What's next for The Shield?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last nights Raw was one of the best I have seen all year and almost felt like the unpredictible high energy episodes of the Attitude Era. With all the heel/face turns (Ziggler, Punk, Del Rio), returns (Christian, Lesner), and new feuds built it made for a really great episode. However with all of these recent changes I am worried that The Shield is going to fall into the background a bit and play second fiddle to the other major storylines. With creative focusing on Cena/Henry, Punk/Lesner & Heyman, Ziggler/Del Rio, and the Axel & Bryan pushes that leaves The Shield a bit on the back burner. So my question is what do you want to see happen with The Shield and who do you want them to feud with?
Like I mentioned in the Money in the Bank General Discussion thread, I see them doing something with Triple H at Money in the Bank, after Triple H told Vickie on RAW to take action on The Shield when they got out of line but she didn't. I think The Shield will continue to defy authority and cause chaos on RAW, and Vickie still won't do anything about it cause of Vince liking what The Shield do, so Triple H will decide to step in and take care of it himself, only for The Shield to end up taking him out. I'm not sure what they could do at the PPV, maybe Triple H vs. Dean Ambrose or The Shield vs. Triple H & two other partners, if the latter then one of the partners could be his ol' Evolution chum, Randy Orton, but this is where I see that angle from last night, going.

If The Shield don't get involved in a programme with Triple H, then I could see them participating in the Money in the Bank matches, or having some random title defenses on the PPV, before they move on to feud with The Brothers Of Destruction for SummerSlam.
Honestly, I think now that the Shield are established, they need to be cooled off a bit.

They're midcard champions being pushed at a main event level. Now there's no one credible enough to challenge them for the titles. Anyone who IS credible enough to wrestle them is above the U.S. or Tag Team titles.
Their undefeated streak in 6 man tags was broken, but they still have gold for each member, they've become the target so now hey might play the heel foil to the face management and take advantage of the fighting McMahons to continue their ways of doling out justice (see Raw where they pretty much blatantly punked Vicki in front of Mr. Mcmahon despite what Triple H said.) They have some lengthy reigns and start taking on other tag teams now that THN is splitting for now. the Usos are barking at them on twitter an segments on the WWE App and PTP have been having some good matches lately. Maybe a summer of Tag teams for the shield now that they are the cream of the tag division as the defend their yard now.
For me The Shield is a really cool group w/o any direction. It seems that they used in big programme only to advance the storyline of another fueld Daniel Bryan/Orton, Ryback/Cena, Orton/Sheamus/Big Show, or an excuse to put Taker on the shelf.

It seems the mindset of creative is "how can we use The Shield so build tension in another storyline" rather than "how can we use The Shield to make them the next big credible group". If they shift from the former to the latter, we can probably see some great programmes from them.
Genuinely wouldn't mind seeing McMahon take the helm of The Shield in a Corporation style angle.

Be interesting to see Vince and them causing chaos in a war with HHH to establish power.
For the next month or so I see them feuding with Kane until Summerslam when The Undertaker returns and they work a Tag Team Match at the big Summer event, I see The Shield going over in that match and dominating the WWE for the rest of the year.

Hopefully holding the U.S. and Tag Team Titles during that time too.
It's hard to say exactly at this point. I think that, generally speaking, all three members of The Shield are going to continue getting a strong push. WWE spent the better part of half a year building The Shield up as legit players on the roster. Now that they've got gold, and given that these are three guys that Triple H has a lot of faith in & faith that's been justified thus far, I don't see them being derailed mid push like we've seen with several stars on the roster as of late.

As has been mentioned, there's talk of having Rollins & Reigns ultimately enter into a feud with the Brothers of Destruction culminating at SummerSlam for the tag titles. The match will go forward if Taker want to do the match and the latest bit of info I read about it, within the last couple of days, is that most in the WWE feel that Taker will do the match. Allegedly, Taker has praised the work of all three Shield members and has enjoyed his experience in working with them. I don't look for the Brothers to win if the match goes down, but it'd be just another big win for The Shield and losing in a tag match isn't going to hurt Taker.

