When was the last time WWE legitimately Shocked you?


The Ambidextrous Amputee
The title is self explanatory yet im sure some of the posters on here will question it, so here's the "guidelines".

  • It HAS to be in the WWE Era(May 2002-present). So that means, Raw, Smackdown, WWECW and NXT.
  • Give a reason why or im sure spam infractions will be handed out
  • DONT bring WWF or any other orginazation in this
  • Minimum Of One example. You can present moreif you wish, but is not needed.
  • This is NOT a debate. No need to bash another persons decision.
  • Have fun.

Barring the obvious choice that everyone will say(Nexus Invading raw) Im going to choose something different perhaps A few examples, if i think of more than one.

1- Cena Returning At the royal rumble- I heard many people make whispers about it, but they got squashed when they heard the extent on his injury at the time. But still i wrote him off as returning at the RR just because he wasnt supposed to be back until at least 3 months after that(correct me if im wrong). I particularly dont like cena, but i cant deny that he didnt shock me. I watched that PPV and was sure it was just going to be someone mid-carder who got a lucky number. But in true WWE(and cena) fashion. His music hits and the crowd lost it! The rest of that night is wrestling history.

2-Daniel Brian Returning at Summerslam- Again This proves that even wwe can keep a secret with all the spoiler reports going around the internet. Suspending Him for the famous 'Tie Incident and Spitting Innocent" (side note here-- Its perfectly fine for vicky to spit in undertakers face, and it was fine for Cena to choke Umaga and Batista with ring ropes. But apparently both done in the same 5 minutes is horrendous. Im just saying) Back to the subject at hand, After his suspension we thought he was not even going to be mentioned in raw, other than Wade Barrett saying the nexus destroyed him and thats why he was gone. But the months went by and team raw needed some man power because they were facing The Original Nexus. Again, I thought it was going to be a low mid-carder and it was going to be a Nexus Squash match. But that wasnt the case. The crowd in the arena (and im sure at home) waited eagerly to see the seven member of team raw and again the crowd went crazy for Mr Bryan.

But the one that REALLY shocked me, was when Randy orton went ape shit on the mcmahon family. From punting Vince and Shane, To Hangman DTTing Stephanie and then kissing her in front of a pissed off and chained up Triple H and all the way to the Break in of ortons house. and Triple H Concluding that Break in by throwing orton through a window and being Handcuffed and taken to jail. It was the taste of the attitude era that people had wanted. and i honestly dont think any other two men in that era could have done it better.

But thats My take on this.

Your Turn.
It's obviously Nexus invading RAW, but I'll go a different route as well.

I pick Bret Hart returning to RAW and making amends with Shawn Michaels. Granted, it was speculated that Hart would return eventually, but he was still talking shit on Michaels and, to a lesser extent, Vince McMahon in interviews as late as 2009. I grew up with this feud and I honestly never thought these two would bury the hatchet. When they finally did meet in the ring all those years later, hugging each other and putting the past behind them, it truly did shock me. It also closed the door on one of the most infamous events in pro wrestling history, which is an added bonus.
Off the top of my head, I'd probably have to say The Miz cashing in his MITB briefcase a few weeks ago on Raw to win the WWE Championship, Sheamus entering the WWE Championship scene roughly a year ago and winning the title at TLC, CM Punk cashing his MITB briefcases, Daniel Bryan returning at SummerSlam, Bret Hart signing with and returning to the WWE among others.

In this day and age, it's hard to do something in wrestling that comes across as legitimately shocking. Not only because many of us have pretty much seen it all but you can't pass gas anymore without someone posting something about it on Twitter or Facebook.

We all knew that The Miz would cash in his MITB briefcase at some point, we just weren't prepared for it to happen when it did. Why? Because the WWE had spent the entire night leading fans by the nose in different directions of what to expect. Alex Riley substituted for The Miz in his KOTR qualifying match against Ezekiel Jackson and nobody gave it a second thought because The Miz had done that with Riley in the past. I'm also surprised at the amount of media coverage the WWE recieved on this. It was all over ESPN, TNZ, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, etc. We were so focused on the KOTR matches and the situation with John Cena, Nexus & Randy Orton that we were caught off guard when Miz's music hit.

