What's with all the Flair hating?


Dark Match Jobber
I was in the WWE forums and saw a thread titled: Who will be the first to overtake Ric Flair's 16 World Title Reigns?

In the thread, there were several posts that more or less said they hoped McMahon and WWE would stick it to Flair for not staying retired and for working in TNA by having one of the WWE stars pass Flair in the number of world titles won in a career.

I look at the whole situation as being similar to Brett Favre retiring and then signing with a different team. It's what he's done all his life and he still loves it. And he (Flair) more than likely needs the money with the couple of divorces he has gone through the last few years.

Personally, I say good for Ric. I see no problem with somebody wanting to give back to the sport/entertainment that made them. Ric has been putting younger talent over for quite a few years now, it's not like he's chasing the title.

My question is: Is it really that big of a deal the Ric Flair is wrestling again and for the WWE's competition on top of it?

Your thought's?
This probably would be better suited to the WWE vs. TNA board, but I would guess that most of the Flair hate comes from age. Its hard to believe a 61 year old wrestler, period. Your Brett Favre analogy doesn't hold water at all...Brett Favre is still capable of playing at an NFL level, and is a good 20 years younger than the Nature Boy is. Ric Flair is busy tarnishing his legacy with his stint in TNA. Not because its TNA, but because he simply can't wrestle worth a damn anymore, he is still living on reputation alone. It's pathetic to watch Ric Flair now. I don't care if he broke his word to HBK, this has nothing to do with that. Realistically speaking, Flair should have retired a decade ago, when WCW folded. Flair started wrestling in the 1970s. At some point, you just have to give it up. If Flair could still wrestle, fine. Chris Chelios is still playing in the NHL, and he is 49. But, Chelios can still play hockey. He isn't a 1st line defenseman anymore, but, he is still capable. The thing with Ric Flair is, he isn't capable anymore. Let me remember him for his work in the NWA, WWF and WCW, when he wasn't good, but when he was GREAT. Basically, as much as we love certain guys, sometimes they just don't know when to walk away.

1. Had the biggest send off for a retirement match anyone could have, one Wrestlemania. He got the Undertaker's respect in his final goodbyes, entered the WWE Hall of Fame as the first active competitor. And then blew it all away to join TNA, thus pissing all over HBK.

2. He needed the money sure, but couldn't he have gone back and worked for WWE in FCW or as a booker or a talent scout or even a manager? That I think stung a lot of WWE fans.

3. He can't wrestle now. We all know it, he knows it considering how much he is bleeding every night on TNA, but the man won't give up. He loves wrestling ok, but its an insult to his fans who've watched him for decades.
This probably would be better suited to the WWE vs. TNA board, but I would guess that most of the Flair hate comes from age. Its hard to believe a 61 year old wrestler, period. Your Brett Favre analogy doesn't hold water at all...Brett Favre is still capable of playing at an NFL level, and is a good 20 years younger than the Nature Boy is. Ric Flair is busy tarnishing his legacy with his stint in TNA. Not because its TNA, but because he simply can't wrestle worth a damn anymore, he is still living on reputation alone. It's pathetic to watch Ric Flair now. I don't care if he broke his word to HBK, this has nothing to do with that. Realistically speaking, Flair should have retired a decade ago, when WCW folded. Flair started wrestling in the 1970s. At some point, you just have to give it up. If Flair could still wrestle, fine. Chris Chelios is still playing in the NHL, and he is 49. But, Chelios can still play hockey. He isn't a 1st line defenseman anymore, but, he is still capable. The thing with Ric Flair is, he isn't capable anymore. Let me remember him for his work in the NWA, WWF and WCW, when he wasn't good, but when he was GREAT. Basically, as much as we love certain guys, sometimes they just don't know when to walk away.

I would agree with what you are saying... if Flair were an active competitor. He has wrestled one match, and that was against Hogan in a tag environment. His stint in TNA isn't to wrestle, it's to manage, and if you ask me, he's doing a hell of a job.

I think there are different kinds of Flair haters. Some are true, loyal, old-school guys who were disappointed when Flair came out of retirement after losing to HBK. That was stupid, and I think it's terrible that he did it. But I can't knock a guy for trying to make money when he needs it, and all reports indicate he does.

Then there are your smarky, bitchy TNA fans who do not want to see anyone over the age of 32 in TNA. They hate old guys no matter what. It doesn't make a difference if they aren't wrestling (and Flair isn't wrestling), the only thing that matters is age. They want to see a 2-hour spot fest, and in their minds, there is no room for things like storylines, character development, not even managers (because that's just toooo much talking, isn't it? What a joke). I am just glad to see that Flair is being shown some respect in the Impact Zone, because he isn't getting it from a lot of the IWC.

That's just a broad generalization, I know. But I feel most people who hate what Flair is doing are somehow connected through common hatred of things much bigger than Ric Flair. Also, Flair was brought in by Hogan, and a lot of you, that automatically kills any chance of accepting Flair in his new role. I also believe that hardcore TNA fans were not pleased to see Styles go through a gimmick change (which IMO, was badly needed).

Flair isn't going after a world title. He isn't trying to wrestle. So what's the problem? I just don't get all of the Flair hate.

EDIT: Ok...so I just watched Impact. I was wrong...he is wrestling. What an idiot. But that doesn't mean he deserves all of the hate he is getting as of late...but damnit, why can't he just stay out of the ring.
Flair got the greatest send off a wrestler has ever gotten while in the WWE a few years back. It was done with so much taste and class that, personally, it irks me to see that it didn't seem to mean all that much in the end. Now, that's my opinion. However, my opinion doesn't mean that I know all the facts surrounding Flair's finances. I've heard that Flair is in need of money. According to internet reports, which aren't necessarily of the same caliber as the New York Times mind you, Flair's ex wives have been milking him dry. If he does need money, then I can understand him going back. If it's just because he can't stand not being in the spotlight, then I do think he took a giant shit on a company that was pretty damn good to him.

As for Flair wrestling, he's going to be wrestling Abyss on iMPACT! this Monday for the WWE Hall of Fame rings. I think a lot of people are hating on Flair as of late because many feel that it was inevitable that Flair would start wrestling again in some capacity. Even if it is just a once every few month thing, the bottom line is that Ric Flair is 61 years old. I personally don't want to see senior citizens wrestling, that's just my personal preference.

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