What's next for Joe Hennig?


Wise Guy
So Otunga & Mcgullicutty lost the title, it looks like the Lawler feud with the two is over with. Otunga is now playing a lawyer character on his own (at least for now). I was kinda hoping Joe would get picked up by Vicky Guerrero.

Wikipedia shows that Mcgillicutty has been written of television. Some news sites are reporting that he's been sent back to FCW (again).

So what comes next for Hennig? He's decent enough in the ring, his mic skills are what need working.

You think he might start feuding for the FCW championship again, with a heavy emphasis on working the mic? Or do you think he's about to drift off to obscurity?
I hope they drop the Mcgillicutty & bill him as just Joe Hennig, nobody will notice. He is so young & has decades ahead of him, I hope something Good becomes of Joe.
I think one of two things can happen with Mcgullicutty (sp)

1. They can have him come out with Otunga stating WWE wont let him use his last name and he can be placed in the group wiht Christian Ziggler and Rhodes as well.

2. I dont think he would work with Vickie but I think him being put in a team with Dibiase would be fresh for both of them. Ted is just gonna float around for awhile as we can tell so why not put them together they both are 2nd gen superstars.
It seems to me, and correct me if I'm wrong here cause this is just my impression, that Joe Hennig is one of those guys that everyone genuinely wants to see succeed. But he's just not doing it. I personally want to see Joe have a WWE Hall of Fame career, but shit he's the same age as The Miz.

He's not some young kid, he's 6 months younger than I am. He doesn't have decades ahead of him, he's got A decade ahead of him.

Man, I tell'ya if Micheal Cole were a manager, I would want Hennig in his stable, AS Joe Hennig. I don't know how good Cole is with working with younger talent, but Hennig could really learn a lot from Cole when it comes to working the mic as a completely hatable heel. Ultimately I'd like to see Hennig as a face, and succeed where his father didn't, but I think that's just too much to ask, and I think that's something he gets a lot of, which is probably the biggest reason he went with the Micheal Mcgullicutty name. I just don't see him with the charisma to be a massive star and face of the company, which is a real shame, but I would hope that he could at least grow enough with his mic skills to become a solid mid-carder and maybe late in his career get a courtesy world title run like some guys have gotten.

The two things I mentioned in my first post, are really the only two things I see realistically happening myself, which is kind of sad, but hopefully he can pull it off and finally get over.
Michael McGullicutty gets future endeavored.

Joe Hennig reappears in FCW after a few months of hair treatments and makes his way back to the WWE main roster with a new look and gimmick
Joe Hennig is a 3rd generation wrestler, fortunate to be the son of Curt Hennig one of the best mat technician in the history of wrestling. He has great wrestling skills but unfortunately it does not match his dad's level of athleticism and technical wrestling. I may be wrong to say this and we may have yet to see his full potential as a wrestler given his limited exposure. Let's face it, this is similar to what usually happens to professional athletes' sons who would like to follow their father's footsteps. Let's take a look at Jeffrey Jordan or Marcus Jordan. Even though they are sons of Michael Jordan that doesn't mean they inherited their Dad's skills and athletic ability. That does not mean they will be great basketball players like their dad. My point here is that Joe Hennig may be the son of Mr. Perfect but that doesn't make him a great wrestler instantly. It takes years to develop such status in the WWE unless you have the mic skills to prove like Zack Ryder and John Cena who became an instant hit because of their gimmick and mic skills.

To be a top draw you need to be entertaining and with Joe Hennig's character, I don't see him entertaining. You can't just let him go out there and be Mr. Perfect Jr. I know Joe Hennig would like to carve a name of his own. I just hope the creative team of WWE would think of a way to market Joe Hennig.

I think the perfect way to use him right now is put him in a stable as an enforcer. I see him as the second coming of Arn Anderson. In that he can be known as someone who really means business in the ring. WWE can utilize his wrestling skills and at the same time help him develop his personality and mic skills.
This is a good chance for him to be on singles competition. Win a couple of matches that will lead him to a hunt for the US title. That is when we will have Dolph Ziggler vs. Joe Hennig with the issues of Ziggler adapting Mr. Perfect's antics.
I don't think we will see Michael McGillicutty on WWE TV again. I would bet that Joe disappears for a few months then comes back repackaged using his own real name. He wants to wrestle under the Hennig name, the fans want to see him wrestle under the Hennig name and surely WWE must have realised by now that his current gimmick is getting him nowhere.

I agree with another poster who said that the fans WANT to see Hennig succeed, and I think we will see him get a chance to impress as a singles wrestler. I haven't been blown away by his work so far, but I think he will improve further and grow in confidence the longer he spends on his own. He could possibly be in the IC/US title picture within 12 months if he is packaged right.

However, if the WWE decide to put him back into a tag-team I would like to see him team up Ted DiBiase as "The Fortunate Sons", the team that has been rumoured for a while. I would mark out for that.
I think they wrote him off so that he can eventually come back as a new character under his real name. Michael McGillicutty was doomed to jobber status and they know he is capable of better. They should be careful though to not rip off his dad's gimmick with him because they learned that the hard way with Ted. It's either that or he will fade into obscurity. Hopefully he will have another run, otherwise WWE missed out on someone worthy of a push.
It seems to me, and correct me if I'm wrong here cause this is just my impression, that Joe Hennig is one of those guys that everyone genuinely wants to see succeed. But he's just not doing it. I personally want to see Joe have a WWE Hall of Fame career, but shit he's the same age as The Miz.