When it comes to Ambrose, I have a feeling that WWE is going to book him as the strongest US champ we've seen in quite some time. There are several good feud possibilities for Ambrose that could be pulled off. Christian returned Monday night and I can easily see him challenging for either the IC or US title in the near future. The Miz has a history with The Shield, so I could see him shifting gears to go after the US title after his program involving Barrett & Axel is over.

RVD is set to return at MITB and while I'm sure some are clamoring for RVD to compete in & win one of the MITB ladder matches, I simply don't see that happening. Given RVD's documented history and endorsement of Marijuana, and the fact that he was arrested on drug charges while he was simultaneously WWE & ECW Champion, I don't see WWE trusting him with such a spot. As a result, giving him the briefcase would, in my opinion, be something of a waste. Allegedly, RVD's schedule doesn't have him working house shows, only television tapings and ppvs. As a result, I see him being used similarly to Chris Jericho. Jericho works ppvs, television and house shows, but there are times in which he'll disappear for a stretch for a project outside of wrestling or touring with Fozzy. I see WWE ultimately keeping RVD built pretty strong, but ultimately using him to help put over younger guys on the roster. As a result, I think he'd be a perfect feud for Dean Ambrose to build further credibility as US champ.

I don't see WWE rushing to put any of The Shield members into a main event spot. It's too early in my opinion and it's opposite of the slow & methodical pace WWE has used to build them, which has worked out perfectly. I see The Shield being dominant champions for most of, if not all, of the rest of 2013 at least.
They're midcard champions being pushed at a main event level. Now there's no one credible enough to challenge them for the titles. Anyone who IS credible enough to wrestle them is above the U.S. or Tag Team titles.

If you take a look back at older WWE/F you will know that the titles we are calling "Mid Card" titles use to actually mean something. They were kickoff titles that main eventers would wear to boost the popularity with the crowd. Even today we still see main event guys hold these titles or wrestle for these titles i.e. Miz, Barrett, Jericho. With Ambrose holding the US title and Rollins and Reigns holding the tag tittles I think they will bring it back to the point of prestige. Plus with the Wyatt family coming in we could see a title change from the Shield into someone who needs the boost then to the Wyatts. Only reason I say someone in between is because hopefully WWE won't shoot their wad too early with the Wyatt VS Shield angle.
They got their initial push and now they get put in the background with other mid/low card talent. They trade wins and find a way to hold or regain their titles. If you expect more from them you're going to have to be patient. It's time that they get in the proper line with the WWE hierarchy.
MITB is an interesting one. With two ladder matches and two world title matches there is very little time to have the US and Tag-team title defended. There is also the Divas and Intercontinental championship to be accounted for as well as RVD. There is simply not enough time to fit all that in unless they drop on of the ladder matches which I am strongly against.

Perhaps they are simply left of the card and interfere in another match or segment. I would be up for them executing a backstage attack on HHH or Kane - maybe taking the latter out a MITB match allowing a surprise entrant into the match. They have to be at the PPV but in what capacity is difficult to predict. They may have one of the titles for the actual show and the other for the preshow.

After the MITB PPV, there has to be something big for SummerSlam. We have seen them attack The Rock, Undertaker, Jericho, Cena, Kane and foreshadowed a feud with HHH. These guys are big names which shows the WWE are invested in them.

A 6 man-tag against a dream team would be a good choice at SummerSlam - there is no point in seeing them defend their titles against random opponents. It would have to be HHH plus 2 which could be either the Brothers of Destruction or the New Age Outlaws. A big name 6 man-tag match where the Shield get the victory would do them well and continue their momentum for Survivor Series and beyond.
i say rvd daniel bryan and kane will be next to tke them on and will win the match in a winners take all match at mitb
i wold love to see them attack axel and lessnar and makink a feudes betweens the heels and seeing who the true power house team is while dean ambrose goes after punk and the heavy weight champoinship at the same time
For me The Shield is a really cool group w/o any direction. It seems that they used in big programme only to advance the storyline of another fueld Daniel Bryan/Orton, Ryback/Cena, Orton/Sheamus/Big Show, or an excuse to put Taker on the shelf.

