WHC Lineage

Ric Flair was the NWA World Champion at that time. He held the real NWA World title when he went to WWF.

No, he didn't. When he signed with the WWF, he was stripped of the title. All Flair had was the belt itself, not the title of being champion if that makes sense. Flair was never paid back the deposit he put on the belt and if my memory serves me right, he never gave up the physical belt until years later when he gave it to HHH as a gift off camera. The NWA had a new one made to be defended.

The title was vacant for nearly a year until Masahiro Chono won it in the G-1 Climax tournament in Japan in August of 1992, defeating Rick Rude in the finals. The title is defended at Starrcade 1992, while Flair was still under contract with the WWF.
I am a little murky on this as well. I have a question regarding when TNA was affiliated with the NWA. They had that title belt, which I believe was the NWA world title before the big gold belt. I think Christian was the last person to carry that title. Then the NWA/TNA relationship was dissovled, and TNA created their own World title. So if we are talking about the history of the NWA world title, then shouldn't TNA's time with it count as well?

TNA's had exclusive use of the NWA World Title and NWA World Tag Team Title from 2002 to 2007 so all the champions that held the belt(s) during that time count as NWA Champions. However this has nothing to do with this thread as this occurred long after the NWA/WCW split.
Ric Flair was the NWA World Champion at that time. He held the real NWA World title when he went to WWF.

And the belt was vacated from then on. Flair still had the belt itself (due to them owing him a deposit or something, right?) but he wasn't the champion -- like KB said, it was vacant until Chono won the title over Rude.

I seems to me that most of the confusion in this thread lies in the distinction between the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The NWA Championship HAD ties to WCW, but those were severed when WCW left the NWA in '93. THAT'S when the International World Heavyweight Championship came into play; Flair was WCW's champion, but he certainly wasn't the NWA's -- that distinction went to Shane Douglas next (after it was vacant for a while), who threw the title down in favor of ECW's title. That title went on from the likes of Candido, to Severn, to Sabu, to TNA, and to guys like Colt Cabana and Adam Pierce nowadays. The NWA Championship isn't actually related to the World Heavyweight Championship at all, other than the design of the belt. The NWA isn't a powerhouse anymore, but it's legacy is very much alive (and distinct from the WWE's). The WWE is following the design of the belt, nothing more. It's like their version of the ECW Championship (save for the fact that the WWE actually might have some rights to the title history there -- EDIT: WWE apparently owns all of ECW's assets, so the lineage may be the same) -- it's not the same thing, it just shares a design.
I'm afraid that this is more of the revisionist history of pro wrestling that Vince McMahon sometimes likes to employ. Based on the various vignettes we saw last night as part of the build for the champion vs. champion match, it seems as though WWE essentially tying the lineage of the World Heavyweight Championship not only to the WCW WHC, but also to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

As WWE owns any and all things WCW, they could easily tie the lineage of the World Heavyweight Championship to the WCW WHC. When the title was created and kept the Big Gold Belt design back in 2002, I initially thought that they'd simply reinstated the WCW WHC with the simple name change of removing WCW from it. It definitely gets murkier and extremely inaccurate when it comes to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The WWE doesn't legally own or control the lineage of the NWA WHC, however, they are in actual physical possession of the original NWA World Heavyweight Championship belts, if I'm not mistaken. I might be wrong, but I do remember reading a little while back that WWE is in actual physical possession of either the very first, original NWA World Heavyweight Championship belt or they're in possession of the original, redesigned belt that the NWA first began using in 1973. It might well be both and it might not, but I'm positive that I read they're in possession of at least one of those original titles. Exactly how they're in possession of it, I dunno.

I'm guessing that since they have possession of at least one of the original NWA World Heavyweight Championship belts, Vince is claiming the lineage of the and connecting it to the WCW WHC and the current WHC in some manner. The question of whether he can legally do that is something that's been floating around in my head. After all, back in the very early 90s, there was a lot of controversy surrounding the NWA WHC once Ted Turner pulled WCW out of the NWA. Generally speaking, Jim Crockett Promotions, which would be WCW, was really all that was left of the NWA in and of itself by the mid 80s anyhow. After WCW severed ties completely with the NWA and created their own title, I figured that was it and that was all. Maybe because of his long association with the NWA and the fact that he came to all but control the NWA by the mid 80s, Jim Crockett, Jr. was able to legally secure some degree of ownership of the NWA WHC? And such ownership was passed onto Ted Turner when he bought him out and later when Vince did the same thing? I have no idea but I'm thinking that there has to be some sort of legal technicality, some sort of loop hole that Vince is somehow exploiting.

