Whats the next great Mania Main Event?

The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
Is it just me? Or have the last few mania main events just not been what you wanted to see? Granted the Edge-Taker main event was a great match but seriously who in their right mind thought edge would win? Which brings me to my question.......... What will be the mania main event that reminds us why we're wrestling fans? The mania main event that goes down in history with the likes of Bret-HBK, Angle-Lesnar, Rock-Austin ETC. I'm not saying its gonna be at maina 26 but i think the match will be John Morrison vs Jack Swagger. Now hear me out before you disagree. In the next few years these 2 are gonna become huge stars we all know that. And with the Hogan going to tna the wwe is going to need to build new stars to keep people watching their product. So say in the next few years they build up Swagger as a super heel. make him win the title by cheating to beat a huge face (cena, HHH, HBK) he keeps the title for 8 solid months heading into the royal rumble, cheating in pretty much all his title defenses (like jbl did when he was champ, i mean come on how much did you hate that guy?! we all wanted him to lose) at the rumble Swagger defeats Rey Mysterio to retain his title, after the match he beats down Rey with a chair brutalizing him and leaving him in a pool of his own blood. Morrison comes down to make the save because he respects Rey. He calls out Swagger to get back in the ring, but Swagger retreats. Later on that night Morrison is the #1 entrant in the rumble, he makes it through everyone and is one of the final 2 (the other one being a top heel like Orton or Jericho) Swagger comes down and distracts Morrison causing him to be eliminated. The next night on Raw Swagger gloats about causing Morrison the match, Vince comes out and informs Swagger that their will be a scramble match later on that night to determine the number one contender for the wwe championship at mania (the guy who won the rumble is on smackdown) Morrison wins the match and is named number one contender. at No Way Out or (elimination chamber) Swagger retains his title in the EC match (Morrison not being involved) and in the following weeks leading to mania the rival gets more and more personal, and at mania the 2 put on one of the greatest matches in history:thumbsup: So what do you think of my idea? and please give your own as well
I believe the next "Big Memorable" main event that could take place at a Wrestlemania could be sooner than most think. The thing about wrestling matches on whatever stage is that the two competitors are both highly gifted athletes, performers, and have high ring I.Q. and psychology. Now if you get two competitors that possess these qualities and then add to the fact that maybe they know each others tendencies and timing in the ring and you will get "The Next Great Wrestlemania Main Event" Triple H vs. Shawn Micheals headlining a Wrestlemania in a one on one encounter would be money! Despite all the politicking Triple H allegedly does, he is one of the best this industry has seen... ever... period... point blank. Shawn Micheals doesn't need any build up as to why, cause we all know he is The Show stopper, The Main Event, blah blah blah. Personally i am not a Shawn Micheals fan and haven't been since about 1993 however i am a wrestling fan and appreciate what he has done to, in , and for this industry. Triple H and Shawn Micheals have had fantastic matches in the past together and apart that could steal just about any show. These two guys are arguably the best two ever in this industry (Bret Hart is my choice personally) You add that with how well they know each other, how they always show up in "Big Match Situations", how well they can both play to and get a crowd involved, and the over a decade of history between the two it sets the stage for possibly the absolute greatest match we have ever seen at a Wrestlemania. My personal standard is set at Wrestlemania 13 Bret Hart vs Steve Austin for best ever because of all the emotion between the two, the abilities of the two, and the way that those two always meshed so so well in the ring together. A Wrestlemania main event featuring Triple H vs. Shawn Micheals has all the potential to become the greatest Wrestlemania match ever. I'm interested to see others ideas as there are many ways to go with this, However i feel that this is a match that just hits you in the face and has that "Must See" feel to it. Make it for the Championship and its an instant classic - Tdub 160 lbs of twisted steel and sex appeal
Despite the fact you didn't start new paragraphs when you started a new idea and it seeming like it all runs together, it's a good topic. Basically, you want our input of who could be the next headlining stars that are midcard stars right now.