It seems the mindset of creative is "how can we use The Shield so build tension in another storyline" rather than "how can we use The Shield to make them the next big credible group". If they shift from the former to the latter, we can probably see some great programmes from them.

That's a big problem that Ive noticed since they've arrived. The Shield isn't being pushed on their own merits. They're being pushed as a plot device simply to keep some of their top stars relevant.

The World and WWE Title picture and/or John Cena is already occupied, so they'll just throw the Shield at any of their other "main event" guys who needs something to do.
what is next for the Shield, IMO, they will fight among themselves and split up like all great factions seem to do and either they will all shine on their own or be phased out, as for brothers of destruction facing them not sure, thought I heard Undertaker was getting surgery done on his shoulder or hip, would not that put him out for many months plus usually after wrestlemania as of last many years Undertaker disappears until a few months before wrestlemania then comes back, thinking WWE would keep him off to keep him uninjuried for their big show, would love to see them come together cause they are always good, but if he comes back have him come back as the bad ass and take back his yard so to speak
I will be absolutely amazed if at least one member of the Shield does not come out of MitB with a briefcase, especially as the stipulations are no disqualifications. Now, if outside interference be the reason behind the win(s) then that should set the scene for SummerSlam whether that be Kane, Jericho or RVD.

Longer term, I see the Shield being extensively used in the Vince / Triple H power struggle which will keep them at the top of the card and should ultimately result in at least one of their members holding a World belt.

Cena / Henry is a short term feud and Del Rio / Ziggler not much longer, so the only other long term top line story I see building presently is Puck / Heyman. As such, I think the Shield is still going to receive a continual push that could very well provide us with at least one more viable headliner.
I could see them doing something like pushing a part of the group for a feud, while having the other part defending titles. For example of the whole "Brothers of Destruction" thing ends up happening they could use that to push the group, while at the same time they could have Ambrose defend against someone who can hold a good match but wont take Ambrose away from the major angle for the Shield.

Mind you, my idea behind this would just make it so we could see the group still being pushed, but at the time see that at least one of the titles is defended against someone who isn't too over to compete. After the Brothers of Destruction angle they could easily focus on Ambrose, and put Rollins and Reigns in the solid defense booking. Again, the group could be pushed while just using matches with Ambrose vs someone who can continue their push, while R&R could interfere here and there and also be in the role where we can see a solid tag defense.

TDLR; Book either Ambrose or Rollins & Reigns in a spot where the full group can continue to be pushed, and have the other part of the group able to defend their title, but still be able to be involved with the push. This way they don't drop the ball with the Shield, they can be shown as strong title defenders , but also so they don't over push the group against people too "big" for the titles.
As far as a major story line for the shield i'm not sure where they could fit right now. But a good feud for them just to keep them busy would be with a returning big show. Have big show return and start a feud between him and Ambrose for the US title. People want midcard titles to be more credible, so have bigger name superstars compete for them to make them more credible. And then have Reigns and Rollins face off with the Brothers of Destruction at summerslam for the tag titles.
Now that The Shield hold championships, the sneak attacks will hopefully decrease .....having these guys march down from the stands to outnumber and attack good guys was growing tired and now we'll see them more in sanctioned matches than ambushes.

What interests me is the possible power struggle between Vince McMahon and Triple H; with The Shield apparently being a point of contention. Triple H (with his fainting spell program either on the back burner or abandoned) was telling Vickie Guerrero to make an example of Shield, putting them in their place, while Mr. McMahon was personally giving them his approval. There could be a program is on the horizon involving this.....presuming McMahon wants to be on TV more than he has in past months.

Now that Shield has cleanly lost a match, the aura of invincibility is presumably gone. I especially enjoyed Seth Rollins' performance in the loss, displaying an evil grin when he thought he had matters in hand, only to be pinned by Daniel Bryan. These guys are better as individual wrestlers than I thought they were, leading to whatever Creative wants to do with them.
Genuinely wouldn't mind seeing McMahon take the helm of The Shield in a Corporation style angle.