Also, I haven't had time to read any other responses on the board, I'm sorta in a hurry, so if someone else has already said this, sorry. Wasn't my intention to repeat the post.
My gripe with the lineage is how the match was concluded. If the World Heavyweight Championship is supposed to be equal weight and is tied to WCW why did Del Rio "job" for Cena? Evidently a 200 pound goof is more distracting that a 400 pound beast. Since both Cena and Del Rio are engaged in feuds with Henry and Ziggler the match should have ended with a run-in from both. Tying the WHC to WCW and then having Del Rio lose is another attempt to pile more dirt on WCW's grave.
Regardless of what the WWE says at any given time, I believe the World heavyweight Championship Title shares the lineage to the WCW Championship Title.

I also believe:

The ECW Championship Title on WWE TV shares the same lineage to the original ECW Championship Title.

The WWE Cruiserweight Championship Title shares the same lineage to the WCW Cruiserweight Championship Title.

The WWE United States Championship Title shares the same lineage to the WCW United States Championship Title.

Smackdown’s Tag Team Championship Title shares the same lineage to the WCW Tag Team Championship Title. (Okay, that’s reaching, but I’d like to believe it)

Rob Van Dam is the last European Champion, not Jeff Hardy.

Rob Van Dam is the last Hardcore Champion, not Tommy Dreamer.

Chris Jericho is a former 2 time WWE Champion

The Rockers are former WWE Tag Team Champions

Andre the Giant is a former WWE Champion

Basically, what I’m saying is, just enjoy the show and buy the merchandise.
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The current WHC is NOT the NWA or WCW Heavyweight title. Some of you are confusing the Big Gold Belt (which is nothing more than an actual title design) with a championship.

Ric Flair won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Sting. WCW also recognized him as the newly-created WCW World Heavyweight Champion. There was no WCW belt, Flair carried the Big Gold Belt and was represented as a dual champion through one belt. They weren't unified, they never were. It was just a matter of WCW not having a physical belt to represent their championship.

When WCW left the NWA, they kept the physical Big Gold Belt, and called it the WCW International Championship. The World Heavyweight title was represented by a different belt, until the two WCW titles were unified and represented by the Big Gold Belt as the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.

The Big Gold Belt is JUST a belt. It's not a championship. The NWA title never unified with WCW, they took their championship back and it carries on to this day. The WCW title was created, renamed the World Championship by WWF (no branding), and unified with the WWF Championship and retired.

Long story short, the WHC as we know it today was created in 2002, has no historical lineage beyond that, and is represented by the Big Gold Belt. Yes, the design is the same. No, it's not the same title.
Long story short, the WHC as we know it today was created in 2002, has no historical lineage beyond that, and is represented by the Big Gold Belt. Yes, the design is the same. No, it's not the same title.

It is the same belt as far as the company is concerned. You and other fans in the know, may not recognize it as the same but as long as WWE says it's so, then y'all are going to have an uphill battle on this one. I highly doubt any of you are going to fight tooth and nail to get people to recognize the truth whereas the WWE will continue to shove their own version of history down everyone's throats via DVDs, commentators, returning legends who won't dispute it on WWETV etc.

At this point, I say just give in to the monster. Fighting it just seems futile imo.
Regardless of what the WWE says at any given time, I believe the World heavyweight Championship Title shares the lineage to the WCW Championship Title.

I also believe:

The ECW Championship Title on WWE TV shares the same lineage to the original ECW Championship Title.

The WWE Cruiserweight Championship Title shares the same lineage to the WCW Cruiserweight Championship Title.

The WWE United States Championship Title shares the same lineage to the WCW United States Championship Title.

Smackdown’s Tag Team Championship Title shares the same lineage to the WCW Tag Team Championship Title. (Okay, that’s reaching, but I’d like to believe it)

Rob Van Dam is the last European Champion, not Jeff Hardy.

Rob Van Dam is the last Hardcore Champion, not Tommy Dreamer.

Chris Jericho is a former 2 time WWE Champion

The Rockers are former WWE Tag Team Champions

Andre the Giant is a former WWE Champion

Basically, what I’m saying is, just enjoy the show and buy the merchandise.

