What's more important? Consistency or Flexibility


Occasional Pre-Show
I'll just use 2 supestars as an example here.

The Consistant Wrestler- i.e. John Cena
Since debuting in the WWE Cena has done nothing but elevate his career becoming more and more successful. Going from a rookie, to a mid-carder, to a main eventer. He won the U.S. title a few times and went on to win Heavyweight Championships. Not once has he back tracked to the mid-card or even acknowledged it really. I doubt Cena will EVER be anywhere near the mid-card again. I could say the same for Batista, Austin, The Rock, Edge, Orton and HHH (not counting his partnership w/ Austin in 2001 when he won the Intercontinental title because he was as important as Austin was), etc......

The Flexible Wrestler- i.e. Chris Jericho
Since debuting in the WWF he stared out as a mid-carder immediately, because of his previous experience, and recognition from WCW. He's won the Intercontinental and European Championships first, then the WCW Heavyweight title twice and became the first ever Undisputed Champion. 2 years later he's back in the midcard and also competing for tag team gold. Since his departure and return he went back to the midcard scene once again winning the Intercontinental Championship and then elevated back to winnig the World Title twice. Again he competed and won the IC title and even tag team gold. Now once again he's our Heavyweight Champion. Other superstars known for going back and forth are Kane, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Mick Foley, Big Show, Benoit etc......

So which is more important?
Well I think flexibility is more important because like you said Chris Jericho did it and probably will continue to go back to the mid card and he's done a really great job at it. I mean even if he goes back to the mid card level that doesn't take any credibility from him. When you're flexible to you can put over younger talent more than a consistent superstar. I mean some consistent wrestlers can put over younger talent but not as mutch as a more flexible superstar. I mean I'm going to use your example of a consistent wrestler John Cena. When is the last time he really put over a younger superstar. Don't say the Miz because did the Miz actually beat him? I mean come on let Jack Swagger get a win over Cena. He's fought him like what 3 times and he lost all of them. So I definetly think a flexible superstar is more important.
I will have to say consistency. These guys have the chance to be consistent because their popularity allows them too. Sure guys like Chris Jericho are very flexible because of the reason yo gave, but let's face it he will never sell as much as John Cena, Triple H, etc. It does not mean he sucks, but the general public just seems to be more into full time main eventers.
Flexibility on the other hand is really good. That can help the younger guys get more recognition and succeed more. Guys like Chris Jericho, CM Punk, and the Big Show really make superstars like R-Truth, The Miz, and Morrison get noticed.
The way I see it, both are important and you can't truly be considered one of the greats if you are missing one of them. Here's why:

Flexability The best wrestlers are the ones who are capable of shining no matter what the circumstances are. For example, being able to pull off being both a face and a heel. Strangly, not alot of wrestlers are capable of accomplishing this unlike the Undertaker, HHH, HBK, Jericho. What they accomplish by being able to do is, is avoid the worst possible fate for any "actor", being typecast. The fact of the matter is that no matter how good a character is, eventually there comes a point when everything that can be done has and it is time to evolve. Alot of wrestlers can't survive that transition. The guys I mentioned have been HOF caliber Main Eventers for years but at varies times they have been thrown into the tag team division. Jericho being more flexable as of late since he has battle for the IC title numerous times. The biggest key this quality is that allows a wrestler the capability to be thrown into any feud with anybody and make it good. We all have our lists of feuds we would like to Jericho and HBK to be in for example.

Consitency This quality comes in two forms. 1) Mic work- A wrestler's mic work has to suite his character week by week. What made the Rock great for example is the fact that everytime he was on the mic, he was electric whether he was a heel or face. Everything he said suited his character's persona. A bad example of this was a couple of years ago when the WWE tried to make Big Show a comedic sideshow. Don't get me wrong, Big Show is a funny dude, i've seen him on the late shows, but he is always at his best when he is the angry giant. 2) Ring work- If a wrestler isn't giving 100% in each and every match, the storylines go from being novels to the funny pages. The matches are equivolent to the climax in an action movie. The right mix of basic and extraordinary moments need to be applied. Not to mention the timing aspect. Timing has to always be consistent or else people's lives are at risk. The HOFers are the ones who aprreciate and understand that professional wrestling is a form of artwork. You are never a master of it, simply a student. There is always room to improve.
Both. The reasons already mentioned on both choices are essential to the business thriving. You need the consistant John Cena cause he sells tickets, and a shit ton of merch. You also need the Jerichos as much because you need to teach and elevate the next generation. You can't survive with out either.
Looking at it by numbers the consistant wrestlers have an edge. Hogan, Cena, Austin, etc all brought in the cash to keep the doors open. You can argue that this trumps the flexible guys cause it allows them a place to work. Blah, blah, blah...you get the point
I like that some guys come out of main event spot and wrestle lower on the card but it's not down to the individual wrestler to be consistent or flexible, it's down to creative and Vince to make them either/or. Any main event guy would be capable of working lower on the card, even chasing a mid card title if the story behind it was believable, it's just not gonna happen for the likes of cena, Batista, Orton, hhh because creative feels they need them to headline ppvs so they sell (hhh being a bad example since he practically IS creative). So it's not down to wrestlers to be flexible, they work with what they are given. On the flipside, are there any mid card guys that haven't main evented yet that could move up and down frequently and not have their title runs called a failure by IWC, much like previous first timers? (see sheamus, cm punk, Rey).
As someone said before, being flexable is being able to shine anywhere on the roster. Going back to the mid_card after being ME is a compliment if you ask me.
A chance to go and show what you got and why you are ME as well as help BUILD those guys in the MC and help elevate their carrears.
I would have to go with consistant tho, only for the reason that without that, your product is without leverage. You HAVE to have those "faces" of the company that have it all when it comes to a wrestling character. Solid ME preformers are what make a wrestling program, but then again so do the flexiable guys, so to me its more a doble edged sword.
On the one hand consistancy will get you a great carrear and lots of money and exposure. But being flexable will showcase all of your skills to everybody on that roster and SHOW why you were pushed to the ME and show to those who never got a push, how its done. So IMO its really a toss up between the 2.
I will have to say consistency. These guys have the chance to be consistent because their popularity allows them too. Sure guys like Chris Jericho are very flexible because of the reason yo gave, but let's face it he will never sell as much as John Cena, Triple H, etc. It does not mean he sucks, but the general public just seems to be more into full time main eventers.
Flexibility on the other hand is really good. That can help the younger guys get more recognition and succeed more. Guys like Chris Jericho, CM Punk, and the Big Show really make superstars like R-Truth, The Miz, and Morrison get noticed.