As far as Mania 26 goes, I hope to God we somehow can get Cena/Taker, and Edge/Jericho. Cena/Taker will have that feel to it. I know everybody talks about how Cena doesn't need to go over Taker at Mania, but could you imagine how it would elevate him if he did? It would be amazing, because he could do it clean. I'd have very mixed reactions about that match seeing as Cena could beat him, but it's the Streak... but I don't really care if it ends. Seeing as there were quite a few shots for someone to actually go over Taker and the Streak and they didn't happen (but maybe should have), the Streak is beatable. Cena is the man to do it since nobody else is really built properly enough to have a young talent do it. I'm digressing though. But I really think if you give WM26 these two matches between Jericho/Edge, and Cena/Taker, they definitely have that "big match feel" you speak of.

But of the future like you're hinting towards... it's a very tough call. This could be at least 6 years down the road. I mean if you look back WM 6-7, you've got The Rockers and The Hart Foundation in each of those I believe. One with HBK, and the other obviously with Bret Hart. That took six years from WM6 to come full circle with the Iron Man Match. But with the way your WWE has been rolling as of late, don't be surprised if you see the Miz in there (which would be GD amazing). I'm not going through a scenario like you did, but I too like Swagger/Morrison. Those two have a ton to offer and really it's just a chance and matter of giving them the right build, the right storylines, and the right moment over the next few years. So yes... I will agree with you on Morrison/Swagger.
WWE Championship - Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

Yes, these two have had many feuds together but everytime they wrestled they told a great story. A classic match at the best pay per view.

World Championship - Edge vs Randy Orton

Does anybody remember when edge beat orton for the IC title. The match was awesome, I don't know who the fans would root for but this match would be a great headline knowing how big both superstars are now.

Undertaker vs John Cena

The Streak vs Vince's Pet. If vince lets anyone beat the undertaker it will be his cena and if not the streak continues and you still have one of the best matches since they have only wrestled one time before.

IC Title Match - Chris Jericho vs John Morrison

Jericho goes for his tenth reign and what better for Morrison to make a name for himself then beating arguably the greatest IC champion of all time.

ECW Championship - Big Show vs Batista vs Kane (Extreme Rules)

Thats if one of them takes the title from christian but three big guys with decent recognition would be interesting. Ugly Match tho it makes the most sense

Money In the Bank Ladder Match - CM Punk (again, Im just not sold on him being in a main event lol), vs Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy vs Rey Mysterio vs Christian vs Evan Bourne vs Kofi Kingston

Talk about high flying non-stop action. If RVD shows up this is the best MITB ladder match ever. I don't care who wins as long as its not Punk again.

U.S Title Match - Miz vs Jack Swagger

Time for the WWE to move swagger up in the RAW brand and give him a title he deserves.

Women's Title - Michelle McCool vs Beth Phoenix

I just want to see michelle get her a** kicked by Phoenix. I like Melina and Mickie James but these two divas are prob at the top right now.

I know I am leaving out names but this is my dream list. Some of these matches might happen most won't but for storyline purposes this would be a grand show.
I personally love the feud between John Morrison and The Miz. I would love to see these guys interact for years, occasionally having matches, but being kept away from each other for the most part, then maybe after the two of them have had a few world title reigns, suddenly they are brought together, the amount of history that could be used as a background for the story would be brilliant.

For the current WWE main event scene, the biggest matches that haven't already been done to death would be Cena vs Undertaker, Rey Mysterio vs Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho Vs Edge/Randy Orton/Undertaker.

So I'll say that the next historical "Classic" main event will probably be something along the lines of John Cena vs Undertaker, whereas in the future, my personal pick would be Miz v John Morrison.
The only one note worthy is Taker vs Cena. As far as divas go, if the WWE actually use the women right and have them actually wrestle, a good match would be Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya.
John Cena v The Undertaker is simply put, the biggest match that could possibly be done in wrestling today (not taking into account Rock or Austin returning for one more match), both from a crowd reaction and drawing point of view, if WWE is smart, this will be the main event of WM 26.

