When Vince McMahon Dies...


The Cerebral Assassin
... how will it be received? It will be a very sad day to say the least, but how will the WWE and fans react?

What kind of dedications will be made? How many shows will be dedicated to Vince? How many tribute shows will air? Who will be there to pay their respects, and how will they do it?

How would you react?

Paint the scenerio, in your opinion, of what will happen when Vince McMahon, the father of all that is WWE, and the figurative god of the WWE Universe, passes on.
... how will it be received? It will be a very sad day to say the least, but how will the WWE and fans react?

What kind of dedications will be made? How many shows will be dedicated to Vince? How many tribute shows will air? Who will be there to pay their respects, and how will they do it?

How would you react?

Paint the scenerio, in your opinion, of what will happen when Vince McMahon, the father of all that is WWE, and the figurative god of the WWE Universe, passes on.

I would assume that the staff and the fans will be saddened. Most likely the WWE will do a series of tributes that will show him in the best light, and he would deserve a nice tribute no matter how he is in real life and or on camera. Vince is an amazing promoter and a great visionary and the loss of him to the wrestling world will always be considered a moment of sadness, let's hope that isn't for a long, long time to come.
It all depends on if he dies before or after he steps down. If its after he steps down then they probably would just show a ''in loving memory'' graphic right at the start of the show. If it happens while he is chairman then there will deffinatly be a weeks worth of episodes dedicated to him and plenty of video packages shown.

I think most people would pay there respects, even those who didnt like him, the man made the business and every person in wrestling industry has to be gratefull for that. How would i react? probably in a ''oh Vince McMahon died'' kinda way. I dont think i would be sad because i didnt know the guy.

If Vince dies while in control of the company, there will be a weeks worth of tribute shows before Shane/Stephanie and/or Triple H take over the company, then everything else will go on as normal.
From what I have been hearing about how Vince acts...the front office will secretly feel releived, the wrestlers will be upset and Hunter will be relishing in his life's work finally paying off.
Well i think people will ask is this really real cause all his fake attempts.....i think they would do the same thing they did for beniot before they found out he was a murderer.....have one show just show stars payin there respect and showing video of him....next shows dedicated to him....even if he steps down....i mean he pretty much made the wwe the way it is...hell he pretty much made entetainment wrestling
I would be sad, I feel like Vince has been a big part of my life and I have heard his voice since I was a little kid all the way until today, he definatly will be missed on my end. I just hope he goes long after he is retired and steps away from the business, but I have always wondered who would get creative control.....Shane.....Steph.......both.........Trip's?
WWE would go on as it always does after a week or so of Vince packages and highlights. Although knowing WWE they'll probably link his death into a storyline in some way, he probably has it in his will that his death be involved in one lol.

He'd be missed but WWE would continue as it always does.
Well, we had a little glimpse of it when he ''died'' in that automobile accident. All of the WWE Universe will obviously be very saddened, but those immature fans who don't care about anyone, but themselves will feel absolutely nothing for the father of all sports-entertainment. It all depends on when Vince McMahon wants to retire. Will he retire when he's ready in a couple of years or will he die and be forced to retire? Either way, I will be very, very sad when Vince McMahon dies (similar to when he died in the limo explosion), but WWE will have to move on one way or another.
He did die a limo exploded. How it was received? Most were sad, except for Paul London who was unable to stop laughing. Don't worry he always comes back when ratings start to slag.
Exactly 1 show, likely Raw, will be tributed to Vince McMahon of all his matches and moments from within the Company. From that moment on, I would suggest a possible "logo" of some kind will appear on W.W.E. television programs for the following month, and the Pay per view that is next in line, will likely begin with a 10 bell tribute to McMahon. If that Pay per view is not WrestleMania, the following Mania will also have a McMahon tribute video playing at it.

Nothing more than any of that will be done. Well, outside of possibly a couple DVD sets.

McMahon's death will impact everyone in and out of this business. It'll impact us as fans, because if he's still majorly controling everything that goes on, we'll be unsure how Linda, Shane & Stephanie will take control from that point.

I wouldn't expect the business to take a week or 'x' amount of time off for this death, but I would expect shockwaves to ripple throughout the Company for much time to come thereafter.
That will be a crazy/ sad day whenever the VIN man dies. shock waves doesn't even begin to describe it. It will be huge news all over the world in Entertainment, sports and everything. I can only imagine the min. by min. up dates on all the sites.

Wrestling will never be the same, I just hope his family doesn't mess everything up too much. Vince is the only thing keeping this from being way to overloaded with HHH. i love HHH but even I can admit it can be a little much at times. I just hope Shane can keep him and Steph in check and not let him totally bury everyone.

