...When The Impact LD...RUNS WILD ON YOU?!?!

Foley's promos never fail to impress me...

Abyss looks a lot better without the flannel...

EDIT: Bruiser Brody and the Dynamite Kid...Sprinkled with Funk, Race...I need a graphics guy to morph that baby together...
Thrown into barbwire? Check.
Thumbtaks? Check.
Set on fire? Check.

Methinks that we have in fact seen everything that Abyss is capable of.
I want that picture on my wall...

Abyss v. Stevie next week?! Sweetness...MTFO

Oh shit no...Stevie...gone? :(
Only if he brings the Meanie and Hollywood Nova with him...

It's not like they're doing anything anywhere else...I know for a fact Meanie has been sitting on his ass for a few months.

With Raven debuting, it would be a nice touch...
No way in fuck does Hogan come in and feud with Jay Lethal. Sorry, it is simply not going to happen.
No way in fuck does Hogan come in and feud with Jay Lethal. Sorry, it is simply not going to happen.

I'm trying to do some damage control, and you slash my dreams...Damn you...

I know it won't happen, but it would be better than him coming in, winning the title, and holding back Morgan and Hernandez...
Lashley has a pretty sweet entrance. A match with Homicide though...? This is either a squash or a sneak attack...
I think they should keep as many guys as possible and do another show. One featuring more light weights, x division and the other classic wrestling set up.

So yeah, I'm here and stuff now. I fell asleep so I'm just starting Impact right now, watching AJ and Daniels promo to open the show.

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