When do you think the PG Era will come to an end ???

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CM Perfection
Ok very simple question in your opinion how long do you think the PG Era has let?? Every wrestling Era has its beginnings and ends and only last a few years. Now im not the biggest fan of the PG Era in fact I hated it at the start because I grew up watching the Attitude Era. But I come to accepting it now like everyone we have to move with the times and thats what WWE is doing as well. Now in my opinion todays Main Event stars areweak now what I mean by that is its not as strong as it was 10 or 15 years ago.. But there are furture Hall of Fames in the company today the likes of ( John Cena, Randy Orton, Cm Punk etc) But getting back to the question How long can you see the PG Era lasting for??
I'd say it's already been over. I think we're more in a "Reality Era" now, with the way WWE uses Twitter and the behind the scenes stuff

Look back at the "Attitude Era", it ruined wrestling to a certain extent. While it had the biggest boom in revenue and media attention, it was not the greatest display of entertainment. It was lazy. At that time it truely was "one step above porn". I'm not complaining about the Attitude Era, but you can only push the envelope so far before you become desencitized to the violence.

This "PG Era" is what you make of it. How often do you hear about kids copying what they see compared to during the 'Attitude Era'? The shows are more family friendly and safer. Less chance to have another Chris Benoit tragedy on our hands. Do you honestly need blood, swearing and weapons to be entertained? If so, check your own morals.

Today's wrestling issues are the fact that they have too much tv time, lack of star power and rush guys with no character to tv. Either sit back and enjoy the show or turn the channel. The "PG Era" isn't going anywhere anytime soon. So please....

STOP BITCHING!!! :banghead:
WWE doesn't need to be like the Attitude Era but WWE should atleast try to make their programming like they had during the Ruthless Aggression Era form 2002-2008. The roster was stacked on both Raw and Smackdown. Many of the greatest wrestling matches happened during the Ruthless Aggression Era with a proper balance of storylines.

Ruthless Aggression era was one of the greatest eras of wrestling.
The PG era has made wrestling so PG that most teenagers/adults think its a joke, making it very hard to recover from the PG era. I can therefore see it keep going for a while yet.
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