When the rock comes back will he get a title rematch

Robert Roode Fan

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First off i do not think Rock is going to come back nor should he come back, he has nothing left to prove. However if decided to have one final run in the company would the rock cash in his rematch. He did lose the title to Cena, do you think wwe would honor it. It is kinda obvious he will lose, but who gets the match with rock if so. I think it should be Randy Orton. Though I am not a fan of orton as champ if there going job him out like have in recent months. I think it has to be a heel.
No, Rock should not get a rematch. He doesn't deserve a rematch, because he didn't deserve the title. There have been numerous guys who did not get their rematches in the past, so it's not that big of a deal.

Actually, I don't even want to see him come back, especially if it's the same thing he did his last run. If he wants to dedicate himself to it, and be there for more than 3-4 appearances in 3-4 months, it might work. But with the way he does, it's not worth it. At least Batista is back full time, unlike Rock.
Some fans are so ungrateful, Rock didnt need to come back but he did. He did more shows than the Undertaker in 2011, 2012 and 2013!!!

I hope he does come back, we the fans deserves 1 last run before he retires. Rock will have the whole fanfare out when he calls it a day.

As for the title, well he has already done this. I think it will be Rock vs Brock headlining Mania 31.
No, Rock should not get a rematch. He doesn't deserve a rematch, because he didn't deserve the title. There have been numerous guys who did not get their rematches in the past, so it's not that big of a deal.

Actually, I don't even want to see him come back, especially if it's the same thing he did his last run. If he wants to dedicate himself to it, and be there for more than 3-4 appearances in 3-4 months, it might work. But with the way he does, it's not worth it. At least Batista is back full time, unlike Rock.

The Rock made more appearances than Taker did in 2011, 2012 and 2013!!

The Rock can come and go whenever he pleases.

He's in a very elite class of WWE All-Time Greats.

Just because a wannabe smark is saying he doesn't deserve the title doesn't mean he doesn't. You're a fan nothing more, you don't say who deserves this and who deserves that, Vince McMahon is the owner of the company and if he didn't think Rock deserved the title, he wouldn't have put the belt on him.
Yes The Rock deserves a title match only if he embraces the hate that is going to come his way and becomes the heel Hollywood Rock. Hollywood Rock vs Daniel Bryan is something that i think will be an extraordinary feud if done right but it has to start with Rock coming back as a heel.
Yes The Rock deserves a title match only if he embraces the hate that is going to come his way and becomes the heel Hollywood Rock. Hollywood Rock vs Daniel Bryan is something that i think will be an extraordinary feud if done right but it has to start with Rock coming back as a heel.

Hell yeah!!

That would be a true dream match!!

People's champion vs People's champion!!

I hope Rock faces Bryan in his next run instead of Brock!!
Just because a wannabe smark is saying he doesn't deserve the title doesn't mean he doesn't. You're a fan nothing more, you don't say who deserves this and who deserves that, Vince McMahon is the owner of the company and if he didn't think Rock deserved the title, he wouldn't have put the belt on him.

Just because wannabe smarks make all these big proclamations concerning The Rock's future as though they know the man, can read his mind or claim that they know for an absolute fact he's coming back doesn't mean they're right. There's a genuine possibility that The Rock won't return to WWE to wrestle again. None of us can say for any degree of certainty whether he will or he won't, I'm just of the opinion that he won't. He has nothing to prove, nothing to gain and he makes far more money as an actor for a lot less physical risk. I might be wrong, so be it if I am, but I simply don't see him jeopardizing his thriving film career so some die hard fans can get a nostalgia fix.

If he does come back to wrestle, the only match I'd possibly be interested in would be if The Rock faced Daniel Bryan. Considering how The Rock "embarrassed" Daniel Bryan at Raw 1,000, the notion of Bryan having an opportunity to get some revenge is there. I only think it'd work, however, if The Rock came back in the role of a heel. As for The Rock having another title match, it could happen but I'm doubting it. People knew for an absolute fact that The Rock would drop the title to John Cena the instant he won it from CM Punk at the Royal Rumble last year and that only aided in making the match feel lackluster. If Bryan is champ by WrestleMania XXXI and The Rock does return to wrestle, the ending of the match is already given away. At the same time, however, if Bryan is still as over then as he is now, it might not matter to most fans. There are reports alleging that WWE wants to induct The Rock into the WWE Hall of Fame next year, but it all depends upon whether or not The Rock is interested and has time in his schedule to do it. Other reports from last year suggested The Rock wouldn't be returning to WWE in 2014 but will be back in 2015 because Vince has ordered that no new merchandise featuring The Rock will be produced until 2015
Hell yeah!!

That would be a true dream match!!

People's champion vs People's champion!!

I hope Rock faces Bryan in his next run instead of Brock!!

I think it is hilarious that people think that Bryan is in the same tier as guys like Rock and Austin. He just isn't and that is no damn dream match. The Rock is so far above DBryan that it isn't even funny. The Rock would be the draw and Bryan would be the after-thought.

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