Whats next for YOUR Favorite Raw superstar.


I Am Nexus And Not Against them!
The concept is simple for this thread, write a short summary each week about what you think is next for YOUR favorite Raw superstar. 1-10 Paragraphs only please.

The top 3 each week go on the front post, along with my first one.

Things Required
Name Of superstar
Recap of their events last week
Prediction for next week.
But heres the example.

Randy Orton By RandyOrtonOwl

As we all know, last week Randy orton was set to Face Wade Barrett. With some help from John Cena, he defended his title. Only to have The Miz run with the briefcase, and cash it in. He beat Orton..

This coming week, i think Orton will most likely come back to demand a rematch. The "GM" will probably announce he gets one at TLC. For the meantime, The GM will also announce Orton faces Wade Barrett in a 1on1 match. If Barrett Wins, The TLC match is a triple threat. It goes on as planned if Orton wins, however.

As Randy makes his way to the ring, Nexus Starts to jump him. However, before they get the chance, John cena comes out and destroys Wade Barrett, then moves onto to Nexus. Cole suddenly starts to run out of the arena, and Orton Catches him.
Grabbing the mic, Cena begins to talk, As does Orton.

"Tonight, we found out Cole is the GM" Cena continues, "And I'm taking him until i get my job back." As John cena runs, Orton picks up the mic.
"For the time being, i split my contract with John, and he works for me." Orton laughs, Barrett is hurt, and Cena is getting his job back.
The Miz

Recap from last week:
So last week Miz was supposed to face Ezekiel Jackson in a King of the Ring qualifier match but had to be replaced by Alex Riley due to an "anxiety attack". Riley ultimately lost the match meaning Miz did not advance. During the night's main event for the WWE Title between Randy Orton and Wade Barrett however, John Cena came down to the ring and pulled the referee out of the ring before he could make the 3 count, attacked Barrett and ran out of the arena with Nexus and security chasing him. The ref got back in the ring and Orton hit the rko for the 3 count to retain his title. Howeverm the celebration was cut short when all of a sudden "AWSOME" was heard from around the world and The Miz came running down to the ring and cashed in his MITB contract on Orton. After a small struggle in and outside the ring, The Miz was able to counter an rko from Orton and hit him with the SCF (Skull Crushing Finale) which allowed him to pin Orton and become the New WWE Champion.

Prediction for next week:
The Miz comes out to open the show with the WWE title over his shoulder and Alex Riley by his side. He makes his way into the ring and grabs a microphone. He begins to go on about how everyone doubted him and looked down on him since he joined the WWE. He says he was kicked out of locker rooms, judged do to his reality tv status, and flat out hated by his fellow superstars. He says unlike Randy Orton who was handed everything because of his lineage, he actually had to work for his spot. He goes on about how everyone said he would be the Jinetty of his tag team with John Morrison and how he's proved everyone wrong. Just as he is about to say his catch phrase, Randy Orton comes out with a microphone and gets in the ring. He says that The miz got a lucky opportunity last week and that if they fought 1 on 1 Miz would not have won that title. He demands a rematch for tonight. The GM chimes in and Cole reads that Orton will get his rematch...at the TLC ppv in a Ladder match. Out comes Wade Barret with Nexus. Barrett says he was screwed out of winning the WWE title twice by Cena and that he still deserves a title shot. GM chimes in again and Cole reads, if Barret can beat Orton tonight, he will take his spot at TLC. Also, Nexus is banned from ringside. Nexus leaves and Miz turns around into an rko from Orton. Orton beats Barrett that night due to interference from Cena again and the match is set for the ppv. The Miz(c) vs Randy Orton in a ladder match for the WWE Championship at TLC.
Superstar:John Cena

What Happened Last Week: -

Cena refereed the main event at Survivor Series, knowing he was free of Nexus if Barrett won the WWE title, but out of a job if Orton retained. In the end, Barrett shoved Cena, who shoved him in return.....right into an RKO. Orton pinned Barrett, and Cena lost his job.

After being "fired by Wade Barrett, Cena was given one last chance to address the fans. He said he wouldn't let the events of the past few months, or the previous night, ruin the last 9n years of his life. He also said he looked foward to spending more time with his family, and acknowledged that the crowd hasn't always been behind him, but they've always been vocal about him. He then lead them in a dueling "Lets Go Cena, Cena Sucks" chant, before warning Barrett to stop taking shortcuts, and that Karma was a bitch.

Later in the night, while Barrett and Orton were wrestling for the WWE title, Barrett hit Wasteland on Orton, and had him pinned. Cena came out of the stands, pulled the referee from the ring, and gave an FU to Barrett. He started pounding on him like he promised he would, until Nexus chased him out of the arena. Cena's interference allowed Orton to recover and hit an RKO on Barrett, retaining the title for the time being.

