What's the Best Show Right Now?


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Ok, so all of the dust has been settled. Everyone has been moved. Seemingly, the WWE is going to try to reinforce these brand boundaries. Now it's time to ask the ultimate question.... What looks like the better show right now?

I tell you, I racked my brain regarding this one. Yes, I do realize that all of the star power has gone to Raw. But when you boil it down, it all depends on which show is going to be more entertaining.

I'm pretty sure that, at this point, I would rather watch a Smackdown program than a Raw program. Consider the possible match ups you have right now. On the faces side, you have the likes of Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, R Truth, and Kane. Also, need I forget that the Deadman is still on Smackdown? Granted, he'll be working a lighter schedule, but that is your uber over face. For heels, you have Edge, Chris Jericho, John Morrison (who knows what he's going to be?), Umaga, and Shelton Benjamin.

The question is, how do these guys get over? Well, quite simply, folks, I'm following a code that stands the test of time. If you have good matches, you will get over. All of these wrestlers have it in them to put on excellent matches. These are, more or less, the workhorses of WWE. And I believe I'll be more entertained by good matches than I will find myself by "sports entertainment", which you'll find more of on Raw. Not only that, but Smackdown has all but one of the divas that can actually work. I think that will eventually pay dividends.

Alas, I'll leave it up to the public opinion.
i wish i didn't have a life and actually had the channel smackdown is on because that would be the show I would want to watch. They have all the exciting and i guess more technical entertainers on there show. I honestly change wait to see the cm punk edge program that will be happening after backlash most likely. With raw i've seen it all before so i'm not interested
Well, its much too early to tell, but I'd have to say judging by the looks of it, Smackdown all the way.

We've seen most of the feuds already happen on Raw. Cena, HHH, Batista, Big Show, Orton, HBK....they're the top guys. Out of that, the only ones that are semi-fresh are Batista/Show, HBK/Show, and HHH/Batista. I'm not a fan of Matt Hardy at all, so having him as the third highest ranking heel is a laugh riot to me. MVP and the Miz, I'm fond of, as I am with Kofi, but I don't have any faith anymore in Kennedy.

Meanwhile, on Smackdown, you've got so many choices, it'd be stupid for me to list them. Morrison, Jericho, Edge, Shelton, Hardy, and the Undertaker are 6 out of my top 10 favorite current guys in the WWE, so I'm THRILLED that they'll all be feuding with one another. And this is a chance for CM Punk to really shine and step his game up. I don't like R-Truth or Khali at all, but we've still got Umaga and we've got Dolph Ziggler now as well.

Smackdown's really got the edge right now.
I don't know it seem to me that all the star power is on raw and the better wrestlers are on smackdown. I think i have to go with smackdown but I like how it is split right now. I like have two different products raw is more story line driven and smackdown is more wrestling driven. As for ecw still just breeding ground for young talent and that is okay with me.
I think the best brand is Smackdown right now. They have the best WRESTLERS and the best heel in the business right now in Chris Jericho. WWECW in my mind is second as far as what show I would rather watch, with RAW in a extremelly distant third position. I'm sick and damn tired of Trips over Orton, Cena with a title, and the two of them being the face of the company. I know all the arguments about how Trips is a McMahon and Cena makes money and blah, blah, blah. I don't care. ROH is ten times better than any WWE program, but I might even say I would watch TNA over RAW, and I never watch TNA, so that's pretty bad.

Watchable WWE programs in order:

WWE Superstars
we can all agree the actual wrestling will be so much better on smackdown with all the great wrestlers. edge, jeff. shelton, jericho, morrison, haas, kane, jtg, dolph ziggler( he has great stuff in the ring), rtruth, gail kim, undertaker , and cm punk. plus that fat fan favorite rey myserio who somehow hits the 619 win or lose every match. i mean the athleticism is excessive the matches will be great with or without a world title on the show. also no tv hogs like hhh, orton and cena. these young superstars are getting a shot, this is the roster of 4 years from now, minus taker that is going to carry the company with the help orton, legacy, mvp and cena so lets lay down some low tier feuds to build up later. plus it can help guys move to the top plus can help with heel face turns with the 2 best heels in the business jericho and edge, (orton is in between haters). john morrison is still getting heel heat after the miz attack so a feud with edge or jericho would make him a super face and super popular, if he keeps up the big spots like the laddersault and the shooting star like 2 raws ago. smackdown is where the wrestling is at.
top brand well clearly raw they have all the biggest names in wwe atm, but i'm also looking farward to smackdown because like ppl have stated before, so many awsum matchups i realy wanna see jericho and taker, jericho hardy, edge and jericho when the time's right, rey and jeff, rey and jericho, r-truth jericho, the options are endless, smackdown has very fresh and young talent, i also realy wanna see morrison get his main event push along with r-truth
House MD!!! Oh wait, umm as far as wrestling goes, Smackdown..Raw looks like an egomaniac show with too many championship belts and too many aging superstars...With 4 WWE wrestling TV shows now (Raw,ECW,SD, and now Superstars), just throw everyone together, have one true champion, and come up with a point system that determines who gets a title match at the upcoming ppv. This eliminates the need for storylines and focuses on wrestling.
SD IMO. It got the better and more prestigious titles (IC, Womens) and also has the better wrestlers like someone else mentioned.

I still think Cena will end up going to SD as I cannot see Taker, Jeff, Punk, and Mysterio being the only top faces. They don't contain as much star power IMO. But Morrison on there was one of the best picks IMO along with Jericho and Candice (yes I said Candice but apparently the Fink can back me up on that. :p )

RAW has the star power, but when you look at it, most of them will have to go to mid-card due to there not being enough room for all of them to be at the top and who really wants to sit through all of that?

ECW doesn't need much picks anywas and hopefully we can see the Hart Foundation 2.0. I don't see what or who they'll be feuding with on there as there's no tag teams but I look forward to it.

SD also bulked up their women's division and completely killed RAW's IMO as it should've since it has the better booking for the women. Glad to see Candice went to SD, she needed the change and hopefully the lighter schedule won't lead to as many injuries as there is still so much potential in her. Gail and Melina will get the top face push for now, but after Melina's push wears off I see her hooking up with Morrison again and Gail probably won't last long because apparently the fans don't care for her and plus she's former TNA talent and we know they all get treated like shit, lol.

Christian should've gone to SD though and worked his way towards top face, but hopefully it happens soon enough. We need mroe Christian promos, lol!
I'm definitely looking forward to what's gonna happen on Smackdown.

There's a plethora of great wrestling talent on that show.

It's kind of symbolic that the Intercontinental Title is now on Smackdown. Being that the I-C belt was awarded to the best wrestlers. The guys who bust their asses.

I'm definitely looking forward seeing guys like Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Edge, John Morrison, CM Punk, and Shelton Benjamin all on the same show.

To me the competiton for the Intercontinental Title SHOULD be the best it's been in years. Key word being should. There's no telling what they'll do with it now that it's no longer on the "A" show.
Before the draft it was ECW. I loved ECW. I've said it many times, it's the only show that has routinely entertained me over and over again.

Now, I think it's Smackdown, but ECW is a close second.
SD has Jericho, Taker, CM Punk, and much much more. ECW has Helms, Kozlov, JAckson, Ryder, Kidd, DH Smith, Swagger, Bourne and others.

RAW has a shitload of people we've seen a load of times, and MVP, Matt Hardy, and Mr. Kennedy.

So it's a toss-up between SD and ECW for me.
Well I have a feeling that with this move, WWE is somehow desperately trying to recreate the old "RAW-feeling" of the Attitude days; back when there was no roster split and basically all the top guys were on one show all the time, and even the undercard matches (supposedly) had you interested.

With all the big name star power on RAW now save for Edge and Taker (who is only working limited schedule anyway), I guess WWE is try to do one thing, and one thing only - improve their ratings again. From what has been reported over the past couple of months, it appears Vince was pretty furious about the slacking ratings, and this is most likely the solution WWE have come up with - make RAW THE definite A-show again (for even though it has always been considered that in some way, the past year has seen two more evenly matched shows in SD and RAW than ever before), with Smackdown returning to its old purpose (much like WCW Thunder was back in the day), as the B-show.