As far as Sheamus goes, I'd have to say his initial trip into the WWE Championship picture was even more shocking. Sheamus was a virtual unknown, a guy that a lot of people had never really even heard of if they hadn't kept up with ECW, and a lot of people didn't. It was a surprise to see someone completely unknown earn a shot at the overall biggest championship in wrestling and even more so to see that complete unknown win the title from the biggest wrestling star created during this decade. The WWE took a risk and, overall, it paid off because Sheamus has shown himself to be the real deal over the course of this year.

When CM Punk cashed in his first MITB briefcase against Edge, I was floored. He was basically doing what Edge himself had done by cashing it in after he'd wrestled a match was was far from 100% and Punk was a very over face at this time. While Punk's runs as WHC haven't exactly been the stuff of legend, it was very different to see a face use such a tactic to secure his first World Championship win in the WWE. It was also a surprise when Punk did it to Jeff Hardy. Edge was an opportunistic heel so it was "perfectly acceptable" by fans for Punk to cash in on Edge, but not against Jeff Hardy. It signaled the beginning of Punk's heel turn and initiated a fantastic feud.

When Daniel Bryan was fired, the IWC was in an uproar. That weekend, the internet was completely a buzz with fans debating whether or not it was some sort of work, criticizing the WWE and everything about it, wondering if there was more to it than was being told. It was shocking to see Bryan come back at SummerSlam, but I wasn't as shocked as I thought I'd be because his firing didn't have all the usual marks of a WWE release. Bryan didn't post anything on Facebook or Twitter criticizing the WWE or blasting Vince McMahon for firing him. True, it could mean that Bryan is just someone of extremely high character and didn't go that route but it just didn't feel right. Plus, the WWE allowed him to compete in the indy circuit and that goes against the usual content of the WWE's 90 day no compete clause. I still think that it was the WWE playing the IWC like a cheap fiddle. I was glad when he made his return and surprised, but it wasn't a jaw dropper for me.

When you consider all the ill feelings between Bret Hart & Vince McMahon, the idea of Bret Hart coming back to the WWE was laughable. To think that Vince would offer Bret Hart a chance to return or that Bret Hart would be even willing is just shocking in and of itself. Any opportunity he's had in the past, Bret Hart has ranted against Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels because of the Montreal Screwjob. Seeing Bret Hart actually walk out on live WWE television and watching him shake hands and hug Shawn Michaels was a great moment and was something I honestly never thought that I'd ever see.
randy orton putting the rko on hulk hogan on trunk of car then immediately tryna mack his daughter who was standing near by.....this wasn't the same caliber but it was like when earthquake put hogan in the hospital......hogan doesn't just often fall victim to some "over the top" attack often.....let alone at that stage in his career......does anyone see hogan letting anyone in TNA hit their finisher on him on top of a (fill in the blank)?.....to me personally it was almost like a torch pass.....i know hogan went on to win the eventual match and stop the legend killer streak but was like hogan's way of saying "this kid is damn good"......all in all it was a personal standout for me that i still chuckle about to this day.
I havent been surprised in a while! The HBK/ Bret hand shake was cool, the Nexus angle was ok, even though I saw it coming all the way! I think Jericho's 2nd coming was cool, but Jericho's 1st debut, was the biggest surprise I remember
There have been quite a few legit shocks this year alone (Swagger's MITB win, Miz becoming champ). But the most shocking to me was the Nexus invasion.

Where the other surprises still had some amount of predictablitly to it, the Nexus attack came completely out of nowhere. Miz winning the title was big, but you knew it could happen since he had the case. Swagger was a surprise, but he still had a SOME chance to win since he was in the match. We knew Bret was coming back.

No would ever imagined what would happen that night and anyone who says otherwise is lying. Who could have ever imagine the rookies of NXT coming out during the main event of Raw to attack everyone, from faces to heels, announcers to back stage employees, and destroying the entire ring area. The fact that it came at the end of that abysmal and PG-friendly viewer's choice episode makes it all the more shocking. It was totally unexpected, and pushed the limits of kayfabe and reality.
The last time WWE shocked me was when Shawn Michaels gave Hogan the Super Kick out of nowhere. It was just so well done, Hogan was playing to the crowd and turned around, and Michaels just hit the super kick out of nowhere, then stood above him staring at him with the most blank, emotionless expression that I've ever seen.
Ill go with the last two times WWE shocked me, because the shock was equal.

1. The 2008 Royal Rumble. I remember reading an interview with Cena following the Rumble saying he was stashed away in a car until 30 minutes before the Rumble. Not even the other wrestlers knew that he was going to be #30. I remember being atb a packed Buffalo Wild Wings and "The Time Is Now" hitting, and Cena appearing. The place exploded, with both shock and awe. Noone knew or believed Cena would be back so soon, and even the Cena haters applauded. What a moment, what a surprise.