My final and worst fear is that Shane and Steph will try to be too much like Vince. Vince took Wrestling and completely changed it forever. I dunno if Shane and Steph are creative enough , and Im afraid that they will try to do too many different and new things and ruin the greatest force in entertainment........ the WWE !
I think that from a "business" perspective, we might very well see a "In Memory" graphic at the beginning of every show since he was the owner, chairman, and driving force for so many years, after all. Perhaps an annual tribute show may be held as well, or perhaps an induction into the Hall of Fame (if he is not there before his death). Shane or Stephanie will take over and do their best to run the company on-screen (much like they do now). It will surely be different, but no worse than now, I am sure.

In terms of other federations, it will surely have an affect as they also might have to mention it on their broadcasts and give Vinnie Mac his much-deserved props.

From the personal perspective, I doubt much will change. As colossal as the loss would be to the McMahon family itself, and to all the start he is close to, the world and business would go on as usual. I doubt anyone is going to mention Vince in their promos or anything of that sort...

...but then again, it is possible that only a one night tribute show will be held and then nothing ever again. It would be keeping with tradition along with everyone else who had died in the past... again, surely personally people would grieve, but professionally, the show must go on.

In terms of the industry, I also doubt it would make a colossal impact -- there are other McMahons in like to take the throne, so to speak. And if not Shane or Steph, surely Good Ol' HHH will be too old to wrestle by then, and may be considering a role behind the scenes as the Grand Poombah. Whether they that replace him will be as effective is an argument all unto itself... but life is life and death is death, and not even The Vin Man himself is immune from it. His legacy will not be forgotten, that is for sure, at least by those fans who were around when he revolutionized the industry, and possibly their offspring who are bread with respect for said revolution.

When that sad day comes, I will be in mourning, as I was for the loss of Owen, Benoit, Eddie, Lockwood, Taylor, and others. We will keep them in our memories, and prayers.
With Vince's obsession with being young, he's obviously taking care of himself. I think he's scared once he's passed because he just seems like the type of guy that wants to be immortal. So it just might be a couple more decades.

Once he passes, you know... of course they'll the 'we're going to pay tribute' to him for QUITE a while. If an 'explosion' could get us reeling for months and months, his death would mean much more than that. You'd have the tributes, you'd have segments after in which superstars paid their respects, you'd have WWE.com advertising Vince's best moments every Monday for a year, etc etc.

And then you'll have Stephanie McMahon/Triple H running since they're obviously interested in what's best (yes... I said that) while Shane tries to convince them to make punches legit.
I'm going to roll with the week of tribute idea with the 10 bell salute at the first show with an audience after his death. There will probably be a tribute video slapped together for that same show that will likely start off the program. Shane might very well do the sort of show opening speech as his father did following the Benoit incident. And then, for an extended amount of time (as I THINK I remember happening folllowing the limo explosion), they will quite possibly end the intro to each show with a face shot of Vince but not with the Birth-Death thing at the bottom.
I think we,ll get a week of tribute shows then Shane,Linda & Steph,ll have to knuckle down to the unpleasant task of running the company they were groomed for.(much like the Royal family when the Queen dies).
The foundations are there,three shows,a development brand & a board of directors & the maligned creativity.Its not like he,s leaving them with nothing.He,ll probably die on the job,even turning up for Raw in a wheelchair if he has to.
While TNA,NWA & RoH pose no immediatte threat,the first big test after Steph & Shane settle in is the equal inevitability of when the LoYaL mob leave.JBL.HBK.Taker.Sure there,s tons of good wrestlers out there,like there,s tons of good wrestlers recently CuT from the roster.Are there tons of Cena,s,Rocks & Austins to keep WWE above the rest though.
As previous threads suggest,we all chose H as kayfabe GM.Shane,s good at hyper hype & promos but you cant take a Youre Fired from him seriously-yet.
Like him or hate him,it,ll be a sad sad day.We ReallY never will see his like again.
At first, I thought this was a "what will they do after him?" forum. I guess they will definitely honor him with many tributes. They will recognize all of the good things he did. And I think all fans all of his colleagues will be sad. I know I will.

But business-wise, it will be bittersweet. On one hand, he built the industry, virtually creating modern wrestling as we know it. But on the other, he also has done things to hold it back; for instance, making WWE have a PG rating. He also has had a reputation of being a difficult boss to work for. He has, in fact, pushed many people away, and has created attention as we have recently read.

So, on some level, it will be bittersweet, and dare I say, better for the business. However, when he passes, I'm sure that none of this will matter and it shouldn't. While it is my opinion that he is currently holding the WWE back, the Modern Era of Wrestling of the past three decades is all because of him.

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