This guy gets it. I don't understand the need to swim against the tide and try to outsmart the room. However, and I'll reiterate this just this one last time, one of our homemade historians should do a researched and sourced history and definitively show where the title history trails run dry and why WWE has no right to make the assertions they made last night. To me that's a better use of knowledge than debating this ad nauseum. If it's true then it shouldn't be hard to prove.

The connection is right in front of everyone's face so far as I'm concerned-- it's the belt. It's all that's needed. King Patrick's got the right idea: enjoy the show. Taking it so seriously is foolish, especially considering it doesn't take itself seriously most of the time.
I think its great that WWE is making a point to acknowledge companies and champions that were not even with them. It's the best way to make a championship feel important. They've done a great job with that ever since the World Heavyweight title was introduced.
It is the same belt as far as the company is concerned. You and other fans in the know, may not recognize it as the same but as long as WWE says it's so, then y'all are going to have an uphill battle on this one. I highly doubt any of you are going to fight tooth and nail to get people to recognize the truth whereas the WWE will continue to shove their own version of history down everyone's throats via DVDs, commentators, returning legends who won't dispute it on WWETV etc.

At this point, I say just give in to the monster. Fighting it just seems futile imo.

I'd also like to point off that WWE themselves recognizes the World Heavyweight Championship as a successor title. Their lineage lists the WCW title as being retired, and the WHC as a standalone title created in 2002. They pay homage to it's lineage, it doesn't mean it's the exact title (in real life, not what they tell us it is).

In all honesty it doesn't matter, I just wanted to chime in because people were getting the belt design and the actual title mixed up.
Since there is ample record from old PPV's and the WWE Website that that the title is linked with the WCW Title (which is thus linked with the NWA Title) I dont see the initial fuss. They didnt "just do this" this has been pretty consistent for quite sometime since Lesnar (who had beaten The Rock for the Unified Title) refused to wrestle on RAW. The title that RAW uses has always been treated as the offiicial Unified Title and Smackdown has a title of roughly equal value but they dont get the lineage.

If anything, it should be the other way...SmackDown should have the title with the extensive lineage, etc, and RAW should have the newer title.

The whole thing is ruse by WWE to hopefully get some older fans to watch again because their ratings are in the dumps, it certainly is not some drastic change to championship geneology, fact is they have used this lineage fairly often since 2002.
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The current WHC is NOT the NWA or WCW Heavyweight title. Some of you are confusing the Big Gold Belt (which is nothing more than an actual title design) with a championship.

Ric Flair won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Sting. WCW also recognized him as the newly-created WCW World Heavyweight Champion. There was no WCW belt, Flair carried the Big Gold Belt and was represented as a dual champion through one belt. They weren't unified, they never were. It was just a matter of WCW not having a physical belt to represent their championship.

When WCW left the NWA, they kept the physical Big Gold Belt, and called it the WCW International Championship. The World Heavyweight title was represented by a different belt, until the two WCW titles were unified and represented by the Big Gold Belt as the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.

The Big Gold Belt is JUST a belt. It's not a championship. The NWA title never unified with WCW, they took their championship back and it carries on to this day. The WCW title was created, renamed the World Championship by WWF (no branding), and unified with the WWF Championship and retired.

Long story short, the WHC as we know it today was created in 2002, has no historical lineage beyond that, and is represented by the Big Gold Belt. Yes, the design is the same. No, it's not the same title.

Accoring to WWE on their website, DVD's and some of the old promos (Unforgiven 2002) the WCW Title wasnt retired, it was merged with the WWE Title and that lineage wth the Unified Title exists today.

Yes, the name "WCW" wasnt used until 1991 when Ric Flair defeated Sting in the Meadowlands and won the World Title. However, that lineage traces back through the NWA Title because it was nothing more than a name change. All of the main assets, including wrestlers, known as the NWA in the US were purchased by Ted Turner in 1988. They simply changed their name to the more international sounding World Championship Wrestling in 1991. Flair didnt win a new title from a new and different wrestling promotionalng with the NWA title in 1991, he won the same title from the same company he had represented the last 10 years as champion, the company simply changed it's name. It's like saying the WWE Intercontinental Campion today shares no history with Randy Savage because he was WWF IC Champ or that Bruno Sammartino shares no history with Hulk Hogan because Bruno was WWWF Champ (World Wide Wrestling Federation) and Hogan was WWF Champ (World Wrestling Federation).

