Whatever happened to The Corre vs Nexus?

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Justin Satiable

Pre-Show Stalwart
Really, what did?

I watched Royal Rumble 2011, marking furiously throughout, I might add, and loved the altercation at the start between The Corre and Nexus. They got at each other's throats, attacked each other, and then the refs and security came in to split them up. Now I eagerly anticipated the entrances of all the Nexus and Corre members, as a war between the two seemed to be on the cards.

But then, Justin Gabriel came out and was eliminated. Same with Heath Slater. Nexus dominated the ring, and then were all eliminated by Cena (bar one who eliminated by Khali.) The whole concept was suddenly thrown away and never revitalised.

Cue the Randy Orton Effect, and now Nexus are nothing but a bunch of jobbers, with the only real hope for any members involved being the breakout of Mason Ryan. Why did this need to happen? Instead of burying the Corre and the Nexus endlessly to enhance people who, well, don't NEED enhancing, why couldn't they pit the two stables against each other in a battle of supremacy?

I don't care if people "wouldn't have bought Wrestlemania to see the match" because people were buying it anyway. We could have scrapped 10 minutes from Rock's promo, cut the Cole vs Lawler match down by 5 minutes, and been left with enough time to produce an exciting Corre vs Nexus elimination tag match. The buildup would have been fairly straightforward, and could have had huge potential.

Instead... *sigh* we had Randy Orton vs the Nexus... A decent feud crippled by the fact that every Orton match is the same. Nexus were obliviated and will soon be an afterthought, and now the Corre has fallen apart. (a storyline I am somewhat enjoying, however.) I just feel that so much more could have come out of the Nexus story.

What do you guys think?
I totally agree pal.

Also I feel Orton could have maybe had a somewhat bigger storyline heading into 'Mania. As soon as Wade Barrett was kicked out of Nexus I said to my mate they could make to factions here and set up a great storyline feud.

Sadly it was never to be, and now it seems both groups are heading in the same direction with one superstar turning possibly turning against the group - Zeke for Corre and Mason Ryan for Nexus - and it seems that ultimately both groups will split and all 8 will go their separate ways which could spell the end of a WWE career for the likes of Otunga, Gabriel etc...
I personally think that WWE have made the wrong decision, be scratching The Nexus vs Corre, because it could be a awesome feud that we would want to see!

Wade Barret getting kicked out of The Nexus, should have been done better!!
I hope CM Punk vs Wade Barret happens in the the future, because they already have History!!

WWE fucked up again, in that storyline, but dont be sad, they do that all the time...
WWE has dropped the ball so many times in recent years on potentially awesome feuds, and I agree with this one. The Corre vs. Nexus would have been great, but there's one thing we have to remember: sure all these wrestlers look great in stables together, but other than Big Zeke (who I think has HUGE potential down the road), and MAYBE Mason Ryan (but he needs to develop mic skills), most of these other guys (NOT including Barrett & Punk, because we already know they possess the skills to be successful in WWE, especially Punk), have nothing going for them and once these stables are split up, as someone else wrote, many of them will most likely be future endeavored fairly quickly. It's a shame because had the WWE capitalized on this, especially with a tag match between them or something at WM, or even at Extreme Rules, I feel we would have been treated to a very entertaining match with a lot of good spots. Not only that if WWE had given these groups a little more tv time in recent months, who knows? Maybe we would have seen some character development, and maybe I'd feel like I "knew" the guys from each group a lot better. Sadly, each group comes out on a weekly basis and all I see is a bunch of "wrestlers" who are absolutely worthless to the WWE in the long run. Oh and one more thing. The Corre? What kind of name is that for a stable, especially with two Rs? Sigh. Creative really...disappoints me sometimes.
i think if it was done and done well maybe it will be the best feud of this year 2011 but WWE has dropped the ball on this remarkable feud who i guess now Mason Ryan is going to split with Nexus and Ezekiel Jackson has split Yesterday so the question is why they don't do a story with in one hand Ezekiel and Mason Ryan Vs Nexus and The Corre this will make a little sense of now and after that Nexus Vs Corre
the premise was interesting but i don't believe the feud would have worked, mainly because their wasn't an obvious babyface.

