What wrestler got you into wrestling?

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
The Wrestler that really got me into wrestling was the Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich. Something about his spinning punch made me go wow! After that i really started to watch more of the wwe and wcw.
So with that being said who go you into wrestling?
I watched it off an on when I was little and my dad would watch the old NWA and I think the thing that first caught my attention was Flair's humongous World Championship belt. That's the first THING that drew me in but the first wrestler that drew me in was "The Hands of Stone" Ron Garvin. I loved watching the 'Garvin Stomp' which has now made me appreciate Randy Orton since he uses that sometimes.
I was watching a SNME and Londrick came out facing Deuce and Domino. I had always thought wrestling was big guys like Kane but I saw them bouncing around the ring and I got intruiged.
We owned a satellite dish back in the day (mid 80's) and a friend bugged me constantly to tape WWE shows for him. I thought wrestling was stupid at the time (I was 12) but one day didn't turn the tv off while taping a show. The British Bulldogs had a match and I was astonished. They remained my favorite team for a long time and was a huge Dynamite Kid fan. We would always get the Madison Square Garden house shows which back then had tremendous matches compared to the squash matches that dominated the regular tv WWF shows. I also got into WCCW back then and was blown away by the product. Got to see a ton of new talent and some of those that would eventually make their way to WWF and WCW down the line.
I remember back in late 1999, (I think around this time, somewhere around there), I had gone to a live event in Philly with my family. I had actually gone because my sister liked to watch it, and my dad had a private company box. He happened to have an extra ticket so I just went along because I was bored. (I figured I'd just watch tv in the suite until the show was over. There happened to be nothing on tv, so I went and watched the show.) That was the night that changed my life forever. I had seen The Rock, Austin, Triple H, DX, Foley, Big Show, Y2J, The Dudleyz The Hardyz.....it was amazing. So I give them all credit for getting me into wrestling. After that night, I was immediately addicted. This will be my 11th year as a hardcore, devoted WWE fan and I am so proud to be one! (I actually give the MOST credit to the Undertaker for getting me into wrestling, but he was hurt at the time. )
Two men did it for me. Brian Pillman, and Jushin Liger. I had been a casual fan up until these two started their epic feud over the Light Heavyweight Title. I saw their match at SuperBrawl, and was freakin' hooked!!!
Goldberg. im only young so i didnt get to see Randy Savage and Ultimate Warrior until i got the internet. But Back in the day i loved every little thing about Goldberg. and he is the reason my parents Hate Wrestling.
I think it is a mix of both Triple H and Goldberg.

My first vieweing experience that I can remember vividly was watching a WCW Nitro and Goldberg when Goldberg came out and stuck his head into the sparks, I was a fan from then on in. However, I did start watching WWE after that and the first wrestler I ever saw on WWE television was Triple H. He was the champion and was commanding Mosh and Thrasher (I think) around. I was just in awe of his presence and I thought that he was an excellent competitor. It was hard being a Triple H fan when Austin and The Rock were around but it has paid off. I am still a massive Triple H mark and it is because of that one scene.
I really want to say Goldberg...but that's a lie. He was the second. I remember this night vividly, being a 6 almost 7 year old boy staying up for your first main event. Trying to stay quiet while your little brother slept while also MTFO when Hogan lost via Torture Rack. That's right I was hooked from that moment on. I give full credit from Lex Luger's massive celebration to Goldberg's first match against Hugh Morris.
This is easy for me and it is Bret Hart. I remember being a kid and watching wrestling and Bret was always my favorite. My father was a big wrestling fan, so I watched because he did. Well Bret got me hooked. I remember being so upset when Hart lost to Sid in a Steel Cage match. I was furious. So Bret Hart is the first wrestler I remember getting me hooked.
The first feud I ever watched was way back in the day!

Big boss man Vs Nails(I think)
It ended with the loser of the match spent the night in jail!
Boss man won that one and i don't remember seeing nails ever again....
Though I think Nails and Sandman was the same person... but not 100% on that!

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