It is true that their were smaller promotions that worked with the main arm of the NWA, what was the core of Jim Crockett Promotions, the Ted Turner assetts, the Sat Nite TBS Show,etc that for a long time had significant influence on the NWA as a whole. By the time Crockett sold to Turner most of those promotions ceased to exist and the others were on life support, and the main NWA (IE Turner, TBS, etc) was working with them less and less through 1990. By 1991 the NWA for all practical purposes was the Turner company and nothing else. Crockett himself had stopped working with many of those promotions at least two years before he sold to Turner even though all of his live shows and TV productions were uner the NWA banner. Florida had gone out of business, Crockett was no longer dealing Mid South or World Class by 86-87 even though they were still in busines, and no talent exchanges with the AWA by 1986 either. Thanks to Crockett by the time Starrcde 87 rolled around everything known as The NWA was basically his assetts and TV productions, his wrestlers, everything you saw weekly on TBS, all of which he sold to Turner in late 1988. Re naming the title WCW didnt change it's history.

After Flair was fired in 1991 the remaining smaller indy promotions in a move of protest wanted to continue to list him as champ which obviously the Turner group could not do. At this point they succeeded from the NWA/WCW but by then they werent really involved, had no say in decission making, etc prior to that, they were lucky by then that WCW even let some of their talent appear on their shows. In 1993 some of the indy assetts tried to resurrect the NWA brand as a separate company and WCW Mgt at the time actually let them appear on TV as such but they were not the original company, they were not the large nationwide old NWA, that was then and remained Turner's WCW. Legal wranglings about name rights and talent exchanges eventually lead to the short lived and very confusing for fans marriage between the new promotion using the old name and WCW ending, although since WCW had prominently featured the NWA Title on it's programming they scrambled to re brand it the WCW International Title, first won by Rick Rude over Flair in Sept 93. Sting and Vader also fueded over this title. By the summer of 94 WCW was gearing up for Hulk Hogan's arrival and decided it was too confusing having a World Champ & International Champ so they staged a Unification Match between WCW Champ Flair & International Champ Sting, with Flair pinning Sting and unifying the titles. As a storyline prop this also gave Flair a huge win heading into his PPV showdown with Hogan and facilitated his heel turn so Hogan would be the only good guy in their match.

That still gives the WCW Title a lineage that stretches all the way back through the original NWA.

Again WWE has portrayed the WWE Title as sharing this lineage through the 2002 Unification many times, it sint something new. And again, given that the Unified Title itself was split in two when champion Brock Lesnar went to SmackDown and refused to wrestle on RAW it really should have been the title on SD that kept the lineage and the title that HHH & Flair fought over on RAW that was "new" or whatever, but that's a moot point. There is ample evidence of WWE using this lineage over the years.

And yes, WWE does link the new ECW champions from the company's re birth with the original title holders from when they were a separate entity and not part of WWE, they dont have ECW champions and WWE ECE Champions. Likewise they link the heritage of the US Title through WWE to WCW and through the NWA as well and have ever since that title came back in the mid 2000s
As far as the actual Gold Belt is concerned, it was created for and paid for by Crockett Promotions to stand as the new NWA Title Belt, I believe im early 1986. There was a financial disput about deposit money Flair had given the company as insurance during his time as champion (which supposedly was to be deposited and draw interest for him) that he wanted returned when WCW fired him in 1991 and they refused. WCW quickly created a new Champonship Title Belt while the Gold Belt, still in Flair's physical possession, wound up on WWE TV as precursor to his arrival.

After a few months of WWE showcasing the very recognizble Gold Belt al over TV, essentially saying they had the real WCW Champion and his belt, WCW sued Flair, a temporary restraining order stopping Flair (or WWE) from using the belt on TV or wresling events until the matter between Flair & WCW over the deposit money was settled. This is when WWE started having their on air president Jack Tunney appear on TV saying that the belt would be "digtally blurred" on TV since it wasnt an official WWE Title belt. ON TV you couldnt tell the difference, at live shows they used old WWE Title belts for Flair's ring entrances. Flair references this part of th storyline in his famous prom right after winning the WWE Title at Royal Rumble 92. Eventually Flair won the lawsuit with WCW and they paid him to return the belt, there are different stories on what the amount was, anywhere from $25,000 to $75,000 depending on what you believe.

What we see today is a replica of that belt, created by WWE. Im not sure who has the original Big Gold Belt, or if it evenb exists. It would have been an assett of WCW purchased by WWE in 2001. Ive read where WWE gave it to Flair as a keep sake but Ive also read that he gave it to HHH as a gift (some say that was an old NWA Belt, the one used before The Gold Belt debuted). Not really sure on this part but in any event that is the brief history of the actual physical Big Gold Belt.
This has all been too much writing, for something that could be answered in one sentence.