He's actually a full year older than the Miz. Which is not to say that he's not still a young man with years in the ring ahead of him, but his prime is now and he has yet to hit his stride.

I saw a lot of potential in Joe when he first debuted in NXT, and was hoping for good things for him, but he has really floundered. I don't know if he got called up too soon or just got put in a bad position, but his run has been really subpar. I hope he can get his act together and succeed, but if he's going to, it's got to be fast. Maybe a few months back in FCW and a repackaging before bringing him back up to the main roster. Whatever happens, I hope good things for him.
Let him go to FCW and repackage him as a face, allow him to have a good stint there. He doesn't need to win the FCW World Title, but he should have a significant feud with someone on the roster, maybe a Husky Harris. I'd than bring him back to the WWE as Joe Henning and see if that helps him get over. If WWE wants to revive the Tag Team division they can maybe put him in a tag team with Ted DiBiase Jr. (could work) as both need to get over and do something worthwhile.
Or call Brett DiBiase up to the main roster and reform the Fortunate Sons with Joe Henning

Wasn't Brett released a couple months back because of his knee injuries that prevented him from wrestling or even refereeing? In the case of the Fortunate Sons I think it has to be Ted and Joe but they do have quite a lot of generational talent.
I don't think we should ever expect to see him on television, again. If we do, he'll do filler spots in battle royals or maybe jobbing in dark matches. The audience just gives this guy no reaction, and having Lawler actually say, "You're no Mr. Perfect," really bury what little hopes he had.

If WWE were smart, from the start they would have embraced his heritage. I mean, that was Legacy's whole gimmick and they did really well. Joe should have been Joe Hennig, he should have been wearing lime green and bright blue tights like his dad, his finishing move should have been the fishhook suplex, etc. He wouldn't have been better on the mic, but his gimmick sold itself to the nostalgia crowd. Older wrestling fans would have thought, "He's not Curt Hennig, but he looks enough like him to where we'll buy it." It's pretty obvious that Joe will never be Curt, but was it worth never giving him a chance at all to turn a blind eye to the heritage?

If there is one big goof WWE has made in the past few years regarding their talent, I just might say it was how they booked Joe Hennig. It proves to me that they don't know how to book talent (other than HHH,) and they are dangerously stupid when developing gimmicks, nowadays. You could have put Joe Hennig in the Doink costume and he would have had a longer career on the main roster.
I hope WWE drops his god awful name and let's him use Joe Hennig. That and totally repackages him and his gimmick. I too saw alot of potential for him while he was in NXT, but so far he hasn't capitalized on it. And by far he has the worst and most generic finisher in wrestling today, the spinning neckbreaker.

I'd say have him form the "Legacy" type of group that he was rumored to be in a few years back. Have him embrace his name and his family's history, then continue to make his own, unique character. I don't want to see a ripoff of the Mr. Perfect gimmick, but I wanna see him do his own thing. If he can manage to acknowledge his past while carving out his own mark on wrestling, he will be successful. Otherwise, I could see WWE releasing him easily the next time roster cuts happen.
I like the idea of him dropping the name and coming back as Joe Henning. Then coming back with Tebiase would be a good way to get them both over. Maybe it'll be what Dibiase and Henning both need to start that "shine" they both are lacking right now. I like the fortunate sons idea in FCW maybe they can do something similiar.

Maybe even have a couple other sons, Steamboat, Vaders son, Meng's son amongst others.
I think this might be it for Henning. It looks like he is going in the same direction as DH Smith. A lot of expectations based on heritage, and because he came up too soon...it backfired.

Even with the name change he could've became something if he had better mic skills. Unfortunantly there isn't many chances to do promo work.

It is also entirely possible that he just isn't cut out for this. I'm starting to have doubts about Steamboat's kid.

Hell daddy done "Kung-Fu'ed" his ass by sending him to Harley Race's school, then Japan, Mexico, FCW...AND STILL not primed for a callup?
I think they should package him back up in FCW, bring him back as Hennig, then have him return for a mid card run. This will give him time to grow as a character.
I think they are sending him back to FCW to work his mic skills, and let us forget about him, so he can actually come back as a Hennig. Hopefully its not too long, cause i have been a fan of the hennigs for ever.
What I wanna know is:-

Who the fuck came up with the name Micheal McGillicutty?

Whoever comes up with these crappy names wants his ass well & truly kicked, I wonder if its the same person who came up with Husky Harris name.

Maybe have them team up in FCW and come back to WWE maybe as a young TT if the rumors are true about HHH reviving the TT division.
What I wanna know is:-

Who the fuck came up with the name Micheal McGillicutty?

Whoever comes up with these crappy names wants his ass well & truly kicked, I wonder if its the same person who came up with Husky Harris name.

Maybe have them team up in FCW and come back to WWE maybe as a young TT if the rumors are true about HHH reviving the TT division.

He did, McGillicutty is his mom's maiden name. Just like The Rock going by Rocky Maivia. I don't know where he came up with the name Micheal, but it probably just sounded like the best first name to use with his mom's maiden name.

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