2. Nexus invades Raw. It was just a CM punk/John Cena main event in what was otherwise an awful Viewer's Choice Raw. Suddenly, Barrett appeared on the ramp, and the other 7 otherwise irrelevant NXt rookies jumped the barricade, and that sh*t was on! No seeds had been planted, no hints had been dropped. And 8 otherwise irrelevant rookies pulled off one of the most incredible angles in the history of Raw.

Its hard for me to pick between either. Both were legitimate shocks for different reasons. Cena as my favorite wrestler was an incredible feel good moment. Nexus invading Raw was a legitimate shock. Equal, in different ways.
Besides the obvious choice of the debut of the Nexus, I would say that Edge cashing in the first Money in the Bank on Cena was quite a Suprise. I don't think anyone thought that he would be cashing in when he did. Not to mention that at that point no one knew quite how the MITB was going to work, so while we knew that edge had a garenteed title match, the idea of him using it in that fashion, and taking the title from Cena who didn't look like he was going to be losing the title anytime soon was quite a Suprise.
I didn't watch wrestling much from 2006-2009, so there's a chance there I missed something good. Even now I only really watch RAW, per schedule. And this year is the first time I really got into following pro wrestling on the internet (As a matter of fact, catching up with the business on the internet is what got me back watching this year), so a lot of things from when I started watching wrestling (Probably 1990-91 since I had an Ultimate Warrior photo hanging on my wall, but the furthest back I can remember watching wrestling in real time is probably around '94. Obviously I wasn't following the internet at this time), up until this year, didn't get influenced by the things I've read beforehand, or outside opinions. So with that said, the last time I could say I was literally shocked by the WWE, was when Eddie Guerrero beat Brock Lesnar. In explanation, there have been moments since then that have left me saying, "Whoa", or "I didn't see that coming", or "That's kind of shocking". There have been matches that have left me at the edge of my seat, but I can honestly say at the end of the day, the last time I have been able to jump and down like a child at the result of a wrestling match, a night where I could shut off the cynical, analytical, thoughts towards trying to figure out what happens next and where things are going, and just sit there and bask in the glow of the moment, was that match. I knew Goldberg had something up his sleeve, but I didn't think A)Those would be the last two months of Lesnar's WWE Career or B)Lesnar would lose to Eddie Guerrero period. I don't know, I don't think I'm really doing a good job in explanation of why it was shocking, but the whole end sequence and subsequent celebration will be a memory of wrestling I'll always remember.
wow this is tough theres been i few that really shocked me.

- the nexus invasion. i really didnt see that coming.
- bret harts return to the wwe. i really never thought that would happen.
- the miz winning the wwe championship.
- kane being unmasked. i didnt like that wwe would do that but hey whatever.
- daniel bryan returning at summer slam.
- chris benoit beating both hbk and hhh at wrestle mania which was an amazing match.
- jeff hardy becoming wwe champion. although hes going through problems he deserved it.
- edge becoming a 9 time wwe champion. he is a tag team specialist and now hes a legend.
- ecw returns to tv. i hated it but all well.
- brock lesnars dominance in the wwe. he defeated the likes of the rock, kurt angle, undertaker, john cena, stone cold, won king of the ring, won the royal rumble, and at the time was the youngest wwe champion champion.
- rey mysterio becoming world champion even though it was just because eddie had died.
- goldberg's arrival in the wwe.
- shawn michaels super kicks hulk hogan.

its hard to just choose one. i really cant.
WWE has legitimately shocked me a lot of over the years, but to keep it short, I'll list the few moments that really blew me away:

Edge cashes in his MITB at New Year's Revolution: I went nuts when Edge's music hit. Cena was bloody, and he had just survived a grueling chamber match. Everyone thought Cena was in the clear, but Edge's arrival took us all by surprise. He dethroned Cena during one of his VERY lengthy title reigns. I know he lost the title back at the very next pay per view, but him beating Cena during one of his long title reigns was still shocking.

Cena Returns At The Royal Rumble: I thought Cena would be on the shelf for a very long time, but he managed to return at the Rumble. His return was such a great moment. The look on Triple H's face was priceless, and the pop he received that night was insane.