it might seem like I'm picking on you (because I seem to only highlight your responses but don't worry it's nothing personal!)

The general public seems to be more into full time main eventers!? Are you kidding? Last I checked WWE has rammed:
HHH vs. Cena
HHH vs. Batista
Batista vs. Cena
Orton vs. Cena
Orton vs. HHH
down our throats so much people in the IWC have been BEGGING for a change. Cena with his 5 moves of doom (very similar to the Hukster...Gotta love Hall calling him that during the Outsider invasion angle), Batista with his...*counts on fingers* 1...2..3 yeah i think Batista has what a whopping 3 moves in his arsenal? Let's see...spine buster...batista bomb... maybe a power slam here and there...oh and yeah his dreaded spear (that my 86 year old grandma would have a simple time moving out of the way of, and shes stuck in her bed) IMO the wrestling world is waiting in anticipation for the next BIG star, not to see the amazingly boring 5 continue to dominate the top of the food chain

The part of your paragraphs I underlined is the KEY point and the BEST statement you made here! I agree with that part WHOLE-heartedly.

Flexibility is one of if not the biggest and more important characteristics of a Professional Wrestler. WWE needs more flexible guys. Can you imagine if HHH could once again drop down to the IC title picture and put over a guy like Shelton Benjamin! (just as an example I do realize HHH did give him a rub) But HHH can't. He's trying it now at WM this year but it's LONG over due. being able to jump from Main Event status to Mid Card to even OPENING match positions is crucial to a companies success. Look at Big Show! (maybe a bad example) but here's a former WCW/ECW (yeah...the "new" ecw)/ and WWE Heavyweight Champion and he's working with MID carders. If needed he could fly back up to main event status in the drop of a hat. Jericho IMO could literally work anywhere from a DARK match to the main event and the crowd would indeed stay for it, title or not. Another guy that comes to mind is Edge. While Edge has been thrown right back into the main event picture guess what, he could feud with a newer generation superstar and give him the incredible rub needed for that extra push. Jericho & Big Show single handedly brought back credibility to the Tag Team division. They didn't even have to be in the main event. They could be in a singles match with MVP or Mark Henry. Their Flexibility makes them a more valuable asset than someone who is consistant. Guys who are consistently in the MAIN EVENT can't just fluctuate between lower card/mid card/main event status because let's face it if they have been main eventing for years and they suddenly lose to a guy in his first match, it actually in theory could destroy the up and comer because then they are expected to continue beating all the main event talent, or get buried... But flexible guys can drop down to the rising stars status, give them a very nice rub, and help make them look CREDIBLE and worthy of being in the main event.

I hate to say this because I'm sure MANY will disagree.... but here is goes:

A Clean Pinfall/Submission victory over Chris Jericho in my eyes is more valuable than ANY sort of victory you can attain over a HHH. :)

For the basic point that if you keep beating HHH in theory you should be king of the jungle because he's built up as "The Game"/ "The King of Kings" and blah blah blah. But what happens after you beat HHH 2-3 times? You get BURIED because he can't look bad...er...he won't LET himself look bad for the better good of the company...Oh and I got to thinking.. another prime example of being FLEXIBLE: Kurt Angle..without him we wouldn't have John Cena!!! Think back to Angle vs. Cena. Angle a CLEAR main event star going against a basic newbie from a wrestling territory. Angle wins, but he gives Cena the rub he needed, then Taker did as well. Guys who are born to main event being FLEXIBLE and dropping down to NON ME status to help bring the newer guys up.
it might seem like I'm picking on you (because I seem to only highlight your responses but don't worry it's nothing personal!)

