Whats Next for the World Heavyweight Championship?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm hoping that this match happens at Extreme Rules and its for the vacant WHC. Maybe they will keep the ladder match stipulation which could make for a good match. I'm not an Edge hater at all. I thought he was solid in the ring, had a cool character, had some good/great matches as a tag team with Christian and others and was a good singles wrestler. Only thing I didn't like was the overrated 11 title reigns but thats it. Just goes to show that something can happen at anytime. It gets ya thinking about other stars. Is 'taker next to retire? HHH? Back to the main topic. I will be happy with whoever wins the WHC whether it be Christian or Del Rio. I'd rather see Christian win it first and then lose it in a few months to Del Rio.
We all saw it.. Edge Smackdown's World Heavyweight Champion retired tonight on RAW.

Sad to see, but the show must go on.......

That being said, what happens with the now vacant World Heavyweight Title?

Does Alberto Del Rio finally fulfill his destiny?
Does Christian finally get his 15mins of fame?
Does another Smackdown Superstar step up?

Your thoughts?
Honestly I think they need to give the WHC some rest, establish a tourney for the title match against Del Rio. Make the semi-Final at Extreme Rules, then have the WHC match at the next PPV.

As a Christian mark do I think Christian should get the belt? As much as I would love to see Christian hold the championship belt it shouldn't be as soon as Edge retired. That wouldn't make his reign seem real. It would make it feel forced. Then, all the Christian marks would have to hear how Christian had to wait for Edge to hang up his boots before he can get out of Edge's shadow.
I believe we will see Christian vs Alberto Del Rio in a ladder match at Extreme Rules, and we will all finally see Christian win the big one in the WWE, and he will defend the title in honor of Edge. Maybe it'll be the main event and we'll see Christian and Edge hug it out in the ring to close the show (a la Benoit and Eddie at WMXX)
It's a shame that Edge has to walk away, but we all knew this day was coming sooner rather than later. I'm sure WWE will use this to tout their Wellness Policy, but that's for another thread...

To answer the topic: the show will indeed go on. I fully expect the World Heavyweight Championship to either remain vacant until Extreme Rules, or to be simply awarded to the #1 Contender Alberto del Rio. I'm sure the storyline will be written to allow Christian to continue in Edge's footsteps and use this emotional time to finally give Christian a shot.

Thank you Adam Copeland for all the memories!!
Watching this 5 man guantlet match I find myself thinking that SmackDown is very low on main event talent. I would love for Morrison to be sent over to SmackDown to be apart of the main event scene. However, despite my desires we will probably get Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian in a Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Maybe Christian gets lucky and pulls it out. Although I can't see any long run if he gets the belt. I think they have too much invested in Del Rio to keep him from winning the belt.
the match at extreme rules shall be christain vs del rio for the WHC!! or at least i hope so, and for the record, hopefully if christain wins he will get more then 15 minutes.
Honestly I think they need to give the WHC some rest, establish a tourney for the title match against Del Rio. Make the semi-Final at Extreme Rules, then have the WHC match at the next PPV.

As a Christian mark do I think Christian should get the belt? As much as I would love to see Christian hold the championship belt it shouldn't be as soon as Edge retired. That wouldn't make his reign seem real. It would make it feel forced. Then, all the Christian marks would have to hear how Christian had to wait for Edge to hang up his boots before he can get out of Edge's shadow.

Honestly, who cares what Christian has to say. Christian is fucking awesome at everything he does. His matches are ecstatic! His promos are legendary!

Christian vs ADR = Good

Hell yes I want this match, especially since it's a ladder match.
I think it's obvious its going to be Christian v Del Rio at Extreme Rules. It's the most logical thing to do. Still pissed that Egde is retiring ;(
honestly, i hope this is the match and honestly, i also hope that the winner is Christian. i know some Edge fans will say that Christian had to wait for Edge to retire to get his shot, BUT all i will say is that he finally got his title. Del Rio should win the world title, but he will have his chances, Christian may not, he needs at least one run with the world title
I honestly think Christian should get the belt and hold the belt for awhile. I have wanted this for a long time and this is a great opportunity for him to finally achieve this feat. He will most likely be the wrestler most over with the crowd on Smackdown. He has put in his time and paid his dues, he is owed this. It would be an awesome way to honor him and Edge.
I think this should be used as a big swerve moment. Instead of the predictable Christian vs ADR, I'm hoping for a 6-8 man ladder match and use it as a way to give a nice main event push to help fill out the gap Edge is leaving, maybe Drew McIntyre?
I think this should be used as a big swerve moment. Instead of the predictable Christian vs ADR, I'm hoping for a 6-8 man ladder match and use it as a way to give a nice main event push to help fill out the gap Edge is leaving, maybe Drew McIntyre?