punk was one of the top heels in the company when he took over nexus, so they couldn;t be face. wade barrett was kicked out of nexus, but he didn't rebel against them or anything, he was the leader and the reason for nexus' attacks on other wrestlers. barrett would still be heel after getting the boot. since both leaders are heel, their underlings would be heel for following them
I don't understand why anyone actually expected the two groups to feud. I mean, yes, they did have an altercation at the Rumble, but people were actually anticipating a match between the two groups at Mania. I mean, really, people? Are you all that stupid that you'd think they'd have the current biggest heel faction fight the second biggest heel faction? I mean, BOTH GROUPS pretty much bitched John Cena, and the little kids just wouldn't be able to comprehend them fighting each other at the biggest PPB of them all.
The idea sounds good on paper, but I'd be willing to guess that the reason the WWE did not go down this route is: 1. There's not enough real talent among the two groups to carry this out successfully, and 2. There's no real reason to care about this match.

For the first point, almost everyone in both groups is still really green. Yeah, the players from the first NXT have been around for some time now, but there's a reason you haven't seen most of them in very many matches. Punk could handle it, but really, who from the new nexus would you trust in any sort of high profile match? On the core side, I know this forum has a lot of barrett fans, and while he's getting better in the ring, I don't think I could trust anyone on the core team to handle this type of match either.

For the second point, WWE would need to put in a lot of time and effort to really make a match between these two factions relevant. Sure they could just throw a match together in an impromptu fashion, but if they did, the problem is that most people it seems wouldn't care. Both groups have lost their steam in a big way and are more or less irrelevant to their shows. In order for a core vs. nexus to work, both groups would need to be made relevant again, and give them a reason to feud, and let's be honest...the time and energy it would take to try to spark enough interest in a match would be wasted, because of point #1 above.

So in the end, the idea of core vs nexus does have its appeal but is not very practical, so I think the WWE was wise to not go that route.
Dude if you never heard of the insider news, they removed that because they felt that Nexus was too green, and by what I heard, I agreed, I liked Husky Harris, but Otunga obviously sucks, so does McGuillicutty.
It's not at all unusual for angles to be suddenly dropped without explanation. This was never really an angle anyway. It was only an internet rumored angle. There was never anything on television to suggest a feud was coming. I don't understand why anyone would want to see this feud anyway. Heel vs. heel rarely works. The fans need someone to cheer for. I can't help but think it would have been incredibly boring.
Lack of care. Lack of interest. The fact that the original Nexus became obsolete long ago and splitting it into 2 weaker factions only made things dumber. I'm glad New Nexus vs The Corre never happened. I am sad either faction managed to exist though. I mean what did The Corre do? Hassle Big Show and win the Tag Team titles? What did the New Nexus do? Get saddled with CM Punk and become Punk, Orton and once again, Cena's chew toys.

The two factions were stale since they were formed and having them feud would have only exploited the ignorance behind the decision to make them.
I like your OP and while I do agree with you to an extent, you also have to consider that both warring factions were comprised of heels. That alone is enough to not warrant a feud let alone a feud that would culminate at Wrestlemania. I would've liked to have seen it but chances are that the live audience wouldn't know who to cheer or boo for and therefore most likely be dead. Would've been somewhat interesting to me though. On the plus side of current things though, the Corre storyline seems to interest me more than New Nexus does.
I completely agree, that feud had alot of potential and i really was hoping for it and the crowd would have loved it, two heel stables going at it for dominance, talk about exciting! You would not know who to cheer for, so you would cheer for who is dominating. I dont know why WWE scrapped that feud, they could have had a match at extreme rules if they thought that Corre vs Nexus would not sell at WM27. They both had powerhouses, good leaders, new talent, and both supposedly dominated their respective brands.
I personally liked the whole idea of two warring factions, kindof like a new smaller version of monday night wars. However it is true that having two heel groups would not work well, the only way for it to work is for one of the groups to turn face together or drop some and the remaining turn. But because that doesnt sound like something the E wouldnt go for I suppose it's best that nothing ever happened between The Corre and the New Nexus.
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