What Wrestlers have you met

I don't know if this topic has been made before..but what wrestlers have you met.

I've met a few. I've met Disco,Bob Armstrong,David Young,Vordell Walker,Elix Skipper,Thunrder Bolt Patterson(some people now know who he is) Ted and Jerry Oates(some might know him) and also the coolest imo has to be Daffney.

If you got pics from any of them post them...

From the local indy show here..


even got her autograph and that is rite here

We used one of her old WCW pics

So what ones have you met.
I actually met Alicia Fox a few months ago. She was really nice and we talked for a couple of minutes. And shes really beautiful in person.
The only bad thing is, is that her breath STANK. Shes gorgeous and all, but it smelled like morning breath and cow manure, it was pretty disgusting

EDIT: Yesterday I saw Ivan Koloff. No joke. He seemed like he was in a rush, so I didnt get a chance to speak with him... =/
Let's see:
Pillman, Flair (Ric and David), Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Jon Moxley, Pepper Parks, John Tenta, and the crown jewel (in my opinion)Keiji Mutoh.
Sandman, plus a few local wrestlers. The Local guys are all cool guys, well the ones that I have talked to at least.
Met Scott Hall, Goldberg, Sid and Bret Hart. I also saw Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell at a restaurant/bar but I didn't get a chance to talk to them.

I met Hall at an autograph session at a mall when he was in the WWE if was in the summer of 93 before Summerslam 93. It was right after he lost to 123 kid. My older cousin took me and he was a major mark even though he was like 20 years old. My cousin is a pretty big guy he's around 6'4 and at that time weighed about 250lbs or so and when we were in line he was telling me how he was gonna talk shit to him about losing to 123 kid. Then we get up to meet him and Scott stands up and just makes my cousin look tiny, my cousin completely bitched out when he saw how big he was. It was hilarious. Scott was completely in character though, he even dressed the part and had the toothpick and everything. It was awesome.

I met Goldberg at an autograph session as well. It was right in the middle of the Goldberg craze in WCW so the place was nuts, Goldberg was pretty cool and I was a huge mark of his then so it was sweet to meet him.

I actually met Sid and Bret Hart when I was in high school or maybe it was my first year in college I can't remember but it was when I worked at K-Mart. About once a month or so we would hold autograph sessions in there normally they just consisted of retired B athletes but this time it was Sid and Bret. It was when they were both in WCW. I kinda froze when I met Bret because he is my all time favorite wrestler, he was polite but not very talkative, wasn't a dick either but you could see that he liked to keep to himself. Sid on the other hand was completely different, he was bullshitting with all the workers like he knew them forever. A real cool guy.
I've had actual conversation with RVD and Raven. I've briefly met Homicide, Jerry Lynn, NIcky Benz, Delirious, and Daizee Haze.
A few local wrestlers from where I used to live, Booker T, CM Punk, The Hardyz, Rey Mysterio & The Rock
Kurt Angle-Asshole. Well that depends... After his gold medal win he owned. Every time after that he became a bigger asshole
CM Punk-Asshole. He was down right rude.
Hulk Hogan- Awesome
None :(

But my uncle... he had a conversation with Ric Flair. He told me in about April last year when he found out I liked wrestling. He said he was in an elevator in I think Chicago, and suddenly Ric Flair walked in beside him. They made small talk and all, but my uncle didn't get his autograph. Said he was really big in person, huge muscles. It was in early March, late February. Right before he retired. Lucky..
this thread has been done before but anyway...

HBK, Cena, Kane, Maria, Kofi Kingston, Funaki, Victoria, Layla, Jesse & Festus, Hillbilly Jim, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Mick Foley (dick), Consequences Creed, ODB, Earl Hebner (dick), Team 3D, Sanjay Dutt, JB, Rhino (dick), Doug Williams, Booker T, MCMG, LAX, James Storm, Gail Kim, Jay Lethal, Dixie Carter, Eddie Guerrero, Sting
Honest question Madcap. Did Layla look like the sort of woman who'd like to straddle a big Skinhead?
not gonna lie Jake, probably not, I didn't ask, just stared. She is hands down the most beautiful woman I've seen in the flesh. Nothing to do with the fact that she was sat next to Victoria...
When Hogan was on his Book signing a few years ago he was at the store my cousin worked at.
So before he went out we all got to take pictures and get his autograph.
Hes not as big as you would think, my cousin is 6'3 and he was actually taller than Hogan.
Also the Hulksters eyes were really bloodshot, like he was high.
He was pretty cool though.
I've now met Glacier. I met him tonight at a indy show. Took a pic with him and got an autograph.

Also I forgot to mention Ron Simmons from another time.

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