When will Cody Rhodes & Goldust FINALLY team up?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Everybody but everybody knows by now that Cody Rhodes & Goldust are brother and the sons of WWE hall of famer Dusty Rhodes.

The "E" teased the their relation on TV for the past two years now. The first time in a backstage segment betwwen the two on RAW about Cody joining Randy Orton's legacy group, and about the newly released WWE DVD "WCW Starcade grestest matches". About how there dad stood up against wrestler's like Orton's caliber.

The second time was during last years royal rumble match where Cody under order by Randy Orton eliminated his own brother Goldust. And now that Cody's a singles wrestler again over on Smackdown with a decent gimmick and rub. And Goldust STILL has a job at the WWE-PG. When will the two brothers finally team up as a tag team?
Hopefully never. Dustin Rhodes & Cody Rhodes are in two different places in their careers.

Cody Rhodes is a young, up and coming guy that is slowly making his way upward. The WWE has taken their time in pushing him and they still have some work to do, but he's cut a couple of pretty good promos, he's one of the Pros on NXT and he's involved in a high profile match at the next WWE ppv. Cody Rhodes has potential and has his entire career ahead of him.

Dustin Rhodes is in his early 40s and the best days of his career are probably 12-15 years behind him. His time in the WWE at any point over the past 10 years has resulted in him being little more than a high profile jobber who used to be a pretty significant star in both WCW and WWE from the early to mid 90s. Don't get me wrong, Dustin Rhodes, AKA Goldust, is still good inside of the ring and I'm sure that he could probably still be good on the mic. But, his time has come and gone and he's no longer even remotely significant.

Teaming Cody Rhodes with his brother would be a big step backward for Cody. Just putting them together as a tag team simply because of their familial relationship to wrestling legend Dusty Rhodes doesn't do a thing to further Cody Rhodes' career. It might give Dustin Rhodes' career one last gasp and bright moment in the sun, but it'd be a big demotion for Cody.
I fully agree with Jack-Hammer, and as much as I like Dustin (Goldust) I think even Cody feuding with him would be a big step down for Cody. I think Dustin is still very entertaining and I still think he is good in the ring but he is well past his best days.
Let's ignore the fact that they are on separate brands first, which is a major reason why they won't be tagging for a while. Cody Rhodes is young and starting to make a name for himself as a singles wrestler who has spent most of his time within a tag team. He's got a good gimmick going that'll hopefully give his promo's some substance and get the crowd to give a reaction towards him. There is no point in making him team up with his brother who is getting up there in age and should be retiring soon. Maybe if the Goldust gimmick is removed, which is too over and nostalgic for the WWE to do, you'd have a chance in hell but that's about it.

The only thing I can see happening between these two is a feud leading to Goldust retiring in the end. This will put over Cody Rhodes as ruthless who will take out his own family members to succeed and make him look good somewhat, whilst providing a good reason for Dustin to retire and rid of the Goldust gimmick... but this is even a long shot. That should put into perspective where them teaming is on the ladder of possibilities.
A while back, they had an interview with Dustin, and he said that before he goes, he would like to have a rivalry with Cody. I think what FalKon said would work. Maybe give Cody a title and have them feud over it, but then again, Goldust would never even be able to contend for it, so that's really out of there. I just don't see any way how they could put them together, either in tag team or in a feud.
"The American Dream Team"--
"The Bizarre One" Goldust and "Dashing" Cody Rhodes... it already sounds good.

They honestly have potential to be one of the best tag teams in the history of the E... It possibly could even give Rhodes an additional push because the two teaming together would be sure to get a lot of television time (at least more than the Dust and Rhodes are getting individually now).

Plus with all that the Dust has given to the company, he deserves one last title run, even if he has to share the spotlight, before he retires
Hopefully never apart from the fact that they are on two different brands at the moment this would be a huge step down for Cody who has been on a push as of late with his dashing gimmick aswell as being a Pro on NXT, and i see a IC title shot/fued with Kofi in the near future for him golddust on the other hand is a jobber who is lucky to be featured on superstars, let alone raw and if he is featured on raw it is for guest host comedy segments not matches and no the brady bunch "match" dosent count. However if this were to happen to happen it could be very good and with WWE severly lacking in tag teams who knows what could happen, both of them are pretty good in the ring too so thats a plus.
How do you assume that Goldust would be bringing down Cody. If they weren't related that would be one thing, but the fact that they are brothers is a major selling point on this. A Goldust/Cody run would be a nice way to help expand the tag team division. At this point it seems like the E is going for family/related tag teams (Hart Dynasty/ Uso's).. the Rhodes brothers would just expand that division.