Be interesting to see Vince and them causing chaos in a war with HHH to establish power.

I feel a little iffy about that because stuff like that usually leads to WWE turning into The McMahon Show, and it was painful when that happened during the WCW Invasion of 2001.

Personally, I think The Shield MIGHT have run its course, so maybe it's time to start pushing one of those guys solo. The smart money would bet on Ambrose getting the push.
Well apparently there's a potential feud coming up between Rollins and Reigns and The Usos which hopefully will be pretty entertaining and help build the tag team division by having two good teams go against each other, maybe having a best of series between the two teams like MCMG and Beer Money had a while back in TNA. This is what I could see happening with them two from The Shield which, if happens, hopefully will last for a lengthy time. As for Ambrose, helping build the US title and helping build himself as the future of the company (which all three of them should be really) is what I could see him doing next. Potential feuds with Triple H and Taker would also be interesting.

Another direction The Shield could go is, like a few have said already, be a key part of the storyline between Triple H and Vince. This is more likely as they already have a place in the storyline because on Raw we saw Vince and Triple H arguing over The Shield and if they should face any discipline. So we'll see on Raw if they are going to cement their place into that storyline or if it was just an easy way to help continue the storyline for that one week. But for me I see them playing a big part in the storyline.

Either way The Shield should stay entertaining and will definitely stay relevant and not fade away. But whichever direction The Shield go I just hope there is less run ins from other members during matches and less 6 man tag teams as I think they are slowly becoming stale happening every week, so less 6 man tag teams will make them more important and overall more enjoyable.
I think we're forgetting here that the Waytt family (or however you spell it) is coming very soon. I think what they're pushing for might be putting the Family against the Shield. But since the family looks heelish to me, they might attempt to impose the Shield's justice against more heels. UNLESS they make the argument that the Shield has the idea that the Family is in-it-of-itself an injustice to WWE, then WWE might be able to make a decent heel vs heel storyline. IF done properly and carefully. You'd have to have the Shield doing their normal thing with the Family interfering, not even physically, just playing their music, playing a video, anything to get the Shield rieled up. I don't think the Shield is going anywhere they're too big of a success and too many people would notice them disappearing of the face of the show. Besides, they're title holders. And the Shield only has 2 losses on the shows that were legal (are we forgetting DBD making Rollins tap out on Monday Night RAW?) so they're still going towards the whole #BelieveInTheShield
I think the Shield are planned to turn face in the somewhat near future. And I think this has been the plan ever since they debuted.

They are a heel stable, but they don't really act very heelish. They win many matches clean - including major PPV matches. They are almost unbeaten. They don't take time to insult the crowd, like heels tend to do when they have nothing else to do. Their promos and their slogan are catchy.
In fact, I think the only thing that needs to happen for them to turn face is to start fighting against heels - they don't need a big face turn promo or face turn angle, it can happen as a natural transition.

And I think it will happen with the Wyatt Family. I think the Wyatt Family will debut as a completely heel stable, wickedly evil and demented. And they will eventually target the Shield (after making their heel alignment clear to the fans by targeting more established faces first). Compared to them, The Shield would easily be not just the lesser of two evils - they would look like saints. The fans would easily get behind The Shield in this feud, I believe.

So, in short: they will be targeted by a totally and completely heel Wyatt Family, turn face because of that (but pretty much keep acting the same way they currently do), and go on a lengthy feud with them.
I have an idea to turn them baby face...

This Vince HHH thing has to lead to some sort of a match. I think a good place is at Survivor Series, 8-10 man (Vince could work a 10 man matchI think, go 8-man if he cannot). So, Vince wants the Shield for his team but they eventually say no because Vince is the old guard that they came to change and go with HHH and that's how they turn baby face. HHH and Shield vs. Vinces heels (my dream team Ryback, Rhodes Scholars, a turned Orton). Writes Vince off TV for now (maybe forever) and get HHH as the on screen authority figure.

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