What's your favorite video package of all time?

Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
In wrestling most of the time there will be a flashy video package preceding the match that gets you pumped up to see it and catches you up to the events leading up to the match. Out of the many we see every year in WWE and TNA what's you favorite?

Mine is the Unforgiven 2006 Cena/Edge TLC match pre-match video package:


The violence of this feud really helped give great material to show, the theme song was excellent, and the dialogue here taken from Edge and Cena gave it an epic feeling.

So what is your favorite video package in wrestling history?
[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3683018][YOUTUBE]Fn6evTlk0EM[/YOUTUBE][/QUOTE]

I wouldn't disagree. It features the greatest PPV theme ever.
No need for me to post the Austin/Rock My Way video again. Couldnt agree more guys, Austin/Rock "My Way" was the best ever. The anticapation for X7 was unreal

This is my favorite video package of all time I'm not a fan of Kid Rock at all but I don;t think they could have picked a better song to go with this video. I still get goosebumps while watching it. That video is why I love wrestling so much and I can watch it over and over and over again.

my second favorite is by far Austin/Rock WM17 I wacthed that video so many times

Taker/HBK (the one with Running up That Hill)

The Cena one that just came out

MSG moments promo with Empire State of Mind

WrestleMania ending video packages

Eddie Guerrero's tribute packages (Hear Me Now is the best one)

Miz and Cena promos for their WrestleMania entrances last year

It just made everything feel epic. Vince came across as the self-righteous nutjob he was supposed to and Hogan came across as the passing hero. Perfection.

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