What's Next for King Booker? (Booker T)


Dark Match Jobber
Hey all

What do you think will become of King Booker now that he's lost the World Championship to the crappiest guy ever Batista?

Personally, I'd like to see him remain King Booker and win the Royal Rumble or something; Leading to a match at WrestleMania, but to be perfectly honest if I have to see Batista VS Booker one more time I'll throw up...Batista cannot SELL! - The Survivor Series match consisted of Batista running the damn thing and hardly getting any from Booker, you call that a match?

Well one thing's for sure, whatever Book does next he's done the WWE Smackdown side proud. That guy is the Champion Of Champions and has had to defend his belt at every major PPV in the last three months! - And not to mention all the countless SD! Title Matches he's had to fight. Correct me if I'm wrong but ever since he won it in JULY, he's had to defend it at every WWE PPV (excluding Unforgiven as it was a RAW Only PPV) and in comparison to Raw and ECW's Champions, he deserves to be Champion Of Champions!

So now that Booker has busted his ass as the Top Champ in the WWE, what will become of him next?

Hopefully, he'll remain Upper-Mid Card/Main Event level, and get the respect he deserves!

I would like to see Booker go to RAW and fued with Cena rather than friggin Umaga who it looks like is gonna fued with Cena next.

I'm with you 100% on the Batista thing. He sucks. Mad sluggish, not very agile, corny as all hell. That promo he cut with Michael Cole had me cracking up. I would LOVE to see Finlay take the title from him. ANYONE BUT BATISTA
^^ Amen my brother...

Haha, I laughed so hard too his ears were massive! Damn I don't know whether it's his big bald bony head that makes him look like he's out of a consentration camp, but in the words of Farooq...DAMN!!!

Personally, I'd love to see Finlay as World Champion, then we could see what REAL Wrestling is all about!
booker needs to stay on smackdown as the top heel. by the looks of who's around at the moment he could probably keep fueding with batista. maybe something to do with flash funk if he appears soon.
i think king booker will get his rematch at armageddon but will lose again. i'm not sure who he'd feud with going into 2007... maybe kane. its hard to say but i def think he'll keep the king book gimmick.
I don't know what creative was thinking taking the title off king booker, but damn..somthing needs to happen soon. If I see one more batista main event, I could go blind.
i think he should go back to his old gimmick, go to raw ( he can be traded for umaga ) and feud w/ cena, then umaga can feud w/ batista and win the world title from him in the world's worst match ever
I am glad to see a forum of people who realize what real wrestling is. Real wrestlers like Booker and Finlay deserve to be in the main event, not Batista. Batista cannot sell moves and is not interesting at all, big deal he has muscles, not impressive. Whats weird is the crowd isn't really behind him, I can't figure out why they gave him the title, especially on smackdown which is the REAL WRESTLING show, he would fit in better on Raw.
I too was quite disappointed to see that Booker lost the belt to Batista, who bores me to tears. SmackDown is an infinitely better show than Raw as far as wrestling goes, and now they've got a stiff as champion (not that Raw doesn't as well).

I've long wanted William Regal to get the world title run he so richly deserves, but I guess that's never going to happen. They seem to want to keep him in the tag ranks these days. He's still great in the ring. Loved his match with Kendrick the other night. Regal and Shelton Benjamin are the two most underrated guys in WWE.
Yes..i like the old booker gimick better then the OH hell King Booookkka gimicks. THe king booker thing is cool at first but gets boring later...

