What's up, WZ?


Testicles. That is all.
Was away for awhile. I try to come back, and had two days of HELL logging in! LOL. How's everyone who at least remembers my sorry ass doing?
How did you finally sign in? Password change? Browser switch?

I only ask, because they're still working out the problem, and any little bit of info would help...
Here's the deal. Tried getting in with IE and Windows 7. Couldn't. Sent a password reset request, in fact, a few of them. Had to do the password reset request in Firefox. When I then tried to change my password from the funky one WZ sends you, I got locked out again.

Rebooted to good old, loving, wonderful XP. Sent password change request with Firefox. Got new password. Changed to my old password and logged in with Firefox telling it to remember me. It worked.

Went to IE8 running under XP, logged in successfully with the remember me option checked. I'm a techy, so I don't give up easliy. The operating system that will run in my coffin will be XP. Microsoft has never topped this wonderful, stable OS, and it looks like they never will. 7 is very buggy, but if creative pushes it with service packs and good promos, it may go over, and Vista was just an abortion, an absolute disgrace. :) Glad to be back.
Hangin pretty good. Got a new apartment. Getting into TNA kind of heavy now. Something different.

Join us in the TNA LD on Thursday.

Gelgarin, X, NSL, and myself spend a lot of time in there, and sometimes KB graces us with his presence. :lmao:

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