I'll also throw out John Cena v Batista, these 2 have been booked as the modern day Hogan/Warrior for the past half decade, and the match would be huge, it's really been untouched since there was no real build last time, Batista's heel turn only makes it more likely, if he goes on a rampage taking out the likes of Rey and wins the World title from Taker at say Royal Rumble, I could easily see on the same night Cena winning the Rumble and then challenges him at WM to avenge his defeat at Summerslam last year and be the person to finally stop "The Animal", like them or not, and I know a lot of people hate these guys, but from a marketing point of view this would be the biggest WM main event since Rock-Austin, an idiot could book this and make it a huge draw: Cena...Batista...WM 26...Destruction in the Desert...Book it!
John Cena v.s The Rock.

Let me start off by saying this will probably never happen, Rocky has made it clear he won't be returning to the WWE to wrestle again. However, if he changes his mind, this would be the only option! The Rock, one of the most recognizable entertainment personalitys on the planet, and one of the most popular wrestlers of all time. John Cena, fastly becoming a globally recognizable star as well, the face of the WWE and one of the most popular wrestlers in the world today. Both are very simular. Both are/were the face of the WWE. Both have gone on to make movies, both are multi-talented and both are two of the WWE's biggest ever stars.

If these two were to meet up in the ring on the grandest stage, with nothing but pride on the line, that could be one of the biggest drawing matches the WWE may ever have. Everyones heard of The Rock, and pretty much everyone is desperate to see The Rock wrestle again. Everyone (well, to an extent anyway) has heard of John Cena. This could almost be as big as Rock/Hogan, that was a dream match. Hogan, the face of wrestling for so many years v.s Rocky, the man who took over from Hogan as the face of wrestling. It would be the same thing here. Rocky, formerly the face of wrestling v.s Cena, the current face of wrestling. All this would make this a real "dream match". Just imagine the atmosphere there would be! 70,000+ fans split right down the middle. It really would be like Hogan/Rocky!
I like the Morrison/Swagger match up. Both these guys are going to be special in the years coming up.
I would also like to see a balls out Bourne/Mysterio match. No title needed here.

In regards to the streak. I personally would like to see it ended. I think it would be a great thing for Taker to pass that torch to and up n comer. On the current roster Ziggler is the first name to come to mind. I HATE the idea of SuperCena ending the streak, it would serve absolutely zero purpose. Cena is way over and currently in his 23rd title reign.....well, ok it's not 23 but it feels that way...
I actually like this list.. Don’t think that Cena has even faced the deadman yet has he? The only thing I disagree with is the ECW match. Batista is above ECW.. You should have put him agianst HHH since they have only wrestled once but it was a great match....HHH needs to get his revenge once and for all... HBK use to be one of my fav but I dont like him since he went straight edge...

WWE Championship - Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

Yes, these two have had many feuds together but everytime they wrestled they told a great story. A classic match at the best pay per view.

World Championship - Edge vs Randy Orton

Does anybody remember when edge beat orton for the IC title. The match was awesome, I don't know who the fans would root for but this match would be a great headline knowing how big both superstars are now.

Undertaker vs John Cena

The Streak vs Vince's Pet. If vince lets anyone beat the undertaker it will be his cena and if not the streak continues and you still have one of the best matches since they have only wrestled one time before.

IC Title Match - Chris Jericho vs John Morrison

Jericho goes for his tenth reign and what better for Morrison to make a name for himself then beating arguably the greatest IC champion of all time.

ECW Championship - Big Show vs Batista vs Kane (Extreme Rules)

Thats if one of them takes the title from christian but three big guys with decent recognition would be interesting. Ugly Match tho it makes the most sense

Money In the Bank Ladder Match - CM Punk (again, Im just not sold on him being in a main event lol), vs Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy vs Rey Mysterio vs Christian vs Evan Bourne vs Kofi Kingston

Talk about high flying non-stop action. If RVD shows up this is the best MITB ladder match ever. I don't care who wins as long as its not Punk again.

U.S Title Match - Miz vs Jack Swagger

Time for the WWE to move swagger up in the RAW brand and give him a title he deserves.

