What's Next For CM Punk?

cole miner

Dark Match Jobber
I think it's safe to say that Punk will be moving on from Heyman after Night of Champions this Sunday, barring the introduction of a new Paul Heyman Guy. After Punk gets his sweet revenge on Heyman, where will he set his sights next?

Part of the reason why I wanted to create this thread was to see what other people were thinking, as I'm not sure where Punk will be best served after he wraps up his current feud. He's really hitting his stride as a face again and is getting major reactions from the crowd.

I could see him involved getting involved in the Orton/HHH vs Bryan storyline as his character definitely goes against what HHH thinks is "best for business". However, I'm not convinced this would be best for Punk. This current stroyline would be a waste without Bryan getting some kind of extended reign (3-4 months) as WWE champion. Now don't get me wrong, I'm on the list of people who would love to see Punk vs Bryan at WrestleMania XXX but it seems that right now it's too early for Punk to get involved. I think these next few PPVs should continue to focus of Orton/Bryan. The only other person I could see Punk feud with in the Corporation as currently constructed would be Ambrose and while a fued with Ambrose could be gold, the United States title is beneath Punk and I want to see Ambrose in a good program involving the title and a program that Ambrose could come out as the winner.

Also, while a new Heyman Guy could be interesting, I'm ready for Punk to move past this feud. I'm ready to see Paul Heyman get what's coming to him. The only reason why I would want to see the continue is if it meant another match with Brock but that doesn't seem likely at this point.

So all of this to ask; where will creative take Punk after Sunday? Will he try to position himself back in the WWE title hunt? Will he become involved in the fight against the corporate machine? Or something completely different? Discuss.
Punk vs RVD would be great.. not as much as it would be 3 years ago but still keeps them busy.. They can make it for the WHC. This will sorta keep them both elevated while killing time.. Not to mention it will give the WHC some respect..
I also like the idea of bringing in a new Heyman guy(Matt Morgan)..
A short term tag team might be a effective way to build up some kinda story.. But how could tag with punk??
As far a tag team that could be interesting but with the new focus on the tag team division, I'd like to see them continue building these teams that are gonna stick together for awhile.

Maybe a new Heyman guy could change the dynamic of the feud, but Axel just isn't cutting it for me (which is a shame, because I think he good in the ring and I like his look, he just doesn't have "it"). At the same time, while Punk and Heyman have been great on the mic as usual, I don't know how many times I can keep seeing Heyman get away without losing interest.

With that said, a RVD heel turn and reunion with Heyman I'd be down for. Have RVD beat ADR at NOC and then save Heyman from Punk. Has RVD ever been heel before in WWE? This would add more to the story than just Punk's revenge and would allow WHC runs for Punk and RVD and would keep Punk busy for a few months. The more I think about it, the more I like that idea
If Heyman squeals out of his match against Punk on Sunday then the feud will continue into October, but this kind of seems dragging. Doesn't seem like a logical move for the usage of CM Punk. This vendetta started when Heyman screwed over Punk at MitB, a match for a chance at the title. Seeing him hunt for the title is a chance but that kind of diminishes Bryan and Orton's current feud. Adding another man to the picture kills what that current build is.

My preference would be to see CM Punk get shipped to Smackdown by Triple H over some scandal or controversy on the Monday after. With this happening you have Punk mainly on Smackdown which is a much needed move considering the lacking star power that Smackdown has always tended to have. Plus the fact that it may go 3 hours now as reports indicated, even more of a reason to have a high powered figure spark shit up.

For all you know this could turn into a new angle in which Punk is being tormented by Triple H on Smackdown as he does the same thing to Bryan on Raw. CM Punk would be placed against numerous matches, handicap matches, etc., face Bray Wyatt, who knows.

At the end of the day, Punk will have gone through so much talent that the only one left would be Del Rio. This saying he beats RVD, tho I'm 100% against RVD taking away the title from ADR. Totally damages Del Rio's reign.

So yea, CM Punk vs. ADR.
Here's what should happen.

CM Punk is a badass, someone who isn't afraid to run his mouth and tell it like it is. He should be the one to come off the stage and help Daniel Bryan because that's exactly what CM Punk's character is made for- he breaks the rules and doesn't care about the consequences.