If it's a good move or a bad one, I can't really tell at this point... Having all the big names available for feuds sure looks appealing, but considering the attention spans of wrestling fans nowadays and the limitation of most feuds to 1 month, or 2 months at max from PPV to PPV could quickly use up all of the potential feuds anyway. Plus, we've also seen most of those feuds already. So I really don't know... to make this setup interesting, despite the potential "big match situations" available, WWE will need to deliver compelling storylines to go with them, and we all know that hasn't exactly been their strongest point of late.

Smackdown on the other hand will hands down definitely be the more interesting program as far as pure wrestling is concerned, with guys like Edge, Jericho, Morrison, Punk and also Taker over there... however I fear that in the storyline department, it might not be able to hold up. Though I'm really looking forward to a possible Morrison/Jericho feud of all the possibilities right now; this could be just the thing Morrison needs... but we'll see.

ECW is ECW still, unfortunately stuck with more not exactly stellar wrestlers than before. But they have some potential over there as well, Swagger, Christian, Bourne and a couple of others... as long as they don't put too much focus on the "monster" characters, this will also be a quite entertaining show.

So I really can't tell right now, as someone who doesn't necessarily love ONLY the storylines or ONLY the wrestling, but rather a solid combination of both, I'm kinda torn here. Some guys in RAW can put on awesome matches, no question; and some guys on Smackdown can also deliver great promos... I don't see any clear-cut advantage for either brand as many here do; but when it comes down to it, I feel that Smackdown might be a tad better, as it has more potential for the new upper/midcard guys, and looks just A LOT fresher than the same six, seven faces on RAW all the time. I just hope that MVP and Kennedy don't get lost in the flood here... I mean, I don't have much hope left for Kennedy anymore in the first place, he is just too injury-prone... I can't really remember when I've last seen a wrestler being ínjured as often as Kennedy, seriously. Of course that is bad for him in any case from a mere physical point of view, but it is nothing short of suicidal for his career. I have high hopes for MVP though, so I hope he gets put into decent programs and isn't buried by all the mass of star power there.

Should be an interesting year to come now, though.
smackdown has more talent like benjamin, morrison, edge, cm punk, jericho and jeff

where as raw has to much hugely over faces like hhh, cena, batista all three of them cant be on the same show, orton aswell

ecw are in trouble the only reason i watched that show was miz, morrison and christian and sometiimes swaggah but now only two of those remain.

johntenta you said Not only that, but Smackdown has all but one of the divas that can actually work.

on raw you have beth,mickie,mareyse and on ecw natalya, oops i forgot santina.

overall smackdown is more entertaining
The combined charisma and in-ring skills of Kane, Umaga, Morrison, Taker, Punk, Jericho, Edge, Hardy, Mysterio and others means that SD is going to be the show to watch in '09.

Raw has the same old stuff, while SD has opened up exciting feuds for mid-carders to finally break through. Hopefully they won't drop the ball on this one.

I sense increased ratings for the blue team...
Wow, I can't believe people think Smackdown is more interesting than Raw, because I thought I was the only one that thought this.

The WWE is currently making me lose a little interest in the product, and it's really simple. It's because we see the same main event feuds with the same superstars over and over again. When the main event of Wrestlemania 25 is a match the fans have seen at least 6 times already, you have a real problem on your hands. Vince thinks that by throwing every fucking wrestler on Raw, people will be more interested in the show that has all the big names such as my personal favourite John Cena, Batista, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, and many more. Those 5 there are arguably the top 5 most important superstars in the company. Only the Undertaker is missing from that group.

They think by having both World Champions on Raw, that people will enjoy the show more. They think by drafting over at least 4 or 5 GOOD upper mid-carders, they will grow and become main eventers. It just doesn't work that way. Yet, with all these superstars on Raw, there is only one credible heel on the show. If Randy Orton gets injured, Raw is completely fucked. You simply can't rely on the Big Show and Matt Hardy to carry the flagship show of the company. Because a babyface has to feud with a heel, and if your top heel is gone, your entire show is completely fucked. Smackdown has Edge and Chris Jericho, so if one of them gets injured, they have the other one to fall back on. I like that.