Prediction for Next Week:- Cena buys tickets for the show, so he's sitting ringside all night. Heels and faces alike greet him or acknowledge him as they pass, and Cena returns the gesture. Wade Barrett comes out for another title match, this time a triple threat between he, former champion Randy Orton, and new Champion Miz. Barrett has been granted this title match due to Cena's interference from last week.

Halfway through the match, Nexus comes out and attacks Orton and Miz, because there are no Dq's in a triple threat match. But Cena hops the barricade, and he and Orton neutralize the Nexus attack. Cena delivers yet another thunderous FU to Barrett, allowing Miz to sneak back into the ring, as he had sat back when Cena and Orton were fighting Nexus. Miz pins Barrett, and retains the title.

After the match, Cena has once again taken off from ringside, and is at the top of the stairwell leading out of the arena. But he's got a microphone, and he has something to say. He promises Wade Barrett that as long as Barrett is in WWE, Cena will ensure that Barrett never wins the WWE title, legal consequences be damned. He reminds Barrett of what he told him the week before, that karma is a bitch, as Raw goes off the air.
Who, CM Punk?

Being hilarious at the announce desk, thats what. After that, no idea. I am somewhat frightened becuase if he does TOO well in the role, he might fuck around and get stuck there, ala Josh Mathews and Matt Stryker. Ok, so Punk was on a much higher echelon than those two on the pecking order, but still, I wouldnt say its totally out of the question.

I have to think they had big plans for him by bringing him to RAW without Gallows, and having him kill Evan Bourne his first night out, but WWE is very fickle with their pushes. Hopefully he is in a big angle upon his return.
The Miz
Recap from last week:
Miz was supposed to face Ezekiel Jackson in a King of the Ring qualifier match but had to be replaced by Alex Riley due to an attack of some sort. Riley lost the match meaning Miz did not advance. During the night's main event for the WWE Title between Randy Orton and Wade Barrett however, John Cena came down to the ring and pulled the referee out of the ring before he could make the 3 count, attacked Barrett and ran out of the arena with Nexus and security chasing him. The ref got back in the ring and Orton hit the rko for the 3 count to retain his title.but the celebration was cut short when all of a sudden "AWSOME" was heard from around the world and The Miz came running down to the ring and cashed in his MITB contract on Orton. After a small struggle in and outside the ring, The Miz was able to counter an rko from Orton and hit him with the Skull Crushing Finale which allowed him to pin Orton and become the New WWE Champion!

Prediction for next week:
The miz is gonna come out with the wwe champ and riley ISNT going to be beside him.Miz is bragging on bout his victory over randy and orton comes out furious!he is on the ramp and Randy says he is gonna get a rematch at Tlc in a tlc match.Randy is coming down the ramp to kick miz ass but Alex Riley runs down and attacks orton. CEna runs down and beats up riley and miz but Nexus attacks ALL OF THEM. The gm says nexus
(wade barrett, joe henning, Husky harris,heath,justin gabrial, David otunga) will face miz riley orton cena and 2 mystery partners.They turn out to be Daniel Bryan and R-truth. It is down to wade barrett and miz. Miz hits the SCF to win.the gm says Miz will face Cena,wade barrett and randy orton in a fatal four way wwe champion match


Raw just got.... AWESOME
Superstar-Ted Dibiase

Recap from last week-He Had a united states match at SS and tapped out to Daniel Bryan's lebelle lock. On Raw He had a KOTR qualifying match and tapped out to Daniel Bryan again. Both good matches in my opinion.

Prediction for nest week-Sadly, Jobbing to some one else on the roster. Probably Santino. Maybe they will start him on a mean streak. Defeating everyone and destroying them backstage. And maybe beat Daniel in a match....
Superstar: CM Punk

Recap from last week:
Punk joined the Raw commentary team and made it worth listening to instead of hearing Michael Cole obsessing over The Miz and Jerry Lawler... well just absolutely horse shit.

Prediction for next week:
He's gonna stay on commentary while he rehabs his hip injury and make the show just a whole lot better.
Why, you must be referring to Daniel Bryan!

Recap: Last week Bryan once again defeated Ted DiBiase Jr., and further proved his dominance of the midcard division of Raw (and Smackdown, as he has housed their Intercontinental Champion!)

What's Next For Daniel Bryan:
Big things are in Bryan's future. Clearly, with Jericho out, he takes the position as "the best technical performer in WWE" (though an argument can be made that he would be that even with Jericho around, but i digress). It is clear to me that Daniel Bryan will continue to work his way up the ladder rung by rung, and it will be through King Of the Ring. I think he will get a nod over Sheamus at some point (making up for his past two failures against the Fiery Irishman), and will eventually best one of the people who move on from Smackdown.