All Punk needs to do is say he wants his WWE Title back, but his friend Daniel Bryan deserves a fair fight, a fighting chance, because he's like Punk and paid his dues and Punk knows how hard he's worked etc. etc. It makes a lot more sense to see CM Punk watching his buddy's back and feuding with the authorities than for him to be in the IC Title picture or floundering around the midcard or tag division.

What does this accomplish, you ask? Isn't it a waste to pair Punk with a babyface who is already over enough?

My answer to that is... not if the WWE is booking things ahead of time.

Punk can be D-Bry's right hand man. When DB finally wins the Title off Randy Orton, Punk can be there to shake his hand and hug him. Punk also would even the odds up if HHH, Orton, and the Shield are the 5 "bad guys" DB, Punk, Big Show, Mark Henry, and Cody Rhodes can be the 5 "good guys" and that can lead to a big Survivor Series match.

CM Punk has long been rumored to be the favorite to win the 2014 Royal Rumble. Have him win, announce he will challenge his friend DB at Wrestlemania for the WWE Title, it'll be the big payoff from the whole angle as the two best buds close out the night.

Then have Punk turn heel by "Betraying" DB and cheating to win back the title at WM. Think Roode over Storm for the TNA people out there. Punk immediately becomes the top heel in the industry again, and the Raw after WM heel punk can be confronted and challenged to a WM 31 match by Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Everyone wins.
Cant have punk turn heel...he is not the big show.

If he does than in the last 2.5 years upto wrestlemania he will have gone from heel to face to heel to face to heel.....way to many turns.

I fully expect him to get involved in the Daniel Bryan fued as an ally
Punk still needs to get his revenge and win over Brock Lesnar, this will continue on until that happens, probably at Survivor Series. He will move on after that, when Bryan is WWE Champion and Punk could feud with Orton for the no 1 contender spot while Bryan goes on the usual end of year transition feud with a commentator or nobody. Cena returns at Rumble, does he stay face or return heel with a new look and attitude???? This is what I see happening, thus Punk will be the no 2 good guy for the forseeable future
I can see Punk getting his revenge on Hayman at NoC, then moving to challenge ADR at the next ppv for the world title. I think Punk will more then likely get screwed by a returning Lesner during the match, How is out for revenge for what Punk did to hayman, this will lead to punk vs Lesner 2 at Hell in a Cell, where Punk will get the win over Brock.
After this I can see Punk getting involved in the HHH/Bryan fued in the lead up the the royal Rumble, Where he will go on to win the match and finally get the chance to headline wrestlemania.
I want CM Punk to go after the World Heavyweight Championship. That title needs to be thrust back into the spotlight, and CM Punk is the perfect man to do it. After NoC, I'd have Punk conclude his feud with Brock Lesnar, with a decisive win over Lesnar inside Hell in a Cell (a pipe dream, since the odds of Lesnar adding another PPV to his workload are astronomically small). After some brief feuds for Survivor Series and TLC, Punk then wins the 2014 Royal Rumble, and goes on to WrestleMania 30 to beat Alberto Del Rio (who has since lost the title to RVD and then regained it) to become World Heavyweight Champion.
I'd like to see the introduction of a new Heyman guy to feud with CM Punk. Big Show and Rob Van Dam make the most sense because of their relationship with Heyman and I think both could make for interesting match ups with Punk. Show is currently involved in another storyline ad I really don't see where it's going and wouldn't mind seeing them shift gears.
my HOPE is that Punk gets his hands on Heyman (like he promised) only to have a new Heyman guy attack him and continue this and have the Heyman guy as either a young guy they want to build or a current guy who needs Heyman. have them feud until the Rumble where Heyman brings Lesnar back to enter the Rumble and cost Punk the shot and get Lesnar his shot only to get eliminated by Punk and if they want, they can end the Punk and Heyman feud at Elimination Chamber. as for the WWE title, have Punk win the Rumble and challenge Bryan saying how it will be a great wrestling match where two wrestlers cut from the same cloth are wrestling each other for the WWE title.
I don't necessarily think it's safe to assume Punk will be moving on at all. According to a report from early last week, local commercials advertising for Survivor Series in Boston are announcing that Punk & Heyman are going to be going at it by then. Now while it's certainly true that a lot can change between now and Survivor Series, it wouldn't surprise me if this is still going on.

