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Getting Noticed By Management
This probably has been said before, but with The Brian Kendrick on RAW now it is likely that he and HBK may feud? We all know the history on these men, and it goes way back. Kendrick was a student of HBK's long ago, and I think these two could have something solid with eachother in the ring, and on the mic.

I have seen so many posts on HBK/Morrison. What about HBK v.s TBK? I think this feud makes more creative sense than anything Morrison/HBK would offer. There isn't much going for TBK at the current time, and HBK has nothing on his plate obviously. A heated rivalry that ends in respect wouldn't be a bad feud for these two men.
I think HBK could help out TBK a great deal by feuding with him. The problem is, nobody gives a damn about TBK at the moment.
Currently he is a joke to the fans, in his current search for "The" tag team partner, and he is playing fodder to GOLDUST and HORNSWOGGLE!
Creative is not putting any effort into his character, and now that they took Ezekial Jackson away (to apparently do nothing with him in ECW) he has no enforcer, something a character like is works very well in having.

TBK is a great in ring talent and he has improved on the mic since he went solo las year. But none of it matters if creative doesn't care enough to develop him. Which is a shame because Raw desperately needs decent heels.
Show and Orton just are not cutting it alone and they just effectively took any and all heat and direction from Matt hardy's character and Willim Regal is resorted to beating on Santino for god knows how long.

I hope when HBK gets back, that he pushes the idea, but I doubt it will happen.
Never. Kendrick is not that great he is a geek. No offence but "The Brian Kendrick" and hbk facing each other has about as much of a chance of happening as a Shockmaster return! Sorry, cant believe he is still employed! He should def go back into the tag business
I don't see it happening either but I do agree with Infant Finite that Raw lacks the heel power. Say what you will about Orton but his "Look at me, I'm crazy head kicker guy!" thing is beat. I'm just not an Orton fan, this is probably why I miss Raw 80% of the time. When HHH was a monster heel I loved to hate him, I tuned in to watch what he was going to pull off next. Orton is just too fuckin boring to me.

Big Show, I like Big Show but his current Vickie love tryst is beat as well. You can only do so much with a guy like him though. Either be comedy fodder or just be an angry giant I guess.

But TBK, as talented as he is in the ring, he really doesn't have that "caliber" to be wrestling HBK yet, if ever. He just doesn't come off as a threat to anyone above Hornswoggle in my view.
Brian Kendrick needs a new enforcer/tag partner to build himself up. He said he is lookin 4 a perfect partner n u can give him an enforcer and a partner. Get him an FCW wrestler like Sheamus O'Shaunessy or Eric Escobar/Perez. Then after buildin himself up, he could do what Jericho did in 2003 and could imitate HBK's moves. That could build up a feud between HBK and TBK and give Kendrick an upset win because his enforcer interferes. Then the feud will build and both Kendrick and his enforcer get a rub.
I think Kendrick is a bit aways from being significant enough to face HBK. But the reasoning for the feud you bring up makes me come up with an intriguing (but unlikely) thought. Could we see HBK become an on-screen mentor or even tag team partner to Kendrick? Perhaps we could see that, with HBK elevating TBK's career, then TBK turns on HBK starting the feud. Not that TBK is remotely near a PPV level, but that could make for a good 6 month storyline to cumulative at Wrestlemania. Perhaps even HBK's retirement match where he can truly elevate the career of somebody he taught.
Why? Tell me, what would HBK or WWE gain from this? Kendrick is an IWC darling. You can tell how much stock they put in him: they put him in the tag team division. Yes he's decent in the ring and the gimmick is good, but that doesn't mean he's going to be a star in the ring. Shawn trained him. So what? What would Shawn have to gain from feuding with a guy that had a cup of coffee in the mid card and one, count it on main event match? Shawn is a legend and has one of the best resumes today. He belongs in the main event or at least upper midcard. Kendrick was his student, but that doesn't mean they should be paired together on tv.
kendrick has major talent in the ring and is pretty decent on the stick, but his character is so fuckin stupid. that stupid dance thing he does is ******ed. i am all for him being a heel, but with a different gimmick for the love of god. an hbk vs. tbk match would be pretty cool. i am sure that hbk could make tbk look like gold and tbk would more than hold his own. but with what i have heard, his backstage attitude is pretty piss poor. so they're probably going to just keep making him look like a jackass every week until he matures, or he'll eventually get fired. just my opinion.
i think hes ok but he to small and i sind him boring

whats with the dancing thing he should be on ecw and fight people over their same with kofi kingston
While it would be awesome IMO, they most likely wont be doing it, becuase from what ive heard, the WWE doesnt have a whole ton of faith in TBK, becuase he is a fuckface backstage, and a waster. which now that I think of it, may be even furthermore a good reason to put him with HBK, so that Shawn can keep him in line outside the ring as well. I REALLY wish they wouldnt have taken Zeke from him, as it would be very symbolic to have Zeke the bodygaurd helping TBK get wins over HBK.

Personally, I feel like its a great idea, but I doubt they do it.
I had my big THE Brian (Pillman) Kendrick orgasm last year when he entered into the Scramble match. I had my recovery period during the 15 minute ordeal in which he completely got his ass handed to him and I realized he's never going to be anything remotely close to Heavyweight Championship worthy. :lmao:

Shawn Michaels is on the last legs of his career. Yes, it would serve greatly for him to use this time to put over some of the younger - future stars, however Kendrick isn't one of them. H.B.K did everything he needed to do with Kendrick to begin with; he trained him.

Upon Shawn's return, at most the only feud I'd hope to see that isn't with a current standing name such as Orton, Edge or Triple H would be against John Morrison - who's also currently face, and as such likely not going to get one, either. I can only hope H.B.K doesn't begin a program with The Miz, because I'm actually going in the other direction with Miz than everyone else jumping on his coat-tails since coming to Raw.

However, another topic - another thread.

As for Kendrick, I just hope he finds "THE" Tag Team Partner that can help him remain in THE Company, because I still enjoy watching him, but he's never going to become a single's Super-star. So Tag Team Champion is the best he can dream of for now, and that's better than THE pink slip of death, or a trip to T.N.A.
i definately think there is a tbk vs hbk feud possibility...look at it from this angle...later this year there will be a dx tour wich means that trips and hbk will join up and they can probably feud with tbk and his tag partner who he's still looking for(i hope it'st he miz) thus keeping trips outof the title scene and giving a chance to cena and batista to feud with orton
Maybe they should make TBK a face. His look is getting stale already and making him work with a big name like HBK as a tag partner. Once they have gotten big and popular then TBK can turn on him. Alone he is not able to hold his own right now and he will waste away soon.

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