I believe Daniel Bryan will be the 2010 King of the Ring, and will continue onto facing all comers for his United States title (I'm looking at you Alex Riley) and will eventually end up making the Miz tap out for a third time, and become the WWE Champion. Of course, that may not be for a while, so enjoy the show while the Dragon bides his time.
Superstar: CM Punk

Last Week: He got announced as the new member of the announce team. He did a great job at commentary and made the show more likable at least to me.

What' coming: He is going to stay at the commentary booth to make fun of other wrestlers and his co-commentators alike. He is also going to make it more interesting to hear to the commentary.
Superstar: John Morrison

Recap from last week: He beat somebody, I guess Tyson Kidd (I don't remember) to qualify for the King of the Ring tournament next week.

Plans for next week: I think with the rumours spreading that Morrison is the new leader of the locker room, he'll win KOTR. Then, the GM chimes in and announces Morrison vs Sheamus in a Tables match at TLC.
Superstar The Miz

Recap From Last Week: The Miz came out to a loud "AWESOME", beating Randy Orton for the WWE Title with a Skull Crushing Finale. He then celebrated with his pupil, Alex Riley

Plans For Next Week: Miz comes out at the start of Raw, with Riley & The WWE Title. He brags about winning & beating Orton for the championship. He then mentions The Nexus, and says that they won't be able to get their hands on him. At this moment, Riley picks up a mic & says, "Miz, you're wrong" and kicks him in the gut.

Nexus runs down to the ring and they all beat up on Miz. Orton's music hits, and he runs down to take them out. They end up being beaten up on, until John Cena jumps the barrier and the 3 men overpower Nexus. The GM chimes in and says he obviously knows that both Orton & Barrett want Title Shots. He sets up a Triple Threat match between Miz, Barrett & Orton. If Orton or Barrett win, then they become the number one contender. If Miz wins, then he can pick anyone to defend his title against at TLC.

In the Triple Threat, Miz is worried that one of the other men will win, so grabs a chair and smashes both men with it. Miz is DQ'd, but there is no definite winner, so the GM sets up a Triple Threat Ladder Match at TLC for the WWE Title. Miz looks pissed while Orton & Barrett stare at him from ringside.
Superstar: John Morrison

Last Week: He fucked up Tyson Kidd in a KOTR qualifying match.

What the future holds: He will make it to the finals of the KOTR tournament against Alberto Del Rio, beating Sheamus along the way. In the finals Sheamus will distract Morrison and cost him the match setting up Morrison vs Sheamus in a Tables match at TLC where Morrison will lose but look very good in the process. After that I can see him feuding with the Miz and getting a title shot at the Ruble coming up just short he will also get a good showing (final two or three at EC). Heading into WM I think he will get a match similar to that of Sheamus vs HHH from this year, a midcard level match that involves a rising superstar and an established main eventer, perhaps against Punk or Rey.
Can I choose 2, Or is this post penis dominant?

CM Punk
What happened last week: CM Punk joined the RAW broadcast team
Prediction for this week: Punk comes out again and keeps me rolling the whole show, probably get a few jabs in at the Hater, I mean, Hardy Boyz

What Happened Last Week: Shown backstage slapping John Morrison's ass
Prediction for this week: Show escorting Jomo to the ring for the tournament or backstage wishing him good luck
Chris Jericho

Last Week: Wasnt there...
Predicition... The Miz will come out and start bragging that he beat Orton, a fan favourite. Randy Orton comes and starts to beat the crap out of the Miz and Wade Barrett comes out saying "I never had a title shot, i got screwed out of it twice" The Gm chimes in saying "Tonight, it will be Randy Orton vs The Miz vs Wade Barrett vs A Mystery Oppenent, the winner goes on to face the Miz at TLC but if the Miz wins he will pick his oppenent.
The Miz, Orton and Barrett are out, awaiting their mystery oppent, The crowd hear "BREAK THE WALLS DOWN" Its Jericho. He gets cheers, he enters as a face, and goes on to win the match.
Superstar: John Morrison
Recap from last week: He beat Tyson Kidd to qualify for KOTR
Prediction for next week: The GM announces that to make things better, the winner of KOTR will be the no.1 contender fot the WWE Championship. Jomo wins KOTR and becomes the no.1 contender. Then, Orton comes out and says that he should be the no.1 contender because he was the former champ. Barrett then comes out and says that he was screwed out of the title last week so he should be the one getting a shot. Then the GM says that it will be a fatal 4 way TLC match at TLC featuring these four guys.(because Jomo definitely must be in a ladder match, he would be awesome)

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