CM Punk has promised, he's guaranteed that he'll get his hands on Paul Heyman at Night of Champions. Now, booking 101 suggests that Punk's vehement statements of promises & guarantees that he's going to come up short somehow. It doesn't mean that he will, but Punk has consistently drilled into people his guarantee of getting to Paul Heyman, something the commentators have parroted frequently, is an indicator that Heyman will somehow escape Punk's clutches at NOC.

As to how that could happen, as I stated in a thread I began after I heard about these Survivor Series commercials, that Heyman could have worked some sort of deal with Triple H in which he & Axel join them. As a result, The Shield makes their presence known & felt as CM Punk is about the only major star on the roster who hasn't been beaten down by them yet. Whether or not this happens after Punk beats Axel but before he can really lay into Heyman or before he has a chance to beat Axel doesn't really matter. Punk getting attacked by The Shield due to Heyman making a deal or alliance with Triple H pulls Punk into the feud against them.

Another possibility is that another "Paul Heyman guy" makes his debut at Night of Champions and prevents CM Punk from getting hold of Heyman. Maybe it'll be more than one "Paul Heyman guy" that debuts and helps to beat down Punk, ultimately preventing Punk from delivering on his guarantee to beat up Heyman.

I might be wrong, but I simply don't see Night of Champions as being the end of the Punk & Heyman program. Instead, I think it could be the beginning of a new chapter. If the rumor of CM Punk winning the 2014 Royal Rumble match turns out to be true, then him continuing his feud with Heyman with the addition of another "Paul Heyman guy", or guys, or Heyman joining up with the corporate structure of Triple H; then it'd be a means of keeping Punk in the middle of a high profile program outside of the WWE Championship until early next year.
It's not entirely impossible that we have Lesnar vs Punk rematch at Wrestlemania next year. It depends on if Rock or Undertaker works with Lesnar, if not then Punk will get his much needed win. Incidentally he has lost PPV matches this year to those part timers just mentioned.
It is very interesting what they do with Punk. Part of me thinks he should be used in the corporation storyline but then all the top stars are effectively in one feud. However, he can become part of the angle without being heavily involved with Bryan/Orton - just occasionally.

A lot can happen at NoC but I don't think Punk gets his revenge on Heyman. Moreover, there is little chance that Axel actually beats Punk meaning there is going to be an external factor. The Shield? Lesnar? HHH? The Shield would be a fantastic choice because it lets the feud go a little longer, it gives the regime another belt and Heyman is now able to work with different superstars. Obviously, his main focus would be Axel but he could still cut promos for other members of the Corporation.

I think Punk will face Lesnar at WM30. Therefore, we need to get from now till April and keep Punk/Heyman interesting. That is why The Shield, Orton and even someone like Ryback or Barrett should get involved.
How many times can a face promise to do something to a heel and fail? Heyman even pointed out in a recent promo that Punk has ended up flat on the floor every time he has went against him. Now Punk is so over he can survive this but patience will wear thin with the crowd as regards the angle IMO.

If Punk gives Heyman the whooping he's earned this Sunday they can take him off TV until the Rumble, when he returns with Lesnar to try and prevent Punk winning and realizing his dream of headlining WrestleMania.

Of course the above scenario leaves two problems, in the case of Axel he's pretty much dead in the water without Heyman, and Heyman as a character is supposed to be this devious schemer, yet if the above happens then he has went into a match where has admitted he'll get a guaranteed beating WITHOUT his Beast waiting in the wings to save him or at least some sort of back-up plan in case Axel loses to Punk, something that has already happened.

The idea of a new Heyman guy is fine and reminds me a bit of an old angle he did with Sting, but the options are very limited, Punk and Heyman are just about carrying Axel along with them and the next Heyman guy would need some sort of name value or to at least look a physical threat.

I saw Matt Morgan's name mentioned above, he's not a big name but at least he's a giant who has a history with Heyman and would initially grab the audience with his size as he beat down Punk. I don't see an RVD heel turn working at all, he's the loveable stoner who's vocabulary stretches to the word "dude" and who does lots of ludicrous spots that pop the crowd, no one wants to boo him.

If Heyman is to be saved and Lesnar doesn't show up I'd say The Shield are the best option as they have a history with Punk and Heyman and it was never made clear if Punk knew about Heyman paying them off to help him against Ryback, so you have built in plot points and 3 guys for Punk to work with.