This is where Raw will start to feel the loss of JBL. Before, they had Orton, Jericho and JBL. Now, they've only got one of those guys. Batista needs to turn heel. Considering he returned last week from a major injury, the pop he received this week was shit. When Triple H is out popping Batista, you know something is wrong. Turn Big Dave heel right now, when people don't remember he's a "good guy". John Cena is my favourite wrestler and has been since 2003. When my favourite show is the show that John Cena is NOT on, something is definately wrong here. Edge, Cena, HBK, HHH, Orton and Jericho have been in the spotlight a lot over the past three years especially. They've all feuded with one another, many times in fact. Do you know why Raw's rating dropped so much over the past year? It's because it's the same old shit, with the same old wrestlers.

On the WWE's Official Website, there's a headline that says "The King of Raw", above it is an image of Triple H holding the WWE Championship. It made me sick to my stomach. Smackdown before this draft was awesome. Triple H, Jeff Hardy, The Big Show, Edge, Undertaker and many more, made for some interesting television. Because Raw and Smackdown almost felt even, it was good for a change. But even without all those big names, my favourite show currently has to be Smackdown. I look at Smackdown's roster, and I see 3 legitimate main eventers. One of them is Edge, who has worked his ass of for 3 years now. Another one is Chris Jericho who has improved drastically within the past 12 months and is now one of my favourites. The other one, is the Undertaker. Apparently, he's taking time off this year. In a way, this will benefit Smackdown even more.

Because apart from the Undertaker, the next big babyfaces are Jeff Hardy and CM Punk. One of them was buried by Triple H countless times over the past year, even though his title reign could have been something really special. The other one, was a victim of bad booking and his title reign failed miserably. With Taker gone, those two will have to step up to the plate. I'm sure many people are excited about this. I've been wanting new main eventers since 2007 now. Lashley got released and Kennedy was a victim of bad luck. MVP is definately fucked right now since he's on Raw. So essentially, 2009 is the year CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and John Morrison finally succeed. I love all 3 of these guys. And Punk and Morrison in particular, are what I call the future of the company. They have the look, the gimmick and the skills. They have it all.

Turn John Morrison face this year, so he can be in a similar position to CM Punk. Do NOT push both of them at the same time. It won't work that way. Push Punk first. Then at the end of the year or even at Wrestlemania 26, have Morrison win the WWE World Title. Also, another thing I noticed is that Smackdown has only 2 title belts. One of them is a Womens's Title, and the other one is a belt that hasn't had any credibility in many years now, at least since 2005. Rey Mysterio should work in the mid-card this year, because he shouldn't be pushed ahead of the guys I just mentioned earlier, he's already had his time. Edge is winning back the World Heavyweight Championship at Backlash. He can continue unfinished business with Jeff Hardy. Edge vs Jeff Hardy is better than anything Raw can give me right now that hasn't been done already.

Undertaker vs Chris Jericho, Undertaker vs John Morrison, Undertaker vs CM Punk, Undertaker vs Rey Mysterio, Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho, CM Punk vs Chris Jericho, Chris Jericho vs John Morrison, John Morrison vs Edge, and many more. These are matches that look really great on paper, and could all be superb matches. On Raw we have the same old shit, just with the addition of Triple H (who has faced everyone there is to face in the company), and The Big Show who I don't really go crazy for. Matt Hardy has a chance to succeed on Raw, and I hope he does. But right now, Smackdown is looking a lot better than Raw. It proves that you don't need a roster full of main eventers, you don't need a roster full of title belts, you just need a roster with mid-carders that has room to develop without being overshadowed, thus creating fresh faces in the main event. Thus creating a more interesting show in general .

Bottom line is: Smackdown > Raw.

I apologize to whoever reads this, because it really wasn't meant to be a long post :lmao:
raw is always going to be the A show no matter what. They should have moved the king to smackdown and orton. So raw still gets most interest invested by fans and vince because its RAW (and rightfully so) but on smackdown you have no.1 storyline and no.1 announce team of king and ross again.

ECW really could have helped say they got jericho, a real decorated champ with good following and could have had a heel no respect givin to ecw type gimmick and competed agains raw and smackdown champs. Ecw really hasn't had champ that was a threat to raw or smackdown champs since lashley.

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