What WWE talk show would you call/rate as the WORST/least entertaining...?


Championship Contender
What WWE talk show would you call/rate as the WORST/least entertaining...in the modern era?

Now, by modern era, I simply mean post-2000. I'm not familiar with any talk shows in the WWE before that besides Beefcake Barber's something?, Piper's Pit, and Paul Bearer's Funeral Parlor(which I'm not sure if it existed beyond two instances).

The choices are:-

1)Chris Jericho's Highlight REEL. This to me was/is/forever will be the best segment/talkshow in the modern era, though I think Christian and Edge were as talented/compelling/intriguing heels/hosts as Jericho. Jericho simply wins for me based on longevity and the fact that there have been so many moments from the highlight REEL..from Austin/Christian comic segments to Trish/Lita(Damn those were awesome) to Shawn Michaels..to Kevin Nash. In fact, Shawn Michaels' highlight reel moments occured in both his 2003 and 2008 feuds with Jericho and they were both arguably one of the top three feuds of those years, if not THE top feud. Heck, Michaels probably was a guest in 2004 and 2005 as well.

2)Christian's PEEP Show? I liked this one, simply because Christian was such an entertaining heel and his antics were amusing overall. It's funny how one didn't realize it back then..but after having lived the dreadful Ryback and The Miz years..Christian was GOLD.

3)The Cutting Edge. I liked this one as well. Though I can't recall that many moments.

4)Carlito's Cabana was a bit interesting but it could be the worst of all.

5)Finally..The MIZ TV. I'm biased when it comes to the Miz and I find him dreadful/least entertaining, so that's my choice as to the worst talk show segment in the modern era. You could say both Carlito and Miz TV are the worst ever. Imagine if Alberto Del Rio started his own talk show, somewhat akin to Carlito's Cabana. What would he call it?
I agree with your order, but I would swap Carlito's Cabana and MizTV. I wasn't a big fan of Carlito, and got bored of all his interviews ending with the apple spit. MizTV has more variety in my opinion. It feels a bit more unpredictable compared to the apple spit/beatdown (whether it were Carlito doing the beatdown or recieving it) combo
Missing a couple. There was also The Dirt Sheet, The VIP Lounge, and I swear Abraham Washington had one that was by the far the worst WWE talk-show segment of all time.

Dirt Sheet was awesome. Great chemistry between Miz and Morrison. THAT was "must-see tv". Cutting Edge and the Peep Show were entertaining as far as talk shows go, but the Highlight Reel was definitely the best of the modern era. Who doesn't remember the Jeritron 5000? Who doesn't remember Y2J putting HBK's head through that Jeritron 5000? I liked that this was actually used to build feuds for Jericho and not just as some stupid soap-opera segment that nobody gives a shit about.
You must've missed the VIP Longue with MVP. It sort of always bored me except with some of the ones featured Matt Hardy. I won't say they're dreadful but still I don't fancy them. I would say Miz TV is something good. It can be improved much further to be honest.
Ahhhh. Funny how things are though I have a really superb memory in just about EVERYTHING(language learning, episodic memory), I couldn't even recall MVP's VIP lounge, though having seen it. Also,I remember ECW's talk show. I think I had rather liked Abraham Washington. Also, The Dirt Sheet, yeah.

@OYDK..Of course I remember the Jeritron 5000 and Shawn Michaels' head going through it. I just deliberately chose to cite some other moments. There are just so manyyyyyyyy
HBK going through the Jeritron was so bad ass. I was there that night and the whole arena was in total shock. Nothing will ever beat the barber shop window though.

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