Randy Orton Punts Vince McMahon: Orton attacked Vince in such a viscous manner. He slapped Vince in the face very hard, and the punt did look devastating. He kicked Vince freakin' McMahon in the head. Orton's "Oh shit I just kicked the chairman in the head!" reaction after the punt made everything seem real. Also, Stephanie did such a good job of showing emotion, as she cried near an unconscious Vince. This truly was a shocking moment.

Nexus Invades Raw: Watching Nexus destroy John Cena was unbelievable. Nexus took out the top guy in the WWE. The attack was so violent. Nexus destroyed Cena, and they made sure to attack everyone near the ringside area. Nexus had a great debut, and it was a memorable moment.
First, I just gotta say lmao at the guy who said he saw the Nexus stuff coming. Give me a break. The Nexus thing was definitely shocking, as was Daniel Bryan's return - for the love of god, when will people stop talking like he was legitimately punished??? It was a work, people! How can they make that any more obvious?? This is driving me crazy! - And Sheamus's title win, Cena's return at Royal Rumble...all good choices. I'm going to try to list a few things that haven't been mentioned already...

1.Christian's return on ECW. This one stunned me when I was watching. Everybody thought he was going to have something to do with all the Jeff Hardy stuff, and then bam. There he is on ECW.

2.Vince's limo explosion. It's a shame this had to be scrapped a couple weeks later and was basically completely forgotton about because of that, but yeah...I remember being totally stunned when this happened.

3.Eric Bischoff's hiring. I don't remember if this was before or after the name change - if it was before, then deal with it. But this was a shocker.
For me, the last great shock that had me rewinding the DVR over and over was the very first Nexus attack when they tore up the ring. Before that, it was probably Bret and Shawn burying the hatchet.
Shocked no one mentioned this one but
Santino's debut
At the time Umaga was top of his game destroying everyone and had one the title from Jeff Hardy. Umaga is then in a feud with Bobby "Next golden boy" Lashley who everyone assumed would take the IC title from him. But in Italy an open challenge was answred by a "plant" who we assumed woudl just get destroyed and then WTF

'Santino Wins the IC title in his debut

THAT was shocking
The last time I was jaw-dropping shocked by WWE was when Nexus came out for the first time. Nobody suspected all of the rookies were going to team up together, and even fewer people suspected the rookies would make their entrance interfering with John Cena of all people. Not only did they attack John Cena, but they attacked CM Punk, Jerry Lawler, and even Justin Roberts got choked out with his own tie! They ripped the ring to shreds, and made a mess of the entire show. I couldn't believe what I saw on my television.
honestly the last time wwe legitimately shocked me was when eric bishop showed up on raw him and vince hugging was a WTF moment, 1996 to 2001 these guys hated each other so much, seeing eric show up on raw was shocking to me..
Think most of the main shock moments have been covered, but for me, and for it to be a 'shock' ive picked a moment i knew nothing about (ie. Innernet speculation, advertised apperance) before it happened and it would be:

HBK returning and joining the nWo. Very interesting to see him actualy join a stable that was a WCW gimmick in the first place but to see him return to regular TV was shocking in itself. Of course this lead to his actual in-ring return which was a shock moment everytime he laced the boots during that first year of returning. (on a side note,Interested to see what would of happened if Nash never got injured, were the stable would of went if HHH did in fact join at the Vengeance ppv. Evolution may never of happened.)
Definitely the start of the Nexus angle. The level of violence and brutality displayed during that segment was just astounding. The fact that they didn't just attack two competitors, but RAW in its entirety was what really put the whole thing over... that and the undertones of CM Punk (by that time, a well established heel) somewhat siding with Cena in an attempt to fight back against the Nexus really had me convinced. I don't think I've ever seen one virtual unknown (let alone 8) get over that quickly and decisively.

It's a shame the group wasn't allowed to run this way for longer. Daniel Bryan's firing the next week took quite a bit of steam out of the whole thing. While not a deal-breaker, the further firing/sidelining of Darren Young, Michael Tarver, and Skip Sheffield somewhat weakened the group... as "solidarity against an established regime" was core to what Nexus is/was. I also didn't expect hints at a split so early the groups lifespan either.

Though I think the group as a whole has been picking up as of the last couple of weeks, I don't think they're going to recapture what was put on display the night of their debut. The Nexus invasion should've been merely the start of an era, eclipsed by bigger, better, and more shocking things as the angle ran its course. Unfortunately, it appears that the invasion itself will remain the primary highlight.

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