Women's Title - Michelle McCool vs Beth Phoenix

I just want to see michelle get her a** kicked by Phoenix. I like Melina and Mickie James but these two divas are prob at the top right now.

I know I am leaving out names but this is my dream list. Some of these matches might happen most won't but for storyline purposes this would be a grand show.
If they are serious about a Batista heel turn, and it seems as if batista's wwe days are numbered due to injuries, then a batista/cena feud would be a great draw.

Cena/taker cannot main event mania unless the goal is to have Cena turn heel and end undertakers streak (because if cena wins the fans will turn on him even faster than they already have). With the pg angle and cena as the face of operations, i cannot see that happening.
i think their could be one this year. but it could be another let down. I was expecting orton vs. triple H to be number 2 this year, but they didn't capitalize. Now theirs a few ways that the main event could be great this year.
1.HBK vs. HHH
I personaly don't want to see it, because it seems like a rip off when they already had a classic together at 20, but i know it would be great
2.Edge vs. Y2J
I don't like edge, but i recognize his ability in the ring and these two could put on a classic
3.Taker vs. Y2J
if they get the story right and these two wrestle their hearts out, it will be nothing less than a classic
4.Cm punk vs. John morrison
how could this not be a great match
5.Shawn Michaels vs. the rock
enough said
6.Shawn Michaels vs. Cm Punk
There are a few good ideas for the next great Wrestlemania main event. Some matches I'd like to see would be:

John Cena vs Undertaker: Both are currently world champions and wouldn't it be awesome if the titles were unified at Wrestlemania. Take into account that the streak is on the line and you have a highly dramatic contest between two great competitors. If Cena won and unified the belts that would make for one of the biggest moments in Wrestling history. The night the streak was ended and the championships were unified into one once again. I would personally love to see it.

Edge vs Randy Orton: Two of the top heels in the WWE of the last Four years going at it on the grandest stage of them all. Their match for the Intercontinental Championship at Vengeance 2004 was a classic so imagine how good it would be with four more years under each of their belts. Add in the fact that its at Wrestlemania and possibly a world championship if the Cena/Taker thing doesn't happen and you have a possibility of a classic in the making.

Rey Mysterio vs Shawn Michaels: The two greatest high flyers of all time IMO. I'd go with HBK for the win after a pulling it all out match. Hopefully after Batista's comments in that interview Mysterio would pull off some moves we've never seen from him before at WM against the Showstopper.
This is some big name matches that have yet to be done:

Undertaker vs Cena- hopefully with Cena turning heel
Undertaker vs Jericho- They never had a TV or even PPV match together and could go down as one of THE best matches ever if it was to happen.
Christian vs. Edge- Need I say more
HBK vs. John Morisson- Kinda like Rock/Hogan or Y2J/HBK
CM Punk vs. HBK- This could be Punk's biggest moment
Orton vs Edge- Former tag partners go head 2 head (they fought on RAW in 07')
Jericho vs Edge- This could be the match that makes Edge a tweener/face
Orton (face) vs. Any top heel- Orton becomes THE face of WWE vs. any top heel

But WWE creative is lazy and full of politics.
What is wrong with you? Most of you? I got one guy up top saying it would elevate cena to go over the Undertaker at WM, gotta nother stating john cena v The Undertaker is simply put, the biggest match that could possibly be done in wrestling today... The same man that has RUINED every PPV since WM21 (aside from the time when the clouds opened and we saw the sunshine for a few months {cena's injury}). Lets see something different for a damn change. So cena just SUPERMANed the WWE TITLE (or at least a spinning, blinging, shadowy reminant of what the WWE title used to be, that title now is an insult and a slap in the face to all whom have come before it) ...fantastic ...only to get his ass booed out of Monday Night Raw the following night. Thank God TNA is building up...cause maybe I'll finally get to watch wrestling after 9:45 for a change, cause thats about the time my GD nerves explode via a fake salute to the 12 and under or tampon changing chaingang. Oh looky there now someone just posted cena VS. THE ROCK.... nice nice... DEAR LORD. BTW...can you beleive they stopped the match to tend to cena's bleeding during the iron man match....really?? Vinces baby had a boo boo? Grow up......
John Cena v The Undertaker is simply put, the biggest match that could possibly be done in wrestling today (not taking into account Rock or Austin returning for one more match), both from a crowd reaction and drawing point of view, if WWE is smart, this will be the main event of WM 26.

