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What's the worst job you ever had?


Unregistered User
What's the worst job you've ever had?

I've never had a truly bad job, so this question interests me.

My least favorite job I've ever had was at a grocery store called Kings. It was a nice store and my co-workers were pretty cool and my supervisor was very nice, but it was very tedious work and frankly didn't challenge me at all. I was also working 40 hours a week while also going to high school, which definitely cut in on my social life. I had way more money than all my friends though, which was pretty cool.

I left that job shortly after I got a new supervisor and he was a real hardass. In addition to needing somewhat flexible hours because of school, I was also very sick because I have Crohn's disease, and my new supervisor really didn't have patience for my needs.
Technically I did roofing but I only did it for a day.
I didn't care for it and the boss spent the entire day talking about his DUIs and how he was going to continue to drink and drive. At one point he was talking about a tornado hitting a bar and said "But what a way to go though. A cold beer in your hand."

Really jobs I liked or didn't like depended on the people around me.

I worked at Steak n' Shake when I was in high school. For people that don't know it's more or less fast food but they serve it on china plates and bring it to your table. So I guess it's like one step above fast food.

A lot of my co-workers were awesome though so it made it fun to work there.

On the flip side I enjoyed working at the front desk 3rd shift at a hotel but one of the women I worked with was one of the most miserable people I have ever met in my life and I dreaded going to work on nights I worked with her. And then we got a new GM and she and I had it out quite a bit during meetings. I didn't care for her at all.

I got paid to be a paranormal investigator and when we were traveling around doing that I lived in a motor home with at times 6 other people. 3 of them were adults and three of them were kids. And we had a dog in the motor home with us as well. Just the cramped space and being around each other so much made it pretty horrible at times and my boss was bipolar and didn't take his medication half the time. So that made it suck.

I've had some various other jobs as well. Worked at a Chinese buffet as the guy who traded pans of food out, worked at two schools at the same time where at one I was the lunchroom and recess monitor and the other I was a crossing guard, I worked at a hotel in the banquet kitchen as a cook and dishwasher and also worked as a cook and dishwasher in the restaurant of the same hotel and I worked at a warehouse sorting and packaging parts for Caterpillar vehicles.

Really none of the jobs were particularly bad.

Like I said, it was mostly the people who were around that made any of the jobs what they were.
I would have to say Cart boy at Walmart.

Shit work, shit pay,shit hours, shit supervisor. Pretty much everything about it was shitty except the 20% off everything I got but even that couldn't keep me there
Assembly line. Incredibly boring work, minimum wage, no breaks, and the boss was a complete asshole. Literally called me a fucking idiot to my face when I refused to work overtime for the 3rd straight day. That was my last day at that job and thank God I've never had to work one similar.
Short order cook at a bar called Grey Goose. The job itself wasn't too bad, cooking is nothing difficult but when you deal with owners that are high stress. I remember one night where the pizza chef was particularly asshole-ish and tried to tell me how to cook even though anytime I got slammed he used the reason "I only know how to cook pizza" to get out of it, kept telling me to listen to him which resulted in me getting right in his face, saying "you're not my fucking boss so fuck off". After that happened he said was going to drag me outside and "fuck me up" which I thought was pretty hilarious, especially after I took off my apron, walked outside and called his bluff. Luckily after that he never tested me again and kept his mouth shut. I don't claim to be a tough guy or anything but it definitely helps being 6'5" sometimes.

I also had a pay dispute when I had 3 straight bounced checks. After that I told them "I'm your only cook and I'm not coming until your checks don't bounce" they paid me every last cent in cash that night but they were pretty damn pissed at me for doing that and it showed in their treatment of me from there on in. Lastly when I was leaving to take another job the owner threatened to kill me if I don't stay and run his kitchen as he pretty much screwed himself from his treatment of myself and other employees. When that happened I snatched my last paycheck off his desk and walked out, went to the bank and cashed it. That one was bounced too but because this happened so many times in the past they just ended up paying me and sent the owners account into overdraft with monster interest.

So multiple threats, bounced checks, uneducated muscle head boss who thought he was god and could get away with anything and shitty treatment throughout. I've had some bad jobs before and after but at least getting my pay wasn't painful, this place just sucked across the board and easily the worst job I've ever had.
I'm in college and have and only had one job. It's with a youth sports company and it's pretty chill. Just part time on the weekends and like three days a week in the summer. Good pay, and I get to spend the whole day working with kids and playing sports. Can't complain.

One time, it wasn't an official job but more a one time deal, I made the mistake of helping this one dude clean his home office out. This guy is loaded as shit, he has a ton of money. I spent my whole Friday evening and night cleaning this guy's dumpster of an office. It was like an episode of hoarders. He had hundreds of books that I organized by Genre and author. I made his mess of an office into a spotless one. I also did some other menial things around his house like moved boxes. The guy just had surgery, but he was huge and overweight and according to his wife always a mess anyway. So I spent about 7 hours doing that, and the guy paid me $50. I was livid. I tell myself I was doing a good thing for the guy and never agreed on a price so it's my fault...but that guy owns his own freaking airplane and he paid me that. He said it was the classic "college wage".

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