It's a work.

It's that simple. WWE is working the importance of the belt, to make you care about it. Granted, they hadn't done a good job with it, but it's still an attempt.

There, we happy?
My two cents: The NWA was relevant when it was still backed by solid promotions, and during the 80s, it became synonymous with Jim Crockett Promotions. Now I know when WCW and NWA split, that the NWA kept on ticking, but to me, the fan and viewer...that shit's irrelevant. The WCW was what I kept on watching, and the other disappeared into the hinterlands to be crapped on (I mean, c'mon. Shane Douglas punked them. Shane Overrated Douglas!) So Rob Conway may be trotting around somewhere saying he's the NWA champion, but who really gives a shit?

History goes to the winners, and right now, that's the WWE.
We can argue about this for years, but, please allow me to simplify this.

WWE.com said:
"The World Heavyweight Championship that has recently been carried by such greats as Batista and Triple H got its start in WWE back in 2002. But its prestigious lineage can actually be traced back all the way to George Hackenschmidt and 1904. For years, it was known as the NWA Championship; then when WCW pulled out of the NWA in the early 1990s, Ric Flair was recognized as the first-ever WCW Champion. Since that time, top names such as Hulk Hogan, Ron Simmons and Bret Hart carried the championship prior to WCW's demise."

That comes directly from WWE.com, specifically http://www.wwe.com/classics/titlehistory/wcwchampionship.

Since you're watching a WWE program, which you know is scripted fiction, it doesn't really matter if they say that the World Heavyweight Championship traces its roots back to the NWA Championship. Get this through your head, YOU ARE WATCHING WWE TV! Just sit back, enjoy the show, and DON'T nit pick at every little thing!
Now, I am pretty confused about the lineage of the WHC, (does its lineage start from 2002 when it was awarded to Triple H by Bischoff, or it actually shares its lineage with NWA title and WCW World Heavyweight title?) but that is for another thread. Whether it's 11 years old or 20, it is a World Championship. And with the Brand extension being dead, it features on both RAW and Smackdown. But here is my real concern.

Now, being a world championship, it should be treated as equal to WWE championship, which it is clearly not. And I understand that. But I also remember the time when it was actually treated as equal to WWE championship. It's never going to be same as WWE championship, but wouldn't it be good to see someone like Cena or Punk to actually try and feud for the WHC? It pains to see how much it has fallen. Once it used to close or main event Manias, and now it's a second rate title for upper midcarders to hold.

I know it's wishful thinking and I know that WHC will never be at the same level as WWE championship. But in recent years, the gap between the two has increased to a point where it is no longer a championship chased by your true ME guys. I am not against using it as a stepping stone, but just to maintain its prestige as a world title, I think your ME talent should really go for it once in a while.

My questions are:

Do you think WHC championship should be contested for by your top tier stars every once in a while?

If not, shoulđ it be phased out/unified with WWE championship and its place taken by IC title?
Well the World Heavyweight Championship is the new Intercontinental Championship. It's used for the exact same purposes. It's often the first match on the card, starting the night off with a hot opener. Younger guys, or guys who are in the upper midcard but not quite on the main event level, are the people who primarily compete for it. It's often used to test the potential of future stars as champions. It's the IC Title.

Back in the day they would even sometimes run two separate house show tours, with one being headlined by the WWF Champion and one being headlined by the IC Champion, same as the WWE Champion and World Heavyweight Champion today.

My answer to your first question is no. With the brandsplit having ended, there's no need to have two championships that are booked as the top prize with top guys vying for them. The WWE Championship should be booked as the top prize. The answer to your second question is yes, they should unify the WWE Title and the World Heavyweight Title because having your secondary belt called the World Heavyweight Title is confusing to new viewers and doesn't really make much sense. They could use the IC Title to accomplish the exact same things they are accomplishing currently with the World Heavyweight Title.

The fact of the matter is though, that the WWE likes promoting separate house shows headlined by "World Champions" even if they are world champions in name only, and people generally recognize one belt to be superior to the other. The other factor is that the World Heavyweight Title has a cool design, and likely sells a lot of replica belts, so they probably want to keep promoting it by having it on TV.
The WHC was WCW's WHC, then it got incorporated into the WWE shows when the buyout happened.

