What wrestling DVD should I watch before I go to bed

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster
Alright I'm getting on the verge of being tired, but I'm not quite there yet. So I ask that you, the great people of the WZ forums (well the ones that are awake) help me decide which of my wrestling DVD's I should pop into the PS3 before drifting off to sleep. Here are the options I have for you:

Option 1: Hulk Hogan Ultimate Anthology Disc 3 (not the new one)

Contains: Hogan/Hennig XWF, Hogan/Rock WM18, Hogan/Trips Backlash, Hogan-Edge/Billy-Chuck SD, Hogan/McMahon WM19, HOF speech, Hogan/HBK Summerslam

Option 2: Macho Madness: Randy Savage Ultimate Collection Disc 2

Contains: Mega Powers/Andre-Dibiase Summerslam, Savage/Hogan WM5, Savage/Hogan Main Event, Savage-Sherri/Rhodes-Sapphire WM6, Savage/Warrior WM7, Savage/Roberts Tuesday in Texas, Savage/Flair WM8

Option 3: Best of Raw Disc 2

Contains: Raw moments that I'm too lazy to type out lol

Option 4: Edge's DVD Disc 3

Contains: No idea. Can't find the case

So you guys inform me on what to watch. I have other DVD's, but these are the ones in my room at the moment and I don't want to hunt down the others.

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