No thats idea you thought is gonna happen at MITB instead.

Why do ppl want to see midcarder being put into a mainevent match out of nowhere? Its been proven that type of push only does more harm than good for them.
I think this should be used as a big swerve moment. Instead of the predictable Christian vs ADR, I'm hoping for a 6-8 man ladder match and use it as a way to give a nice main event push to help fill out the gap Edge is leaving, maybe Drew McIntyre?

What a lame idea, can't you wait for Money in the Bank for this? Honestly, who cares about Drew McIntyre? He's boring, he can't because he's a heel, nobody cares about him. That's exactly why he did not have a match at WrestleMania because nobody cared.

Christian waited nine WWE years for this, he deserves the shot. Not anymore of this young people shit. I've seen too much Miz, Jack Swagger, and Sheamus reigns to know it will fail.
As a fan of both Christian and Alberta Del Rio, this could only spell great things. Both of these men have what it takes not only to work a good match, let alone a Ladder Match. Both of these guys have the history and credibility going into this match to really show just how good Friday Night Smackdown could be. I look at Christian winning the championship here as he has vast experience in the field of ladder matches. Christian to win it and hold it off until Summer Slam.
Hopefully WWE just goes with Del Rio v Christian in a Ladder Match.

Christian wins & Edge comes out after the match & they embrace.

Similar to Benoit & Guerrero at WM20


yeah hopefully it ends better than benoit and guerreros situation!!! but back on topic we all know christian isnt main event material, like he'll put asses in seats :lmao: and cause edge is retiring is no reason to give the belt to his best friend wwe is a business. but again we seen worse champs than christian so :disappointed:
It's Christian's time and with Edge retiring, its the perfect opportunity for Christian to win in dedication to his friend! Christian can pick up from where Edge left off. If Edge returns to celebrate, then that would be a moment for them to remember! I really feel that Christian deserves to get the Championship! He has clearly paid all his dues!
I think this has to be the match, and i hope christian wins, honestly this could go either way but i really want christian to get the title...damn im upset over edge retiring, sucks so bad
Vince HAS to give Christian the World Title now. It makes perfect sense. Big of a Del Rio mark as I am, I'm cheering for Christian if they face off at Extreme Rules. I have heard rumors about Vince not liking Christian actually being denied. No face is in position to challenge Del Rio aside from Christian. I think if I have the money I would actually buy this PPV. I know neither of them are established draws but it makes the most sense. I just want Christian to win it. I think a majority of Edge fans will want this as well. Anybody besides Christian becoming the next WHC IMO is unacceptable.
At the ER PPV we will see Del Rio vs Christian in a ladder match, Christian will get a 1 or 2 month title reign and drop the title to Del Rio. I would love to see Del Rio vs Sin Cara vs Mysterio at Summer Slam for the Title.
Edge retiring was very sad. He's given us memorable moments for 13 years. But that's for another thread. As for this thread, obviously Christian will make it to Extreme Rules and finally win the major title in the WWE. That's the only positive to be taken from Edge's retirement.
I cant help but feel there will be a Kurt Angle like title win when Batista had to surrender the belt.

I'm really hoping it's Ziggler, but clearly I'm dreaming there.

I don't know what to expect.
This is a good time for pushing Swagger. I personally thought the Swagger vs. Christian feud was good a couple years ago. Lets revisit it and add Del Rio in it ... who cares.
The possiblities are endless. We could see a Battle Royal to determine the new Champion. Or as already pointed out, the smart money would be Christian vs Alberto Del Rio as they are seemingly the number one contenders.

A Battle Royal would be my preferred choice. I want to see Alberto get the gold but doing it this way doesnt make sense. We need shock! So maybe he could go into a programme with the winner. Having said that, how about Big Zeke taking the gold? That would really make The Corre a dominant force - they loook weak at the moment. They would have all the belts and it would be a good time to show Wade Barrets true colours. He could turn on Zeke after a few weeks. It doesnt have to be a long term for Zeke, maybe a month.

Failing that, someone come over from Raw. They need to replace Edge, who is the smart money on? John Morrisons seems a likely candidate but he was unprofessional at WM so I think he might be held back a while.

How about Triple H?!

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