When do you think Low Ki will debut in the WWE?


Dark Match Winner
Low Ki is currently training in FCW. He goes under the ring name Kaval. This guy is very talented and i expect to see him in the wwe some day. I could make soo many great feuds for him to be in, for example vs Evan Bourne or being rey mysterio's prodigy.

My question is where do you see him going in his wwe career, when will he get promoted and what do you think would be a good gimmick for him!
Though being EXTREMELY talented, they'll just send him to ECW to go on a 2 month
winning streak against jobbers then fued with someone like Tommy Dreamer
or Finlay for about 3 weeks then fued with Umaga for a day and get demolished.
The WWE never cared for the small guys, unless they wear masks and then
they can sell replicas for $100.
He won't go anywhere in WWE, he'll have about as much success as Colt Cabana did, WWE will waste him, they won't know what to do with him, so they'll give him some dumb ass gimmick, have him job for a couple months and then wish him well on his future endeavors, that's if he even makes it to the main roster
I agree with Justin. He's fun to watch, and could have some great matches with non-heavyweights, but he won't get much success in the WWE. His best chance at even a mid-card title, is to debut on Smackdown, and beat up on the jobbers before getting anywhere near the title picture.

After beating the jobbers, he could even have a few good matches with someone like Helms, and get himself recognized. Even after that, it may not be enough to put any gold around his waist.

Who knows, maybe he'll get lucky and gwet a boost from the indy fans, a la CM Punk. Chances are, he'll be cut by this time next year, even if he does debut soon.
Yeah, Low Ki just screams "good luck with future endeavours". While I like the guy, and think he's very talented, he has like 0 charisma. Plus his style doesn't fit the WWE, and his size won't help.

If people actually think there's buzz and stuff around him debut, there isn't. And while he might succeed(which I highly doubt)I think he's just going to end up like Harris, Cabana, and others who got all this "hype" from the IWC, and ended up failing. Low Ki won't be able to live off his indy or TNA success so if he hope's to make it in the WWE, he better hope creative has something good lined up for him, or he will not stick around.

So I really have no clue when he will debut, but in all honesty I hope it's not until he has a great gimmick to back his debut because if the WWE sends him out like Harris, he will be DOA.
If Low Ki even makes it past development, they will probably restart their cruserweight division and built it up to counter TNA's X Division, with Petey Williams and Dutt available, it would be a possibility. After it becomes a hit, they will proceed to have people like Mike Knox do run ins and demolish the entire cruiserweight roster to stress the point that "little guys" are not important, no matter how talented, how over with the crowd and who they are. WCW did pretty much the same thing with their cruiserweight division.
the only way I see low ki makin it in the wwe is by putting him and leaving him on the ecw roster I can see him in feuds with rvd just for a lil while mayb even getting hardcore and bringing back real extreme rules matches....since he has no mic skills they could push him as a hardcore bad ass despite him being so small and mayb resurrecting ecw and bring it back to its glory days......this would never happen so I guess we will see how long he last.....I doubt he will make it past a month
Low Ki is one of the most underated superstars in the business today.

This man has always had a quality match and it annoys me that WWE wont make proper use of him because of his size.

Granted im not expecting him to make a run at the World Heavyweight Championship but i could see him fitting into a decent challenger down the line for the US title or the Intercontinental Championship.

If Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio can make a living in the WWE then so can Low Ki!
I think that after the draft when bourne is moved from ECW, Low Ki will replace him. He'll just have to try and do what Evan Bourne did. Try to show something different and get on the good side of a few higher ups so that you can get a match on Raw every once in a while. That seems to be the only way that smaller guys can make it in WWE. Or by selling merchandise like crazy.

This is unfair and a huge waste of talent but if he does it well he could be a big success.

And hey i guess it beats being Suicide right?
I'm sure he will debut on ECW, and hopefully restart a feud with Tyson Kidd. Those two work well together in the ring, and I think Kaval will do just fine. The name Kaval isn't that bad either. I wouldn't mind seeing him, and Bourne working with one another. ECW could go back to its old "wrestling roots". When guys like Malenko, Jericho, Benoit, and Eddie were wrestling there. Wrestling was the main thing in ECW, and I think with some of the names that they have they could go back to having classic matches. They need stars who can get a match exciting, and draw fans in to the match like they used to do. You hardly ever hear "ECW" chants anymore. The matches aren't high paced.

Kaval is highly innovative, and I think he suits ECW well. If he can make a name for himself in ECW, then may see some exposure on the other two shows. Not to mention the WWE's new show that will be airing in the near future. The fact that he is a solid wrestler will keep him around. The fans will like him as they are becomming more, and more accustom to smaller fast paced wrestlers. I would think that by this point the Cruiserweight division would come back, and it would be exclusive to all the shows. One title for all three shows. Then, have a Cruiserweight Cup tournament leading in to Summer Slam. The WWE has some solid CW's on the roster.
A while back, I saw someone come up with an awesome idea to put all of the small guys on ECW and make it into its own little cruiserweight division. There are plenty of guys to do this with... Mysterio, Bourne, Kingston, Kidd, Low-Ki, Helms, Noble, Wang Yang, Funaki, Kendrick... and more "fre-agents" around, as mentioned above. I could really get behind an idea like this, as cruiserweight matches were always some of my favorites, esp. on WCW. This would be a perfect showcase for guys like Low-Ki, who I think could actually be pretty dominant in a set-up like this... I guess that this might create problems in the long run, but I would watch for sure.

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