with a fuckin heart around it. My memory will live on through the things I changed, and the lives I effected.
i figure I'll just donate my organs and donate the rest of my body to science. Shit really no point in having pride or being selfish when ur dead. plus if you donate ur body to science, maybe you'll be one of the lucky buggers that gets to have ur skin ripped off and pose naked in the museum. (by the way that "body exhibit" is fucking nasty... bone dry dick as far as the eye can see)
I hope that when I die my wife drags my corpse to my work. My life insurance pays double if I die in their building. Thus, get my dead & bloated ass dressed and throw me in the doorway...it is worth a shot.

Cremate me please and sprinkle the ashes where I grew up.
I'm with the majority here: cremation. I too don't want my family to suffer even more after my death by going into debt. However, before I'm cremated I would like the organs that are still functional to be donated so that someone else can continue living with functional organs. After that, cremate me and spread my ashes in a beach in Panama where I used to go all the time with my family when I lived there.
I've thought about this a lot. It will be done in three parts. From the knees down, that will be boiled up and going to hungry dogs. I love charity. From the knees up to the neck (excluding the genetalia or course, that goes to the Smithsonian), will be burned to a crisp and sit in a jar right inbetween the pickels and the mayo.

And obviously the head will be forzen. Have you seen Futurama?
I'm more charitable than my partner in crime here, but in a different sense. While I'd like my whole body to be used for all the meat it can provide, I couldn't give a fuck less about starving animals. I'm sure there are some poor, homeless children in Detroit who could use a meal a lot more than some worthless mutts. Let them have me. But don't boil me. That shit's nasty. Roast me on a spit and slap some of JR's BBQ sauce on me. Send those kids to flavor country. That's how I wanna go. Boomer Sooner!
I've got two options, one realistic one not realistic.

Cremation is my realistic option. The earth has very limited space, and dead people take up too much of it, and I refuse to contribute to crowding the earth with my dead corpse. Why do we devote acres upon acres of land to dead folk when there are millions of homeless people in the country? And with the soil absorbing all those nutrients from rotting human flesh, shouldn't that be great land to plant food on? Human burial just ain't logical.

The unrealistic option is a Viking funeral. Lay my dead body in a boat, light that boat on fire, and ship me out to see while a thousand maidens weep for me. Once again, I won't be taking up any unnecessary space, it would be totally bad ass, and nobody would ever forget my funeral. It would be more like a party than a funeral, and the part where they light my boat on fire would be the main event.
i would like be burnt.....er cremated is the what they call it right? that one, and put in a jar and yeah thats about it, no hole in the ground for this guy.
Cremation since I don't like the though of me decomposing, cryogenics seems cool but seems weird but may end up just being buried.
It's one thing to want as cheap a funeral and burial as you can, but it's a totally different thing for that to be the way your family wishes to bury you. They're the one's who'll do it, so they get to make the call. However if I were to pick, I wouldn't mind going out the way these guys did:



Ladies and gentlemen, these are two legitimate funerals and those are two legitimately dead people. One is standing, the other is sitting on his prized bike. And that's how you remembered on your last party on Earth. These two men are forever etched in Puertorican folklore because they wanted that. When I die, I want to be set up as if I were being rappelled from the ceiling. With a replica TNA World title held up proudly. No, really. I mean it.

I like this. I really REALLY LIKE THIS. A LOT.

Then again, I'm not some big shot or an eccentric show-off (or Stalin, Mao, or Marcos)... so I'll go for the cremation. But - BUT - if I had the money, I'll go for the old-woman-reading-Wharton/Woolf/Stein-beside-fire cliche. Assuming, of course, I live that long.
The unrealistic option is a Viking funeral. Lay my dead body in a boat, light that boat on fire, and ship me out to see while a thousand maidens weep for me. Once again, I won't be taking up any unnecessary space, it would be totally bad ass, and nobody would ever forget my funeral. It would be more like a party than a funeral, and the part where they light my boat on fire would be the main event.

I have always since I was 6 wanted a viking funeral. I have the place picked out where they will send my body out and all. but I know that it's not going to happen, I just think the best way for my body to go out is to give in to my fear of water.

But I don't really care what happens when I die. as long as the wake is more of a party. I want those close to me to celebrate the things I did rather then the fact I'm gone.
Mine may seem a bit unrealistic and trollish, but I truly have always wanted to be shot out into space, in a sealed glass container or something. I've always been fascinated with space and it's never ending ways. I'm pretty sure it would be awesome to sore through space in some kind of sealed container and look at all the beautiful stars and shit (even though I'm dead). I have no clue how much this would cost, or if it's even possible, but to be shot into space is how I want my carcass disposed when I die. No maggots, flies, any of that decomposing shit eating away at my body. Seems to me like a perfect way to be put to rest.

That is until I plow into an Asteroid at the speed of sound or something.
The unrealistic option is a Viking funeral. Lay my dead body in a boat, light that boat on fire, and ship me out to see while a thousand maidens weep for me. Once again, I won't be taking up any unnecessary space, it would be totally bad ass, and nobody would ever forget my funeral. It would be more like a party than a funeral, and the part where they light my boat on fire would be the main event.

Damn straight!! I don't get the concept of human burials. They take up a lot of space. However, if it's filled with trees, at least it prevents the trees from getting destroyed. But yeah, Viking funeral!! If not, Cremation, preferably with my ashes spread across the Baltic Sea. A small ceremony of the people who mean a lot to me. I want my funeral to be a celebration of my life rather than a mourning of my time on Earth being over..
Well like many other when i die i dont want to burden my familly with an expensive funeral bill.
Instead ill donate all my organs to peole who badly need them the hospitals can have all my organs i dont care if some person needs one of my fingernails if it will improve his life he can have it.
It annoys me how some people wait so long for a new kidney/heart/liver and so many people let themselves get buried and become worm food.
I dont have a problem with people choosing to get buried as its their own choice i just feel when you die you wont need your organs anyway so why keep them.

good thread btw :worship:
When I die, I want a massive funeral that will go to free-to-air television and I genuinely want everyone to cry for me because I have lived a selfish life.

In all seriousness, just throw my body wherever and whenever because I couldn't give a shit. In Australia we have a great sport called AFL and I'd love my beloved side, the Collingwood Magpies, to wear black arm bands in respect to their #1 fan :D Would never happen though and i'd probably not know about it because well, im dead.
was discussing this topic in class the other day. just put me in a box and throw some dirt on me! no reason for the expensive funeral and everything.
Well my family already bought a family plot, but that really isn't my style. I have my own thoughts on my mortality and how my life will go but that's a different topic for a different thread. As for how I want to be dealt with when I die, I guess I'd prefer being cremated and having my ashes scattered somewhere I truly love. I also know it's unrealistic, but I would prefer for my funeral or whatever to be more happy then depressing. I can't claim to be the most chipper person in the world, but I also enjoy a good time and I would want my funeral to show that.

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