If memory serves me correctly, the NWA championship left WCW when Ric Flair went to the WWE with the belt in 1991. WCW then had to make a new their own WHC belt, and Flair was stripped of the NWA WHC, but by then since pro-wrestling had stopped being viewed as a regional business, the drawing power of the NWA WHC was rapidly diminishing.
It's the truth. the WHC is the secondary belt, just look at Mania the past two years. 28 the match for the title was under a minute (granted the rematch was a 30 minute classic put on by Daniel Bryan and Sheamus.) and this year it was the middle of the show with a predictable outcome. Now recently, it's had an up and down run. The Del Rio vs Cena match that had all the past greats made it seem like it was on par and the match itself was great, but then when del rio was on the stage for cena's "choice" as to who was to defend it and he was mentioned, there was no mention of possibly seeing who the Real champion was.

the WHC is the main reason I want the roster split to be a thing again because it might as well be unified and retired with the WWE title. It needs a wrestler or writer that's passionate about it being toward the end of the show like how Punk was with the WWE title ending the night. It needs better matches for possession and better guys holding it, so to answer yes it needs Main eventer like a Cena, Punk, Bryan, Henry, Orton, Big Show, or any one capable of hanging in the main event level to hold it. Or it needs a Lengthy title Reign like CM Punk had in 2012 of someone who's just dominant with it and defends it in any kind of match.
The World Heavyweight Championship should be contested by top talent ALL the time, not some of the time. It should be treated as equal to the WWE Championship in every way. I feel they're finally starting to put a little more attention on it, late last year John Cena went through a Ladder Match with Dolph Ziggler just to TRY to get a shot at it, and at WrestleMania the Del Rio/Swagger match didn't open the show like the World title did the last few years. The World title needs to start closing out PPVs again and all will be well.
The WHC would be fine if it had a different name. Most people equate the World title to being a promotions #1 championship... but in the WWE it's not. I guess this is just Vince's way of saying that the WWE is bigger than the World.

I look at the titles like this:

WWE - #1 belt
World - on the level the IC belt was in the 80's/90's
IC - more like the European belt
US - about as prestigious as the WCW TV title that Jim Duggan pulled out of a trash can
Do you think WHC championship should be contested for by your top tier stars every once in a while?

Absolutely. The WWE has announcers proclaiming that the World Heavyweight Championship is on par with the WWE Championship when we all know it isn't. The prestige of the World Heavyweight Championship has dropped significantly in the last 3 years. It has not closed a show since the fall of 2010. It opened two Wrestlemania events. It would do wonders for the importance of that belt if top tier guys chased after it. Either treat the two world titles as equals or stop having the announcers claim onscreen that they are equal. Look at Edge for example. If all of Edge's 11 World Championships were WWE Championship reigns that would sound a whole lot more impressive but only 4 of them were. 7 of those 11 came from the World Heavyweight Championship. Yet they call Edge an 11 time World Champion. They shouldn't treat one belt as the favorite and then give us those types of numbers. The belts need to be treated equally if they are going to be referred to as such. Having guys like Cena feud over the World Heavyweight Championship would be a huge step in the right direction.

If not, should it be phased out/unified with WWE championship and its place taken by IC title?

Honestly, at this point I would sadly say yes. The World Heavyweight Championship is no longer needed. As much as I like that belt, its prestige has taken too much damage and they do NOT treat it like a World Championship truly should be treated. I say unify the World Heavyweight Championship with the WWE Championship at either Night of Champions of Wrestlemania and be done with it. The Intercontinental Championship can then take its rightful place as the #2 belt. The way the World Heavyweight Championship is currently treated is exactly how the Intercontinental Championship should be treated. That would leave the US Championship for the midcarders or guys further down the card who are not in tag teams.
The World Heavyweight Championship is an important part of WWE. Some people like to look at the past few Wrestlemanias to argue that the title has dropped in prestige. However, they fail to mention that for a few years the WWE Championship was used in dubious ways at some of those events:

It wasn't even featured at Wrestlemania 1.

It was featured in the middle of Wrestlemania 8.

It was hot-shotted at Wrestlemania 9.

It didn't close the show at Wrestlemania 11.

It was clearly the fourth match in priority depth at Wrestlemania 20.

It didn't close the show at Mania 21, 22, 24, 26, or 28. In fact, it was mid card fodder at 28 and booked very awkwardly at 27.

Bottom line is this as follows... you can't judge a title too much by its Wrestlemania treatment. Otherwise, the WWE Championship could also be deemed meaningless.

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