I agree 100%. I have said it on other threads that Cena vs. Taker would be the perfect main event for WM26. These are two huge stars that never had a big feud. They had a minor feud all the way back in 2003 before Cena was a main event player and Taker was still the badass. So much has changed since then. So many people think Cena is booked like he's superman. I would love to see them sweat it out as he threatens to be the one to break the streak. The only person I ever thought had a chance of breaking the streak was Orton and it wouldn't have been as big a deal back then because that was the first year the streak was part of the storyline. Being the face of the company it's reasonable to think Cena would be the one booked to end the streak. I think Taker should go in as champion. The title usually changes at mania and this would lead people to believe even more that Cena would win. In the end I think Taker should win and keep the streak alive. I just think the crowd reaction to this match would be amazing. There would be three types of fans. Cena supporters, Cena haters, and Taker fans who don't hate Cena. The Cena haters and Taker fans would shout the Cena fans down I'm sure, but it would be a fun battle.
I can't believe that 'Taker v. Jericho gets nothing more than a passing notation here. 'Taker's streak is huge, and he's quickly running out of guys to have big matches with. Jericho has been around a long time, and his popularity is still growing. Putting them together not only books itself, but you'd get another series of epic promos.

'Taker showed us this year that he can turn it on for the big time, and Jericho is still wrestling better than ever. The combination of a great build, a big match, and possibly a title involved are all you need to main event WrestleMania with these two.
Undertaker vs the whole WWE Locker Room...and still keeping the streak alive. :rofl:

Ok, so 'Taker and Jericho would be an epic match, moreso than 'Taker/Cena. WrestleMania is where 'Taker really shines in the spotlight and puts on great matches even if his opponents are total crap.
WWE Championship - Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

Yes, these two have had many feuds together but everytime they wrestled they told a great story. A classic match at the best pay per view.

World Championship - Edge vs Randy Orton

Does anybody remember when edge beat orton for the IC title. The match was awesome, I don't know who the fans would root for but this match would be a great headline knowing how big both superstars are now.

Undertaker vs John Cena

The Streak vs Vince's Pet. If vince lets anyone beat the undertaker it will be his cena and if not the streak continues and you still have one of the best matches since they have only wrestled one time before.

IC Title Match - Chris Jericho vs John Morrison

Jericho goes for his tenth reign and what better for Morrison to make a name for himself then beating arguably the greatest IC champion of all time.

ECW Championship - Big Show vs Batista vs Kane (Extreme Rules)

Thats if one of them takes the title from christian but three big guys with decent recognition would be interesting. Ugly Match tho it makes the most sense

Money In the Bank Ladder Match - CM Punk (again, Im just not sold on him being in a main event lol), vs Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy vs Rey Mysterio vs Christian vs Evan Bourne vs Kofi Kingston

Talk about high flying non-stop action. If RVD shows up this is the best MITB ladder match ever. I don't care who wins as long as its not Punk again.

U.S Title Match - Miz vs Jack Swagger

Time for the WWE to move swagger up in the RAW brand and give him a title he deserves.

Women's Title - Michelle McCool vs Beth Phoenix

I just want to see michelle get her a** kicked by Phoenix. I like Melina and Mickie James but these two divas are prob at the top right now.

I know I am leaving out names but this is my dream list. Some of these matches might happen most won't but for storyline purposes this would be a grand show.
The deadmanvs cena needs to happen i also like heel batista vs cena or heel batista vs triple h. I Dont think edge will be around for wm 26, and if he is it should be against jericho. I hope wwe leaves the orton-dibiase feud to culminate at wrestlemania. By the way, my dream main event for WM 23 is going to happen at survivor series, that would have been a good one for WM 26 dont ypu think?

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