The Five Time (Now as the 6th time) world Champion gimicks fit booker really well. I also think booker should get a partner and goes for the TT gold..
I miss the Harmely Heat back in WcW.
Batista does suck. I'd rather see the Boogieman win the belt. that would be hilarious. But Kennedy is getting set up for a title run so they'll take the belt off of Batista. Or King Booker will win the title with help from flash funk. He might be used to help flash funk get over and that's why they took the belt. anyway...ALL HAIL KING BOOKAAAAAAA! That's still funny to me wit
The title match at Suvivor Series sucked harder than Paris Hilton infront of a camcorder! Booker will get his rematch at Armageddon and lose, worse luck. Batista has been phoning in performances since before his injury and shouldn't be anywhere near the title at the moment let alone holding it.
I was getting tired of seeing Booker as champ, but I kinda wanted Lashley to stay on Smackdown and win the belt, but hopefuly he'll win the ECW Championship at DTD.
i think they should have the titles jump brands but between raw and smackdown. smackdown should have the wwe title again and raw the world heavyweight. i think, well i noticed that when the wwe title was on smackdown, smackdown was a lot more interesting than it is now, i mean smackdown is definately the flagship show in my opinion but its not as good as when cena was a heel, and they actually had tag teams. i think booker should stay on smackdown and they should have the titles jump brands that way before booker retires, it gives him a chance to be wwe champion at least once.
I_Heart_Princess_P said:
I was getting tired of seeing Booker as champ, but I kinda wanted Lashley to stay on Smackdown and win the belt, but hopefuly he'll win the ECW Championship at DTD.

i do agree with you. lashley deserved that world title more than anything and i think that creative like pretty much worked around him and he got pissed off about it.
seanvangster said:
Yes..i like the old booker gimick better then the OH hell King Booookkka gimicks. THe king booker thing is cool at first but gets boring later...

The Five Time (Now as the 6th time) world Champion gimicks fit booker really well. I also think booker should get a partner and goes for the TT gold..
I miss the Harmely Heat back in WcW.

i miss harlem heat as well. they need to get these older tag teams back to pave a new way for newer tag teams and start actually using more of those ovw and dsw guys right?
Although I think it'll be a while before this happens, I would really love to see Mr. Kennedy as the world heavyweight champion. He has gotten over SO well with the smackdown audience, I'm sold. Wrestlings rookie of the year. I'd love to see him f*ck batistas sh!t up sometime soon.
It's great to see that this thread has turned into a Batista slagging off thread, because he deserves it!

Personally, I'd like to see Booker go in other directions (Tag Title etc) but I don't know what he can do...He's already a multiple US Champion, a multiple Tag Team Champion. And so I'd prefer him to stay at the Main Event level!

My only concern is that now that Batista has the belt, I just know unless he screws up sometime soon, he's going to be hogging it for a LONG time like he did in the past.

Damn you Batista! - I'd pay ANYONE to just break his neck so that he could sod off again, and King Booker can take back his throne baby!

Already, I'm just tired of Batista being shoved down our throats time and time again damnit!
Unfortunatley I se him being relegated to the mid card again. Booker has been the best thing on Smackdown, and while it was good that he got a title reign I wish they had put him over as being more dominant.
The first thing I hope to see is a reversion to his original gimmick so I can stop having nightmares about the Macho King Randy Savage. Next, he can leave his shrill-toned, annoying wife in the back where she belongs. Watching Booker's character be undone and basically de-evolved in the last year has really made me want to send a big bag of dropkicks to the WWE creative dumb$hits for Christmas. Book needs to go back to being the Harlem Hardass of days past so that he can round out the twilight of his career with at least a modicum of dignity, instead of the 1980's gimmick they dumped in his lap. What the hell good is your first title reign in five years, when your entire character is a complete joke? Only to see him bested by Batista? Batista?!?
ALL HAIL KING BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKER, Booker should have held on to the title at least till Royal Rumble. Batista sucks.
um, either retire or just go back to being booker t and somehow reform harlem heat with either his brother or bring back orlando jordan or even move shelton benjamin over to smackdown, they need a new tag division and i think if he reformed harlem heat and move jeff over to smackdown for the hardy boyz, that tag teams can start coming back, that and bring in some tag teams from ovw and dsw, i have heard good things about some of them and i think they deserved to be apart of smackdown or raw, mainly smackdown cause raw creative will just ruin them.
Man I think King Booker has been the best thing on Smackdown, And Having Queen Sharmell with him just adds to his gimmick. They have been a great Heel combination.

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