The question then would be whether this pulls Punk into the main corporation angle, my only problem with that is the theme of that angle is about people being afraid to speak up, to me this is a key lead in for Punk once Heyman is off his plate, but if The Shield attack him he just sort of drifts into the angle as opposed to making a big splash in it.

Anyway I've written too much and don't really have a definite answer, but that is one of the most interesting things about the handicap match at NOC, the outcome is unpredictable.
I believe the Punk/Heyman feud will end for a short time at Battleground with Punk finally getting Heyman. After that, I think we will have Punk involved in the McMahon/Bryan storyline until the Royal Rumble. Now I will go off on a little tangent for a moment here so bear with me.

The Bryan/Orton rivalry will end at the Royal Rumble with Bryan eventually coming out on top. After the Orton/Bryan match (which will be the last match of the night), we will get HHH to come out. HHH says that Bryan will walk out of the Royal Rumble WWE Champion, just as long as he beats this man ... *Cue Brock Lesnar's music*. Brock Lesnar wins the WWE Championship, and he wins the return match at Elimination Chamber with interference. After the match as Brock Lesnar is celebrating, cue Punks music. Lesnar looks out to the ramp, but Punk is nowhere to be seen. Punk attacks Lesnar from behind and announces he is going to beat the "Beast" at Wrestlemania.

So after blabbering on for 2 paragraphs, here are my 'main event' matches for Wrestlemania.

HHH vs Daniel Bryan
John Cena vs Randy Orton
Dean Ambrose vs Undertaker
CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar (WWE Title)
Damien Sandow vs Cody Rhodes (World Title)
I wouldn't mind if punk stops feuding with Heyman and co. With Brock out of the picture and Axel in it, it's just not so interesting anymore. '

I would still mark out if Punk finally beats up heyman. But having this match come sunday after Lesnar vs. Punk at summerslam is like having your soup after your steak at a restaurant.

They should insert Punk against the corporation somehow and have him team up with Goatface at survivorseries
This is truly a tough one.

The biggest question that needs to be answered before answering this one is "Is Cm Punk done with Paul Heyman"? When talking about what should happen, it would seem logical that tonight is it. But WWE has gone into overkill mode in attempting to convince us that Heyman and Axel have no chance tonight, so much so that it's hard for me to believe that Heyman and Axel won't win. Personally, i don't see how they stretch the feud any further, even if the goal is for Punk to "get his win back" against Brock Lesnar. If they truly wanted, they could go Hell In A Cell, but Heyman would have to bring in someone else to keep Punk occupied.

I just don't see how they keep Punk and Axel involved with the other past tonight. Even if they do so, the ship has sailed on Axel being a credible threat to Punk. He had his ass handed to him in a brawl with Punk the night after Summerslam when Punk was selling that he could he barely walk. The next week, he was beaten by Punk in less than 5 minutes.

The thought I had regarding Punk was him joining Bryan in his fight against HHH and his heel regime, but they'ld need to tread carefully there. On the heel side, you have two wrestlers who are future HOF's and bonafide top stars in Orton and HHH, and they've already overshadowed Bryan at times. If Punk joins the mix, he's a strong enough personality that he could overshadow Bryan as well. Again, another area I'd either tread lightly in, or not at all.

Those have been the two stories to dominate WWE, and certainly the selling points for the NOC's PPV. So what's next, Battleground? Punk has promised to get his hands on Heyman and hurt him, but he hasn't said when. It could be tonight, it could be Battleground, but my money is on Punk continuing to feud with Heyman and whomever Heyman throws in his way next, until he woks back to a major rematch with Lesnar at either Survivor Series or Hell In A Cell.

As Bryan is coming into his own as a main event babyface for the first time, he has the formidable opposition to work against. Throwing Punk in the mix only provides the chance for Bryan to be marginalized, with no benefit I can see.

Unless they move Punk into the WHC scene, the best place for him is where he is right now, and that's fighting off Heyman's mercenaries.
I'm thinking he's a friend to DB. Team DB/Punk win a Survivor Series match that puts them both in the title match at TLC. Punk wins in screwy fashion, selling out because all he wants is to main event wrestlemania. DB wins the rumble. DB vs Punk at Mania.

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