The general public seems to be more into full time main eventers!? Are you kidding? Last I checked WWE has rammed:
HHH vs. Cena
HHH vs. Batista
Batista vs. Cena
Orton vs. Cena
Orton vs. HHH
down our throats so much people in the IWC have been BEGGING for a change. Cena with his 5 moves of doom (very similar to the Hukster...Gotta love Hall calling him that during the Outsider invasion angle), Batista with his...*counts on fingers* 1...2..3 yeah i think Batista has what a whopping 3 moves in his arsenal? Let's see...spine buster...batista bomb... maybe a power slam here and there...oh and yeah his dreaded spear (that my 86 year old grandma would have a simple time moving out of the way of, and shes stuck in her bed) IMO the wrestling world is waiting in anticipation for the next BIG star, not to see the amazingly boring 5 continue to dominate the top of the food chain

The part of your paragraphs I underlined is the KEY point and the BEST statement you made here! I agree with that part WHOLE-heartedly.

Flexibility is one of if not the biggest and more important characteristics of a Professional Wrestler. WWE needs more flexible guys. Can you imagine if HHH could once again drop down to the IC title picture and put over a guy like Shelton Benjamin! (just as an example I do realize HHH did give him a rub) But HHH can't. He's trying it now at WM this year but it's LONG over due. being able to jump from Main Event status to Mid Card to even OPENING match positions is crucial to a companies success. Look at Big Show! (maybe a bad example) but here's a former WCW/ECW (yeah...the "new" ecw)/ and WWE Heavyweight Champion and he's working with MID carders. If needed he could fly back up to main event status in the drop of a hat. Jericho IMO could literally work anywhere from a DARK match to the main event and the crowd would indeed stay for it, title or not. Another guy that comes to mind is Edge. While Edge has been thrown right back into the main event picture guess what, he could feud with a newer generation superstar and give him the incredible rub needed for that extra push. Jericho & Big Show single handedly brought back credibility to the Tag Team division. They didn't even have to be in the main event. They could be in a singles match with MVP or Mark Henry. Their Flexibility makes them a more valuable asset than someone who is consistant. Guys who are consistently in the MAIN EVENT can't just fluctuate between lower card/mid card/main event status because let's face it if they have been main eventing for years and they suddenly lose to a guy in his first match, it actually in theory could destroy the up and comer because then they are expected to continue beating all the main event talent, or get buried... But flexible guys can drop down to the rising stars status, give them a very nice rub, and help make them look CREDIBLE and worthy of being in the main event.

I hate to say this because I'm sure MANY will disagree.... but here is goes:

A Clean Pinfall/Submission victory over Chris Jericho in my eyes is more valuable than ANY sort of victory you can attain over a HHH. :)

For the basic point that if you keep beating HHH in theory you should be king of the jungle because he's built up as "The Game"/ "The King of Kings" and blah blah blah. But what happens after you beat HHH 2-3 times? You get BURIED because he can't look bad...er...he won't LET himself look bad for the better good of the company...Oh and I got to thinking.. another prime example of being FLEXIBLE: Kurt Angle..without him we wouldn't have John Cena!!! Think back to Angle vs. Cena. Angle a CLEAR main event star going against a basic newbie from a wrestling territory. Angle wins, but he gives Cena the rub he needed, then Taker did as well. Guys who are born to main event being FLEXIBLE and dropping down to NON ME status to help bring the newer guys up.

I just noticed you are the same guy from the other thread.
Okay, so the wrestling world is waiting for the next big star right. Who is the wrestling world, just the IWC? Okay, Cena and Batista have limited movesets. Honestly who cares, like you said Hulk Hogan also had a limited amount and have you seen how much of a draw he was? This guy put WWF and WCW on the map. Now I'm not saying that Batista or Cena are as big as Hogan was, but they sure make a lot of people watch Raw. You say that Triple H can't look bad, well it's because he is already an established main eventer. He did lose cleanly to a lot of guys like he told Shaemus on Raw this past Monday. There haven't been midcarders that beat 3 times with the exception of Shelton I think. He got buried because all he brings to the ring is ring skills. Remember in this businees you either have to have mic skills or be a big guy to have a chance at shining(with the exception of a few like Chris Benoit, Jeff Hardy).
I stay true to the fact that I like consistency. I hate seeing my favorite wrestler going against the likes of Koslov or Khali and loosing cleanly just to try and make them superstars. When a guy has the "it" actor he will be a superstar if he doesn't you can make him pin Jericho or Triple H. It won't matter.
They're both important, of course they are, but the most important thing is that your main event are consistently attractive enough so that people will come to the shows and tune in. I'd rather have Cena than Jericho any day of the week when it comes to building a wrestling company. However, that being said, a successful promotion needs people to be flexible too, they just aren't as fundamental. It is extremely rare for one of the consistants to make a new main eventer, but how many people have guys like Jericho and Kane help establish over the years. In a stable promotion, you need both, but the consistants are the most fundamental to success over any time frame.

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