Plus its not like Cody Rhodes is going to be looking at a World Heavyweight Championship title shot any time soon, it would be a good way to not only keep Cody Rhodes on tv (NXT aside), but also be a fitting way to send The Dust off properly with a title before he retires
I think a feud would work better than a team. Goldust has veteran face status by this point, and Cody is a great heel. Goldust is one of the most underrated in-ring workers the WWE has ever had, and could make Cody look great in a feud on his way out, and if Goldust retired at the end it would just be a very fitting end to his career. Maybe even have Dusty make some appearances, have Cody abuse his dad the way Orton did. There's nothing wrong with taking advantage of having a famous wrestling family in helping Cody get even more over.
Don't you mean the same way that Ted Dibiase Jr. abused his father Ted Dibiase Sr.? Ted Jr. slapped his pops the million dollar man in the face on RAW remember? Randy Orton has never been against his father "Cowboy" Bob Orton! Not even a RKO, yet?

But I can see a Goldust/Cody Rhodes fued in the future before Goldie retires.
Don't you mean the same way that Ted Dibiase Jr. abused his father Ted Dibiase Sr.? Ted Jr. slapped his pops the million dollar man in the face on RAW remember? Randy Orton has never been against his father "Cowboy" Bob Orton! Not even a RKO, yet?

But I can see a Goldust/Cody Rhodes fued in the future before Goldie retires.

I thought that Orton RKOed his dad back when he got out of Evolution and started the Legend Killer gimmick. I know that Cowboy Bob walked around with him a bunch and helped against Taker. Did he not eventually turn on him?
NEVER, they want Dusty Rhodes to not have a joke of a career like Goldust. They want him to be a main eventer and not some comedy act. WWE doesn't even try to hint the fact that they are brothers if you notice. The only way they will have them team with each other is if them plan to release them 2 weeks from then.
NEVER, they want Dusty Rhodes to not have a joke of a career like Goldust. They want him to be a main eventer and not some comedy act. WWE doesn't even try to hint the fact that they are brothers if you notice. The only way they will have them team with each other is if them plan to release them 2 weeks from then.

Well Goldust won the IC title, had a very good feud with Roddy Piper, and now helps make the young guys look good. I wouldn't call his career a joke. He was a vanilla face at first teaming with his dad as Dusty Rhodes Jr., but they had a falling out and he became the Golden One. The original character in the 90s before the Attitude Era was quite disturbing and interesting. He hasn't ever won the world title, but neither have some other very good in ring talents.
I think it would be kindda cool to have them team up, maybe win the Tag Titles to give Goldust one last title run. Maybe bring back Dusty as the teams Manager. They can get into the Tag Title picture maybe having Cudy run in on a Uso/Hart Dynasty match one week, then Goldust the next. Have them come in saying Uso's and Hardy Dynasty are not the only wrestling families in the WWE.

They could end off the team by having them lose the Tag Titles then have Cody going on saying its all Dustins fault and hes a joke in the WWE, this could lead to a feud with both of them, having Dusty side with Goldust most likely.

Have Cody beat Goldust a few times in matches of different types. Then have Goldust asking for one more match against him and Cody says only if he puts his carrier on the line. This would end in Cody retiring Dustin and would push him as a even bigger heel after retiring someone the fans like and someone who is his own brother.
I'm not saying Goldust career is a joke I'm saying WWE treats him like his career is a joke. They always throw him comedy bits instead of serious roles. Like was with evolution his get electricuted and he has torrets, gets released goes to TNA comes back to ECW, then he goes to Raw being used as Santinos tool for there comedy bits never to again see a title, when he is a good talented wrestler. He is going to be that person you see get released agian and be like WOW DIDNT SEE THAT COMING.....NOT!!!

Thats why I say he would never team up with Cody Rhodes cause Cody is the future champion part of WWE and I'm sure if they had them team with his brother that people would think that WWE is starting to look down on him.
Id rather see Cody Rhoads vs Gold Dust

Cody is ashamed of his older brother thinks his a freak and gold dust retailates and they have a feud which would elavate Cody as a cold harsh fighter by taing out his own brother.

Tag team would only lower Cody I'm digging him and Jack Swagger atm they look pretty good together.
Isn't this entire thread pretty much based on the assumption that it has already been revealed in storyline/kayfabe that Goldust is Dustin? I don't remember this ever happening, and I think it would be a mistake if they did. If they want to team them up, have Cody team with "Dustin Runnels" (aren't the RAW repeats on OnDemand at the point where Dustin was using that name in WWE?) or even "Dustin Rhodes" (he did use that name in his first WWE run, back at the end of Dusty's polka-dot gimmick).

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